














SQL> select * from v$version;




Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

PL/SQL Release - Production

CORE Production

TNS for Linux: Version - Production

NLSRTL Version - Production






2.1  rman + set newname+ open状态

[oracle@rhel6_lhr ~]$ more b.sql


sql 'alter tablespace testdg offline immediate';

set newname for datafile 14 to'+DATA';

restore tablespace testdg;

switch datafile 14;

recover tablespace testdg;

sql 'alter tablespace testdg online';


[oracle@rhel6_lhr ~]$

[oracle@rhel6_lhr ~]$ rman target /


Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Tue Jan 13 12:14:43 2015


Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.


connected to target database: ORCLASM (DBID=3424884828)

RMAN> report schema;


Report of database schema for database with db_unique_name ORCLASM


List of Permanent Datafiles


File Size(MB) Tablespace           RB segs Datafile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ------- ------------------------

1    890      SYSTEM               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/system.256.850260145

2    940      SYSAUX               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/sysaux.257.850260145

3    190      UNDOTBS1             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs1.258.851526539

4    2676     USERS                ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/users.259.850260147

5    345      EXAMPLE              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/example.265.850260295

6    5        UNDOTBS2             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs2.267.851204361

7    50       TBS_RC               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/tbs_rc.268.852116523

8    100      TS_LHR               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/ts_lhr.269.852632495

9    1        ENCRYPTED_TS         ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/encrypted_ts.272.854650889

10   100      GOLDENGATE           ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/goldengate.273.862829891

11   50       APP1TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app1tbs.274.866911939

12   50       APP2TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app2tbs.275.866912075

13   50       IDXTBS               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/idxtbs.276.866912133

14   2        TESTDG               ***     /home/oracle/test1.dbf


List of Temporary Files


File Size(MB) Tablespace           Maxsize(MB) Tempfile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ----------- --------------------

1    237      TEMP                 32767       +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp.264.850260283

2    10       TEMP1                10          +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp1.270.853779297

RMAN> @/home/oracle/b.sql


RMAN> run{

2> sql 'alter tablespace testdg offline immediate';

3> set newname for datafile 14 to'+DATA';

4> restore tablespace testdg;

5> switch datafile 14;

6> recover tablespace testdg;

7> sql 'alter tablespace testdg online';

8> }

using target database control file instead of recovery catalog

sql statement: alter tablespace testdg offline immediate


executing command: SET NEWNAME


Starting restore at 13-JAN-15

allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1

channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=14 device type=DISK


creating datafile file number=14 name=+DATA

restore not done; all files read only, offline, or already restored

Finished restore at 13-JAN-15


datafile 14 switched to datafile copy

input datafile copy RECID=3 STAMP=868882494 file name=+DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.277.868882493


Starting recover at 13-JAN-15

using channel ORA_DISK_1


starting media recovery

media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01


Finished recover at 13-JAN-15


sql statement: alter tablespace testdg online


RMAN> **end-of-file**


RMAN> report schema;


Report of database schema for database with db_unique_name ORCLASM


List of Permanent Datafiles


File Size(MB) Tablespace           RB segs Datafile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ------- ------------------------

1    890      SYSTEM               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/system.256.850260145

2    940      SYSAUX               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/sysaux.257.850260145

3    190      UNDOTBS1             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs1.258.851526539

4    2676     USERS                ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/users.259.850260147

5    345      EXAMPLE              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/example.265.850260295

6    5        UNDOTBS2             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs2.267.851204361

7    50       TBS_RC               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/tbs_rc.268.852116523

8    100      TS_LHR               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/ts_lhr.269.852632495

9    1        ENCRYPTED_TS         ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/encrypted_ts.272.854650889

10   100      GOLDENGATE           ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/goldengate.273.862829891

11   50       APP1TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app1tbs.274.866911939

12   50       APP2TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app2tbs.275.866912075

13   50       IDXTBS               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/idxtbs.276.866912133

14   2        TESTDG               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.277.868882493


List of Temporary Files


File Size(MB) Tablespace           Maxsize(MB) Tempfile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ----------- --------------------

1    237      TEMP                 32767       +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp.264.850260283

2    10       TEMP1                10          +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp1.270.853779297





2.2  rman+backup as copy+mount状态


shutdown immediate;

startup mount;

backup as copy datafile 14 format '+DATA';



alter database open;


[oracle@rhel6_lhr ~]$ rman target /


Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Tue Jan 13 15:00:19 2015


Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.


connected to target database: ORCLASM (DBID=3424884828)


RMAN> report schema;


using target database control file instead of recovery catalog

Report of database schema for database with db_unique_name ORCLASM


List of Permanent Datafiles


File Size(MB) Tablespace           RB segs Datafile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ------- ------------------------

1    890      SYSTEM               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/system.256.850260145

2    940      SYSAUX               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/sysaux.257.850260145

3    190      UNDOTBS1             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs1.258.851526539

4    2676     USERS                ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/users.259.850260147

5    345      EXAMPLE              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/example.265.850260295

6    5        UNDOTBS2             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs2.267.851204361

7    50       TBS_RC               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/tbs_rc.268.852116523

8    100      TS_LHR               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/ts_lhr.269.852632495

9    1        ENCRYPTED_TS         ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/encrypted_ts.272.854650889

10   100      GOLDENGATE           ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/goldengate.273.862829891

11   50       APP1TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app1tbs.274.866911939

12   50       APP2TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app2tbs.275.866912075

13   50       IDXTBS               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/idxtbs.276.866912133

14   2        TESTDG               ***     /home/oracle/testdg.dbf


List of Temporary Files


File Size(MB) Tablespace           Maxsize(MB) Tempfile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ----------- --------------------

1    237      TEMP                 32767       +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp.264.850260283

2    10       TEMP1                10          +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp1.270.853779297


RMAN> @/home/oracle/h.sql


RMAN> run{

2> shutdown immediate;

3> startup mount;

4> backup as copy datafile 14 format '+DATA';

5> }

database closed

database dismounted

Oracle instance shut down


connected to target database (not started)

Oracle instance started

database mounted


Total System Global Area     375828480 bytes


Fixed Size                     2228464 bytes

Variable Size                268439312 bytes

Database Buffers             100663296 bytes

Redo Buffers                   4497408 bytes


Starting backup at 13-JAN-15

allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1

channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=399 device type=DISK

channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copy

input datafile file number=00014 name=/home/oracle/testdg.dbf

output file name=+DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.282.868892465 tag=TAG20150113T150104 RECID=35 STAMP=868892465

channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02

Finished backup at 13-JAN-15


Starting Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 13-JAN-15

piece handle=/home/oracle/oracle_bk/orclasm/control_c-3424884828-20150113-09.bak comment=NONE

Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 13-JAN-15



datafile 14 switched to datafile copy "+DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.282.868892465"


RMAN> alter database open;

database opened


RMAN> **end-of-file**


RMAN> report schema;


Report of database schema for database with db_unique_name ORCLASM


List of Permanent Datafiles


File Size(MB) Tablespace           RB segs Datafile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ------- ------------------------

1    890      SYSTEM               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/system.256.850260145

2    940      SYSAUX               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/sysaux.257.850260145

3    190      UNDOTBS1             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs1.258.851526539

4    2676     USERS                ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/users.259.850260147

5    345      EXAMPLE              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/example.265.850260295

6    5        UNDOTBS2             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs2.267.851204361

7    50       TBS_RC               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/tbs_rc.268.852116523

8    100      TS_LHR               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/ts_lhr.269.852632495

9    1        ENCRYPTED_TS         ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/encrypted_ts.272.854650889

10   100      GOLDENGATE           ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/goldengate.273.862829891

11   50       APP1TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app1tbs.274.866911939

12   50       APP2TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app2tbs.275.866912075

13   50       IDXTBS               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/idxtbs.276.866912133

14   2        TESTDG               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.282.868892465


List of Temporary Files


File Size(MB) Tablespace           Maxsize(MB) Tempfile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ----------- --------------------

1    237      TEMP                 32767       +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp.264.850260283

2    10       TEMP1                10          +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp1.270.853779297






2.3  dbms_file_transfer

create directory asmsrc as'+DATA/orclasm/datafile/';

create directory osdesc as '/home/oracle/';


alter tablespace testdg offline;


exec dbms_file_transfer.copy_file('osdesc','testdg.dbf','ASMSRC','testdg.dbf);


alter database rename file'/home/oracle/testdg.dbf'  to '+DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.dbf';

alter tablespace testdg online ;



2.4  RMAN convert



convert datafile '/home/oracle/testdg.dbf' format '+DATA';

sql 下:

alter tablespace testdg offline ;

alter tablespace testdg rename datafile '/home/oracle/testdg.dbf' to '+DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.284.868895277';

recover datafile 14;

alter tablespace testdg online;



2.5  cp命令


alter tablespace testdg offline;

[root@rhel6_lhr ~]# cp /home/oracle/testdg.dbf /home/grid/testdg.dbf

[root@rhel6_lhr ~]# chown grid:oinstall /home/grid/testdg.dbf

[root@rhel6_lhr ~]# su - grid

ASMCMD> cp /home/grid/testdg.dbf +DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.dbf

copying /home/grid/testdg.dbf -> +DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.dbf


alter database rename file'/home/oracle/testdg.dbf'  to '+DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.dbf';

alter tablespace testdg online ;






3.1  dbms_file_transfer实现


create directory asmsrc as'+DATA/orclasm/datafile/';

create directory osdesc as '/home/oracle/';


alter tablespace testdg offline;


exec dbms_file_transfer.copy_file('ASMSRC','testdg.282.868891371','osdesc','testdg.dbf'); 


alter database rename file'+DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.282.868891371'  to '/home/oracle/testdg.dbf';

alter tablespace testdg online ;


SQL> select name,status from v$datafile;



---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/system.256.850260145      SYSTEM

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/sysaux.257.850260145      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs1.258.851526539      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/users.259.850260147      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/example.265.850260295      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs2.267.851204361      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/tbs_rc.268.852116523      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/ts_lhr.269.852632495      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/encrypted_ts.272.854650889      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/goldengate.273.862829891      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/app1tbs.274.866911939      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/app2tbs.275.866912075      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/idxtbs.276.866912133      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.282.868891371      ONLINE

SQL> edit f.sql

SQL> host more f.sql

create directory asmsrc as'+DATA/orclasm/datafile/';

create directory osdesc as '/home/oracle/';


alter tablespace testdg offline;


exec dbms_file_transfer.copy_file('ASMSRC','testdg.282.868891371','osdesc','testdg.dbf'); 


alter database rename file'+DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.282.868891371'  to '/home/oracle/testdg.dbf';

alter tablespace testdg online ;



SQL> @f.sql


Directory created.



Directory created.



Tablespace altered.



PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.



Database altered.



Tablespace altered.

SQL> set pagesize 9999 line 9999

SQL> col name format a100

SQL> select name ,status from v$datafile;



---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/system.256.850260145      SYSTEM

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/sysaux.257.850260145      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs1.258.851526539      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/users.259.850260147      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/example.265.850260295      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs2.267.851204361      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/tbs_rc.268.852116523      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/ts_lhr.269.852632495      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/encrypted_ts.272.854650889      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/goldengate.273.862829891      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/app1tbs.274.866911939      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/app2tbs.275.866912075      ONLINE

+DATA/orclasm/datafile/idxtbs.276.866912133      ONLINE

/home/oracle/testdg.dbf      ONLINE


14 rows selected.






3.2  rman + backup as copy



shutdown immediate;

startup mount;

backup as copy  datafile 14 format '/home/oracle/testdg.dbf';



switch tablespace testdg to copy;

alter database open;



[oracle@rhel6_lhr ~]$ rman target /


Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Tue Jan 13 14:20:32 2015


Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.


connected to target database: ORCLASM (DBID=3424884828)


RMAN> report schema;


using target database control file instead of recovery catalog

Report of database schema for database with db_unique_name ORCLASM


List of Permanent Datafiles


File Size(MB) Tablespace           RB segs Datafile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ------- ------------------------

1    890      SYSTEM               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/system.256.850260145

2    940      SYSAUX               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/sysaux.257.850260145

3    190      UNDOTBS1             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs1.258.851526539

4    2676     USERS                ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/users.259.850260147

5    345      EXAMPLE              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/example.265.850260295

6    5        UNDOTBS2             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs2.267.851204361

7    50       TBS_RC               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/tbs_rc.268.852116523

8    100      TS_LHR               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/ts_lhr.269.852632495

9    1        ENCRYPTED_TS         ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/encrypted_ts.272.854650889

10   100      GOLDENGATE           ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/goldengate.273.862829891

11   50       APP1TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app1tbs.274.866911939

12   50       APP2TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app2tbs.275.866912075

13   50       IDXTBS               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/idxtbs.276.866912133

14   2        TESTDG               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.281.868889825


List of Temporary Files


File Size(MB) Tablespace           Maxsize(MB) Tempfile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ----------- --------------------

1    237      TEMP                 32767       +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp.264.850260283

2    10       TEMP1                10          +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp1.270.853779297


RMAN> @/home/oracle/e.sql


RMAN> run{

2> shutdown immediate;

3> startup mount;

4> backup as copy  datafile 14 format '/home/oracle/testdg.dbf';

5> }

database closed

database dismounted

Oracle instance shut down


connected to target database (not started)

Oracle instance started

database mounted


Total System Global Area     375828480 bytes


Fixed Size                     2228464 bytes

Variable Size                268439312 bytes

Database Buffers             100663296 bytes

Redo Buffers                   4497408 bytes


Starting backup at 13-JAN-15

allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1

channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=13 device type=DISK

channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copy

input datafile file number=00014 name=+DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.281.868889825

output file name=/home/oracle/testdg.dbf tag=TAG20150113T142110 RECID=30 STAMP=868890071

channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01

Finished backup at 13-JAN-15


Starting Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 13-JAN-15

piece handle=/home/oracle/oracle_bk/orclasm/control_c-3424884828-20150113-06.bak comment=NONE

Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 13-JAN-15


RMAN> **end-of-file**


RMAN> switch tablespace testdg to copy;


datafile 14 switched to datafile copy "/home/oracle/testdg.dbf"


RMAN> alter database open;


database opened


RMAN> report schema;


Report of database schema for database with db_unique_name ORCLASM


List of Permanent Datafiles


File Size(MB) Tablespace           RB segs Datafile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ------- ------------------------

1    890      SYSTEM               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/system.256.850260145

2    940      SYSAUX               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/sysaux.257.850260145

3    190      UNDOTBS1             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs1.258.851526539

4    2676     USERS                ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/users.259.850260147

5    345      EXAMPLE              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/example.265.850260295

6    5        UNDOTBS2             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs2.267.851204361

7    50       TBS_RC               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/tbs_rc.268.852116523

8    100      TS_LHR               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/ts_lhr.269.852632495

9    1        ENCRYPTED_TS         ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/encrypted_ts.272.854650889

10   100      GOLDENGATE           ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/goldengate.273.862829891

11   50       APP1TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app1tbs.274.866911939

12   50       APP2TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app2tbs.275.866912075

13   50       IDXTBS               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/idxtbs.276.866912133

14   2        TESTDG               ***     /home/oracle/testdg.dbf


List of Temporary Files


File Size(MB) Tablespace           Maxsize(MB) Tempfile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ----------- --------------------

1    237      TEMP                 32767       +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp.264.850260283

2    10       TEMP1                10          +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp1.270.853779297




3.3  rman convert +open状态




convert datafile '+DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.277.868887219' format '/home/oracle/testdg.dbf';



alter tablespace testdg offline ;

alter tablespace testdg rename datafile '+DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.277.868887219' to '/home/oracle/testdg1.dbf';

recover datafile 14;

alter tablespace testdg online;



[oracle@rhel6_lhr ~]$ rman target /


Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Tue Jan 13 13:35:46 2015


Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.


connected to target database: ORCLASM (DBID=3424884828)


RMAN> report schema;


using target database control file instead of recovery catalog

Report of database schema for database with db_unique_name ORCLASM


List of Permanent Datafiles


File Size(MB) Tablespace           RB segs Datafile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ------- ------------------------

1    890      SYSTEM               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/system.256.850260145

2    940      SYSAUX               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/sysaux.257.850260145

3    190      UNDOTBS1             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs1.258.851526539

4    2676     USERS                ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/users.259.850260147

5    345      EXAMPLE              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/example.265.850260295

6    5        UNDOTBS2             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs2.267.851204361

7    50       TBS_RC               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/tbs_rc.268.852116523

8    100      TS_LHR               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/ts_lhr.269.852632495

9    1        ENCRYPTED_TS         ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/encrypted_ts.272.854650889

10   100      GOLDENGATE           ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/goldengate.273.862829891

11   50       APP1TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app1tbs.274.866911939

12   50       APP2TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app2tbs.275.866912075

13   50       IDXTBS               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/idxtbs.276.866912133

14   2        TESTDG               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.277.868887219


List of Temporary Files


File Size(MB) Tablespace           Maxsize(MB) Tempfile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ----------- --------------------

1    237      TEMP                 32767       +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp.264.850260283

2    10       TEMP1                10          +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp1.270.853779297



RMAN> convert datafile '+DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.277.868887219' format '/home/oracle/testdg.dbf';


Starting conversion at target at 13-JAN-15

using channel ORA_DISK_1

channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile conversion

input file name=+DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.277.868887219

converted datafile=/home/oracle/testdg.dbf

channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile conversion complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01

Finished conversion at target at 13-JAN-15


Starting Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 13-JAN-15

piece handle=/home/oracle/oracle_bk/orclasm/control_c-3424884828-20150113-04.bak comment=NONE

Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 13-JAN-15





[oracle@rhel6_lhr ~]$ vi d.sql

[oracle@rhel6_lhr ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba


SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Jan 13 13:38:36 2015


Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.



Connected to:

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

With the Partitioning, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP, Data Mining

and Real Application Testing options


SQL> host more /home/oracle/d.sql

alter tablespace testdg offline ;

alter tablespace testdg rename datafile '+DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.277.868887219' to '/home/oracle/testdg1.dbf';

recover datafile 14;

alter tablespace testdg online;


SQL> @/home/oracle/d.sql


Tablespace altered.



Tablespace altered.


Media recovery complete.


Tablespace altered.


SQL> set pagesize 9999

SQL> select name from v$datafile;



















14 rows selected.





3.4  rman + set newname + mount 状态


shutdown immediate;

startup mount;

set newname for datafile 14 to '/home/oracle/testdg.dbf';

restore datafile 14;

switch datafile 14;

recover datafile 14;

alter database open;



[oracle@rhel6_lhr ~]$ rman target /


Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Tue Jan 13 13:58:39 2015


Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.


connected to target database: ORCLASM (DBID=3424884828)


RMAN> report schema;


using target database control file instead of recovery catalog

Report of database schema for database with db_unique_name ORCLASM


List of Permanent Datafiles


File Size(MB) Tablespace           RB segs Datafile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ------- ------------------------

1    890      SYSTEM               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/system.256.850260145

2    940      SYSAUX               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/sysaux.257.850260145

3    190      UNDOTBS1             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs1.258.851526539

4    2676     USERS                ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/users.259.850260147

5    345      EXAMPLE              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/example.265.850260295

6    5        UNDOTBS2             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs2.267.851204361

7    50       TBS_RC               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/tbs_rc.268.852116523

8    100      TS_LHR               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/ts_lhr.269.852632495

9    1        ENCRYPTED_TS         ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/encrypted_ts.272.854650889

10   100      GOLDENGATE           ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/goldengate.273.862829891

11   50       APP1TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app1tbs.274.866911939

12   50       APP2TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app2tbs.275.866912075

13   50       IDXTBS               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/idxtbs.276.866912133

14   2        TESTDG               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.279.868888623


List of Temporary Files


File Size(MB) Tablespace           Maxsize(MB) Tempfile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ----------- --------------------

1    237      TEMP                 32767       +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp.264.850260283

2    10       TEMP1                10          +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp1.270.853779297


RMAN> @/home/oracle/c.sql


RMAN> run{

2> shutdown immediate;

3> startup mount;

4> set newname for datafile 14 to '/home/oracle/testdg.dbf';

5> restore datafile 14;

6> switch datafile 14;

7> recover datafile 14;

8> alter database open;

9> }

database closed

database dismounted

Oracle instance shut down


connected to target database (not started)

Oracle instance started

database mounted


Total System Global Area     375828480 bytes


Fixed Size                     2228464 bytes

Variable Size                268439312 bytes

Database Buffers             100663296 bytes

Redo Buffers                   4497408 bytes


executing command: SET NEWNAME


Starting restore at 13-JAN-15

allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1

channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=13 device type=DISK


datafile 14 is already restored to file /home/oracle/testdg.dbf

restore not done; all files read only, offline, or already restored

Finished restore at 13-JAN-15


datafile 14 switched to datafile copy

input datafile copy RECID=20 STAMP=868888765 file name=/home/oracle/testdg.dbf


Starting recover at 13-JAN-15

using channel ORA_DISK_1


starting media recovery

media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01


Finished recover at 13-JAN-15


database opened


RMAN> **end-of-file**


RMAN> report schema;


Report of database schema for database with db_unique_name ORCLASM


List of Permanent Datafiles


File Size(MB) Tablespace           RB segs Datafile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ------- ------------------------

1    890      SYSTEM               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/system.256.850260145

2    940      SYSAUX               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/sysaux.257.850260145

3    190      UNDOTBS1             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs1.258.851526539

4    2676     USERS                ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/users.259.850260147

5    345      EXAMPLE              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/example.265.850260295

6    5        UNDOTBS2             ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/undotbs2.267.851204361

7    50       TBS_RC               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/tbs_rc.268.852116523

8    100      TS_LHR               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/ts_lhr.269.852632495

9    1        ENCRYPTED_TS         ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/encrypted_ts.272.854650889

10   100      GOLDENGATE           ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/goldengate.273.862829891

11   50       APP1TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app1tbs.274.866911939

12   50       APP2TBS              ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/app2tbs.275.866912075

13   50       IDXTBS               ***     +DATA/orclasm/datafile/idxtbs.276.866912133

14   2        TESTDG               ***     /home/oracle/testdg.dbf


List of Temporary Files


File Size(MB) Tablespace           Maxsize(MB) Tempfile Name

---- -------- -------------------- ----------- --------------------

1    237      TEMP                 32767       +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp.264.850260283

2    10       TEMP1                10          +DATA/orclasm/tempfile/temp1.270.853779297




3.5  cp命令


alter tablespace testdg offline;

[root@rhel6_lhr ~]# su - grid

ASMCMD> cp +DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.dbf  /home/grid/testdg.dbf

copying +DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.dbf -> /home/grid/testdg.dbf



[root@rhel6_lhr ~]# cp /home/grid/testdg.dbf /home/oracle/testdg.dbf

[root@rhel6_lhr ~]# chown oracle:oinstall /home/oracle/testdg.dbf

[root@rhel6_lhr ~]#



alter database rename file'+DATA/orclasm/datafile/testdg.dbf'  to '/home/oracle/testdg.dbf';

alter tablespace testdg online ;






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● 本文作者:小麦苗,只专注于数据库的技术,更注重技术的运用

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