
5 篇文章 0 订阅
5 篇文章 0 订阅


  1. CentOS Stream8 与CentOS7有什么区别?
  2. CentOS的可用存储库 -《Available Repositories for CentOS》的中文翻译
  3. CentOSPlus存储库 - 《The CentOSPlus Repository》的中文翻译
  4. yum update和yum upgrade的真正区别
  5. 网络博客《Docker——安装部署 - 曹伟雄》
  6. 官方文档《Install Docker Engine on CentOS》

1. 选择 CentOS Stream8 还是 CentOS Linux 7


  1. Stream 8 软件更新
  2. Linux 7 稳定性好

CentOS Linux 7 应该更多公司选择,新手开发人员跟公司走吧,所以选择 CentOS Linux 7。


  1. 腾讯云服务器重装系统之后,可以通过【重置密码】功能,快速设定 root 密码,方便远程连接,然后再进行初始化。密码复杂注意防止健忘!
  2. 也可以通过【管理秘钥】的方式,直接设置 ssh 秘钥进行登录连接

2. 远程连接

为了方便,通过 root 账号以及刚刚重置的自定义密码,进行 ssh 连接。

连接成功后,习惯性敲 ll 命令打个招呼。

Connecting to
Connection established.
To escape to local shell, press 'Ctrl+Alt+]'.

WARNING! The remote SSH server rejected X11 forwarding request.
[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# ll
total 0

3. 确认网络正常

  1. ping

    [root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# ping www.baidu.com
    PING www.a.shifen.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=3.18 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=3.19 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=54 time=3.19 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=54 time=3.19 ms
  2. ifconfiglo是本地环回ip;eth0是腾讯云内网卡;公网和域名解析是腾讯云另外的网络产品,当然在服务器里看不到

    [root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# ifconfig
    eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
            inet  netmask  broadcast
            inet6 fe80::5054:ff:fe2f:d65b  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
            ether 52:54:00:2f:d6:5b  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
            RX packets 7891  bytes 6999105 (6.6 MiB)
            RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
            TX packets 4196  bytes 571186 (557.7 KiB)
            TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
    lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING>  mtu 65536
            inet  netmask
            inet6 ::1  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x10<host>
            loop  txqueuelen 1000  (Local Loopback)
            RX packets 15  bytes 2000 (1.9 KiB)
            RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
            TX packets 15  bytes 2000 (1.9 KiB)
            TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

    如果遇到 ifconfig 命令无效的报错,需要以下步骤安装:

    1. yum provides ifconfig 查询有哪些包提供这个命令,如果存在,会提示你具体命令文件的位置,如果不存在,会提示你在哪个包(是net-tools),只要安装就行
    2. yum install net-tools

4. 检查 yum 存储库

4.1. 查看已开启的存储库

yum repolist all

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum repolist all
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
repo id                 repo name                                  status
epel/7/x86_64           EPEL for redhat/centos 7 - x86_64          enabled: 13,734
extras/7/x86_64         Qcloud centos extras - x86_64              enabled:    515
os/7/x86_64             Qcloud centos os - x86_64                  enabled: 10,072
updates/7/x86_64        Qcloud centos updates - x86_64             enabled:  4,346
repolist: 28,667

4.2. 查看存储库配置

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# ll
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 614 Nov  3 21:59 CentOS-Base.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 230 Nov  3 21:59 CentOS-Epel.repo

查看 CentOS-Base.repo 文件内容,可以看到腾讯云服务器已经设置成了腾讯云的国内存储库了。

cat CentOS-Base.repo

name=Qcloud centos extras - $basearch
name=Qcloud centos os - $basearch
name=Qcloud centos updates - $basearch

查看 CentOS-Epel.repo 文件内容,同样是设置成了腾讯云的国内存储库了。

cat CentOS-Epel.repo

name=EPEL for redhat/centos $releasever - $basearch

如果 yum 安装软件时报 “尝试其他镜像” 问题。
在 CentOS Linux 上我们通用会用 yum install <packageName> 命令安装软件,但是有时候自己网络明明是可以的,但是会莫名其妙的报网络连接失败、404、正在尝试其他镜像等等类似的问题,如果有这些情况,不妨试试执行如下命令:

yum clean all
rpm --rebuilddb

5. 查看内核及软件是否有可用的更新

yum check-update:查看说明:以第一个为例:at是包名,x86_64是cpu架构,3.1.13-25.el7_9是可以更新到哪个版本,

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum check-update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
epel                                                                                       | 4.7 kB  00:00:00     
extras                                                                                     | 2.9 kB  00:00:00     
os                                                                                         | 3.6 kB  00:00:00     
updates                                                                                    | 2.9 kB  00:00:00     

at.x86_64                                     3.1.13-25.el7_9                              updates
bash.x86_64                                   4.2.46-35.el7_9                              updates
bind-export-libs.x86_64                       32:9.11.4-26.P2.el7_9.10                     updates
bind-libs.x86_64                              32:9.11.4-26.P2.el7_9.10                     updates
bind-libs-lite.x86_64                         32:9.11.4-26.P2.el7_9.10                     updates
bind-license.noarch                           32:9.11.4-26.P2.el7_9.10                     updates
bind-utils.x86_64                             32:9.11.4-26.P2.el7_9.10                     updates
bpftool.x86_64                                3.10.0-1160.76.1.el7                         updates
ca-certificates.noarch                        2022.2.54-74.el7_9                           updates
centos-release.x86_64                         7-9.2009.1.el7.centos                        updates
cronie.x86_64                                 1.4.11-24.el7_9                              updates
cronie-anacron.x86_64                         1.4.11-24.el7_9                              updates
device-mapper.x86_64                          7:1.02.170-6.el7_9.5                         updates
device-mapper-event.x86_64                    7:1.02.170-6.el7_9.5                         updates
device-mapper-event-libs.x86_64               7:1.02.170-6.el7_9.5                         updates
device-mapper-libs.x86_64                     7:1.02.170-6.el7_9.5                         updates
dmidecode.x86_64                              1:3.2-5.el7_9.1                              updates
expat.x86_64                                  2.1.0-15.el7_9                               updates
firewalld.noarch                              0.6.3-13.el7_9                               updates
firewalld-filesystem.noarch                   0.6.3-13.el7_9                               updates
grub2.x86_64                                  1:2.02-                 updates
grub2-common.noarch                           1:2.02-                 updates
grub2-pc.x86_64                               1:2.02-                 updates
grub2-pc-modules.noarch                       1:2.02-                 updates
grub2-tools.x86_64                            1:2.02-                 updates
grub2-tools-extra.x86_64                      1:2.02-                 updates
grub2-tools-minimal.x86_64                    1:2.02-                 updates
gtk-update-icon-cache.x86_64                  3.22.30-8.el7_9                              updates
iscsi-initiator-utils.x86_64                                   updates
iscsi-initiator-utils-iscsiuio.x86_64                           updates
kbd.x86_64                                    1.15.5-16.el7_9                              updates
kbd-legacy.noarch                             1.15.5-16.el7_9                              updates
kbd-misc.noarch                               1.15.5-16.el7_9                              updates
kernel.x86_64                                 3.10.0-1160.76.1.el7                         updates
kernel-devel.x86_64                           3.10.0-1160.76.1.el7                         updates
kernel-headers.x86_64                         3.10.0-1160.76.1.el7                         updates
kernel-tools.x86_64                           3.10.0-1160.76.1.el7                         updates
kernel-tools-libs.x86_64                      3.10.0-1160.76.1.el7                         updates
kexec-tools.x86_64                            2.0.15-51.el7_9.3                            updates
kpartx.x86_64                                 0.4.9-135.el7_9                              updates
libblkid.x86_64                               2.23.2-65.el7_9.1                            updates
libmount.x86_64                               2.23.2-65.el7_9.1                            updates
libpcap.x86_64                                14:1.5.3-13.el7_9                            updates
libsmartcols.x86_64                           2.23.2-65.el7_9.1                            updates
libstoragemgmt.x86_64                         1.8.1-2.el7_9                                updates
libstoragemgmt-python.noarch                  1.8.1-2.el7_9                                updates
libstoragemgmt-python-clibs.x86_64            1.8.1-2.el7_9                                updates
libuuid.x86_64                                2.23.2-65.el7_9.1                            updates
libwebp.x86_64                                0.3.0-10.el7_9                               updates
lvm2.x86_64                                   7:2.02.187-6.el7_9.5                         updates
lvm2-libs.x86_64                              7:2.02.187-6.el7_9.5                         updates
nspr.x86_64                                   4.34.0-3.1.el7_9                             updates
nss.x86_64                                    3.79.0-4.el7_9                               updates
nss-softokn.x86_64                            3.79.0-4.el7_9                               updates
nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64                     3.79.0-4.el7_9                               updates
nss-sysinit.x86_64                            3.79.0-4.el7_9                               updates
nss-tools.x86_64                              3.79.0-4.el7_9                               updates
nss-util.x86_64                               3.79.0-1.el7_9                               updates
python.x86_64                                 2.7.5-92.el7_9                               updates
python-devel.x86_64                           2.7.5-92.el7_9                               updates
python-firewall.noarch                        0.6.3-13.el7_9                               updates
python-libs.x86_64                            2.7.5-92.el7_9                               updates
python-perf.x86_64                            3.10.0-1160.76.1.el7                         updates
rsync.x86_64                                  3.1.2-11.el7_9                               updates
rsyslog.x86_64                                8.24.0-57.el7_9.3                            updates
sos.noarch                                    3.9-5.el7.centos.11                          updates
systemd.x86_64                                219-78.el7_9.7                               updates
systemd-devel.x86_64                          219-78.el7_9.7                               updates
systemd-libs.x86_64                           219-78.el7_9.7                               updates
systemd-python.x86_64                         219-78.el7_9.7                               updates
systemd-sysv.x86_64                           219-78.el7_9.7                               updates
tuned.noarch                                  2.11.0-12.el7_9                              updates
tzdata.noarch                                 2022e-1.el7                                  updates
unzip.x86_64                                  6.0-24.el7_9                                 updates
util-linux.x86_64                             2.23.2-65.el7_9.1                            updates
virt-what.x86_64                              1.18-4.el7_9.1                               updates
xfsdump.x86_64                                3.1.7-2.el7_9                                updates
xz.x86_64                                     5.2.2-2.el7_9                                updates
xz-devel.x86_64                               5.2.2-2.el7_9                                updates
xz-libs.x86_64                                5.2.2-2.el7_9                                updates
Obsoleting Packages
python2-cheetah.x86_64                        2.4.4-6.el7                                  epel   
    python-cheetah.x86_64                     2.4.4-5.el7.centos                           @extras

6. 更新内核以及软件

yum updateyum upgrade的功能都是一样的,都是将需要更新的package更新到源中的最新版。唯一不同的是,yum upgrade会删除旧版本的package,而yum update则会保留(obsoletes=0)。

生产环境中建议使用yum update,防止因为替换,导致旧的软件包依赖出现问题。

yum update

更新后再查看源目录,多了很多别的存储库:cd /etc/yum.repos.d/

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
[root@VM-8-9-centos yum.repos.d]# ll
total 44
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  614 Nov  3 21:59 CentOS-Base.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1309 Nov 23  2020 CentOS-CR.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  649 Nov 23  2020 CentOS-Debuginfo.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  230 Nov  3 21:59 CentOS-Epel.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  314 Nov 23  2020 CentOS-fasttrack.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  630 Nov 23  2020 CentOS-Media.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1331 Nov 23  2020 CentOS-Sources.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8515 Nov 23  2020 CentOS-Vault.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  616 Nov 23  2020 CentOS-x86_64-kernel.repo

7. 安装最新的 Epel 源

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum install epel-release
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package epel-release.noarch 0:7-14 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                            Arch              Version         Repository        Size
 epel-release                       noarch            7-14            epel              15 k

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total download size: 15 k
Installed size: 25 k
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
epel-release-7-14.noarch.rpm                                                |  15 kB  00:00:00     
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
  Installing : epel-release-7-14.noarch                                                   1/1 
  Verifying  : epel-release-7-14.noarch                                                   1/1 

  epel-release.noarch 0:7-14                                                                     


8. 安装 IUS 源

IUS 源说明:
要在系统上启用IUS存储库,请安装 ius-release 包。此包包含IUS存储库配置和公共包签名密钥。许多IUS包都依赖于EPEL存储库,因此也要安装 epel-release 包。


yum install \
https://repo.ius.io/ius-release-el7.rpm \


IUS软件包在升级到主存储库之前,首先在 ius-testing 存储库中提供。安装 ius-release 版时, ius-testing 存储库在默认情况下处于禁用状态。如果您想参与测试新的IUS包,请启用它。

yum install yum-utils
yum-config-manager --enable ius-testing
[root@VM-8-9-centos yum.repos.d]# yum install \
> https://repo.ius.io/ius-release-el7.rpm \
> https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Repository epel is listed more than once in the configuration
ius-release-el7.rpm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | 8.2 kB  00:00:00     
Examining /var/tmp/yum-root-2gE0tP/ius-release-el7.rpm: ius-release-2-1.el7.ius.noarch
Marking /var/tmp/yum-root-2gE0tP/ius-release-el7.rpm to be installed
epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |  15 kB  00:00:00     
Examining /var/tmp/yum-root-2gE0tP/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm: epel-release-7-14.noarch
/var/tmp/yum-root-2gE0tP/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm: does not update installed package.
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package ius-release.noarch 0:2-1.el7.ius will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                               Arch             Version              Repository            Size
 ius-release                           noarch           2-1.el7.ius          /ius-release-el7      4.5 k

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total size: 4.5 k
Installed size: 4.5 k
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
  Installing : ius-release-2-1.el7.ius.noarch                                                        1/1 
  Verifying  : ius-release-2-1.el7.ius.noarch                                                        1/1 

  ius-release.noarch 0:2-1.el7.ius        


然后后再查看源目录,多了几个 ius 的存储库:cd /etc/yum.repos.d/

[root@VM-8-9-centos yum.repos.d]# ll
total 64
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  614 Nov  3 21:59 CentOS-Base.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1309 Nov 23  2020 CentOS-CR.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  649 Nov 23  2020 CentOS-Debuginfo.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  230 Nov  3 21:59 CentOS-Epel.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  314 Nov 23  2020 CentOS-fasttrack.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  630 Nov 23  2020 CentOS-Media.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1331 Nov 23  2020 CentOS-Sources.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8515 Nov 23  2020 CentOS-Vault.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  616 Nov 23  2020 CentOS-x86_64-kernel.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1358 Sep  5  2021 epel.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1457 Sep  5  2021 epel-testing.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  669 May  2  2019 ius-archive.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  591 May  2  2019 ius.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  669 May  2  2019 ius-testing.repo

然后再看看多出来的这些源的开启状态:yum repolist all

[root@VM-8-9-centos yum.repos.d]# yum repolist all
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Repository epel is listed more than once in the configuration
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
ius                                                                                                                                     | 1.3 kB  00:00:00     
ius/x86_64/primary                                                                                                                      |  59 kB  00:00:00     
ius                                                                                                                                                    252/252
repo id                                              repo name                                                                          status
C7.0.1406-base/x86_64                                CentOS-7.0.1406 - Base                                                             disabled
C7.0.1406-centosplus/x86_64                          CentOS-7.0.1406 - CentOSPlus                                                       disabled
C7.0.1406-extras/x86_64                              CentOS-7.0.1406 - Extras                                                           disabled
C7.0.1406-fasttrack/x86_64                           CentOS-7.0.1406 - Fasttrack                                                        disabled
C7.0.1406-updates/x86_64                             CentOS-7.0.1406 - Updates                                                          disabled
C7.1.1503-base/x86_64                                CentOS-7.1.1503 - Base                                                             disabled
C7.1.1503-centosplus/x86_64                          CentOS-7.1.1503 - CentOSPlus                                                       disabled
C7.1.1503-extras/x86_64                              CentOS-7.1.1503 - Extras                                                           disabled
C7.1.1503-fasttrack/x86_64                           CentOS-7.1.1503 - Fasttrack                                                        disabled
C7.1.1503-updates/x86_64                             CentOS-7.1.1503 - Updates                                                          disabled
C7.2.1511-base/x86_64                                CentOS-7.2.1511 - Base                                                             disabled
C7.2.1511-centosplus/x86_64                          CentOS-7.2.1511 - CentOSPlus                                                       disabled
C7.2.1511-extras/x86_64                              CentOS-7.2.1511 - Extras                                                           disabled
C7.2.1511-fasttrack/x86_64                           CentOS-7.2.1511 - Fasttrack                                                        disabled
C7.2.1511-updates/x86_64                             CentOS-7.2.1511 - Updates                                                          disabled
C7.3.1611-base/x86_64                                CentOS-7.3.1611 - Base                                                             disabled
C7.3.1611-centosplus/x86_64                          CentOS-7.3.1611 - CentOSPlus                                                       disabled
C7.3.1611-extras/x86_64                              CentOS-7.3.1611 - Extras                                                           disabled
C7.3.1611-fasttrack/x86_64                           CentOS-7.3.1611 - Fasttrack                                                        disabled
C7.3.1611-updates/x86_64                             CentOS-7.3.1611 - Updates                                                          disabled
C7.4.1708-base/x86_64                                CentOS-7.4.1708 - Base                                                             disabled
C7.4.1708-centosplus/x86_64                          CentOS-7.4.1708 - CentOSPlus                                                       disabled
C7.4.1708-extras/x86_64                              CentOS-7.4.1708 - Extras                                                           disabled
C7.4.1708-fasttrack/x86_64                           CentOS-7.4.1708 - Fasttrack                                                        disabled
C7.4.1708-updates/x86_64                             CentOS-7.4.1708 - Updates                                                          disabled
C7.5.1804-base/x86_64                                CentOS-7.5.1804 - Base                                                             disabled
C7.5.1804-centosplus/x86_64                          CentOS-7.5.1804 - CentOSPlus                                                       disabled
C7.5.1804-extras/x86_64                              CentOS-7.5.1804 - Extras                                                           disabled
C7.5.1804-fasttrack/x86_64                           CentOS-7.5.1804 - Fasttrack                                                        disabled
C7.5.1804-updates/x86_64                             CentOS-7.5.1804 - Updates                                                          disabled
C7.6.1810-base/x86_64                                CentOS-7.6.1810 - Base                                                             disabled
C7.6.1810-centosplus/x86_64                          CentOS-7.6.1810 - CentOSPlus                                                       disabled
C7.6.1810-extras/x86_64                              CentOS-7.6.1810 - Extras                                                           disabled
C7.6.1810-fasttrack/x86_64                           CentOS-7.6.1810 - Fasttrack                                                        disabled
C7.6.1810-updates/x86_64                             CentOS-7.6.1810 - Updates                                                          disabled
C7.7.1908-base/x86_64                                CentOS-7.7.1908 - Base                                                             disabled
C7.7.1908-centosplus/x86_64                          CentOS-7.7.1908 - CentOSPlus                                                       disabled
C7.7.1908-extras/x86_64                              CentOS-7.7.1908 - Extras                                                           disabled
C7.7.1908-fasttrack/x86_64                           CentOS-7.7.1908 - Fasttrack                                                        disabled
C7.7.1908-updates/x86_64                             CentOS-7.7.1908 - Updates                                                          disabled
C7.8.2003-base/x86_64                                CentOS-7.8.2003 - Base                                                             disabled
C7.8.2003-centosplus/x86_64                          CentOS-7.8.2003 - CentOSPlus                                                       disabled
C7.8.2003-extras/x86_64                              CentOS-7.8.2003 - Extras                                                           disabled
C7.8.2003-fasttrack/x86_64                           CentOS-7.8.2003 - Fasttrack                                                        disabled
C7.8.2003-updates/x86_64                             CentOS-7.8.2003 - Updates                                                          disabled
base-debuginfo/x86_64                                CentOS-7 - Debuginfo                                                               disabled
base-source/7                                        CentOS-7 - Base Sources                                                            disabled
c7-media                                             CentOS-7 - Media                                                                   disabled
centos-kernel/7/x86_64                               CentOS LTS Kernels for x86_64                                                      disabled
centos-kernel-experimental/7/x86_64                  CentOS Experimental Kernels for x86_64                                             disabled
centosplus-source/7                                  CentOS-7 - Plus Sources                                                            disabled
cr/7/x86_64                                          CentOS-7 - cr                                                                      disabled
epel/7/x86_64                                        EPEL for redhat/centos 7 - x86_64                                                  enabled: 13,734
epel-debuginfo/x86_64                                Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64 - Debug                             disabled
epel-source/x86_64                                   Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64 - Source                            disabled
epel-testing/x86_64                                  Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - Testing - x86_64                           disabled
epel-testing-debuginfo/x86_64                        Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - Testing - x86_64 - Debug                   disabled
epel-testing-source/x86_64                           Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - Testing - x86_64 - Source                  disabled
extras/7/x86_64                                      Qcloud centos extras - x86_64                                                      enabled:    515
extras-source/7                                      CentOS-7 - Extras Sources                                                          disabled
fasttrack/7/x86_64                                   CentOS-7 - fasttrack                                                               disabled
ius/x86_64                                           IUS for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64                                                enabled:    252
ius-archive/x86_64                                   IUS for Enterprise Linux 7 - Archive - x86_64                                      disabled
ius-archive-debuginfo/x86_64                         IUS for Enterprise Linux 7 - Archive - x86_64 - Debug                              disabled
ius-archive-source                                   IUS for Enterprise Linux 7 - Archive - Source                                      disabled
ius-debuginfo/x86_64                                 IUS for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64 - Debug                                        disabled
ius-source                                           IUS for Enterprise Linux 7 - Source                                                disabled
ius-testing/x86_64                                   IUS for Enterprise Linux 7 - Testing - x86_64                                      disabled
ius-testing-debuginfo/x86_64                         IUS for Enterprise Linux 7 - Testing - x86_64 - Debug                              disabled
ius-testing-source                                   IUS for Enterprise Linux 7 - Testing - Source                                      disabled
os/7/x86_64                                          Qcloud centos os - x86_64                                                          enabled: 10,072
updates/7/x86_64                                     Qcloud centos updates - x86_64                                                     enabled:  4,346
updates-source/7                                     CentOS-7 - Updates Sources                                                         disabled
repolist: 28,919

yum repolist all 命令结果的存储库名称可以看到,两个[epel],腾讯云镜像自带的启动了,后来安装 epel-release 虽然也生成了源配置,但是并没有启动。

9. 检查和安装常用工具

9.1. git

git 版本太低怎么办?CentOS 7 默认最新版本是 1.8
通过命令可以看到存储库里的软件版本:yum provides git

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum provides git
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
git- : Fast Version Control System
Repo        : os

安装 ius 源之后再用同样的命令查看,则会多了一些内容:

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum provides git
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Repository epel is listed more than once in the configuration
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
git- : Fast Version Control System
Repo        : os

git236-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.x86_64 : Fast Version Control System
Repo        : ius
Matched from:
Provides    : git = 2.36.1-2.el7.ius

根据包名安装 ius 源的最新版本的git:yum install git236

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum install git236
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Repository epel is listed more than once in the configuration
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package git236.x86_64 0:2.36.1-2.el7.ius will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: perl-Git = 2.36.1-2.el7.ius for package: git236-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: git-core-doc = 2.36.1-2.el7.ius for package: git236-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: git-core = 2.36.1-2.el7.ius for package: git236-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: emacs-filesystem >= 24.3 for package: git236-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: perl(Term::ReadKey) for package: git236-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: perl(Git::I18N) for package: git236-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: perl(Git) for package: git236-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.x86_64
--> Running transaction check
---> Package emacs-filesystem.noarch 1:24.3-23.el7 will be installed
---> Package git236-core.x86_64 0:2.36.1-2.el7.ius will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: libpcre2-8.so.0()(64bit) for package: git236-core-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.x86_64
---> Package git236-core-doc.noarch 0:2.36.1-2.el7.ius will be installed
---> Package git236-perl-Git.noarch 0:2.36.1-2.el7.ius will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: perl(Error) for package: git236-perl-Git-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.noarch
---> Package perl-TermReadKey.x86_64 0:2.30-20.el7 will be installed
--> Running transaction check
---> Package pcre2.x86_64 0:10.23-2.el7 will be installed
---> Package perl-Error.noarch 1:0.17020-2.el7 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                                    Arch           Version            Repository        Size
 git236                                     x86_64         2.36.1-2.el7.ius   ius               70 k
Installing for dependencies:
 emacs-filesystem                           noarch         1:24.3-23.el7      os                58 k
 git236-core                                x86_64         2.36.1-2.el7.ius   ius              6.2 M
 git236-core-doc                            noarch         2.36.1-2.el7.ius   ius              2.8 M
 git236-perl-Git                            noarch         2.36.1-2.el7.ius   ius               45 k
 pcre2                                      x86_64         10.23-2.el7        os               201 k
 perl-Error                                 noarch         1:0.17020-2.el7    os                32 k
 perl-TermReadKey                           x86_64         2.30-20.el7        os                31 k

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package (+7 Dependent packages)

Total download size: 9.4 M
Installed size: 40 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
(1/8): emacs-filesystem-24.3-23.el7.noarch.rpm                                        |  58 kB  00:00:00     
warning: /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7/ius/packages/git236-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 4b274df2: NOKEY         2% [===-    ]  43 kB/s | 256 kB  00:03:40 ETA 
Public key for git236-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.x86_64.rpm is not installed
(2/8): git236-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.x86_64.rpm                                             |  70 kB  00:00:03     
(3/8): git236-core-doc-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.noarch.rpm                                    | 2.8 MB  00:00:02     
(4/8): pcre2-10.23-2.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                   | 201 kB  00:00:00     
(5/8): perl-Error-0.17020-2.el7.noarch.rpm                                            |  32 kB  00:00:00     
(6/8): perl-TermReadKey-2.30-20.el7.x86_64.rpm                                        |  31 kB  00:00:00     
(7/8): git236-perl-Git-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.noarch.rpm                                    |  45 kB  00:00:00     
(8/8): git236-core-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.x86_64.rpm                                        | 6.2 MB  00:00:06     
Total                                                                                 1.5 MB/s | 9.4 MB  00:00:06     
Retrieving key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-IUS-7
Importing GPG key 0x4B274DF2:
 Userid     : "IUS (7) <dev@ius.io>"
 Fingerprint: c958 7a09 a11f d706 4f0c a0f4 e558 0725 4b27 4df2
 Package    : ius-release-2-1.el7.ius.noarch (@/ius-release-el7)
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-IUS-7
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
  Installing : 1:emacs-filesystem-24.3-23.el7.noarch                                    1/8 
  Installing : 1:perl-Error-0.17020-2.el7.noarch                                        2/8 
  Installing : perl-TermReadKey-2.30-20.el7.x86_64                                      3/8 
  Installing : pcre2-10.23-2.el7.x86_64                                                 4/8 
  Installing : git236-core-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.x86_64                                      5/8 
  Installing : git236-core-doc-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.noarch                                  6/8 
  Installing : git236-perl-Git-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.noarch                                  7/8 
  Installing : git236-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.x86_64                                           8/8 
  Verifying  : pcre2-10.23-2.el7.x86_64                                                 1/8 
  Verifying  : perl-TermReadKey-2.30-20.el7.x86_64                                      2/8 
  Verifying  : 1:perl-Error-0.17020-2.el7.noarch                                        3/8 
  Verifying  : git236-core-doc-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.noarch                                  4/8 
  Verifying  : 1:emacs-filesystem-24.3-23.el7.noarch                                    5/8 
  Verifying  : git236-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.x86_64                                           6/8 
  Verifying  : git236-perl-Git-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.noarch                                  7/8 
  Verifying  : git236-core-2.36.1-2.el7.ius.x86_64                                      8/8 

  git236.x86_64 0:2.36.1-2.el7.ius                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Dependency Installed:
  emacs-filesystem.noarch 1:24.3-23.el7         git236-core.x86_64 0:2.36.1-2.el7.ius         git236-core-doc.noarch 0:2.36.1-2.el7.ius         git236-perl-Git.noarch 0:2.36.1-2.el7.ius         pcre2.x86_64 0:10.23-2.el7         perl-Error.noarch 1:0.17020-2.el7         perl-TermReadKey.x86_64 0:2.30-20.el7        


检查 git 版本:

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# git --version
git version 2.36.1


9.2. vim

# 查看是否已经安装
yum list installed | grep vim
# 查看提供 vim 命令的包
yum provides vim
# 安装对应的包
yum install vim-enhanced

看看 provides 的日志,系统已经有了 vim 就不用再 install

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum provides vim
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Repository epel is listed more than once in the configuration
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
2:vim-enhanced-7.4.629-7.el7.x86_64 : A version of the VIM editor which includes recent enhancements
Repo        : os
Matched from:
Provides    : vim = 7.4.629-7.el7

2:vim-enhanced-7.4.629-8.el7_9.x86_64 : A version of the VIM editor which includes recent enhancements
Repo        : updates
Matched from:
Provides    : vim = 7.4.629-8.el7_9

2:vim-enhanced-7.4.629-8.el7_9.x86_64 : A version of the VIM editor which includes recent enhancements
Repo        : @updates
Matched from:
Provides    : vim = 7.4.629-8.el7_9

9.3. curl

# 查看是否已经安装
yum list installed | grep curl
# 查看提供命令的包
yum provides curl
# 安装对应的包
yum install curl

日志显示 curl 已经安装:

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum list installed | grep curl
Repository epel is listed more than once in the configuration
curl.x86_64                            7.29.0-59.el7_9.1               @updates 
libcurl.x86_64                         7.29.0-59.el7_9.1               @updates 
python-pycurl.x86_64                   7.19.0-19.el7                   @anaconda

9.4. wget

# 查看是否已经安装
yum list installed | grep wget
# 查看提供命令的包
yum provides wget
# 安装对应的包
yum install wget

日志显示 wget 已经安装:

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum list installed | grep wget
Repository epel is listed more than once in the configuration
wget.x86_64                            1.14-18.el7_6.1                 @os      

9.5. python

执行命令 yum list installed | grep python 查看python是否安装:已经安装了,而且 python2python3 都有。

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum list installed | grep python
Repository epel is listed more than once in the configuration
abrt-addon-python.x86_64               2.1.11-60.el7.centos            @os      
abrt-python.x86_64                     2.1.11-60.el7.centos            @os      
dbus-python.x86_64                     1.1.1-9.el7                     @anaconda
langtable-python.noarch                0.0.31-4.el7                    @os      
libreport-python.x86_64                2.1.11-53.el7.centos            @os      
libselinux-python.x86_64               2.5-15.el7                      @os      
libstoragemgmt-python.noarch           1.8.1-2.el7_9                   @updates 
libstoragemgmt-python-clibs.x86_64     1.8.1-2.el7_9                   @updates 
libxml2-python.x86_64                  2.9.1-6.el7_9.6                 @updates 
newt-python.x86_64                     0.52.15-4.el7                   @anaconda
python.x86_64                          2.7.5-92.el7_9                  @updates 
python-augeas.noarch                   0.5.0-2.el7                     @anaconda
python-babel.noarch                    0.9.6-8.el7                     @os      
python-backports.x86_64                1.0-8.el7                       @os      
python-cffi.x86_64                     1.6.0-5.el7                     @os      
python-chardet.noarch                  2.2.1-3.el7                     @os      
python-configobj.noarch                4.7.2-7.el7                     @anaconda
python-decorator.noarch                3.4.0-3.el7                     @anaconda
python-deltarpm.x86_64                 3.6-3.el7                       @os      
python-devel.x86_64                    2.7.5-92.el7_9                  @updates 
python-enum34.noarch                   1.0.4-1.el7                     @os      
python-firewall.noarch                 0.6.3-13.el7_9                  @updates 
python-gobject-base.x86_64             3.22.0-1.el7_4.1                @anaconda
python-idna.noarch                     2.4-1.el7                       @os      
python-iniparse.noarch                 0.4-9.el7                       @anaconda
python-ipaddress.noarch                1.0.16-2.el7                    @os      
python-jinja2.noarch                   2.7.2-4.el7                     @os      
python-jsonpatch.noarch                1.2-4.el7                       @os      
python-jsonpointer.noarch              1.9-2.el7                       @os      
python-jwcrypto.noarch                 0.4.2-1.el7                     @os      
python-kitchen.noarch                  1.1.1-5.el7                     @anaconda
python-libs.x86_64                     2.7.5-92.el7_9                  @updates 
python-linux-procfs.noarch             0.4.11-4.el7                    @os      
python-markupsafe.x86_64               0.11-10.el7                     @os      
python-perf.x86_64                     3.10.0-1160.76.1.el7            @updates 
python-pillow.x86_64                   2.0.0-23.gitd1c6db8.el7_9       @updates 
python-ply.noarch                      3.4-11.el7                      @os      
python-prettytable.noarch              0.7.2-3.el7                     @os      
python-pycparser.noarch                2.14-1.el7                      @os      
python-pycurl.x86_64                   7.19.0-19.el7                   @anaconda
python-pygments.noarch                 1.4-10.el7                      @os      
python-pyudev.noarch                   0.15-9.el7                      @anaconda
python-repoze-lru.noarch               0.4-3.el7                       installed
python-requests.noarch                 2.6.0-10.el7                    @os      
python-rpm-macros.noarch               3-34.el7                        @os      
python-schedutils.x86_64               0.4-6.el7                       @anaconda
python-setuptools.noarch               0.9.8-7.el7                     @os      
python-six.noarch                      1.9.0-2.el7                     @anaconda
python-slip.noarch                     0.4.0-4.el7                     @anaconda
python-slip-dbus.noarch                0.4.0-4.el7                     @anaconda
python-srpm-macros.noarch              3-34.el7                        @os      
python-urlgrabber.noarch               3.10-10.el7                     @os      
python-urllib3.noarch                  1.10.2-7.el7                    @os      
python2-cheetah.x86_64                 2.4.4-6.el7                     @epel    
python2-crypto.x86_64                  2.6.1-16.el7                    @epel    
python2-cryptography.x86_64            1.7.2-2.el7                     @os      
python2-futures.noarch                 3.1.1-5.el7                     @anaconda
python2-jsonschema.noarch              2.5.1-4.el7                     @epel    
python2-markdown.noarch                2.4.1-4.el7                     @epel    
python2-oauthlib.noarch                2.0.1-8.el7                     @os      
python2-pip.noarch                     8.1.2-14.el7                    @epel    
python2-pyasn1.noarch                  0.1.9-7.el7                     @os      
python2-rpm-macros.noarch              3-34.el7                        @os      
python3.x86_64                         3.6.8-18.el7                    @updates 
python3-libs.x86_64                    3.6.8-18.el7                    @updates 
python3-pip.noarch                     9.0.3-8.el7                     @os      
python3-setuptools.noarch              39.2.0-10.el7                   @os      
qcloud-python.x86_64                   3.7.10-1.el7                    installed
rpm-python.x86_64                      4.11.3-48.el7_9                 @updates 
systemd-python.x86_64                  219-78.el7_9.7                  @updates 


[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# python -V
Python 2.7.5
[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# python3 -V
Python 3.6.8

which 命令查看 python 的可执行命令位置:

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# which python
[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# which python3

10. 安装 docker

10.1. 确认安装系统是否符合要求

10.1.1. 系统内核版本需>=2.6.32-431

执行 uname -r 命令查看内核版本:

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# uname -r


10.1.2. centos-extras存储库必须开启

执行命令 yum repolist 查看已经开启的存储库列表,如果里面有 extras 即可(下面日志显示为!extras/7/x86_64

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum repolist
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Repository epel is listed more than once in the configuration
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
repo id                                      repo name                                        status
!epel/7/x86_64                               EPEL for redhat/centos 7 - x86_64                13,734
!extras/7/x86_64                             Qcloud centos extras - x86_64                       515
!ius/x86_64                                  IUS for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64                 252
!os/7/x86_64                                 Qcloud centos os - x86_64                        10,072
!updates/7/x86_64                            Qcloud centos updates - x86_64                    4,346
repolist: 28,919

10.1.3. 检查是否已经安装docker


通过 yum list installed 查询是否已经安装docker

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum list installed |grep docker
Repository epel is listed more than once in the configuration

结果显示没有docker,说明还没有安装 docker

如果检测到已经安装了 docker 但是版本太旧,可以用下面的命令卸载旧版本的docker:

sudo yum remove docker \
          docker-client \
          docker-client-latest \
          docker-common \
          docker-latest \
          docker-latest-logrotate \
          docker-logrotate \

10.1.4. 查询可安装的docker软件包

通过 yum list 查询能够安装的关于 docker 的安装包

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum list | grep docker
Repository epel is listed more than once in the configuration
cockpit-docker.x86_64                    195.12-1.el7.centos           extras   
docker.x86_64                            2:1.13.1-209.git7d71120.el7.centos
docker-client.x86_64                     2:1.13.1-209.git7d71120.el7.centos
docker-client-latest.x86_64              1.13.1-58.git87f2fab.el7.centos
docker-common.x86_64                     2:1.13.1-209.git7d71120.el7.centos
docker-compose.noarch                    1.18.0-4.el7                  epel     
docker-distribution.x86_64               2.6.2-2.git48294d9.el7        extras   
docker-latest.x86_64                     1.13.1-58.git87f2fab.el7.centos
docker-latest-logrotate.x86_64           1.13.1-58.git87f2fab.el7.centos
docker-latest-v1.10-migrator.x86_64      1.13.1-58.git87f2fab.el7.centos
docker-logrotate.x86_64                  2:1.13.1-209.git7d71120.el7.centos
docker-lvm-plugin.x86_64                 2:1.13.1-209.git7d71120.el7.centos
docker-novolume-plugin.x86_64            2:1.13.1-209.git7d71120.el7.centos
docker-registry.x86_64                   0.9.1-7.el7                   extras   
docker-v1.10-migrator.x86_64             2:1.13.1-209.git7d71120.el7.centos
kdocker.x86_64                           4.9-1.el7                     epel     
pcp-pmda-docker.x86_64                   4.3.2-13.el7_9                updates  
podman-docker.noarch                     1.6.4-36.el7_9                extras   
python-docker-py.noarch                  1:1.10.6-11.el7               extras   
python-docker-pycreds.noarch             1:0.3.0-11.el7                extras   
python-docker-scripts.noarch             0.4.4-1.el7                   epel     
python-dockerfile-parse.noarch           0.0.5-1.el7                   epel     
python2-docker-squash.noarch             1.0.7-3.el7                   epel     
python2-dockerpty.noarch                 0.4.1-18.el7                  epel     
python36-docker.noarch                   2.6.1-3.el7                   epel     
python36-docker-pycreds.noarch           0.2.1-2.el7                   epel     
python36-dockerpty.noarch                0.4.1-18.el7                  epel     


10.2. 使用docker-ce存储库安装

在新主机上首次安装 Docker 引擎之前,需要设置 Docker 存储库。之后,您可以从存储库安装和更新Docker。

10.2.1. 确认当前目录

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# pwd

10.2.2. 安装yum-utils

安装yum-utils,它会提供yum-config-manager这个实用程序,并以此 设置 stable (稳定的) 存储库


[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum list installed | grep yum-utils
Repository epel is listed more than once in the configuration
yum-utils.noarch                       1.1.31-54.el7_8                 @updates 



sudo yum install -y yum-utils

10.2.3. 设置 stable 存储库

安装 yum-utils 之后,可以通过以下命令来给 yum 添加一个存储库:

sudo yum-config-manager \
        --add-repo \


[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum-config-manager \
> --add-repo \
> https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Repository epel is listed more than once in the configuration
adding repo from: https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo
grabbing file https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo to /etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ce.repo
repo saved to /etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ce.repo

用命令 yum repolist 查看当前的存储库列表,发现开启状态的存储库列表中多了一个 docker-ce

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum repolist
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Repository epel is listed more than once in the configuration
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
repo id                                      repo name                                        status
docker-ce-stable/7/x86_64                    Docker CE Stable - x86_64                           183
epel/7/x86_64                                EPEL for redhat/centos 7 - x86_64                13,738
extras/7/x86_64                              Qcloud centos extras - x86_64                       515
ius/x86_64                                   IUS for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64                 252
os/7/x86_64                                  Qcloud centos os - x86_64                        10,072
updates/7/x86_64                             Qcloud centos updates - x86_64                    4,346
repolist: 29,106

10.2.4. 查看存储库中可安装的Docker版本

执行命令 yum list docker-ce 列出最新版本

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum list docker-ce | sort -r
Repository epel is listed more than once in the configuration
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
docker-ce.x86_64                3:20.10.21-3.el7                docker-ce-stable
Available Packages

如果有旧版本的需求,可执行命令 yum list docker-ce --showduplicates 查看所有版本

[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# yum list docker-ce --showduplicates | sort -r
Repository epel is listed more than once in the configuration
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.9-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.8-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.7-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.6-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.5-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.4-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.3-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.2-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.21-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.20-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.19-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.18-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.17-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.16-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.15-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.14-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.1-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.13-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.12-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.11-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.10-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:20.10.0-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:19.03.9-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:19.03.8-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:19.03.7-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:19.03.6-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:19.03.5-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:19.03.4-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:19.03.3-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:19.03.2-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:19.03.15-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:19.03.14-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:19.03.1-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:19.03.13-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:19.03.12-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:19.03.11-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:19.03.10-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:19.03.0-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:18.09.9-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:18.09.8-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:18.09.7-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:18.09.6-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:18.09.5-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:18.09.4-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:18.09.3-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:18.09.2-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:18.09.1-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            3:18.09.0-3.el7                     docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            18.06.3.ce-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            18.06.2.ce-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            18.06.1.ce-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            18.06.0.ce-3.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            18.03.1.ce-1.el7.centos             docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            18.03.0.ce-1.el7.centos             docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            17.12.1.ce-1.el7.centos             docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            17.12.0.ce-1.el7.centos             docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            17.09.1.ce-1.el7.centos             docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            17.09.0.ce-1.el7.centos             docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            17.06.2.ce-1.el7.centos             docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            17.06.1.ce-1.el7.centos             docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            17.06.0.ce-1.el7.centos             docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            17.03.3.ce-1.el7                    docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            17.03.2.ce-1.el7.centos             docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            17.03.1.ce-1.el7.centos             docker-ce-stable
docker-ce.x86_64            17.03.0.ce-1.el7.centos             docker-ce-stable
Available Packages

10.2.5. 安装Docker引擎


sudo yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io


[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# sudo yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Repository epel is listed more than once in the configuration
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package containerd.io.x86_64 0:1.6.9-3.1.el7 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: container-selinux >= 2:2.74 for package: containerd.io-1.6.9-3.1.el7.x86_64
---> Package docker-ce.x86_64 3:20.10.21-3.el7 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: docker-ce-rootless-extras for package: 3:docker-ce-20.10.21-3.el7.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libcgroup for package: 3:docker-ce-20.10.21-3.el7.x86_64
---> Package docker-ce-cli.x86_64 1:20.10.21-3.el7 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: docker-scan-plugin(x86-64) for package: 1:docker-ce-cli-20.10.21-3.el7.x86_64
--> Running transaction check
---> Package container-selinux.noarch 2:2.119.2-1.911c772.el7_8 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: policycoreutils-python for package: 2:container-selinux-2.119.2-1.911c772.el7_8.noarch
---> Package docker-ce-rootless-extras.x86_64 0:20.10.21-3.el7 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: fuse-overlayfs >= 0.7 for package: docker-ce-rootless-extras-20.10.21-3.el7.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: slirp4netns >= 0.4 for package: docker-ce-rootless-extras-20.10.21-3.el7.x86_64
---> Package docker-scan-plugin.x86_64 0:0.21.0-3.el7 will be installed
---> Package libcgroup.x86_64 0:0.41-21.el7 will be installed
--> Running transaction check
---> Package fuse-overlayfs.x86_64 0:0.7.2-6.el7_8 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: libfuse3.so.3(FUSE_3.2)(64bit) for package: fuse-overlayfs-0.7.2-6.el7_8.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libfuse3.so.3(FUSE_3.0)(64bit) for package: fuse-overlayfs-0.7.2-6.el7_8.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libfuse3.so.3()(64bit) for package: fuse-overlayfs-0.7.2-6.el7_8.x86_64
---> Package policycoreutils-python.x86_64 0:2.5-34.el7 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: setools-libs >= 3.3.8-4 for package: policycoreutils-python-2.5-34.el7.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libsemanage-python >= 2.5-14 for package: policycoreutils-python-2.5-34.el7.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: audit-libs-python >= 2.1.3-4 for package: policycoreutils-python-2.5-34.el7.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: python-IPy for package: policycoreutils-python-2.5-34.el7.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libqpol.so.1(VERS_1.4)(64bit) for package: policycoreutils-python-2.5-34.el7.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libqpol.so.1(VERS_1.2)(64bit) for package: policycoreutils-python-2.5-34.el7.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libapol.so.4(VERS_4.0)(64bit) for package: policycoreutils-python-2.5-34.el7.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: checkpolicy for package: policycoreutils-python-2.5-34.el7.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libqpol.so.1()(64bit) for package: policycoreutils-python-2.5-34.el7.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libapol.so.4()(64bit) for package: policycoreutils-python-2.5-34.el7.x86_64
---> Package slirp4netns.x86_64 0:0.4.3-4.el7_8 will be installed
--> Running transaction check
---> Package audit-libs-python.x86_64 0:2.8.5-4.el7 will be installed
---> Package checkpolicy.x86_64 0:2.5-8.el7 will be installed
---> Package fuse3-libs.x86_64 0:3.6.1-4.el7 will be installed
---> Package libsemanage-python.x86_64 0:2.5-14.el7 will be installed
---> Package python-IPy.noarch 0:0.75-6.el7 will be installed
---> Package setools-libs.x86_64 0:3.3.8-4.el7 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                             Arch      Version                      Repository          Size
 containerd.io                       x86_64    1.6.9-3.1.el7                docker-ce-stable    33 M
 docker-ce                           x86_64    3:20.10.21-3.el7             docker-ce-stable    22 M
 docker-ce-cli                       x86_64    1:20.10.21-3.el7             docker-ce-stable    30 M
Installing for dependencies:
 audit-libs-python                   x86_64    2.8.5-4.el7                  os                  76 k
 checkpolicy                         x86_64    2.5-8.el7                    os                 295 k
 container-selinux                   noarch    2:2.119.2-1.911c772.el7_8    extras              40 k
 docker-ce-rootless-extras           x86_64    20.10.21-3.el7               docker-ce-stable   8.5 M
 docker-scan-plugin                  x86_64    0.21.0-3.el7                 docker-ce-stable   3.8 M
 fuse-overlayfs                      x86_64    0.7.2-6.el7_8                extras              54 k
 fuse3-libs                          x86_64    3.6.1-4.el7                  extras              82 k
 libcgroup                           x86_64    0.41-21.el7                  os                  66 k
 libsemanage-python                  x86_64    2.5-14.el7                   os                 113 k
 policycoreutils-python              x86_64    2.5-34.el7                   os                 457 k
 python-IPy                          noarch    0.75-6.el7                   os                  32 k
 setools-libs                        x86_64    3.3.8-4.el7                  os                 620 k
 slirp4netns                         x86_64    0.4.3-4.el7_8                extras              81 k

Transaction Summary
Install  3 Packages (+13 Dependent packages)

Total download size: 98 M
Installed size: 361 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
(1/16): container-selinux-2.119.2-1.911c772.el7_8.noarch.rpm                                         |  40 kB  00:00:00     
(2/16): audit-libs-python-2.8.5-4.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                     |  76 kB  00:00:00     
(3/16): checkpolicy-2.5-8.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                             | 295 kB  00:00:00     
warning: /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7/docker-ce-stable/packages/containerd.io-1.6.9-3.1.el7.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA512 Signature, key ID 621e9f35: NOKEY==========================================================                                                                         ] 1.7 MB/s |  45 MB  00:00:30 ETA 
Public key for containerd.io-1.6.9-3.1.el7.x86_64.rpm is not installed
(4/16): containerd.io-1.6.9-3.1.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                       |  33 MB  00:00:22     
(5/16): docker-ce-20.10.21-3.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                          |  22 MB  00:00:42     
(6/16): docker-ce-cli-20.10.21-3.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                      |  30 MB  00:00:37     
(7/16): fuse-overlayfs-0.7.2-6.el7_8.x86_64.rpm                                                      |  54 kB  00:00:00     
(8/16): libsemanage-python-2.5-14.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                     | 113 kB  00:00:00     
(9/16): libcgroup-0.41-21.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                             |  66 kB  00:00:00     
(10/16): fuse3-libs-3.6.1-4.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                           |  82 kB  00:00:00     
(11/16): python-IPy-0.75-6.el7.noarch.rpm                                                            |  32 kB  00:00:00     
(12/16): policycoreutils-python-2.5-34.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                | 457 kB  00:00:00     
(13/16): slirp4netns-0.4.3-4.el7_8.x86_64.rpm                                                        |  81 kB  00:00:00     
(14/16): setools-libs-3.3.8-4.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                         | 620 kB  00:00:00     
(15/16): docker-ce-rootless-extras-20.10.21-3.el7.x86_64.rpm                                         | 8.5 MB  00:00:22     
(16/16): docker-scan-plugin-0.21.0-3.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                  | 3.8 MB  00:00:12     
Total                                                                                                                  1.3 MB/s |  98 MB  00:01:13     
Retrieving key from https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/gpg
Importing GPG key 0x621E9F35:
 Userid     : "Docker Release (CE rpm) <docker@docker.com>"
 Fingerprint: 060a 61c5 1b55 8a7f 742b 77aa c52f eb6b 621e 9f35
 From       : https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/gpg
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
  Installing : libcgroup-0.41-21.el7.x86_64                                                           1/16 
  Installing : setools-libs-3.3.8-4.el7.x86_64                                                        2/16 
  Installing : audit-libs-python-2.8.5-4.el7.x86_64                                                   3/16 
  Installing : slirp4netns-0.4.3-4.el7_8.x86_64                                                       4/16 
  Installing : checkpolicy-2.5-8.el7.x86_64                                                           5/16 
  Installing : python-IPy-0.75-6.el7.noarch                                                           6/16 
  Installing : docker-scan-plugin-0.21.0-3.el7.x86_64                                                 7/16 
  Installing : 1:docker-ce-cli-20.10.21-3.el7.x86_64                                                  8/16 
  Installing : fuse3-libs-3.6.1-4.el7.x86_64                                                          9/16 
  Installing : fuse-overlayfs-0.7.2-6.el7_8.x86_64                                                   10/16 
  Installing : libsemanage-python-2.5-14.el7.x86_64                                                  11/16 
  Installing : policycoreutils-python-2.5-34.el7.x86_64                                              12/16 
  Installing : 2:container-selinux-2.119.2-1.911c772.el7_8.noarch                                    13/16 
setsebool:  SELinux is disabled.
  Installing : containerd.io-1.6.9-3.1.el7.x86_64                                                    14/16 
  Installing : docker-ce-rootless-extras-20.10.21-3.el7.x86_64                                       15/16 
  Installing : 3:docker-ce-20.10.21-3.el7.x86_64                                                     16/16 
  Verifying  : libsemanage-python-2.5-14.el7.x86_64                                                   1/16 
  Verifying  : fuse3-libs-3.6.1-4.el7.x86_64                                                          2/16 
  Verifying  : 1:docker-ce-cli-20.10.21-3.el7.x86_64                                                  3/16 
  Verifying  : fuse-overlayfs-0.7.2-6.el7_8.x86_64                                                    4/16 
  Verifying  : containerd.io-1.6.9-3.1.el7.x86_64                                                     5/16 
  Verifying  : docker-scan-plugin-0.21.0-3.el7.x86_64                                                 6/16 
  Verifying  : 2:container-selinux-2.119.2-1.911c772.el7_8.noarch                                     7/16 
  Verifying  : python-IPy-0.75-6.el7.noarch                                                           8/16 
  Verifying  : checkpolicy-2.5-8.el7.x86_64                                                           9/16 
  Verifying  : slirp4netns-0.4.3-4.el7_8.x86_64                                                      10/16 
  Verifying  : policycoreutils-python-2.5-34.el7.x86_64                                              11/16 
  Verifying  : docker-ce-rootless-extras-20.10.21-3.el7.x86_64                                       12/16 
  Verifying  : audit-libs-python-2.8.5-4.el7.x86_64                                                  13/16 
  Verifying  : setools-libs-3.3.8-4.el7.x86_64                                                       14/16 
  Verifying  : 3:docker-ce-20.10.21-3.el7.x86_64                                                     15/16 
  Verifying  : libcgroup-0.41-21.el7.x86_64                                                          16/16 

  containerd.io.x86_64 0:1.6.9-3.1.el7     docker-ce.x86_64 3:20.10.21-3.el7   docker-ce-cli.x86_64 1:20.10.21-3.el7                                                                     

Dependency Installed:
  audit-libs-python.x86_64 0:2.8.5-4.el7    checkpolicy.x86_64 0:2.5-8.el7            container-selinux.noarch 2:2.119.2-1.911c772.el7_8    
  docker-ce-rootless-extras.x86_64 0:20.10.21-3.el7    docker-scan-plugin.x86_64 0:0.21.0-3.el7    
  fuse-overlayfs.x86_64 0:0.7.2-6.el7_8    fuse3-libs.x86_64 0:3.6.1-4.el7   libcgroup.x86_64 0:0.41-21.el7            
  libsemanage-python.x86_64 0:2.5-14.el7    policycoreutils-python.x86_64 0:2.5-34.el7            python-IPy.noarch 0:0.75-6.el7                       
  setools-libs.x86_64 0:3.3.8-4.el7           slirp4netns.x86_64 0:0.4.3-4.el7_8      


[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# cat /etc/group | grep docker


10.2.6. 启动Docker并验证安装成功


第一次运行时本地没有这个镜像,Docker会尝试从远程下载名为 “hello-word” 的镜像来运行。如下面命令结果所示,镜像成功运行,说明Docker以及安装成功。

# 开启docker服务
sudo systemctl start docker
# 运行 hello-world 镜像
sudo docker run hello-world


[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# systemctl start docker
[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# docker run hello-world
Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
2db29710123e: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:e18f0a777aefabe047a671ab3ec3eed05414477c951ab1a6f352a06974245fe7
Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest

Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:
 1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.
 2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.
 3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the
    executable that produces the output you are currently reading.
 4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it
    to your terminal.

To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with:
 $ docker run -it ubuntu bash

Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker ID:

For more examples and ideas, visit:

10.3. 配置Docker以在开机时启动

大部分当前Linux发行版(RHEL,CentOS,Fedora,Debian,Ubuntu 16.04 以及更高版本)用systemd来管理哪些服务在系统引导启动时自动开启。在Debian或Ubuntu上,Docker服务已经默认配置在系统引导启动时自动开启。其他发行版需要用以下命令来开启在系统引导启动时自动开启的功能:

sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo systemctl enable containerd.service


sudo systemctl disable docker.service
sudo systemctl disable containerd.service


[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# systemctl enable docker.service
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/docker.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service.
[root@VM-8-9-centos ~]# systemctl enable containerd.service
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/containerd.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/containerd.service.
  • 1
  • 2
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重装CentOS 7,您可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 首先,您需要下载CentOS 7的安装镜像。推荐使用阿里云的镜像站点,您可以访问来获取CentOS 7的镜像下载链接。请注意,这是一个国内镜像站点,下载速度更快。 2. 在安装CentOS之前,您需要先安装一个虚拟机来创建一个虚拟环境。如果您使用的是Windows系统,您可以参考中的教程来下载和安装VMware Workstation或其他虚拟机软件。 3. 安装好虚拟机后,您可以打开虚拟机软件并创建一个新的虚拟机。在创建虚拟机的过程中,您可以选择安装自定义操作系统,并选择CentOS 7的安装镜像文件作为虚拟机的安装介质。 4. 在虚拟机的设置中,您可以配置虚拟机的硬件参数,如内存、磁盘空间等。 5. 完成虚拟机的配置后,您可以启动虚拟机并开始安装CentOS 7。根据安装向导的提示,您可以选择安装语言、键盘布局等。 6. 在安装类型中,选择完全自定义安装。这样您可以灵活地选择要安装的软件包和配置。 7. 接下来,您需要分区并设置安装位置。您可以根据自己的需求进行分区和设置。 8. 配置完分区后,您可以设置网络参数、主机名、时区等。 9. 最后,您可以设置root用户密码和创建其他用户。 10. 完成安装后,您可以重启虚拟机并登录到CentOS 7系统。 通过按照以上步骤,您可以成功地重装CentOS 7操作系统。祝您成功! CentOS 7阿里云镜像站:http://mirrors.aliyun.com/centos/7/isos/x86_64/ 虚拟机VMware16 Windows系统下载安装教程:【图文教程】虚拟机VMware16 windows系统下载安装 官方下载地址:https://www.centos.org/download/


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