Python数据分析基础工具 03 pandas 基本使用

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd


    # 数据结构
    s = pd.Series([i * 2 for i in range(1, 11)])
    dates = pd.date_range("20181111", periods=8)
    df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8, 5), index=dates, columns=list("ABCDE"))
    df = pd.DataFrame({"A": 1, "B": pd.Timestamp("20181111"), "C": pd.Series(1,     index=list(range(4)), dtype="float32"),
                       "D": np.array([3] * 4, dtype="float32"),
                       "E": pd.Categorical(["police", "student", "teacher", "doctor"])})
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
                   A         B         C         D         E
2018-11-11 -0.802629  1.761646 -1.595913 -2.611994  1.199651
2018-11-12 -0.080405  1.414423  0.282082  0.441391  0.286743
2018-11-13  1.027058  0.424783  0.505843  2.085103 -0.685436
2018-11-14  0.224657 -1.126532  1.626780  1.099044 -0.571063
2018-11-15  0.837687 -1.010012 -0.116045 -1.511156  1.491553
2018-11-16  2.179503 -0.179622  0.055233 -0.105327  0.413564
2018-11-17 -0.194890 -1.479347  0.634556  0.050228  0.139761
2018-11-18 -0.272830 -0.201564  1.640784  0.326020 -0.023554
   A          B    C    D        E
0  1 2018-11-11  1.0  3.0   police
1  1 2018-11-11  1.0  3.0  student
2  1 2018-11-11  1.0  3.0  teacher
3  1 2018-11-11  1.0  3.0   doctor


    # 基本操作
    print(df.head(3))  # 前3行
    print(df.tail(3))  # 后3行
    print(df.T)  # 转置
    print(df.sort_index(axis=1, ascending=False))  # 第一行 降序排列
                   A         B         C         D         E
2018-11-11  0.081990 -1.468464 -0.614239 -1.626961 -0.778364
2018-11-12  0.150434  0.695593  1.143397 -0.230024  0.574705
2018-11-13  0.005828  0.075620 -1.644779 -0.421319  0.475862
                   A         B         C         D         E
2018-11-16 -0.598378 -0.481976  0.344308  0.480649  0.543493
2018-11-17 -0.446692 -0.434767  0.837281 -0.218065 -0.306157
2018-11-18  0.317214 -0.272280  2.487579  0.177236  0.823826
DatetimeIndex(['2018-11-11', '2018-11-12', '2018-11-13', '2018-11-14',
               '2018-11-15', '2018-11-16', '2018-11-17', '2018-11-18'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')
[[ 0.08198963 -1.46846441 -0.6142393  -1.62696105 -0.77836394]
 [ 0.15043376  0.6955929   1.14339743 -0.23002405  0.57470463]
 [ 0.00582813  0.07562016 -1.64477864 -0.42131898  0.47586182]
 [ 1.36249741  1.36113274  1.14843582 -1.40476157  1.76153808]
 [ 0.80885797  0.10913433 -1.03961654 -0.55401099 -1.11028359]
 [-0.59837777 -0.48197602  0.34430759  0.4806492   0.5434928 ]
 [-0.44669158 -0.43476696  0.83728064 -0.21806471 -0.30615684]
 [ 0.31721363 -0.27228005  2.48757912  0.17723625  0.82382597]]
   2018-11-11  2018-11-12  2018-11-13  2018-11-14  2018-11-15  2018-11-16  \
A    0.081990    0.150434    0.005828    1.362497    0.808858   -0.598378   
B   -1.468464    0.695593    0.075620    1.361133    0.109134   -0.481976   
C   -0.614239    1.143397   -1.644779    1.148436   -1.039617    0.344308   
D   -1.626961   -0.230024   -0.421319   -1.404762   -0.554011    0.480649   
E   -0.778364    0.574705    0.475862    1.761538   -1.110284    0.543493   

   2018-11-17  2018-11-18  
A   -0.446692    0.317214  
B   -0.434767   -0.272280  
C    0.837281    2.487579  
D   -0.218065    0.177236  
E   -0.306157    0.823826  
                   A         B         C         D         E
2018-11-13  0.005828  0.075620 -1.644779 -0.421319  0.475862
2018-11-15  0.808858  0.109134 -1.039617 -0.554011 -1.110284
2018-11-11  0.081990 -1.468464 -0.614239 -1.626961 -0.778364
2018-11-16 -0.598378 -0.481976  0.344308  0.480649  0.543493
2018-11-17 -0.446692 -0.434767  0.837281 -0.218065 -0.306157
2018-11-12  0.150434  0.695593  1.143397 -0.230024  0.574705
2018-11-14  1.362497  1.361133  1.148436 -1.404762  1.761538
2018-11-18  0.317214 -0.272280  2.487579  0.177236  0.823826
                   E         D         C         B         A
2018-11-11 -0.778364 -1.626961 -0.614239 -1.468464  0.081990
2018-11-12  0.574705 -0.230024  1.143397  0.695593  0.150434
2018-11-13  0.475862 -0.421319 -1.644779  0.075620  0.005828
2018-11-14  1.761538 -1.404762  1.148436  1.361133  1.362497
2018-11-15 -1.110284 -0.554011 -1.039617  0.109134  0.808858
2018-11-16  0.543493  0.480649  0.344308 -0.481976 -0.598378
2018-11-17 -0.306157 -0.218065  0.837281 -0.434767 -0.446692
2018-11-18  0.823826  0.177236  2.487579 -0.272280  0.317214
              A         B         C         D         E
count  8.000000  8.000000  8.000000  8.000000  8.000000
mean   0.210219 -0.052001  0.332796 -0.474657  0.248077
std    0.637486  0.843833  1.358111  0.723612  0.931496
min   -0.598378 -1.468464 -1.644779 -1.626961 -1.110284
25%   -0.107302 -0.446569 -0.720584 -0.766699 -0.424209
50%    0.116212 -0.098330  0.590794 -0.325672  0.509677
75%    0.440125  0.255749  1.144657 -0.119239  0.636985
max    1.362497  1.361133  2.487579  0.480649  1.761538


    print(df.loc["20181111":"20181115", ["B", "D"]])
    print([dates[0], "C"])
    print(df.iloc[1:3, 2:4])  # 通过下标选择 第一行到第二行,第二列到第三列
    print(df.iloc[1, 4])  # 第一行第四列 (行与列都从0开始)
    print(df.iat[1, 4])
    print(df[df.B > 0][df.A < 0])
    print(df[df > 0])
2018-11-11    0.081990
2018-11-12    0.150434
2018-11-13    0.005828
2018-11-14    1.362497
2018-11-15    0.808858
2018-11-16   -0.598378
2018-11-17   -0.446692
2018-11-18    0.317214
Freq: D, Name: A, dtype: float64
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
                   A         B         C         D         E
2018-11-11  0.081990 -1.468464 -0.614239 -1.626961 -0.778364
2018-11-12  0.150434  0.695593  1.143397 -0.230024  0.574705
2018-11-13  0.005828  0.075620 -1.644779 -0.421319  0.475862
                   A         B         C         D         E
2018-11-11  0.081990 -1.468464 -0.614239 -1.626961 -0.778364
2018-11-12  0.150434  0.695593  1.143397 -0.230024  0.574705
2018-11-13  0.005828  0.075620 -1.644779 -0.421319  0.475862
2018-11-14  1.362497  1.361133  1.148436 -1.404762  1.761538
2018-11-15  0.808858  0.109134 -1.039617 -0.554011 -1.110284
A    0.081990
B   -1.468464
C   -0.614239
D   -1.626961
E   -0.778364
Name: 2018-11-11 00:00:00, dtype: float64
                   B         D
2018-11-11 -1.468464 -1.626961
2018-11-12  0.695593 -0.230024
2018-11-13  0.075620 -0.421319
2018-11-14  1.361133 -1.404762
2018-11-15  0.109134 -0.554011
                   C         D
2018-11-12  1.143397 -0.230024
2018-11-13 -1.644779 -0.421319
/Users/Mac/pycharm-workspace/ UserWarning: Boolean Series key will be reindexed to match DataFrame index.
  print(df[df.B > 0][df.A < 0])
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [A, B, C, D, E]
Index: []
                   A         B         C         D         E
2018-11-11  0.081990       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
2018-11-12  0.150434  0.695593  1.143397       NaN  0.574705
2018-11-13  0.005828  0.075620       NaN       NaN  0.475862
2018-11-14  1.362497  1.361133  1.148436       NaN  1.761538
2018-11-15  0.808858  0.109134       NaN       NaN       NaN
2018-11-16       NaN       NaN  0.344308  0.480649  0.543493
2018-11-17       NaN       NaN  0.837281       NaN       NaN
2018-11-18  0.317214       NaN  2.487579  0.177236  0.823826


    s1 = pd.Series(list(range(10, 18)), index=pd.date_range("20181111", periods=8))
    df["F"] = s1
    print(df)[dates[0], "A"] = 0
    df.iat[1, 1] = 1
    df.loc[:, "D"] = np.array([4] * len(df))
    df2 = df.copy()
    df2[df2 > 0] = -df2
                   A         B         C         D         E   F
2018-11-11  0.081990 -1.468464 -0.614239 -1.626961 -0.778364  10
2018-11-12  0.150434  0.695593  1.143397 -0.230024  0.574705  11
2018-11-13  0.005828  0.075620 -1.644779 -0.421319  0.475862  12
2018-11-14  1.362497  1.361133  1.148436 -1.404762  1.761538  13
2018-11-15  0.808858  0.109134 -1.039617 -0.554011 -1.110284  14
2018-11-16 -0.598378 -0.481976  0.344308  0.480649  0.543493  15
2018-11-17 -0.446692 -0.434767  0.837281 -0.218065 -0.306157  16
2018-11-18  0.317214 -0.272280  2.487579  0.177236  0.823826  17
                   A         B         C         D         E   F
2018-11-11  0.000000 -1.468464 -0.614239 -1.626961 -0.778364  10
2018-11-12  0.150434  0.695593  1.143397 -0.230024  0.574705  11
2018-11-13  0.005828  0.075620 -1.644779 -0.421319  0.475862  12
2018-11-14  1.362497  1.361133  1.148436 -1.404762  1.761538  13
2018-11-15  0.808858  0.109134 -1.039617 -0.554011 -1.110284  14
2018-11-16 -0.598378 -0.481976  0.344308  0.480649  0.543493  15
2018-11-17 -0.446692 -0.434767  0.837281 -0.218065 -0.306157  16
2018-11-18  0.317214 -0.272280  2.487579  0.177236  0.823826  17
                   A         B         C  D         E   F
2018-11-11  0.000000 -1.468464 -0.614239  4 -0.778364  10
2018-11-12  0.150434  1.000000  1.143397  4  0.574705  11
2018-11-13  0.005828  0.075620 -1.644779  4  0.475862  12
2018-11-14  1.362497  1.361133  1.148436  4  1.761538  13
2018-11-15  0.808858  0.109134 -1.039617  4 -1.110284  14
2018-11-16 -0.598378 -0.481976  0.344308  4  0.543493  15
2018-11-17 -0.446692 -0.434767  0.837281  4 -0.306157  16
2018-11-18  0.317214 -0.272280  2.487579  4  0.823826  17
                   A         B         C  D         E   F
2018-11-11  0.000000 -1.468464 -0.614239 -4 -0.778364 -10
2018-11-12 -0.150434 -1.000000 -1.143397 -4 -0.574705 -11
2018-11-13 -0.005828 -0.075620 -1.644779 -4 -0.475862 -12
2018-11-14 -1.362497 -1.361133 -1.148436 -4 -1.761538 -13
2018-11-15 -0.808858 -0.109134 -1.039617 -4 -1.110284 -14
2018-11-16 -0.598378 -0.481976 -0.344308 -4 -0.543493 -15
2018-11-17 -0.446692 -0.434767 -0.837281 -4 -0.306157 -16
2018-11-18 -0.317214 -0.272280 -2.487579 -4 -0.823826 -17


    # 缺失值处理
    df1 = df.reindex(index=dates[:4], columns=list("ABCD") + ["G"])
    df1.loc[dates[0]:dates[1], "G"] = 1
    print(df1.dropna())  # 删除缺失值所在的行
                   A         B         C  D    G
2018-11-11  0.000000 -1.468464 -0.614239  4  1.0
2018-11-12  0.150434  1.000000  1.143397  4  1.0
2018-11-13  0.005828  0.075620 -1.644779  4  NaN
2018-11-14  1.362497  1.361133  1.148436  4  NaN
                   A         B         C  D    G
2018-11-11  0.000000 -1.468464 -0.614239  4  1.0
2018-11-12  0.150434  1.000000  1.143397  4  1.0
                   A         B         C  D    G
2018-11-11  0.000000 -1.468464 -0.614239  4  1.0
2018-11-12  0.150434  1.000000  1.143397  4  1.0
2018-11-13  0.005828  0.075620 -1.644779  4  2.0
2018-11-14  1.362497  1.361133  1.148436  4  2.0


    # 统计
    print(df.mean())  # 均值
    print(df.var())  # 方差
    s = pd.Series([1, 2, 4, np.nan, 5, 7, 9, 10], index=dates)
    print(s.shift(2))  # 值往后移动,不是循环移动
    print(s.diff())  # 后面一位减去前面一位
    print(s.value_counts())  # 每个值出现的次数
    print(df.apply(np.cumsum))  # 后一行加上前一行
    print(df.apply(lambda x: x.max() - x.min()))
A     0.199970
B    -0.013950
C     0.332796
D     4.000000
E     0.248077
F    13.500000
dtype: float64
A    0.410232
B    0.788657
C    1.844466
D    0.000000
E    0.867685
F    6.000000
dtype: float64
2018-11-11     1.0
2018-11-12     2.0
2018-11-13     4.0
2018-11-14     NaN
2018-11-15     5.0
2018-11-16     7.0
2018-11-17     9.0
2018-11-18    10.0
Freq: D, dtype: float64
2018-11-11    NaN
2018-11-12    NaN
2018-11-13    1.0
2018-11-14    2.0
2018-11-15    4.0
2018-11-16    NaN
2018-11-17    5.0
2018-11-18    7.0
Freq: D, dtype: float64
2018-11-11    NaN
2018-11-12    1.0
2018-11-13    2.0
2018-11-14    NaN
2018-11-15    NaN
2018-11-16    2.0
2018-11-17    2.0
2018-11-18    1.0
Freq: D, dtype: float64
10.0    1
9.0     1
7.0     1
5.0     1
4.0     1
2.0     1
1.0     1
dtype: int64
                   A         B         C  D         E   F
2018-11-11  0.000000 -1.468464 -0.614239  4 -0.778364  10
2018-11-12  0.150434  1.000000  1.143397  4  0.574705  11
2018-11-13  0.005828  0.075620 -1.644779  4  0.475862  12
2018-11-14  1.362497  1.361133  1.148436  4  1.761538  13
2018-11-15  0.808858  0.109134 -1.039617  4 -1.110284  14
2018-11-16 -0.598378 -0.481976  0.344308  4  0.543493  15
2018-11-17 -0.446692 -0.434767  0.837281  4 -0.306157  16
2018-11-18  0.317214 -0.272280  2.487579  4  0.823826  17
                   A         B         C   D         E    F
2018-11-11  0.000000 -1.468464 -0.614239   4 -0.778364   10
2018-11-12  0.150434 -0.468464  0.529158   8 -0.203659   21
2018-11-13  0.156262 -0.392844 -1.115621  12  0.272203   33
2018-11-14  1.518759  0.968288  0.032815  16  2.033741   46
2018-11-15  2.327617  1.077423 -1.006801  20  0.923457   60
2018-11-16  1.729239  0.595447 -0.662494  24  1.466950   75
2018-11-17  1.282548  0.160680  0.174787  28  1.160793   91
2018-11-18  1.599762 -0.111600  2.662366  32  1.984619  108
A    1.960875
B    2.829597
C    4.132358
D    0.000000
E    2.871822
F    7.000000
dtype: float64


    # 拼接
    pieces = [df[:3], df[-3:]]
    print(pd.concat(pieces))  # 拼接前三行和后三行
                   A         B         C  D         E   F
2018-11-11  0.000000 -1.468464 -0.614239  4 -0.778364  10
2018-11-12  0.150434  1.000000  1.143397  4  0.574705  11
2018-11-13  0.005828  0.075620 -1.644779  4  0.475862  12
2018-11-16 -0.598378 -0.481976  0.344308  4  0.543493  15
2018-11-17 -0.446692 -0.434767  0.837281  4 -0.306157  16
2018-11-18  0.317214 -0.272280  2.487579  4  0.823826  17






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


