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原创 A good editor
A good editorWhat kind of editors is an excellent editor? Let me tell you a story about an excellent editor. Currently, Rails is very popular. Many developers who were actually engaging in Jav
2007-01-25 19:16:00 1076
翻译 Publisher and printer
Publisher and printer ——Let’s talk about editorial.I’ve been mulling over this question for awhile. Sure, it’s come up over the years — when I’ve had authors ask questions that suggest that they
2007-01-21 19:23:00 1204
原创 Searching Skills of Google Group
Searching Skills of Google GroupGoogle mentioned, we may think of a lot of things. The share spirit of Google brings a lot of good products to us. However, in all the Google’s products, no one can b
2007-01-19 19:15:00 1049
原创 Success needs perseverance
Success needs perseveranceI remember that the founder of Crazy English Li Yang had sad that the population is large but rarely successful. Why? Because of few people in the world are really in p
2007-01-05 13:09:00 1730
原创 Earnestly fulfill the promise
Earnestly fulfill the promiseLast Wednesday, I went to study dance in Broadview headquarters. The dance started at 4:00 , I arrived there at 3:45. Just arrived there, Snake one of my colleagues who
2006-12-26 18:56:00 1020
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