在 XCode 4.2 (with LLVM):里
warning: Semantic Issue: Conflicting distributed object modifiers on return type in implementation of 'release'
为了去掉警告 修改如下 :
-(oneway void) release
is used with the distributed objects API, which allows use of objective-c objects between different threads or applications. It tells the system that it should not block the calling thread until the method returns. Without it, the caller will block, even though the method's return type is void. Obviously, it is never used with anything other than void, as doing so would mean the method returns something, but the caller doesn't get it.
For more on distributed objects, seehttp://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/DistrObjects/DistrObjects.html%23//apple_ref/doc/uid/10000102i.