SSLSocket passphrase/password in Python

I've been looking into making an iOS push notification service for one of my apps lately. It has a Python 2.7 backend so I wanted to do it in Python rather than PHP (or anything else).

I've got code that sends a notification and the device receives it, however every time I run the code it asks me to manually enter a 'pass phrase' for the PEM file.

This is not ideal, as I want this to be all automated on the server, when it needs to send a notification, it should just send it. I can't find anything in the docs for Python 2.7 that allow me to automatically set the pass phrase from a variable when connecting.

If anyone knows how to do this in Python 2.7 or any other ideas I would be really grateful.

Here's a snippet of code:

certfile = 'devPEM.pem'
apns_address = ('', 2195)

s = socket.socket()
sock = ssl.wrap_socket(s, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3, certfile=certfile)

Thanks in advance.

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When you generated the .pem certificate... Did you give it a password? Because if so, that's probably what it's asking you about –   BorrajaX  Dec 3 '12 at 17:46 
@BorrajaX Yeah I did and I know what the password is. Should you be able to create the .pem without a password because I thought it wouldn't let me make it without it? –   Baza207  Dec 3 '12 at 18:13
yeah, I don't know how it is done in iOS, but you should be able to give it a blank password (just press enter when prompted for it). Let me know if it works :-) –   BorrajaX  Dec 3 '12 at 18:34 
So creating it through the terminal on a mac it asks for the password to be min 4 char. I managed to remove the password from the cert with <code>openssl rsa -in privateKey.pem -out newPrivateKey.pem<code> . That seams to work but it takes ages to produce a notification on a device. :( –   Baza207  Dec 3 '12 at 20:50
Strike that, the first one seemed to be a fluke. Later ones are practically instant. :D –   Baza207  Dec 3 '12 at 20:56

1 Answer

up vote 10 down vote accepted

So the answer as BorrajaX suggested was to not set a password for the key when prompted. However this is not possible as (at least on my Mac) wants the password to be a minimum 4 characters.

The steps to fix this are:

  • Take your .p12 and convert it to a .pem with openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -out PushKey.pem -in PushKey.cer,

  • When prompted add a password,

  • Then run openssl rsa -in PushKey.pem -out newPushKey.pem which will remove the password,

  • Create the vert .pem with openssl x509 -in aps_developer_identity.cer -inform der -out PushCert.pem,

  • Merge them with cat PushCert.pem newPushKey.pem > push.pem.

The push.pem file then works with the code above without getting prompted for a password/pass phrase.

This is a useful website where I found the code for removing the password from the .pem file:

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It's help me to solve the pass phase problem –   Danyun  Mar 11 '13 at 15:43
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