PHP5 Database Iterators <1>

One feature of PHP rarely seen in production code is PHP Iterators. Iterators are not unique to PHP, as Java and C++ have them, but they are a powerful mechanism to increase code usability. A very useful feature of PHP Iterators is the ability to extend them to iterate over any type of array or object. A unique implementation of PHP Iterators is to quickly and easily iterate over a result from a SQL query against a database. This provides a fast and very memory efficient implementation for loading up many objects.

Essentially, with an Iterator, you can use the foreach() loop as opposed the while() loop to load objects. Adding to their power, at each iteration, you can have the iterator load up additional data or do any side processing automatically.

Setting Up The Database Environment

You will need to set your environment up for this article to work properly. First, create a new database, `iterator_test` with two tables, `user` and `user_comment`:

CREATE DATABASE `iterator_test` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
    `email_address` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
    `firstname` VARCHAR( 64 ) NOT NULL ,
    `lastname` VARCHAR( 64 ) NOT NULL ,
    `age` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE `user_comment` (
    `from_id` SMALLINT( 3 ) NOT NULL ,
    `to_id` SMALLINT( 3 ) NOT NULL ,
    `comment` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL
INSERT INTO `user` (`id`, `email_address`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `age`)
  (1, '', 'vic', 'cherubini', 25),
  (2, '', 'joe', 'perry', 43);
INSERT INTO `user_comment` (`id`, `from_id`, `to_id`, `comment`)
  (1, 1, 2, 'this is a comment'),
  (2, 1, 2, 'this is also a comment!'),
  (3, 2, 1, 'howdy, thanks for contacting me!');

The table `user_comment` will hold a list of comments `from_id` makes to `to_id`. These both point to the `id` field of the `user` table.

Classes and Models

Two classes are needed to manage User’s and User_Comment’s. They will both extend from a base class, Model, that defines some common methods and variables between them.

 * The abstract Model class that is the base for all other classes
 * that interact with a datastore.
 * @author vmc <>
abstract class Model {
  ///< The ID of the object from the datastore.
  protected $_id = 0;
  ///< The data as a key-value array of the object.
  protected $_model = array();
   * The default constructor of the object.
   * @author vmc <>
   * @param $object_id The optional ID to load from the datastore.
   * @retval Object Returns a new Model object.
  public function __construct($object_id=0) {
   * Destructor.
   * @author vmc <>
   * @retval NULL Returns NULL.
  public function __destruct() {
    $this->_model = array();
   * The magic method to get an element from the $_model array.
   * @author vmc <>
   * @param $name The name of the element to get.
   * @retval mixed Returns the value from the model, NULL if not found.
  public function __get($name) {
    if ( true === isset($this->_model[$name]) ) {
      return $this->_model[$name];
    return NULL;
   * Sets a value in the model.
   * @author vmc <>
   * @param $name The name of the key to set.
   * @param $v The value of the key to set.
   * @retval bool Returns true.
  public function __set($name, $v) {
    $this->_model[$name] = $v;
    return true;
   * Returns the ID of the object.
   * @author vmc <>
   * @retval int Returns the ID of the object.
  public function getId() {
    return $this->_id;
   * Returns an array of elements from the model. By default, returns
   * all of them, however, the inclusion or exclusion of them can be defined.
   * @author vmc <>
   * @param $list An option array of elements to include or exclude from the result.
   * @param $ignore False to include the elements, true to include them.
   * @retval Object Returns a new Model object.
  public function getArray($list=array(), $ignore=false) {
    $return = $this->_model;
    if ( count($list) > 0 ) {
      if ( false === $ignore ) {
        $return = array_intersect_key($this->_model, asfw_make_values_keys($list));
      } else {
        foreach ( $list as $v ) {
    return $return;
   * Sets all of the model data from an array. If 'id' is a field
   * of the array, it is extracted out first, and set as the $_id.
   * @author vmc <>
   * @param $obj The object to load from.
   * @retval Object Returns $this for chaining.
  public function loadFromArray($obj) {
    $this->_id = 0;
    if ( true === isset($obj['id']) ) {
      $this->_id = $obj['id'];
    $this->_model = (array)$obj;
    return $this;
   * Writes all of the data to the datastore. If the object is already loaded,
   * ie, the ID is greater than 0, the data is updated, otherwise, it is inserted.
   * @author vmc <>
   * @retval Object Returns a new Model object.
  public function write() {
    if ( $this->_id > 0 ) {
    } else {
    return $this->_id;
   * Loads all of the data from the datastore for this model object.
   * @author vmc <>
   * @param $object_id The ID of the model to load.
   * @retval int Returns the ID of the loaded model.
  protected function _load($object_id) {
    $table_name = strtolower(get_class($this));
    $object_id = intval($object_id);
    if ( $object_id > 0 ) {
      $result_model = LN::getDb()->select()
        ->where('id = ?', $object_id)
      if ( 1 == $result_model->numRows() ) {
        $model = $result_model->fetch();
        $this->_model = $model;
        $this->_id = $object_id;
    return $this->_id;
   * Inserts the new model data into the datastore.
   * @author vmc <>
   * @retval int Returns the ID of the new model.
  protected function _insert() {
    return $this->_id;
   * Updates the model data into the datastore.
   * @author vmc <>
   * @retval int Returns the ID of the new model.
  protected function _update() {
      ->where('id = ?', $this->_id)
    return $this->_id;

Fortunately, the Model object takes care of most of the methods and variables for User and User_Comment. The User class needs a simple way to get a list of comments quickly, in which the getCommentList() works well. The optional argument to the method allows the programmer to override the Lazy Loading method and to force it to always load from the database.

 * Basic User class for handling users.
 * @author vmc <>
class User extends Model {
  ///< The Db_Iterator object of comments.
  private $_commentList = NULL;
   * Returns a list of comments that the user has made.
   * @author vmc <>
   * @param $force Optional variable to force loading of the comment list even if not null.
   * @return Object Returns Db_Iterator object to cycle through the results.
  public function getCommentList($force=false) {
    if ( NULL == $this->_commentList || true === $force ) {
      $result_comment = LN::getDb()->select()
        ->where('from_id = ?', $this->_id)
      $this->_commentList = new Db_Iterator($result_comment, new User_Comment());
       * Calling $result_comment->free() here will cause the application to break
       * because the variables are copy-on-write. Because nothing was written,
       * the $result_comment variable in the iterator will be freed, and no results
       * can be fetched.
       * $result_comment->free();
       * However, if you had an unset($result_comment), it will only unset this
       * locally scoped variable and not the variable in the iterator because the
       * variable in the iterator will be considered written to, and thus, copied
       * to a new memory location. You'll see the memory go up slightly if you
       * add the unset() because of the copy-on-write.
       * unset($result_comment);
    return $this->_commentList;
 * Basic User class for handling users.
 * @author vmc <>
class User_Comment extends Model {
   * Allows the object to be printed directly.
   * @author vmc <>
   * @return string Returns a string representation of the object.
  public function __toString() {
    $str  = 'User #' . $this->_model['from_id'] . ' made the comment, "';
    $str .= $this->_model['comment'] . '", to User #' . $this->_model['to_id'] . '.';
    return $str;

Because User_Comment has no dependencies, it remains a nearly empty class. A single __toString() method was added to allow easy object display. User, however, needs to load up a list of User_Comment objects. It is at this point where this implementation becomes very memory efficient. Over the course of a User’s existence on a website, they could create hundreds or thousands of comments. Loading all of these up at a single time as an array of objects is very inefficient. The initial loop must iterate through each result to build the array. This array would be very large and take up unnecessary memory. A much better implementation is to store a pointer to the initial result set and only loop through the comments when necessary.





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