

 * EasyX Library for C++ (Ver:20200902)
 * https://easyx.cn
 * graphics.h
 *		Based on easyx.h and retaining several old API.

#pragma once

#include <easyx.h>

// 兼容 initgraph 绘图模式的宏定义(无实际意义)
#define DETECT	0
#define VGA		0
#define	VGALO	0
#define VGAMED	0
#define VGAHI	0
#define CGA		0
#define	CGAC0	0
#define	CGAC1	0
#define CGAC2	0
#define CGAC3	0
#define CGAHI	0
#define EGA		0
#define EGALO	0
#define	EGAHI	0

// 绘图窗口初始化参数(已废弃,请使用新的宏定义)
#define SHOWCONSOLE		1		// 创建图形窗口时,保留控制台的显示
#define NOCLOSE			2		// 没有关闭功能
#define NOMINIMIZE		4		// 没有最小化功能

// BGI 格式的初始化图形设备,默认 640 x 480
HWND initgraph(int* gdriver, int* gmode, char* path);

void bar(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);		// 画无边框填充矩形
void bar3d(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int depth, bool topflag);	// 画有边框三维填充矩形

void drawpoly(int numpoints, const int *polypoints);	// 画多边形
void fillpoly(int numpoints, const int *polypoints);	// 画填充的多边形

int getmaxx();					// 获取最大的宽度值
int getmaxy();					// 获取最大的高度值

COLORREF getcolor();			// 获取当前绘图前景色
void setcolor(COLORREF color);	// 设置当前绘图前景色

void setwritemode(int mode);	// 设置前景的二元光栅操作模式

// 以下函数仅为兼容早期 EasyX 的接口,不建议使用。请使用相关新函数替换。

#if _MSC_VER > 1200
	#define _EASYX_DEPRECATE(_NewFunc) __declspec(deprecated("This function is deprecated. Instead, use this new function: " #_NewFunc ". See https://docs.easyx.cn/#" #_NewFunc " for details."))
	#define _EASYX_DEPRECATE_OVERLOAD(_Func) __declspec(deprecated("This overload is deprecated. See https://docs.easyx.cn/#" #_Func " for details."))
	#define _EASYX_DEPRECATE(_NewFunc)

// 设置当前字体样式(该函数已不再使用,请使用 settextstyle 代替)
//		nHeight: 字符的平均高度;
//		nWidth: 字符的平均宽度(0 表示自适应);
//		lpszFace: 字体名称;
//		nEscapement: 字符串的书写角度(单位 0.1 度);
//		nOrientation: 每个字符的书写角度(单位 0.1 度);
//		nWeight: 字符的笔画粗细(0 表示默认粗细);
//		bItalic: 是否斜体;
//		bUnderline: 是否下划线;
//		bStrikeOut: 是否删除线;
//		fbCharSet: 指定字符集;
//		fbOutPrecision: 指定文字的输出精度;
//		fbClipPrecision: 指定文字的剪辑精度;
//		fbQuality: 指定文字的输出质量;
//		fbPitchAndFamily: 指定以常规方式描述字体的字体系列。
_EASYX_DEPRECATE(settextstyle) void setfont(int nHeight, int nWidth, LPCTSTR lpszFace);
_EASYX_DEPRECATE(settextstyle) void setfont(int nHeight, int nWidth, LPCTSTR lpszFace, int nEscapement, int nOrientation, int nWeight, bool bItalic, bool bUnderline, bool bStrikeOut);
_EASYX_DEPRECATE(settextstyle) void setfont(int nHeight, int nWidth, LPCTSTR lpszFace, int nEscapement, int nOrientation, int nWeight, bool bItalic, bool bUnderline, bool bStrikeOut, BYTE fbCharSet, BYTE fbOutPrecision, BYTE fbClipPrecision, BYTE fbQuality, BYTE fbPitchAndFamily);
_EASYX_DEPRECATE(settextstyle) void setfont(const LOGFONT *font);	// 设置当前字体样式
_EASYX_DEPRECATE(gettextstyle) void getfont(LOGFONT *font);			// 获取当前字体样式

// 以下填充样式不再使用,新的填充样式请参见帮助文件
// 普通一组
#define CROSS_FILL			BS_HATCHED, HS_CROSS						// +++ 填充
#define DIAGCROSS_FILL		BS_HATCHED, HS_DIAGCROSS					// xxx 填充 (heavy cross hatch fill) (对应 BGI 的 XHTACH_FILL)
#define DOT_FILL			(BYTE*)"\x80\x00\x08\x00\x80\x00\x08\x00"	// xxx 填充 (对应 BGI 的 WIDE_DOT_FILL)	
// 密集一组
#define BDIAGONAL2_FILL		(BYTE*)"\x44\x88\x11\x22\x44\x88\x11\x22"
#define CROSS2_FILL			(BYTE*)"\xff\x11\x11\x11\xff\x11\x11\x11"	// (对应 BGI 的 fill HATCH_FILL)
#define DIAGCROSS2_FILL		(BYTE*)"\x55\x88\x55\x22\x55\x88\x55\x22"
#define DOT2_FILL			(BYTE*)"\x88\x00\x22\x00\x88\x00\x22\x00"	// (对应 BGI 的 CLOSE_DOT_FILL)
#define FDIAGONAL2_FILL		(BYTE*)"\x22\x11\x88\x44\x22\x11\x88\x44"
#define HORIZONTAL2_FILL	(BYTE*)"\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00"
#define VERTICAL2_FILL		(BYTE*)"\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11"
// 粗线一组
#define BDIAGONAL3_FILL		(BYTE*)"\xe0\xc1\x83\x07\x0e\x1c\x38\x70"	// (对应 BGI 的 SLASH_FILL)
#define CROSS3_FILL			(BYTE*)"\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\xff\xff"
#define DIAGCROSS3_FILL		(BYTE*)"\xc7\x83\xc7\xee\x7c\x38\x7c\xee"
#define DOT3_FILL			(BYTE*)"\xc0\xc0\x0c\x0c\xc0\xc0\x0c\x0c"
#define FDIAGONAL3_FILL		(BYTE*)"\x07\x83\xc1\xe0\x70\x38\x1c\x0e"
#define HORIZONTAL3_FILL	(BYTE*)"\xff\xff\x00\x00\xff\xff\x00\x00"	// (对应 BGI 的 LINE_FILL)	
#define VERTICAL3_FILL		(BYTE*)"\x33\x33\x33\x33\x33\x33\x33\x33"
// 其它
#define INTERLEAVE_FILL		(BYTE*)"\xcc\x33\xcc\x33\xcc\x33\xcc\x33"	// (对应 BGI 的 INTERLEAVE_FILL)


 * EasyX Library for C++ (Ver:20200902)
 * https://easyx.cn
 * EasyX.h
 *		Provides the latest API.

#pragma once

#ifndef WINVER
#define WINVER 0x0400			// Specifies that the minimum required platform is Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0.

#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500		// Specifies that the minimum required platform is Windows 2000.

#ifndef _WIN32_WINDOWS
#define _WIN32_WINDOWS 0x0410	// Specifies that the minimum required platform is Windows 98.

#ifdef UNICODE
	#pragma comment(lib,"EasyXw.lib")
	#pragma comment(lib,"EasyXa.lib")

#ifndef __cplusplus
#error EasyX is only for C++

#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>

// EasyX Window Properties
#define EW_SHOWCONSOLE		1		// Show console window
#define EW_NOCLOSE			2		// Disable the close button
#define EW_NOMINIMIZE		4		// Disable the minimize button
#define EW_DBLCLKS			8		// Support double-click events

// 颜色
#define	BLACK			0
#define	BLUE			0xAA0000
#define	GREEN			0x00AA00
#define	CYAN			0xAAAA00
#define	RED				0x0000AA
#define	MAGENTA			0xAA00AA
#define	BROWN			0x0055AA
#define	DARKGRAY		0x555555
#define	LIGHTBLUE		0xFF5555
#define	LIGHTGREEN		0x55FF55
#define	LIGHTCYAN		0xFFFF55
#define	LIGHTRED		0x5555FF
#define	YELLOW			0x55FFFF
#define	WHITE			0xFFFFFF

// 定义颜色转换宏
#define BGR(color)	( (((color) & 0xFF) << 16) | ((color) & 0xFF00FF00) | (((color) & 0xFF0000) >> 16) )

class IMAGE;

// 定义线的样式
	LINESTYLE& operator = (const LINESTYLE &style);			// 赋值运算符重载函数
	virtual ~LINESTYLE();

	DWORD	style;
	DWORD	thickness;
	DWORD	*puserstyle;
	DWORD	userstylecount;

	FILLSTYLE& operator = (const FILLSTYLE &style);			// 赋值运算符重载函数
	virtual ~FILLSTYLE();

	int			style;			// 填充形式
	long		hatch;			// 填充图案样式
	IMAGE*		ppattern;		// 填充图像

// 定义图像对象
class IMAGE
	int getwidth() const;	// 获取对象的宽度
	int getheight() const;	// 获取对象的高度

	int width, height;		// 对象的宽高
	HBITMAP m_hBmp;
	HDC m_hMemDC;
	int m_MemCurX;			// 当前点X坐标
	int m_MemCurY;			// 当前点Y坐标
	float m_data[6];
	COLORREF	m_LineColor;		// 当前线条颜色
	COLORREF	m_FillColor;		// 当前填充颜色
	COLORREF	m_TextColor;		// 当前文字颜色
	COLORREF	m_BkColor;			// 当前背景颜色
	DWORD*		m_pBuffer;			// 绘图区的内存

	LINESTYLE	m_LineStyle;		// 画线样式
	FILLSTYLE	m_FillStyle;		// 填充样式

	virtual void SetDefault();						// 设置为默认状态

	IMAGE(int _width = 0, int _height = 0);			// 创建图像
	IMAGE(const IMAGE &img);						// 拷贝构造函数
	IMAGE& operator = (const IMAGE &img);			// 赋值运算符重载函数
	virtual ~IMAGE();
	virtual void Resize(int _width, int _height);	// 调整尺寸

// 绘图模式相关函数

HWND initgraph(int width, int height, int flag = NULL);	// 初始化图形环境
void closegraph();										// 关闭图形环境

// 绘图环境设置

void cleardevice();					// 清屏
void setcliprgn(HRGN hrgn);			// 设置当前绘图设备的裁剪区
void clearcliprgn();				// 清除裁剪区的屏幕内容

void getlinestyle(LINESTYLE* pstyle);						// 获取当前画线样式
void setlinestyle(const LINESTYLE* pstyle);					// 设置当前画线样式
void setlinestyle(int style, int thickness = 1, const DWORD *puserstyle = NULL, DWORD userstylecount = 0);	// 设置当前画线样式
void getfillstyle(FILLSTYLE* pstyle);						// 获取当前填充样式
void setfillstyle(const FILLSTYLE* pstyle);					// 设置当前填充样式
void setfillstyle(int style, long hatch = NULL, IMAGE* ppattern = NULL);		// 设置当前填充样式
void setfillstyle(BYTE* ppattern8x8);						// 设置当前填充样式

void setorigin(int x, int y);							// 设置坐标原点
void getaspectratio(float *pxasp, float *pyasp);		// 获取当前缩放因子
void setaspectratio(float xasp, float yasp);			// 设置当前缩放因子

int  getrop2();						// 获取前景的二元光栅操作模式
void setrop2(int mode);				// 设置前景的二元光栅操作模式
int  getpolyfillmode();				// 获取多边形填充模式
void setpolyfillmode(int mode);		// 设置多边形填充模式

void graphdefaults();				// 重置所有绘图设置为默认值

COLORREF getlinecolor();			// 获取当前线条颜色
void setlinecolor(COLORREF color);	// 设置当前线条颜色
COLORREF gettextcolor();			// 获取当前文字颜色
void settextcolor(COLORREF color);	// 设置当前文字颜色
COLORREF getfillcolor();			// 获取当前填充颜色
void setfillcolor(COLORREF color);	// 设置当前填充颜色
COLORREF getbkcolor();				// 获取当前绘图背景色
void setbkcolor(COLORREF color);	// 设置当前绘图背景色
int  getbkmode();					// 获取背景混合模式
void setbkmode(int mode);			// 设置背景混合模式

// 颜色模型转换函数
void RGBtoHSL(COLORREF rgb, float *H, float *S, float *L);
void RGBtoHSV(COLORREF rgb, float *H, float *S, float *V);
COLORREF HSLtoRGB(float H, float S, float L);
COLORREF HSVtoRGB(float H, float S, float V);

// 绘图函数

COLORREF getpixel(int x, int y);				// 获取点的颜色
void putpixel(int x, int y, COLORREF color);	// 画点

void moveto(int x, int y);						// 移动当前点(绝对坐标)
void moverel(int dx, int dy);					// 移动当前点(相对坐标)

void line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);		// 画线
void linerel(int dx, int dy);					// 画线(至相对坐标)
void lineto(int x, int y);						// 画线(至绝对坐标)

void rectangle	   (int left, int top, int right, int bottom);	// 画矩形
void fillrectangle (int left, int top, int right, int bottom);	// 画填充矩形(有边框)
void solidrectangle(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);	// 画填充矩形(无边框)
void clearrectangle(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);	// 清空矩形区域

void circle		(int x, int y, int radius);		// 画圆
void fillcircle (int x, int y, int radius);		// 画填充圆(有边框)
void solidcircle(int x, int y, int radius);		// 画填充圆(无边框)
void clearcircle(int x, int y, int radius);		// 清空圆形区域

void ellipse	 (int left, int top, int right, int bottom);	// 画椭圆
void fillellipse (int left, int top, int right, int bottom);	// 画填充椭圆(有边框)
void solidellipse(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);	// 画填充椭圆(无边框)
void clearellipse(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);	// 清空椭圆形区域

void roundrect	   (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int ellipsewidth, int ellipseheight);		// 画圆角矩形
void fillroundrect (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int ellipsewidth, int ellipseheight);		// 画填充圆角矩形(有边框)
void solidroundrect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int ellipsewidth, int ellipseheight);		// 画填充圆角矩形(无边框)
void clearroundrect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int ellipsewidth, int ellipseheight);		// 清空圆角矩形区域

void arc	 (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, double stangle, double endangle);	// 画椭圆弧(起始角度和终止角度为弧度制)
void pie	 (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, double stangle, double endangle);	// 画椭圆扇形(起始角度和终止角度为弧度制)
void fillpie (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, double stangle, double endangle);	// 画填充椭圆扇形(有边框)
void solidpie(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, double stangle, double endangle);	// 画填充椭圆扇形(无边框)
void clearpie(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, double stangle, double endangle);	// 清空椭圆扇形区域

void polyline	 (const POINT *points, int num);								// 画多条连续的线
void polygon	 (const POINT *points, int num);								// 画多边形
void fillpolygon (const POINT *points, int num);								// 画填充的多边形(有边框)
void solidpolygon(const POINT *points, int num);								// 画填充的多边形(无边框)
void clearpolygon(const POINT *points, int num);								// 清空多边形区域

void polybezier(const POINT *points, int num);									// 画贝塞尔曲线
void floodfill(int x, int y, COLORREF color, int filltype = FLOODFILLBORDER);	// 填充区域

// 文字相关函数

void outtext(LPCTSTR str);					// 在当前位置输出字符串
void outtext(TCHAR c);						// 在当前位置输出字符
void outtextxy(int x, int y, LPCTSTR str);	// 在指定位置输出字符串
void outtextxy(int x, int y, TCHAR c);		// 在指定位置输出字符
int textwidth(LPCTSTR str);					// 获取字符串占用的像素宽
int textwidth(TCHAR c);						// 获取字符占用的像素宽
int textheight(LPCTSTR str);				// 获取字符串占用的像素高
int textheight(TCHAR c);					// 获取字符占用的像素高
int drawtext(LPCTSTR str, RECT* pRect, UINT uFormat);	// 在指定区域内以指定格式输出字符串
int drawtext(TCHAR c, RECT* pRect, UINT uFormat);		// 在指定区域内以指定格式输出字符

// 设置当前字体样式(详见帮助)
//		nHeight: 字符的平均高度;
//		nWidth: 字符的平均宽度(0 表示自适应);
//		lpszFace: 字体名称;
//		nEscapement: 字符串的书写角度(单位 0.1 度);
//		nOrientation: 每个字符的书写角度(单位 0.1 度);
//		nWeight: 字符的笔画粗细(0 表示默认粗细);
//		bItalic: 是否斜体;
//		bUnderline: 是否下划线;
//		bStrikeOut: 是否删除线;
//		fbCharSet: 指定字符集;
//		fbOutPrecision: 指定文字的输出精度;
//		fbClipPrecision: 指定文字的剪辑精度;
//		fbQuality: 指定文字的输出质量;
//		fbPitchAndFamily: 指定以常规方式描述字体的字体系列。
void settextstyle(int nHeight, int nWidth, LPCTSTR lpszFace);
void settextstyle(int nHeight, int nWidth, LPCTSTR lpszFace, int nEscapement, int nOrientation, int nWeight, bool bItalic, bool bUnderline, bool bStrikeOut);
void settextstyle(int nHeight, int nWidth, LPCTSTR lpszFace, int nEscapement, int nOrientation, int nWeight, bool bItalic, bool bUnderline, bool bStrikeOut, BYTE fbCharSet, BYTE fbOutPrecision, BYTE fbClipPrecision, BYTE fbQuality, BYTE fbPitchAndFamily);
void settextstyle(const LOGFONT *font);	// 设置当前字体样式
void gettextstyle(LOGFONT *font);		// 获取当前字体样式

// 图像处理函数
void loadimage(IMAGE *pDstImg, LPCTSTR pImgFile, int nWidth = 0, int nHeight = 0, bool bResize = false);					// 从图片文件获取图像(bmp/gif/jpg/png/tif/emf/wmf/ico)
void loadimage(IMAGE *pDstImg, LPCTSTR pResType, LPCTSTR pResName, int nWidth = 0, int nHeight = 0, bool bResize = false);	// 从资源文件获取图像(bmp/gif/jpg/png/tif/emf/wmf/ico)
void saveimage(LPCTSTR pImgFile, IMAGE* pImg = NULL);																		// 保存图像(bmp/gif/jpg/png/tif)
void getimage(IMAGE *pDstImg, int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight);												// 从当前绘图设备获取图像
void putimage(int dstX, int dstY, const IMAGE *pSrcImg, DWORD dwRop = SRCCOPY);												// 绘制图像到屏幕
void putimage(int dstX, int dstY, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, const IMAGE *pSrcImg, int srcX, int srcY, DWORD dwRop = SRCCOPY);		// 绘制图像到屏幕(指定宽高)
void rotateimage(IMAGE *dstimg, IMAGE *srcimg, double radian, COLORREF bkcolor = BLACK, bool autosize = false, bool highquality = true);// 旋转图像
void Resize(IMAGE* pImg, int width, int height);	// 调整绘图设备的大小
DWORD* GetImageBuffer(IMAGE* pImg = NULL);			// 获取绘图设备的显存指针
IMAGE* GetWorkingImage();							// 获取当前绘图设备
void SetWorkingImage(IMAGE* pImg = NULL);			// 设置当前绘图设备
HDC GetImageHDC(IMAGE* pImg = NULL);				// 获取绘图设备句柄(HDC)

// 其它函数

int	getwidth();			// 获取绘图区宽度
int	getheight();		// 获取绘图区高度
int	getx();				// 获取当前 x 坐标
int	gety();				// 获取当前 y 坐标

void BeginBatchDraw();	// 开始批量绘制
void FlushBatchDraw();	// 执行未完成的绘制任务
void FlushBatchDraw(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);	// 执行指定区域内未完成的绘制任务
void EndBatchDraw();	// 结束批量绘制,并执行未完成的绘制任务
void EndBatchDraw(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);	// 结束批量绘制,并执行指定区域内未完成的绘制任务

HWND GetHWnd();								// 获取绘图窗口句柄(HWND)
TCHAR* GetEasyXVer();						// 获取 EasyX 当前版本

// 获取用户输入
bool InputBox(LPTSTR pString, int nMaxCount, LPCTSTR pPrompt = NULL, LPCTSTR pTitle = NULL, LPCTSTR pDefault = NULL, int width = 0, int height = 0, bool bOnlyOK = true);

// 鼠标消息
// 支持如下消息:
//		WM_MOUSEMOVE		鼠标移动
//		WM_MOUSEWHEEL		鼠标滚轮拨动
//		WM_LBUTTONUP		左键弹起
//		WM_MBUTTONUP		中键弹起
//		WM_RBUTTONUP		右键弹起
	UINT uMsg;				// 当前鼠标消息
	bool mkCtrl;			// Ctrl 键是否按下
	bool mkShift;			// Shift 键是否按下
	bool mkLButton;			// 鼠标左键是否按下
	bool mkMButton;			// 鼠标中键是否按下
	bool mkRButton;			// 鼠标右键是否按下
	short x;				// 当前鼠标 x 坐标
	short y;				// 当前鼠标 y 坐标
	short wheel;			// 鼠标滚轮滚动值 (120 的倍数)

bool MouseHit();			// 检查是否存在鼠标消息
MOUSEMSG GetMouseMsg();		// 获取一个鼠标消息。如果没有,就等待
bool PeekMouseMsg(MOUSEMSG *pMsg, bool bRemoveMsg = true);	// 获取一个鼠标消息,并立即返回
void FlushMouseMsgBuffer();	// 清空鼠标消息缓冲区


*tchar.h - definitions for generic international text functions
*       Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
*       Definitions for generic international functions, mostly defines
*       which map string/formatted-io/ctype functions to char, wchar_t, or
*       MBCS versions.  To be used for compatibility between single-byte,
*       multi-byte and Unicode text models.
*       [Public]

#pragma once

#include <corecrt.h>

#ifndef _INC_TCHAR // include guard for 3rd party interop
#define _INC_TCHAR

#pragma warning(disable:4514)       /* disable unwanted C++ /W4 warning */
/* #pragma warning(default:4514) */ /* use this to reenable, if necessary */

#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4995) /* C4995: name was marked as #pragma deprecated */

/* Notes */

/* There is no:
 *      _tcscat_l
 *      _tcscpy_l
 * because mbscat and mbscpy just behave like strcat and strcpy,
 * so no special locale-specific behavior is needed.

/* Functions like:
 *      _strncat_l
 *      _strncat_s_l
 * are only available if ANSI is defined (i.e. no _UNICODE nor _MBCS),
 * because these functions are only accessible through the _tcs macros.

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif  /* __cplusplus */

Long ago, these f prefix text functions referred to handling of text in segmented architectures. Ever since the move
to Win32 they have been obsolete names, but we kept them around as aliases. Now that we have a deprecation
mechanism we can warn about them. You should switch to the identical function without the f prefix.
#pragma deprecated("_ftcscat")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcschr")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcscpy")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcscspn")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcslen")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsncat")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsncpy")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcspbrk")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsrchr")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsspn")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsstr")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcstok")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsdup")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsnset")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsrev")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsset")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcscmp")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsicmp")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsnccmp")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsncmp")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsncicmp")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsnicmp")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcscoll")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsicoll")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsnccoll")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsncoll")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsncicoll")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsnicoll")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsclen")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsnccat")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsnccpy")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsncset")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsdec")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsinc")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsnbcnt")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsnccnt")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsnextc")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsninc")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsspnp")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcslwr")
#pragma deprecated("_ftcsupr")
#pragma deprecated("_ftclen")
#pragma deprecated("_ftccpy")
#pragma deprecated("_ftccmp")

#define _ftcscat    _tcscat
#define _ftcschr    _tcschr
#define _ftcscpy    _tcscpy
#define _ftcscspn   _tcscspn
#define _ftcslen    _tcslen
#define _ftcsncat   _tcsncat
#define _ftcsncpy   _tcsncpy
#define _ftcspbrk   _tcspbrk
#define _ftcsrchr   _tcsrchr
#define _ftcsspn    _tcsspn
#define _ftcsstr    _tcsstr
#define _ftcstok    _tcstok

#define _ftcsdup    _tcsdup
#define _ftcsnset   _tcsnset
#define _ftcsrev    _tcsrev
#define _ftcsset    _tcsset

#define _ftcscmp      _tcscmp
#define _ftcsicmp     _tcsicmp
#define _ftcsnccmp    _tcsnccmp
#define _ftcsncmp     _tcsncmp
#define _ftcsncicmp   _tcsncicmp
#define _ftcsnicmp    _tcsnicmp

#define _ftcscoll     _tcscoll
#define _ftcsicoll    _tcsicoll
#define _ftcsnccoll   _tcsnccoll
#define _ftcsncoll    _tcsncoll
#define _ftcsncicoll  _tcsncicoll
#define _ftcsnicoll   _tcsnicoll

/* Redundant "logical-character" mappings */

#define _ftcsclen   _tcsclen
#define _ftcsnccat  _tcsnccat
#define _ftcsnccpy  _tcsnccpy
#define _ftcsncset  _tcsncset

#define _ftcsdec    _tcsdec
#define _ftcsinc    _tcsinc
#define _ftcsnbcnt  _tcsnbcnt
#define _ftcsnccnt  _tcsnccnt
#define _ftcsnextc  _tcsnextc
#define _ftcsninc   _tcsninc
#define _ftcsspnp   _tcsspnp

#define _ftcslwr    _tcslwr
#define _ftcsupr    _tcsupr

#define _ftclen     _tclen
#define _ftccpy     _tccpy
#define _ftccmp     _tccmp

#ifdef _UNICODE

#ifdef __cplusplus
}   /* ... extern "C" */
#endif  /* __cplusplus */

/* ++++++++++++++++++++ UNICODE ++++++++++++++++++++ */

#include <wchar.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif  /* __cplusplus */

typedef wchar_t     _TCHAR;
typedef wchar_t     _TSCHAR;
typedef wchar_t     _TUCHAR;
typedef wchar_t     _TXCHAR;
typedef wint_t      _TINT;
#endif  /* __TCHAR_DEFINED */

typedef wchar_t     TCHAR;
typedef wchar_t *   PTCHAR;
typedef wchar_t     TBYTE;
typedef wchar_t *   PTBYTE;
#endif  /* _TCHAR_DEFINED */

#define _TEOF       WEOF

#define __T(x)      L ## x

/* Program */

#define _tmain      wmain
#define _tWinMain   wWinMain
#define _tenviron   _wenviron
#define __targv     __wargv

/* Formatted i/o */

#define _tprintf        wprintf
#define _tprintf_l      _wprintf_l
#define _tprintf_s      wprintf_s
#define _tprintf_s_l    _wprintf_s_l
#define _tprintf_p      _wprintf_p
#define _tprintf_p_l    _wprintf_p_l
#define _tcprintf       _cwprintf
#define _tcprintf_l     _cwprintf_l
#define _tcprintf_s     _cwprintf_s
#define _tcprintf_s_l   _cwprintf_s_l
#define _tcprintf_p     _cwprintf_p
#define _tcprintf_p_l   _cwprintf_p_l
#define _vtcprintf      _vcwprintf
#define _vtcprintf_l    _vcwprintf_l
#define _vtcprintf_s    _vcwprintf_s
#define _vtcprintf_s_l  _vcwprintf_s_l
#define _vtcprintf_p    _vcwprintf_p
#define _vtcprintf_p_l  _vcwprintf_p_l
#define _ftprintf       fwprintf
#define _ftprintf_l     _fwprintf_l
#define _ftprintf_s     fwprintf_s
#define _ftprintf_s_l   _fwprintf_s_l
#define _ftprintf_p     _fwprintf_p
#define _ftprintf_p_l   _fwprintf_p_l
#define _stprintf       _swprintf
#define _stprintf_l     __swprintf_l
#define _stprintf_s     swprintf_s
#define _stprintf_s_l   _swprintf_s_l
#define _stprintf_p     _swprintf_p
#define _stprintf_p_l   _swprintf_p_l
#define _sctprintf      _scwprintf
#define _sctprintf_l    _scwprintf_l
#define _sctprintf_p    _scwprintf_p
#define _sctprintf_p_l  _scwprintf_p_l
#define _sntprintf      _snwprintf
#define _sntprintf_l    _snwprintf_l
#define _sntprintf_s    _snwprintf_s
#define _sntprintf_s_l  _snwprintf_s_l
#define _vtprintf       vwprintf
#define _vtprintf_l     _vwprintf_l
#define _vtprintf_s     vwprintf_s
#define _vtprintf_s_l   _vwprintf_s_l
#define _vtprintf_p     _vwprintf_p
#define _vtprintf_p_l   _vwprintf_p_l
#define _vftprintf      vfwprintf
#define _vftprintf_l    _vfwprintf_l
#define _vftprintf_s    vfwprintf_s
#define _vftprintf_s_l  _vfwprintf_s_l
#define _vftprintf_p    _vfwprintf_p
#define _vftprintf_p_l  _vfwprintf_p_l
#define _vstprintf      vswprintf
#define _vstprintf_l    _vswprintf_l
#define _vstprintf_s    vswprintf_s
#define _vstprintf_s_l  _vswprintf_s_l
#define _vstprintf_p    _vswprintf_p
#define _vstprintf_p_l  _vswprintf_p_l
#define _vsctprintf     _vscwprintf
#define _vsctprintf_l   _vscwprintf_l
#define _vsctprintf_p   _vscwprintf_p
#define _vsctprintf_p_l _vscwprintf_p_l
#define _vsntprintf     _vsnwprintf
#define _vsntprintf_l   _vsnwprintf_l
#define _vsntprintf_s   _vsnwprintf_s
#define _vsntprintf_s_l _vsnwprintf_s_l

#define _tscanf         wscanf
#define _tscanf_l       _wscanf_l
#define _tscanf_s       wscanf_s
#define _tscanf_s_l     _wscanf_s_l
#define _tcscanf        _cwscanf
#define _tcscanf_l      _cwscanf_l
#define _tcscanf_s      _cwscanf_s
#define _tcscanf_s_l    _cwscanf_s_l
#define _ftscanf        fwscanf
#define _ftscanf_l      _fwscanf_l
#define _ftscanf_s      fwscanf_s
#define _ftscanf_s_l    _fwscanf_s_l
#define _stscanf        swscanf
#define _stscanf_l      _swscanf_l
#define _stscanf_s      swscanf_s
#define _stscanf_s_l    _swscanf_s_l
#define _sntscanf       _snwscanf
#define _sntscanf_l     _snwscanf_l
#define _sntscanf_s     _snwscanf_s
#define _sntscanf_s_l   _snwscanf_s_l
#define _vtscanf        vwscanf
#define _vtscanf_s      vwscanf_s
#define _vftscanf       vfwscanf
#define _vftscanf_s     vfwscanf_s
#define _vstscanf       vswscanf
#define _vstscanf_s     vswscanf_s

/* Unformatted i/o */

#define _fgettc          fgetwc
#define _fgettc_nolock   _fgetwc_nolock
#define _fgettchar       _fgetwchar
#define _fgetts          fgetws
#define _fputtc          fputwc
#define _fputtc_nolock   _fputwc_nolock
#define _fputtchar       _fputwchar
#define _fputts          fputws
#define _cputts          _cputws
#define _cgetts_s        _cgetws_s
#define _gettc           getwc
#define _gettc_nolock    _getwc_nolock
#define _gettch          _getwch
#define _gettch_nolock   _getwch_nolock
#define _gettche         _getwche
#define _gettche_nolock  _getwche_nolock
#define _gettchar        getwchar
#define _gettchar_nolock _getwchar_nolock
#define _getts_s         _getws_s
#define _puttc           putwc
#define _puttc_nolock    _fputwc_nolock
#define _puttchar        putwchar
#define _puttchar_nolock _putwchar_nolock
#define _puttch          _putwch
#define _puttch_nolock   _putwch_nolock
#define _putts           _putws
#define _ungettc         ungetwc
#define _ungettc_nolock  _ungetwc_nolock
#define _ungettch        _ungetwch
#define _ungettch_nolock _ungetwch_nolock

/* String conversion functions */

#define _tcstod     wcstod
#define _tcstof     wcstof
#define _tcstol     wcstol
#define _tcstold    wcstold
#define _tcstoll    wcstoll
#define _tcstoul    wcstoul
#define _tcstoull   wcstoull
#define _tcstoimax  wcstoimax
#define _tcstoumax  wcstoumax
#define _tcstoi64   _wcstoi64
#define _tcstoui64  _wcstoui64
#define _ttof       _wtof
#define _tstof      _wtof
#define _tstol      _wtol
#define _tstoll     _wtoll
#define _tstoi      _wtoi
#define _tstoi64    _wtoi64
#define _tcstod_l     _wcstod_l
#define _tcstof_l     _wcstof_l
#define _tcstol_l     _wcstol_l
#define _tcstold_l    _wcstold_l
#define _tcstoll_l    _wcstoll_l
#define _tcstoul_l    _wcstoul_l
#define _tcstoull_l   _wcstoull_l
#define _tcstoi64_l   _wcstoi64_l
#define _tcstoui64_l  _wcstoui64_l
#define _tcstoimax_l  _wcstoimax_l
#define _tcstoumax_l  _wcstoumax_l
#define _tstof_l      _wtof_l
#define _tstol_l      _wtol_l
#define _tstoll_l     _wtoll_l
#define _tstoi_l      _wtoi_l
#define _tstoi64_l    _wtoi64_l

#define _itot_s     _itow_s
#define _ltot_s     _ltow_s
#define _ultot_s    _ultow_s
#define _itot       _itow
#define _ltot       _ltow
#define _ultot      _ultow
#define _ttoi       _wtoi
#define _ttol       _wtol
#define _ttoll      _wtoll

#define _ttoi64     _wtoi64
#define _i64tot_s   _i64tow_s
#define _ui64tot_s  _ui64tow_s
#define _i64tot     _i64tow
#define _ui64tot    _ui64tow

/* String functions */

#define _tcscat         wcscat
#define _tcscat_s       wcscat_s
#define _tcschr         wcschr
#define _tcscpy         wcscpy
#define _tcscpy_s       wcscpy_s
#define _tcscspn        wcscspn
#define _tcslen         wcslen
#define _tcsnlen        wcsnlen
#define _tcsncat        wcsncat
#define _tcsncat_s      wcsncat_s
#define _tcsncat_l      _wcsncat_l
#define _tcsncat_s_l    _wcsncat_s_l
#define _tcsncpy        wcsncpy
#define _tcsncpy_s      wcsncpy_s
#define _tcsncpy_l      _wcsncpy_l
#define _tcsncpy_s_l    _wcsncpy_s_l
#define _tcspbrk        wcspbrk
#define _tcsrchr        wcsrchr
#define _tcsspn         wcsspn
#define _tcsstr         wcsstr
#define _tcstok         _wcstok
#define _tcstok_s       wcstok_s
#define _tcstok_l       _wcstok_l
#define _tcstok_s_l     _wcstok_s_l
#define _tcserror       _wcserror
#define _tcserror_s     _wcserror_s
#define __tcserror      __wcserror
#define __tcserror_s    __wcserror_s

#define _tcsdup         _wcsdup
#define _tcsnset        _wcsnset
#define _tcsnset_s      _wcsnset_s
#define _tcsnset_l      _wcsnset_l
#define _tcsnset_s_l    _wcsnset_s_l
#define _tcsrev         _wcsrev
#define _tcsset         _wcsset
#define _tcsset_s       _wcsset_s
#define _tcsset_l       _wcsset_l
#define _tcsset_s_l     _wcsset_s_l

#define _tcscmp         wcscmp
#define _tcsicmp        _wcsicmp
#define _tcsicmp_l      _wcsicmp_l
#define _tcsnccmp       wcsncmp
#define _tcsncmp        wcsncmp
#define _tcsncicmp      _wcsnicmp
#define _tcsncicmp_l    _wcsnicmp_l
#define _tcsnicmp       _wcsnicmp
#define _tcsnicmp_l     _wcsnicmp_l

#define _tcscoll        wcscoll
#define _tcscoll_l      _wcscoll_l
#define _tcsicoll       _wcsicoll
#define _tcsicoll_l     _wcsicoll_l
#define _tcsnccoll      _wcsncoll
#define _tcsnccoll_l    _wcsncoll_l
#define _tcsncoll       _wcsncoll
#define _tcsncoll_l     _wcsncoll_l
#define _tcsncicoll     _wcsnicoll
#define _tcsncicoll_l   _wcsnicoll_l
#define _tcsnicoll      _wcsnicoll
#define _tcsnicoll_l    _wcsnicoll_l

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define _tcsdup_dbg _wcsdup_dbg
#endif  /* _DEBUG */

/* Execute functions */

#define _texecl     _wexecl
#define _texecle    _wexecle
#define _texeclp    _wexeclp
#define _texeclpe   _wexeclpe
#define _texecv     _wexecv
#define _texecve    _wexecve
#define _texecvp    _wexecvp
#define _texecvpe   _wexecvpe

#define _tspawnl    _wspawnl
#define _tspawnle   _wspawnle
#define _tspawnlp   _wspawnlp
#define _tspawnlpe  _wspawnlpe
#define _tspawnv    _wspawnv
#define _tspawnve   _wspawnve
#define _tspawnvp   _wspawnvp
#define _tspawnvp   _wspawnvp
#define _tspawnvpe  _wspawnvpe

#define _tsystem    _wsystem

/* Time functions */

#define _tasctime   _wasctime
#define _tctime     _wctime
#define _tctime32   _wctime32
#define _tctime64   _wctime64
#define _tstrdate   _wstrdate
#define _tstrtime   _wstrtime
#define _tutime     _wutime
#define _tutime32   _wutime32
#define _tutime64   _wutime64
#define _tcsftime   wcsftime
#define _tcsftime_l _wcsftime_l

#define _tasctime_s   _wasctime_s
#define _tctime_s     _wctime_s
#define _tctime32_s   _wctime32_s
#define _tctime64_s   _wctime64_s
#define _tstrdate_s   _wstrdate_s
#define _tstrtime_s   _wstrtime_s

/* Directory functions */

#define _tchdir             _wchdir
#define _tgetcwd            _wgetcwd
#define _tgetdcwd           _wgetdcwd
#define _tgetdcwd_nolock    _wgetdcwd_nolock
#define _tmkdir             _wmkdir
#define _trmdir             _wrmdir

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define _tgetcwd_dbg        _wgetcwd_dbg
#define _tgetdcwd_dbg       _wgetdcwd_dbg
#define _tgetdcwd_lk_dbg    _wgetdcwd_lk_dbg
#endif  /* _DEBUG */

/* Environment/Path functions */

#define _tfullpath      _wfullpath
#define _tgetenv        _wgetenv
#define _tgetenv_s      _wgetenv_s
#define _tdupenv_s      _wdupenv_s
#define _tmakepath      _wmakepath
#define _tmakepath_s    _wmakepath_s
#define _tpgmptr        _wpgmptr
#define _get_tpgmptr    _get_wpgmptr
#define _tputenv        _wputenv
#define _tputenv_s      _wputenv_s
#define _tsearchenv     _wsearchenv
#define _tsearchenv_s   _wsearchenv_s
#define _tsplitpath     _wsplitpath
#define _tsplitpath_s   _wsplitpath_s

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define _tfullpath_dbg  _wfullpath_dbg
#define _tdupenv_s_dbg  _wdupenv_s_dbg
#endif  /* _DEBUG */

/* Stdio functions */

#define _tfdopen    _wfdopen
#define _tfsopen    _wfsopen
#define _tfopen     _wfopen
#define _tfopen_s   _wfopen_s
#define _tfreopen   _wfreopen
#define _tfreopen_s _wfreopen_s
#define _tperror    _wperror
#define _tpopen     _wpopen
#define _ttempnam   _wtempnam
#define _ttmpnam    _wtmpnam
#define _ttmpnam_s  _wtmpnam_s

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define _ttempnam_dbg   _wtempnam_dbg
#endif  /* _DEBUG */

/* Io functions */

#define _taccess    _waccess
#define _taccess_s  _waccess_s
#define _tchmod     _wchmod
#define _tcreat     _wcreat
#define _tfindfirst       _wfindfirst
#define _tfindfirst32     _wfindfirst32
#define _tfindfirst64     _wfindfirst64
#define _tfindfirsti64    _wfindfirsti64
#define _tfindfirst32i64  _wfindfirst32i64
#define _tfindfirst64i32  _wfindfirst64i32
#define _tfindnext        _wfindnext
#define _tfindnext32      _wfindnext32
#define _tfindnext64      _wfindnext64
#define _tfindnexti64     _wfindnexti64
#define _tfindnext32i64   _wfindnext32i64
#define _tfindnext64i32   _wfindnext64i32
#define _tmktemp    _wmktemp
#define _tmktemp_s  _wmktemp_s
#define _topen      _wopen
#define _tremove    _wremove
#define _trename    _wrename
#define _tsopen     _wsopen
#define _tsopen_s   _wsopen_s
#define _tunlink    _wunlink

#define _tfinddata_t      _wfinddata_t
#define _tfinddata32_t    _wfinddata32_t
#define _tfinddata64_t    _wfinddata64_t
#define _tfinddatai64_t   _wfinddatai64_t
#define _tfinddata32i64_t _wfinddata32i64_t
#define _tfinddata64i32_t _wfinddata64i32_t

/* Stat functions */

#define _tstat      _wstat
#define _tstat32    _wstat32
#define _tstat32i64 _wstat32i64
#define _tstat64    _wstat64
#define _tstat64i32 _wstat64i32
#define _tstati64   _wstati64

/* Setlocale functions */

#define _tsetlocale _wsetlocale

/* Redundant "logical-character" mappings */

#define _tcsclen        wcslen
#define _tcscnlen       wcsnlen
#define _tcsclen_l(_String, _Locale) wcslen(_String)
#define _tcscnlen_l(_String, _Max_count, _Locale) wcsnlen((_String), (_Max_count))
#define _tcsnccat       wcsncat
#define _tcsnccat_s     wcsncat_s
#define _tcsnccat_l     _wcsncat_l
#define _tcsnccat_s_l   _wcsncat_s_l
#define _tcsnccpy       wcsncpy
#define _tcsnccpy_s     wcsncpy_s
#define _tcsnccpy_l     _wcsncpy_l
#define _tcsnccpy_s_l   _wcsncpy_s_l
#define _tcsncset       _wcsnset
#define _tcsncset_s     _wcsnset_s
#define _tcsncset_l     _wcsnset_l
#define _tcsncset_s_l   _wcsnset_s_l

#define _tcsdec     _wcsdec
#define _tcsinc     _wcsinc
#define _tcsnbcnt   _wcsncnt
#define _tcsnccnt   _wcsncnt
#define _tcsnextc   _wcsnextc
#define _tcsninc    _wcsninc
#define _tcsspnp    _wcsspnp

#define _tcslwr     _wcslwr
#define _tcslwr_l   _wcslwr_l
#define _tcslwr_s   _wcslwr_s
#define _tcslwr_s_l _wcslwr_s_l
#define _tcsupr     _wcsupr
#define _tcsupr_l   _wcsupr_l
#define _tcsupr_s   _wcsupr_s
#define _tcsupr_s_l _wcsupr_s_l
#define _tcsxfrm    wcsxfrm
#define _tcsxfrm_l  _wcsxfrm_l

#if __STDC__ || defined (_NO_INLINING)
#define _tclen(_pc) (1)
#define _tccpy(_pc1,_cpc2) ((*(_pc1) = *(_cpc2)))
#define _tccpy_l(_pc1,_cpc2,_locale) _tccpy((_pc1),(_cpc2))
#define _tccmp(_cpc1,_cpc2) ((*(_cpc1))-(*(_cpc2)))
#else  /* __STDC__ || defined (_NO_INLINING) */
_Check_return_ __inline size_t __CRTDECL _tclen(_In_z_ const wchar_t *_Cpc)
    /* avoid compiler warning */
    (void *)_Cpc;
    return 1;
__inline void __CRTDECL _tccpy(_Out_ wchar_t *_Pc1, _In_z_ const wchar_t *_Cpc2) { *_Pc1 = (wchar_t)*_Cpc2; }
__inline void __CRTDECL _tccpy_l(_Out_ wchar_t *_Pc1, _In_z_ const wchar_t *_Cpc2, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 28719 )
    _tccpy(_Pc1, _Cpc2);
#pragma warning( pop )
_Check_return_ __inline int __CRTDECL _tccmp(_In_z_ const wchar_t *_Cpc1, _In_z_ const wchar_t *_Cpc2) { return (int) ((*_Cpc1)-(*_Cpc2)); }
#endif  /* __STDC__ || defined (_NO_INLINING) */

/* ctype functions */

#define _istalnum   iswalnum
#define _istalnum_l   _iswalnum_l
#define _istalpha   iswalpha
#define _istalpha_l   _iswalpha_l
#define _istascii   iswascii
#define _istcntrl   iswcntrl
#define _istcntrl_l   _iswcntrl_l
#define _istdigit   iswdigit
#define _istdigit_l   _iswdigit_l
#define _istgraph   iswgraph
#define _istgraph_l   _iswgraph_l
#define _istlower   iswlower
#define _istlower_l   _iswlower_l
#define _istprint   iswprint
#define _istprint_l   _iswprint_l
#define _istpunct   iswpunct
#define _istpunct_l   _iswpunct_l
#define _istblank   iswblank
#define _istblank_l   _iswblank_l
#define _istspace   iswspace
#define _istspace_l   _iswspace_l
#define _istupper   iswupper
#define _istupper_l   _iswupper_l
#define _istxdigit  iswxdigit
#define _istxdigit_l  _iswxdigit_l

#define _totupper   towupper
#define _totupper_l   _towupper_l
#define _totlower   towlower
#define _totlower_l   _towlower_l

#define _istlegal(_Char)                (1)
#define _istlead(_Char)                 (0)
#define _istleadbyte(_Char)             (0)
#define _istleadbyte_l(_Char, _Locale)  (0)

#if __STDC__ || defined _NO_INLINING
#define _wcsdec(_cpc1, _cpc2) ((_cpc1)>=(_cpc2) ? NULL : (_cpc2)-1)
#define _wcsinc(_pc)    ((_pc)+1)
#define _wcsnextc(_cpc) ((unsigned int) *(_cpc))
#define _wcsninc(_pc, _sz) (((_pc)+(_sz)))
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl __wcsncnt(_In_reads_or_z_(_MaxCount) const wchar_t * _Str, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
#define _wcsncnt(_cpc, _sz) (__wcsncnt(_cpc,_sz))
#define _wcsspnp(_cpc1, _cpc2)                                                          (_cpc1==NULL ? NULL : ((*((_cpc1)+wcsspn(_cpc1,_cpc2))) ? ((_cpc1)+wcsspn(_cpc1,_cpc2)) : NULL))
#define _wcsncpy_l(_Destination, _Source, _Count, _Locale)                              (wcsncpy(_Destination, _Source, _Count))
#define _wcsncpy_s_l(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Source, _Count, _Locale)   (wcsncpy_s(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Source, _Count))
#endif  /* __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ */
#define _wcsncat_l(_Destination, _Source, _Count, _Locale)                              (wcsncat(_Destination, _Source, _Count))
#define _wcsncat_s_l(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Source, _Count, _Locale)   (wcsncat_s(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Source, _Count))
#endif  /* __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ */
#define _wcstok_l(_String, _Delimiters, _Locale)                                        (_wcstok(_String, _Delimiters))
#define _wcstok_s_l(_String, _Delimiters, _Current_position, _Locale)                   (wcstok_s(_String, _Delimiters, _Current_position))
#define _wcsnset_l(_Destination, _Value, _Count, _Locale)                               (_wcsnset(_Destination, _Value, _Count))
#define _wcsnset_s_l(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Value, _Count, _Locale)    (_wcsnset_s(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Value, _Count))
#define _wcsset_l(_Destination, _Value, _Locale)                                        (_wcsset(_Destination, _Value))
#define _wcsset_s_l(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Value, _Locale)             (_wcsset_s(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Value))
#else  /* __STDC__ || defined (_NO_INLINING) */
_Check_return_ __inline wchar_t * __CRTDECL _wcsdec(_In_z_ const wchar_t * _Cpc1, _In_z_ const wchar_t * _Cpc2) { return (wchar_t *)((_Cpc1)>=(_Cpc2) ? NULL : ((_Cpc2)-1)); }
_Check_return_ __inline wchar_t * __CRTDECL _wcsinc(_In_z_ const wchar_t * _Pc) { return (wchar_t *)(_Pc+1); }
_Check_return_ __inline unsigned int __CRTDECL _wcsnextc(_In_z_ const wchar_t * _Cpc) { return (unsigned int)*_Cpc; }
_Check_return_ __inline wchar_t * __CRTDECL _wcsninc(_In_z_ const wchar_t * _Pc, _In_ size_t _Sz) { return (wchar_t *)(_Pc+_Sz); }
_Check_return_ __inline size_t __CRTDECL _wcsncnt( _In_reads_or_z_(_Cnt) const wchar_t * _String, _In_ size_t _Cnt)
        size_t n = _Cnt;
        wchar_t *cp = (wchar_t *)_String;
        while (n-- && *cp)
        return _Cnt - n - 1;
_Check_return_ __inline wchar_t * __CRTDECL _wcsspnp
    _In_z_ const wchar_t * _Cpc1,
    _In_z_ const wchar_t * _Cpc2
    return _Cpc1==NULL ? NULL : ((*(_Cpc1 += wcsspn(_Cpc1,_Cpc2))!='\0') ? (wchar_t*)_Cpc1 : NULL);

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t __CRTDECL _wcsncpy_s_l(_Out_writes_z_(_Destination_size_chars) wchar_t *_Destination, _In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars, _In_z_ const wchar_t *_Source, _In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return wcsncpy_s(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Source, _Count);
#endif  /* __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ */

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_3(errno_t, _wcsncpy_s_l, wchar_t, _Dest, _In_z_ const wchar_t *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(wchar_t *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _wcsncpy_l, _wcsncpy_s_l, _Out_writes_z_(_Size) wchar_t, _Out_writes_(_Count) wchar_t, _Dst, _In_z_ const wchar_t *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4996 6054 28719)
    return wcsncpy(_Dst, _Source, _Count);
#pragma warning( pop )

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(wchar_t *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _wcsncpy_l, _wcsncpy_s_l, _Out_writes_z_(_Size) wchar_t, _Out_writes_(_Count), wchar_t, _Dst, _In_z_ const wchar_t *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t __CRTDECL _wcsncat_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_Destination_size_chars) wchar_t *_Destination, _In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars, _In_z_ const wchar_t *_Source, _In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return wcsncat_s(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Source, _Count);
#endif  /* __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ */

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_3(errno_t, _wcsncat_s_l, wchar_t, _Dest, _In_z_ const wchar_t *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(wchar_t *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _wcsncat_l, _wcsncat_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) wchar_t, _Inout_z_ wchar_t, _Dst, _In_z_ const wchar_t *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4996 6054 6059 28719 )
/* prefast noise VSW 489802 */
    return wcsncat(_Dst, _Source, _Count);
#pragma warning( pop )

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(wchar_t *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _wcsncat_l, _wcsncat_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) wchar_t, _Inout_z_, wchar_t, _Dst, _In_z_ const wchar_t *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_wcstok_s_l) __inline wchar_t * _wcstok_l(_Inout_opt_z_ wchar_t * _String, _In_z_ const wchar_t * _Delimiters, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996 28727)
        return wcstok(_String,_Delimiters);
        return wcstok(_String,_Delimiters,0);
#pragma warning(pop)

__inline wchar_t * _wcstok_s_l(_Inout_opt_z_ wchar_t * _String, _In_z_ const wchar_t * _Delimiters, _Inout_ _Deref_prepost_opt_z_ wchar_t **_Current_position, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return wcstok_s(_String, _Delimiters, _Current_position);
#endif /* __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ */

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _wcsnset_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_Destination_size_chars) wchar_t * _Destination, _In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars, _In_ wchar_t _Value, _In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _wcsnset_s(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Value, _Count);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_3(errno_t, _wcsnset_s_l, _Prepost_z_ wchar_t, _Dest, _In_ wchar_t, _Value, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(wchar_t *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _wcsnset_l, _wcsnset_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) wchar_t, _Inout_updates_z_(_MaxCount) wchar_t, _Dst, _In_ wchar_t, _Value, _In_ size_t, _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4996 )
    return _wcsnset(_Dst, _Value, _MaxCount);
#pragma warning( pop )

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(wchar_t *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _wcsnset_l, _wcsnset_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) wchar_t, _Inout_updates_z_(_MaxCount), wchar_t, _Dst, _In_ wchar_t, _Value, _In_ size_t, _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _wcsset_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_Destination_size_chars) wchar_t * _Destination, _In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars, _In_ wchar_t _Value, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _wcsset_s(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Value);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_2(errno_t, _wcsset_s_l, _Prepost_z_ wchar_t, _Dest, _In_ wchar_t, _Value, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_2_EX(wchar_t *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _wcsset_l, _wcsset_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) wchar_t, _Inout_z_ wchar_t, _Dst, _In_ wchar_t, _Value, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4996 )
    return _wcsset(_Dst, _Value);
#pragma warning( pop )

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_2_EX(wchar_t *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _wcsset_l, _wcsset_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) wchar_t, _Inout_z_, wchar_t, _Dst, _In_ wchar_t, _Value, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

#endif  /* __STDC__ || defined (_NO_INLINING) */

#else  /* _UNICODE */

/* ++++++++++++++++++++ SBCS and MBCS ++++++++++++++++++++ */

#ifdef __cplusplus
}   /* ... extern "C" */
#endif  /* __cplusplus */

#include <string.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif  /* __cplusplus */

#define _TEOF       EOF

#define __T(x)      x

/* Program */

#define _tmain      main
#define _tWinMain   WinMain
#define _tenviron  _environ
#define __targv     __argv

/* Formatted i/o */

#define _tprintf        printf
#define _tprintf_l      _printf_l
#define _tprintf_s      printf_s
#define _tprintf_s_l    _printf_s_l
#define _tprintf_p      _printf_p
#define _tprintf_p_l    _printf_p_l
#define _tcprintf       _cprintf
#define _tcprintf_l     _cprintf_l
#define _tcprintf_s     _cprintf_s
#define _tcprintf_s_l   _cprintf_s_l
#define _tcprintf_p     _cprintf_p
#define _tcprintf_p_l   _cprintf_p_l
#define _vtcprintf      _vcprintf
#define _vtcprintf_l    _vcprintf_l
#define _vtcprintf_s    _vcprintf_s
#define _vtcprintf_s_l  _vcprintf_s_l
#define _vtcprintf_p    _vcprintf_p
#define _vtcprintf_p_l  _vcprintf_p_l
#define _ftprintf       fprintf
#define _ftprintf_l     _fprintf_l
#define _ftprintf_s     fprintf_s
#define _ftprintf_s_l   _fprintf_s_l
#define _ftprintf_p     _fprintf_p
#define _ftprintf_p_l   _fprintf_p_l
#define _stprintf       sprintf
#define _stprintf_l     _sprintf_l
#define _stprintf_s     sprintf_s
#define _stprintf_s_l   _sprintf_s_l
#define _stprintf_p     _sprintf_p
#define _stprintf_p_l   _sprintf_p_l
#define _sctprintf      _scprintf
#define _sctprintf_l    _scprintf_l
#define _sctprintf_p    _scprintf_p
#define _sctprintf_p_l  _scprintf_p_l
#define _sntprintf      _snprintf
#define _sntprintf_l    _snprintf_l
#define _sntprintf_s    _snprintf_s
#define _sntprintf_s_l  _snprintf_s_l
#define _vtprintf       vprintf
#define _vtprintf_l     _vprintf_l
#define _vtprintf_s     vprintf_s
#define _vtprintf_s_l   _vprintf_s_l
#define _vtprintf_p     _vprintf_p
#define _vtprintf_p_l   _vprintf_p_l
#define _vftprintf      vfprintf
#define _vftprintf_l    _vfprintf_l
#define _vftprintf_s    vfprintf_s
#define _vftprintf_s_l  _vfprintf_s_l
#define _vftprintf_p    _vfprintf_p
#define _vftprintf_p_l  _vfprintf_p_l
#define _vstprintf      vsprintf
#define _vstprintf_l    _vsprintf_l
#define _vstprintf_s    vsprintf_s
#define _vstprintf_s_l  _vsprintf_s_l
#define _vstprintf_p    _vsprintf_p
#define _vstprintf_p_l  _vsprintf_p_l
#define _vsctprintf     _vscprintf
#define _vsctprintf_l   _vscprintf_l
#define _vsctprintf_p   _vscprintf_p
#define _vsctprintf_p_l _vscprintf_p_l
#define _vsntprintf     _vsnprintf
#define _vsntprintf_l   _vsnprintf_l
#define _vsntprintf_s   _vsnprintf_s
#define _vsntprintf_s_l _vsnprintf_s_l

#define _tscanf         scanf
#define _tscanf_l       _scanf_l
#define _tscanf_s       scanf_s
#define _tscanf_s_l     _scanf_s_l
#define _tcscanf        _cscanf
#define _tcscanf_l      _cscanf_l
#define _tcscanf_s      _cscanf_s
#define _tcscanf_s_l    _cscanf_s_l
#define _ftscanf        fscanf
#define _ftscanf_l      _fscanf_l
#define _ftscanf_s      fscanf_s
#define _ftscanf_s_l    _fscanf_s_l
#define _stscanf        sscanf
#define _stscanf_l      _sscanf_l
#define _stscanf_s      sscanf_s
#define _stscanf_s_l    _sscanf_s_l
#define _sntscanf       _snscanf
#define _sntscanf_l     _snscanf_l
#define _sntscanf_s     _snscanf_s
#define _sntscanf_s_l   _snscanf_s_l
#define _vtscanf        vscanf
#define _vtscanf_s      vscanf_s
#define _vftscanf       vfscanf
#define _vftscanf_s     vfscanf_s
#define _vstscanf       vsscanf
#define _vstscanf_s     vsscanf_s

/* Unformatted i/o */

#define _fgettc          fgetc
#define _fgettc_nolock   _fgetc_nolock
#define _fgettchar       _fgetchar
#define _fgetts          fgets
#define _fputtc          fputc
#define _fputtc_nolock   _fputc_nolock
#define _fputtchar       _fputchar
#define _fputts          fputs
#define _cputts          _cputs
#define _gettc           getc
#define _gettc_nolock    _getc_nolock
#define _gettch          _getch
#define _gettch_nolock   _getch_nolock
#define _gettche         _getche
#define _gettche_nolock  _getche_nolock
#define _gettchar        getchar
#define _gettchar_nolock _getchar_nolock
#define _getts_s         gets_s
#define _cgetts_s        _cgets_s
#define _puttc           putc
#define _puttc_nolock    _fputc_nolock
#define _puttchar        putchar
#define _puttchar_nolock _putchar_nolock
#define _puttch          _putch
#define _puttch_nolock   _putch_nolock
#define _putts           puts
#define _ungettc         ungetc
#define _ungettc_nolock  _ungetc_nolock
#define _ungettch        _ungetch
#define _ungettch_nolock _ungetch_nolock

/* String conversion functions */

#define _tcstod     strtod
#define _tcstof     strtof
#define _tcstol     strtol
#define _tcstold    strtold
#define _tcstoll    strtoll
#define _tcstoul    strtoul
#define _tcstoull   strtoull
#define _tcstoimax  strtoimax
#define _tcstoumax  strtoumax
#define _ttof       atof
#define _tstof      atof
#define _tstol      atol
#define _tstoll     atoll
#define _tstoi      atoi
#define _tstoi64    _atoi64
#define _tcstod_l     _strtod_l
#define _tcstof_l     _strtof_l
#define _tcstol_l     _strtol_l
#define _tcstold_l    _strtold_l
#define _tcstoll_l    _strtoll_l
#define _tcstoul_l    _strtoul_l
#define _tcstoull_l   _strtoull_l
#define _tcstoimax_l  _strtoimax_l
#define _tcstoumax_l  _strtoumax_l
#define _tstof_l      _atof_l
#define _tstol_l      _atol_l
#define _tstoll_l     _atoll_l
#define _tstoi_l      _atoi_l
#define _tstoi64_l    _atoi64_l

#define _itot_s     _itoa_s
#define _ltot_s     _ltoa_s
#define _ultot_s    _ultoa_s
#define _itot       _itoa
#define _ltot       _ltoa
#define _ultot      _ultoa
#define _ttoi       atoi
#define _ttol       atol
#define _ttoll      atoll

#define _ttoi64     _atoi64
#define _tcstoi64   _strtoi64
#define _tcstoi64_l   _strtoi64_l
#define _tcstoui64  _strtoui64
#define _tcstoui64_l  _strtoui64_l
#define _i64tot_s   _i64toa_s
#define _ui64tot_s  _ui64toa_s
#define _i64tot     _i64toa
#define _ui64tot    _ui64toa

/* String functions */

/* Note that _mbscat, _mbscpy and _mbsdup are functionally equivalent to
   strcat, strcpy and strdup, respectively. */

#define _tcscat     strcat
#define _tcscat_s   strcat_s
#define _tcscpy     strcpy
#define _tcscpy_s   strcpy_s
#define _tcsdup     _strdup
#define _tcslen     strlen
#define _tcsnlen    strnlen
#define _tcsxfrm    strxfrm
#define _tcsxfrm_l    _strxfrm_l
#define _tcserror   strerror
#define _tcserror_s   strerror_s
#define __tcserror  _strerror
#define __tcserror_s  _strerror_s

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define _tcsdup_dbg _strdup_dbg
#endif  /* _DEBUG */

/* Execute functions */

#define _texecl     _execl
#define _texecle    _execle
#define _texeclp    _execlp
#define _texeclpe   _execlpe
#define _texecv     _execv
#define _texecve    _execve
#define _texecvp    _execvp
#define _texecvpe   _execvpe

#define _tspawnl    _spawnl
#define _tspawnle   _spawnle
#define _tspawnlp   _spawnlp
#define _tspawnlpe  _spawnlpe
#define _tspawnv    _spawnv
#define _tspawnve   _spawnve
#define _tspawnvp   _spawnvp
#define _tspawnvpe  _spawnvpe

#define _tsystem    system

/* Time functions */

#define _tasctime   asctime
#define _tctime     ctime
#define _tctime32   _ctime32
#define _tctime64   _ctime64
#define _tstrdate   _strdate
#define _tstrtime   _strtime
#define _tutime     _utime
#define _tutime32   _utime32
#define _tutime64   _utime64
#define _tcsftime   strftime
#define _tcsftime_l _strftime_l

#define _tasctime_s   asctime_s
#define _tctime_s     ctime_s
#define _tctime32_s   _ctime32_s
#define _tctime64_s   _ctime64_s
#define _tstrdate_s   _strdate_s
#define _tstrtime_s   _strtime_s

/* Directory functions */

#define _tchdir             _chdir
#define _tgetcwd            _getcwd
#define _tgetdcwd           _getdcwd
#define _tgetdcwd_nolock    _getdcwd_nolock
#define _tmkdir             _mkdir
#define _trmdir             _rmdir

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define _tgetcwd_dbg        _getcwd_dbg
#define _tgetdcwd_dbg       _getdcwd_dbg
#define _tgetdcwd_lk_dbg    _getdcwd_lk_dbg
#endif  /* _DEBUG */

/* Environment/Path functions */

#define _tfullpath      _fullpath
#define _tgetenv        getenv
#define _tgetenv_s      getenv_s
#define _tdupenv_s      _dupenv_s
#define _tmakepath      _makepath
#define _tmakepath_s    _makepath_s
#define _tpgmptr        _pgmptr
#define _get_tpgmptr    _get_pgmptr
#define _tputenv        _putenv
#define _tputenv_s      _putenv_s
#define _tsearchenv     _searchenv
#define _tsearchenv_s   _searchenv_s
#define _tsplitpath     _splitpath
#define _tsplitpath_s   _splitpath_s

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define _tfullpath_dbg  _fullpath_dbg
#define _tdupenv_s_dbg  _dupenv_s_dbg
#endif  /* _DEBUG */

/* Stdio functions */

#define _tfdopen    _fdopen
#define _tfsopen    _fsopen
#define _tfopen     fopen
#define _tfopen_s   fopen_s
#define _tfreopen   freopen
#define _tfreopen_s freopen_s
#define _tperror    perror
#define _tpopen     _popen
#define _ttempnam   _tempnam
#define _ttmpnam    tmpnam
#define _ttmpnam_s  tmpnam_s

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define _ttempnam_dbg   _tempnam_dbg
#endif  /* _DEBUG */

/* Io functions */

#define _tchmod     _chmod
#define _tcreat     _creat
#define _tfindfirst      _findfirst
#define _tfindfirst32    _findfirst32
#define _tfindfirst64    _findfirst64
#define _tfindfirsti64   _findfirsti64
#define _tfindfirst32i64 _findfirst32i64
#define _tfindfirst64i32 _findfirst64i32
#define _tfindnext       _findnext
#define _tfindnext32     _findnext32
#define _tfindnext64     _findnext64
#define _tfindnexti64    _findnexti64
#define _tfindnext32i64  _findnext32i64
#define _tfindnext64i32  _findnext64i32
#define _tmktemp            _mktemp
#define _tmktemp_s          _mktemp_s

#define _topen      _open
#define _taccess    _access
#define _taccess_s  _access_s

#define _tremove    remove
#define _trename    rename
#define _tsopen     _sopen
#define _tsopen_s   _sopen_s
#define _tunlink    _unlink

#define _tfinddata_t      _finddata_t
#define _tfinddata32_t    _finddata32_t
#define _tfinddata64_t    __finddata64_t
#define _tfinddatai64_t   _finddatai64_t
#define _tfinddata32i64_t _finddata32i64_t
#define _tfinddata64i32_t _finddata64i32_t

/* ctype functions */
#define _istascii       __isascii
#define _istcntrl       iscntrl
#define _istcntrl_l     _iscntrl_l
#define _istxdigit      isxdigit
#define _istxdigit_l    _isxdigit_l

/* Stat functions */
#define _tstat      _stat
#define _tstat32    _stat32
#define _tstat32i64 _stat32i64
#define _tstat64    _stat64
#define _tstat64i32 _stat64i32
#define _tstati64   _stati64

/* Setlocale functions */

#define _tsetlocale setlocale

#ifdef _MBCS

#error Multibyte Character Set (MBCS) not supported for the current WINAPI_FAMILY.

/* ++++++++++++++++++++ MBCS ++++++++++++++++++++ */

#ifdef __cplusplus
}   /* ... extern "C" */
#endif  /* __cplusplus */

#include <mbstring.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif  /* __cplusplus */

typedef char            _TCHAR;
typedef signed char     _TSCHAR;
typedef unsigned char   _TUCHAR;
typedef unsigned char   _TXCHAR;
typedef unsigned int    _TINT;
#endif  /* __TCHAR_DEFINED */

typedef char            TCHAR;
typedef char *          PTCHAR;
typedef unsigned char   TBYTE;
typedef unsigned char * PTBYTE;
#endif  /* _TCHAR_DEFINED */


/* use mb functions directly - types must match */

/* String functions */

#define _tcschr         _mbschr
#define _tcscspn        _mbscspn
#define _tcsncat        _mbsnbcat
#define _tcsncat_s      _mbsnbcat_s
#define _tcsncat_l      _mbsnbcat_l
#define _tcsncat_s_l    _mbsnbcat_s_l
#define _tcsncpy        _mbsnbcpy
#define _tcsncpy_s      _mbsnbcpy_s
#define _tcsncpy_l      _mbsnbcpy_l
#define _tcsncpy_s_l    _mbsnbcpy_s_l
#define _tcspbrk        _mbspbrk
#define _tcsrchr        _mbsrchr
#define _tcsspn         _mbsspn
#define _tcsstr         _mbsstr
#define _tcstok         _mbstok
#define _tcstok_s       _mbstok_s
#define _tcstok_l       _mbstok_l
#define _tcstok_s_l     _mbstok_s_l

#define _tcsnset        _mbsnbset
#define _tcsnset_l      _mbsnbset_l
#define _tcsnset_s      _mbsnbset_s
#define _tcsnset_s_l    _mbsnbset_s_l
#define _tcsrev         _mbsrev
#define _tcsset         _mbsset
#define _tcsset_s       _mbsset_s
#define _tcsset_l       _mbsset_l
#define _tcsset_s_l     _mbsset_s_l

#define _tcscmp         _mbscmp
#define _tcsicmp        _mbsicmp
#define _tcsicmp_l      _mbsicmp_l
#define _tcsnccmp       _mbsncmp
#define _tcsncmp        _mbsnbcmp
#define _tcsncicmp      _mbsnicmp
#define _tcsncicmp_l    _mbsnicmp_l
#define _tcsnicmp       _mbsnbicmp
#define _tcsnicmp_l     _mbsnbicmp_l

#define _tcscoll        _mbscoll
#define _tcscoll_l      _mbscoll_l
#define _tcsicoll       _mbsicoll
#define _tcsicoll_l     _mbsicoll_l
#define _tcsnccoll      _mbsncoll
#define _tcsnccoll_l    _mbsncoll_l
#define _tcsncoll       _mbsnbcoll
#define _tcsncoll_l     _mbsnbcoll_l
#define _tcsncicoll     _mbsnicoll
#define _tcsncicoll_l   _mbsnicoll_l
#define _tcsnicoll      _mbsnbicoll
#define _tcsnicoll_l    _mbsnbicoll_l

/* "logical-character" mappings */

#define _tcsclen        _mbslen
#define _tcscnlen       _mbsnlen
#define _tcsclen_l      _mbslen_l
#define _tcscnlen_l     _mbsnlen_l
#define _tcsnccat       _mbsncat
#define _tcsnccat_s     _mbsncat_s
#define _tcsnccat_l     _mbsncat_l
#define _tcsnccat_s_l   _mbsncat_s_l
#define _tcsnccpy       _mbsncpy
#define _tcsnccpy_s     _mbsncpy_s
#define _tcsnccpy_l     _mbsncpy_l
#define _tcsnccpy_s_l   _mbsncpy_s_l
#define _tcsncset       _mbsnset
#define _tcsncset_s     _mbsnset_s
#define _tcsncset_l     _mbsnset_l
#define _tcsncset_s_l   _mbsnset_s_l

/* MBCS-specific mappings */

#define _tcsdec     _mbsdec
#define _tcsinc     _mbsinc
#define _tcsnbcnt   _mbsnbcnt
#define _tcsnccnt   _mbsnccnt
#define _tcsnextc   _mbsnextc
#define _tcsninc    _mbsninc
#define _tcsspnp    _mbsspnp

#define _tcslwr     _mbslwr
#define _tcslwr_l   _mbslwr_l
#define _tcslwr_s   _mbslwr_s
#define _tcslwr_s_l _mbslwr_s_l
#define _tcsupr     _mbsupr
#define _tcsupr_l   _mbsupr_l
#define _tcsupr_s   _mbsupr_s
#define _tcsupr_s_l _mbsupr_s_l

#define _tclen      _mbclen
#define _tccpy      _mbccpy
#define _tccpy_l    _mbccpy_l
#define _tccpy_s    _mbccpy_s
#define _tccpy_s_l  _mbccpy_s_l

#else  /* _MB_MAP_DIRECT */

#if __STDC__ || defined _NO_INLINING

/* use type-safe linked-in function thunks */

/* String functions */

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP _CONST_RETURN char * __cdecl _tcschr(_In_z_ const char * _Str, _In_ unsigned int _Val);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _tcscspn(_In_z_ const char * _Str, _In_z_ const char * _Control);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcsncat_s) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsncat(_Inout_updates_z_(_MaxCount) char *_Dst, _In_z_ const char *_Src, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsncat_s(_Inout_updates_z_(_DstSizeInChars) char *_Dst, _In_ size_t _DstSizeInChars, _In_z_ const char *_Src, size_t _MaxCount);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcsncat_s_l) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsncat_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_MaxCount) char *_Dst, _In_z_ const char *_Src, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsncat_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_DstSizeInChars) char *_Dst, _In_ size_t _DstSizeInChars, _In_z_ const char *_Src, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcsncpy_s) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsncpy(_Out_writes_(_MaxCount) _Post_maybez_ char *_Dst, _In_z_ const char *_Src, size_t _MaxCount);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsncpy_s(_Out_writes_(_DstSizeInChars) char *_Dst, _In_ size_t _DstSizeInChars, _In_z_ const char *_Src, size_t _MaxCount);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcsncpy_s_l) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsncpy_l(_Out_writes_(_MaxCount) _Post_maybez_ char *_Dst, _In_z_ const char *_Src, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsncpy_s_l(_Out_writes_(_DstSizeInChars) char *_Dst, _In_ size_t _DstSizeInChars, _In_z_ const char *_Src, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP _CONST_RETURN char * __cdecl _tcspbrk(_In_z_ const char * _Str, _In_z_ const char * _Control);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP _CONST_RETURN char * __cdecl _tcsrchr(_In_z_ const char * _Str, _In_ unsigned int _Ch);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _tcsspn(_In_z_ const char * _Str, _In_z_ const char * _Control);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP _CONST_RETURN char * __cdecl _tcsstr(_In_z_ const char * _Str, _In_z_ const char * _Substr);
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcstok_s) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcstok(_Inout_opt_ char *_Str, _In_z_ const char *_Delim);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcstok_s(_Inout_opt_ char *_Str, _In_z_ const char *_Delim, _Inout_ _Deref_prepost_opt_z_ char **_Context);
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcstok_s_l) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcstok_l(_Inout_opt_ char *_Str, _In_z_ const char *_Delim, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcstok_s_l(_Inout_opt_ char *_Str, _In_z_ const char *_Delim, _Inout_ _Deref_prepost_opt_z_ char **_Context, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);

_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcsnset_s) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsnset(_Inout_z_ char * _Str, _In_ unsigned int _Val, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _tcsnset_s(_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInChars) char * _Str, _In_ size_t _SizeInChars, _In_ unsigned int _Val , _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcsnset_s_l) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsnset_l(_Inout_z_ char * _Str, _In_ unsigned int _Val, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _tcsnset_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInChars) char * _Str, _In_ size_t _SizeInChars, _In_ unsigned int _Val , _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsrev(_Inout_z_ char * _Str);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcsset_s) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsset(_Inout_z_ char * _Str, _In_ unsigned int _Val);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcsset_s_l) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsset_l(_Inout_z_ char * _Str, _In_ unsigned int _Val, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _tcsset_s(_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInChars) char * _Str, _In_ size_t _SizeInChars, _In_ unsigned int _Val);
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _tcsset_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInChars) char * _Str, _In_ size_t _SizeInChars, _In_ unsigned int, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcscmp(_In_z_ const char *_Str1, _In_z_ const char * _Str);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsicmp(_In_z_ const char *_Str1, _In_z_ const char *_Str2);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsicmp_l(_In_z_ const char *_Str1, _In_z_ const char *_Str2, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsnccmp(_In_z_ const char * _Str1, _In_z_ const char * _Str2, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsncmp(_In_z_ const char * _Str1, _In_z_ const char * _Str2, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsncicmp(_In_z_ const char * _Str1, _In_z_ const char * _Str2, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsncicmp_l(_In_z_ const char *_Str1, _In_z_ const char *_Str2, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsnicmp(_In_z_ const char * _Str1, _In_z_ const char * _Str2, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsnicmp_l(_In_z_ const char *_Str1, _In_z_ const char *_Str2, size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcscoll(_In_z_ const char * _Str1, _In_z_ const char * _Str2);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcscoll_l(_In_z_ const char *_Str1, _In_z_ const char *_Str2, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsicoll(_In_z_ const char * _Str1, _In_z_ const char * _Str2);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsicoll_l(_In_z_ const char *_Str1, _In_z_ const char *_Str2, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsnccoll(_In_z_ const char * _Str1, _In_z_ const char * _Str2, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsnccoll_l(_In_z_ const char *_Str1, _In_z_ const char *_Str2, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsncoll(_In_z_ const char *_Str1, _In_z_ const char * _Str2, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsncoll_l(_In_z_ const char *_Str1, _In_z_ const char *_Str2, size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsncicoll(_In_z_ const char * _Str1, _In_z_ const char * _Str2, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsncicoll_l(_In_z_ const char *_Str1, _In_z_ const char *_Str2, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsnicoll(_In_z_ const char * _Str1, _In_z_ const char * _Str2, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _tcsnicoll_l(_In_z_ const char *_Str1, _In_z_ const char *_Str2, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);

/* "logical-character" mappings */

_Post_satisfies_(return <= _String_length_(_Str))
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _tcsclen(_In_z_ const char *_Str);

_Post_satisfies_(return <= _String_length_(_Str) && return <= _MaxCount)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _tcscnlen(_In_z_ const char *_Str, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);

_Post_satisfies_(return <= _String_length_(_Str))
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _tcsclen_l(_In_z_ const char *_Str, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);

_Post_satisfies_(return <= _String_length_(_Str) && return <= _MaxCount)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _tcscnlen_l(_In_z_ const char *_Str, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);

_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcsnccat_s) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsnccat(_Inout_ char *_Dst, _In_z_ const char *_Src, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsnccat_s(_Inout_updates_z_(_DstSizeInChars) char *_Dst, _In_ size_t _DstSizeInChars, _In_z_ const char *_Src, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcsnccat_s_l) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsnccat_l(_Inout_ char *_Dst, _In_z_ const char *_Src, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsnccat_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_DstSizeInChars) char *_Dst, _In_ size_t _DstSizeInChars, _In_z_ const char *_Src, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcsnccpy_s) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsnccpy(_Out_writes_(_MaxCount) _Post_maybez_ char *_Dst, _In_z_ const char *_Src, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsnccpy_s(_Out_writes_(_DstSizeInChars) char *_Dst, _In_ size_t _DstSizeInChars, _In_z_ const char *_Src, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcsnccpy_s_l) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsnccpy_l(_Out_writes_(_MaxCount) _Post_maybez_ char *_Dst, _In_z_ const char *_Src, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsnccpy_s_l(_Out_writes_(_DstSizeInChars) char *_Dst, _In_ size_t _DstSizeInChars, _In_z_ const char *_Src, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcsncset_s) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsncset(_Inout_updates_z_(_MaxCount) char * _Str, _In_ unsigned int _Val, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsncset_s(_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInChars) char * _Str, _In_ size_t _SizeInChars, _In_ unsigned int _Val, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcsncset_s_l) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsncset_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_MaxCount) char * _Str, _In_ unsigned int _Val, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsncset_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInChars) char * _Str, _In_ size_t _SizeInChars, _In_ unsigned int _Val, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);

/* MBCS-specific mappings */

_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsdec(_In_reads_z_(_Pos-_Start+1) const char * _Start, _In_z_ const char * _Pos);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsinc(_In_z_ const char * _Ptr);
_ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _tcsnbcnt(_In_reads_or_z_(_MaxCount) const char * _Str, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _tcsnccnt(_In_reads_or_z_(_MaxCount) const char * _Str, _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
_ACRTIMP unsigned int __cdecl _tcsnextc (_In_z_ const char * _Str);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsninc(_In_reads_or_z_(_Count) const char * _Ptr, _In_ size_t _Count);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsspnp(_In_z_ const char * _Str1, _In_z_ const char * _Str2);

_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcslwr_s) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcslwr(_Inout_ char *_Str);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcslwr_s_l) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcslwr_l(_Inout_ char *_Str, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcslwr_s(_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInChars) char *_Str, _In_ size_t _SizeInChars);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcslwr_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInChars) char *_Str, _In_ size_t _SizeInChars, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcsupr_s) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsupr(_Inout_ char *_Str);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcsupr_s_l) _ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsupr_l(_Inout_ char *_Str, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsupr_s(_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInChars) char *_Str, _In_ size_t _SizeInChars);
_ACRTIMP char * __cdecl _tcsupr_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInChars) char *_Str, _In_ size_t _SizeInChars, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _tclen(_In_z_ const char * _Str);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tccpy_s) _ACRTIMP void __cdecl _tccpy(_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_ char * _DstCh, _In_z_ const char * _SrcCh);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tccpy_s_l) _ACRTIMP void __cdecl _tccpy_l(_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_ char * _DstCh, _In_z_ const char * _SrcCh, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _tccpy_s(_Out_writes_z_(_SizeInBytes) char * _DstCh, size_t _SizeInBytes, _Out_opt_ int *_PCopied, _In_z_ const char * _SrcCh);
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _tccpy_s_l(_Out_writes_z_(_SizeInBytes) char * _DstCh, size_t _SizeInBytes, _Out_opt_ int *_PCopied, _In_z_ const char * _SrcCh, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);

#else  /* __STDC__ || defined (_NO_INLINING) */

/* the default: use type-safe inline function thunks */

#define _PUC    unsigned char *
#define _CPUC   const unsigned char *
#define _PC     char *
#define _CRPC   _CONST_RETURN char *
#define _CPC    const char *
#define _UI     unsigned int

/* String functions */

__inline _CRPC _tcschr(_In_z_ _CPC _s1,_In_ _UI _c) {return (_CRPC)_mbschr((_CPUC)_s1,_c);}
__inline size_t _tcscspn(_In_z_ _CPC _s1,_In_z_ _CPC _s2) {return _mbscspn((_CPUC)_s1,(_CPUC)_s2);}

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcsncat_s(_Inout_updates_z_(_Destination_size_chars) char *_Destination, _In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars, _In_z_ const char *_Source, _In_ size_t _Count)
    return _mbsnbcat_s((unsigned char *)_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, (const unsigned char *)_Source,_Count);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_2(errno_t, _tcsncat_s, _Prepost_z_ char, _Dest, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsncat, _tcsncat_s, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_ char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
#pragma warning(disable:28726) // Banned API
    return (char *)_mbsnbcat((unsigned char *)_Dst,(const unsigned char *)_Source,_Count);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsncat, _tcsncat_s, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_, char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count)

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcsncat_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_Destination_size_chars) char *_Destination, _In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars, _In_z_ const char *_Source, _In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbsnbcat_s_l((unsigned char *)_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, (const unsigned char *)_Source,_Count, _Locale);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_3(errno_t, _tcsncat_s_l, _Prepost_z_ char, _Dest, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsncat_l, _tcsncat_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_ char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
    return (char *)_mbsnbcat_l((unsigned char *)_Dst,(const unsigned char *)_Source,_Count, _Locale);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsncat_l, _tcsncat_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_, char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcsncpy_s(_Out_writes_z_(_Destination_size_chars) char * _Destination, _In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars, _In_z_ const char * _Source,_In_ size_t _Count)
    return _mbsnbcpy_s((unsigned char *)_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, (const unsigned char *)_Source,_Count);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_2(errno_t, _tcsncpy_s, _Post_z_ char, _Dest, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(_Success_(return != 0) char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsncpy, _tcsncpy_s, _Out_writes_bytes_(_Count) _Post_maybez_ char, _Out_writes_bytes_(_Count) _Post_maybez_ char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
#pragma warning(disable:28726) // Banned API
    return (char *)_mbsnbcpy((unsigned char *)_Dst,(const unsigned char *)_Source,_Count);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsncpy, _tcsncpy_s, _Out_writes_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_, char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count)

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcsncpy_s_l(_Out_writes_z_(_Destination_size_chars) char * _Destination, _In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars, _In_z_ const char * _Source,_In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbsnbcpy_s_l((unsigned char *)_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, (const unsigned char *)_Source,_Count, _Locale);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_3(errno_t, _tcsncpy_s_l, _Post_z_ char, _Dest, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsncpy_l, _tcsncpy_s_l, _Out_writes_z_(_Size) char, _Out_writes_bytes_(_Count) _Post_maybez_ char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
    return (char *)_mbsnbcpy_l((unsigned char *)_Dst,(const unsigned char *)_Source,_Count, _Locale);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsncpy_l, _tcsncpy_s_l, _Out_writes_z_(_Size) char, _Out_writes_z_(_Count), char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

_Check_return_ __inline _CRPC _tcspbrk(_In_z_ _CPC _s1,_In_z_ _CPC _s2) {return (_CRPC)_mbspbrk((_CPUC)_s1,(_CPUC)_s2);}
_Check_return_ __inline _CRPC _tcsrchr(_In_z_ _CPC _s1,_In_ _UI _c) {return (_CRPC)_mbsrchr((_CPUC)_s1,_c);}
_Check_return_ __inline size_t _tcsspn(_In_z_ _CPC _s1,_In_z_ _CPC _s2) {return _mbsspn((_CPUC)_s1,(_CPUC)_s2);}
_Check_return_ __inline _CRPC _tcsstr(_In_z_ _CPC _s1,_In_z_ _CPC _s2) {return (_CRPC)_mbsstr((_CPUC)_s1,(_CPUC)_s2);}

_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcstok_s) __inline char *  _tcstok(_Inout_opt_z_ char * _String,_In_z_ const char * _Delimiters)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
#pragma warning(disable:28726) // Banned API
        return (char * )_mbstok((unsigned char *)_String,(const unsigned char *)_Delimiters);
#pragma warning(pop)

_Check_return_ __inline char *  _tcstok_s(_Inout_opt_z_ char * _String,_In_z_ const char * _Delimiters, _Inout_ _Deref_prepost_opt_z_ char **_Current_position)
        return (char * )_mbstok_s((unsigned char *)_String,(const unsigned char *)_Delimiters, (unsigned char **)_Current_position);

_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tcstok_s_l) __inline char *  _tcstok_l(_Inout_opt_z_ char * _String,_In_z_ const char * _Delimiters, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
        return (char * )_mbstok_l((unsigned char *)_String,(const unsigned char *)_Delimiters, _Locale);
#pragma warning(pop)

_Check_return_ __inline char *  _tcstok_s_l(_Inout_opt_z_ char * _String,_In_z_ const char * _Delimiters, _Inout_ _Deref_prepost_opt_z_ char **_Current_position, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
        return (char * )_mbstok_s_l((unsigned char *)_String,(const unsigned char *)_Delimiters, (unsigned char **)_Current_position, _Locale);

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcsnset_s(_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInBytes) char * _Dst, _In_ size_t _SizeInBytes, _In_ unsigned int _Value , _In_ size_t _Count)
    return _mbsnbset_s((unsigned char *)_Dst, _SizeInBytes, _Value, _Count);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_2(errno_t, _tcsnset_s, _Prepost_z_ char, _Dest, _In_ unsigned int, _Value , _In_ size_t, _Count)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsnset, _tcsnset_s, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_updates_z_(_Count) char, _Dst, _In_ unsigned int, _Value , _In_ size_t, _Count)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
    return (char *)_mbsnbset((unsigned char *)_Dst, _Value, _Count);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsnset, _tcsnset_s, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_updates_z_(_Count), char, _Dst, _In_ unsigned int, _Value , _In_ size_t, _Count)

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcsnset_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInBytes) char * _Dst, _In_ size_t _SizeInBytes, _In_ unsigned int _Value , _In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbsnbset_s_l((unsigned char *)_Dst, _SizeInBytes, _Value, _Count, _Locale);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_3(errno_t, _tcsnset_s_l, _Prepost_z_ char, _Dest, _In_ unsigned int, _Value , _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsnset_l, _tcsnset_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_updates_z_(_Count) char, _Dst, _In_ unsigned int, _Value , _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
    return (char *)_mbsnbset_l((unsigned char *)_Dst, _Value, _Count, _Locale);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsnset_l, _tcsnset_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_updates_z_(_Count), char, _Dst, _In_ unsigned int, _Value , _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__inline _PC _tcsrev(_Inout_z_ _PC _s1) {return (_PC)_mbsrev((_PUC)_s1);}

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcsset_s(_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInBytes) char * _Dst, _In_ size_t _SizeInBytes, _In_ unsigned int _Value)
    return _mbsset_s((unsigned char *)_Dst, _SizeInBytes, _Value);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_1(errno_t, _tcsset_s, _Prepost_z_ char, _Dest, _In_ unsigned int, _Value)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_1_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsset, _tcsset_s, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_ char, _Dst, _In_ unsigned int, _Value)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
    return (char *)_mbsset((unsigned char *)_Dst, _Value);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_1_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsset, _tcsset_s, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_ char, _Dst, _In_ unsigned int, _Value)

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcsset_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInBytes) char * _Dst, _In_ size_t _SizeInBytes, _In_ unsigned int _Value, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbsset_s_l((unsigned char *)_Dst, _SizeInBytes, _Value, _Locale);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_2(errno_t, _tcsset_s_l, _Prepost_z_ char, _Dest, _In_ unsigned int, _Value, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_2_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsset_l, _tcsset_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_ char, _Dst, _In_ unsigned int, _Value, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
    return (char *)_mbsset_l((unsigned char *)_Dst, _Value, _Locale);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_2_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsset_l, _tcsset_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_, char, _Dst, _In_ unsigned int, _Value, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcscmp(_In_z_ _CPC _s1,_In_z_ _CPC _s2) {return _mbscmp((_CPUC)_s1,(_CPUC)_s2);}

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcsicmp(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2)
    return _mbsicmp((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2);

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcsicmp_l(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbsicmp_l((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2, _Locale);

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcsnccmp(_In_reads_or_z_(_n) _CPC _s1,_In_z_ _CPC _s2,_In_ size_t _n) {return _mbsncmp((_CPUC)_s1,(_CPUC)_s2,_n);}
__inline int _tcsncmp(_In_z_ _CPC _s1,_In_z_ _CPC _s2,_In_ size_t _n) {return _mbsnbcmp((_CPUC)_s1,(_CPUC)_s2,_n);}

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcsncicmp(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2, _In_ size_t _Char_count)
    return _mbsnicmp((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2,_Char_count);

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcsncicmp_l(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2, _In_ size_t _Char_count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbsnicmp_l((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2,_Char_count, _Locale);

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcsnicmp(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2, _In_ size_t _Char_count)
    return _mbsnbicmp((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2,_Char_count);

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcsnicmp_l(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2, _In_ size_t _Char_count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbsnbicmp_l((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2,_Char_count, _Locale);

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcscoll(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2)
    return _mbscoll((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2);

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcscoll_l(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbscoll_l((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2, _Locale);

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcsicoll(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2)
    return _mbsicoll((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2);

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcsicoll_l(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbsicoll_l((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2, _Locale);

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcsnccoll(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2, _In_ size_t _Count)
    return _mbsncoll((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2, _Count);

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcsnccoll_l(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2, _In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbsncoll_l((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2, _Count, _Locale);

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcsncoll(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2, _In_ size_t _Count)
    return _mbsnbcoll((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2, _Count);

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcsncoll_l(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2, _In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbsnbcoll_l((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2, _Count, _Locale);

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcsncicoll(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2, _In_ size_t _Count)
    return _mbsnicoll((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2, _Count);

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcsncicoll_l(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2, _In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbsnicoll_l((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2, _Count, _Locale);

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcsnicoll(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2, _In_ size_t _Count)
    return _mbsnbicoll((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2, _Count);

_Check_return_ __inline int _tcsnicoll_l(_In_z_ const char * _String1, _In_z_ const char * _String2, _In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbsnbicoll_l((const unsigned char *)_String1,(const unsigned char *)_String2, _Count, _Locale);

/* "logical-character" mappings */
_Check_return_ __inline size_t _tcsclen(_In_z_ const char * _String)
    return _mbslen((const unsigned char *)_String);

_Check_return_ __inline size_t _tcscnlen(_In_z_ const char * _String, _In_ size_t _Maximum)
    return _mbsnlen((const unsigned char *)_String, _Maximum);

_Check_return_ __inline size_t _tcsclen_l(_In_z_ const char * _String, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbslen_l((const unsigned char *)_String, _Locale);

_Check_return_ __inline size_t _tcscnlen_l(_In_z_ const char * _String, _In_ size_t _Maximum, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbsnlen_l((const unsigned char *)_String, _Maximum, _Locale);

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcsnccat_s(_Inout_updates_z_(_Destination_size_chars) char * _Destination, _In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars, _In_z_ const char * _Source, _In_ size_t _Count)
    return _mbsncat_s((unsigned char *)_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, (const unsigned char *)_Source, _Count);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_2(errno_t, _tcsnccat_s, _Prepost_z_ char, _Dest, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsnccat, _tcsnccat_s, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_ char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
#pragma warning(disable:28726) // Banned API
    return (char *)_mbsncat((unsigned char *)_Dst,(const unsigned char *)_Source, _Count);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsnccat, _tcsnccat_s, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_, char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count)

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcsnccat_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_Destination_size_chars) char * _Destination, _In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars, _In_z_ const char * _Source, _In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbsncat_s_l((unsigned char *)_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, (const unsigned char *)_Source, _Count, _Locale);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_3(errno_t, _tcsnccat_s_l, _Prepost_z_ char, _Dest, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsnccat_l, _tcsnccat_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_ char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
    return (char *)_mbsncat_l((unsigned char *)_Dst,(const unsigned char *)_Source, _Count, _Locale);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsnccat_l, _tcsnccat_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_, char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcsnccpy_s(_Out_writes_z_(_Destination_size_chars) char * _Destination, _In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars, _In_z_ const char * _Source, _In_ size_t _Count)
    return _mbsncpy_s((unsigned char *)_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, (const unsigned char *)_Source, _Count);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_2(errno_t, _tcsnccpy_s, _Post_z_ char, _Dest, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsnccpy, _tcsnccpy_s, _Out_writes_bytes_(_Size) _Post_maybez_ char, _Pre_notnull_ _Post_maybez_ char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
#pragma warning(disable:28726) // Banned API
    return (char *)_mbsncpy((unsigned char *)_Dst,(const unsigned char *)_Source, _Count);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsnccpy, _tcsnccpy_s, _Out_writes_z_(_Size) char, _Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_, char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count)

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcsnccpy_s_l(_Out_writes_z_(_Destination_size_chars) char * _Destination, _In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars, _In_z_ const char * _Source, _In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbsncpy_s_l((unsigned char *)_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, (const unsigned char *)_Source, _Count, _Locale);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_3(errno_t, _tcsnccpy_s_l, _Post_z_ char, _Dest, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsnccpy_l, _tcsnccpy_s_l, _Out_writes_z_(_Size) char, _Out_writes_bytes_(_Count) _Post_maybez_ char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
    return (char *)_mbsncpy_l((unsigned char *)_Dst,(const unsigned char *)_Source, _Count, _Locale);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsnccpy_l, _tcsnccpy_s_l, _Out_writes_z_(_Size) char, _Out_writes_bytes_(_Count) _Post_maybez_, char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcsncset_s(_Inout_updates_bytes_(_SizeInBytes) char *_Destination, _In_ size_t _SizeInBytes, _In_ unsigned int _Value, _In_ size_t _Count)
    return _mbsnset_s((unsigned char *)_Destination, _SizeInBytes, _Value, _Count);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_2(errno_t, _tcsncset_s, char, _Dest, _In_ unsigned int, _Value, _In_ size_t, _Count)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsncset, _tcsncset_s, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_updates_bytes_(_Count) char, _Dst, _In_ unsigned int, _Value, _In_ size_t, _Count)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
    return (char *)_mbsnset((unsigned char *)_Dst, _Value, _Count);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsncset, _tcsncset_s, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_updates_bytes_(_Count), char, _Dst, _In_ unsigned int, _Value, _In_ size_t, _Count)

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcsncset_s_l(_Inout_updates_bytes_(_SizeInBytes) char *_Destination, _In_ size_t _SizeInBytes, _In_ unsigned int _Value, _In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbsnset_s_l((unsigned char *)_Destination, _SizeInBytes, _Value, _Count, _Locale);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_3(errno_t, _tcsncset_s_l, char, _Dest, _In_ unsigned int, _Value, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsncset_l, _tcsncset_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_updates_bytes_(_Count) char, _Dst, _In_ unsigned int, _Value, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
    return (char *)_mbsnset_l((unsigned char *)_Dst, _Value, _Count, _Locale);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsncset_l, _tcsncset_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_updates_bytes_(_Count), char, _Dst, _In_ unsigned int, _Value, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

/* MBCS-specific mappings */

_Check_return_ __inline _PC _tcsdec(_In_reads_z_(_s2 - _s1 + 1) _CPC _s1,_In_z_ _CPC _s2) {return (_PC)_mbsdec((_CPUC)_s1,(_CPUC)_s2);}
_Check_return_ __inline _PC _tcsinc(_In_z_ _CPC _s1) {return (_PC)_mbsinc((_CPUC)_s1);}
_Check_return_ __inline size_t _tcsnbcnt(_In_reads_or_z_(_n) _CPC _s1,_In_ size_t _n) {return _mbsnbcnt((_CPUC)_s1,_n);}
_Check_return_ __inline size_t _tcsnccnt(_In_reads_or_z_(_n) _CPC _s1,_In_ size_t _n) {return _mbsnccnt((_CPUC)_s1,_n);}
_Check_return_ __inline _PC _tcsninc(_In_reads_or_z_(_n) _CPC _s1,_In_ size_t _n) {return (_PC)_mbsninc((_CPUC)_s1,_n);}
_Check_return_ __inline _PC _tcsspnp(_In_z_ _CPC _s1,_In_z_ _CPC _s2) {return (_PC)_mbsspnp((_CPUC)_s1,(_CPUC)_s2);}

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcslwr_s(_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInBytes) char * _String, size_t _SizeInBytes)
    return _mbslwr_s((unsigned char *)_String, _SizeInBytes);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_0(errno_t, _tcslwr_s, _Prepost_z_ char, _String)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_0_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcslwr, _tcslwr_s, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_ char, _String)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
    return (char *)_mbslwr((unsigned char *)_String);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_0_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcslwr, _tcslwr_s, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_ char, _String)

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcslwr_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInBytes) char * _String, _In_ size_t _SizeInBytes, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbslwr_s_l((unsigned char *)_String, _SizeInBytes, _Locale);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_1(errno_t, _tcslwr_s_l, _Prepost_z_ char, _String, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_1_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcslwr_l, _tcslwr_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_ char, _String, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
    return (char *)_mbslwr_l((unsigned char *)_String, _Locale);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_1_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcslwr_l, _tcslwr_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_ char, _String, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcsupr_s(_Inout_updates_z_(_Count) char * _String, _In_ size_t _Count)
    return _mbsupr_s((unsigned char *)_String, _Count);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_0(errno_t, _tcsupr_s, _Prepost_z_ char, _String)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_0_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsupr, _tcsupr_s, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_ char, _String)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
    return (char *)_mbsupr((unsigned char *)_String);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_0_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsupr, _tcsupr_s, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_ char, _String)

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tcsupr_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_Count) char * _String, _In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbsupr_s_l((unsigned char *)_String, _Count, _Locale);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_1(errno_t, _tcsupr_s_l, _Prepost_z_ char, _String, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_1_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsupr_l, _tcsupr_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_ char, _String, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
    return (char *)_mbsupr_l((unsigned char *)_String, _Locale);
#pragma warning(pop)

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_1_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _tcsupr_l, _tcsupr_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_ char, _String, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

_Check_return_ __inline size_t _tclen(_In_z_ _CPC _s1) {return _mbclen((_CPUC)_s1);}

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tccpy_s(_Out_writes_z_(_SizeInBytes) char * _Destination, size_t _SizeInBytes, _Out_opt_ int *_PCopied, _In_z_ const char * _Source)
    return _mbccpy_s((unsigned char *)_Destination, _SizeInBytes, _PCopied, (const unsigned char *)_Source);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_2(errno_t, _tccpy_s, _Post_z_ char, _Dest, _Out_opt_  int *, _PCopied, _In_z_ const char *, _Source)

_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tccpy_s) __inline void _tccpy(_Out_writes_z_(2) char * _Destination, _In_z_ const char * _Source)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
#pragma warning(disable:28726) // Banned API
    _mbccpy((unsigned char *)_Destination, (const unsigned char *)_Source);
#pragma warning(pop)

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t _tccpy_s_l(_Out_writes_z_(_SizeInBytes) char * _Destination, _In_ size_t _SizeInBytes, _Out_opt_ int *_PCopied, _In_z_ const char * _Source, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _mbccpy_s_l((unsigned char *)_Destination, _SizeInBytes, _PCopied, (const unsigned char *)_Source, _Locale);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_3(errno_t, _tccpy_s_l, _Post_z_ char, _Dest, _Out_opt_ int *, _PCopied, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_tccpy_s_l) __inline void _tccpy_l(_Out_writes_z_(2) char * _Destination, _In_z_ const char * _Source, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
    _mbccpy_l((unsigned char *)_Destination,( const unsigned char *)_Source, _Locale);
#pragma warning(pop)

/* inline helper */
_Check_return_ __inline _UI _tcsnextc(_In_z_ _CPC _s1)
    _UI _n=0;
    if (_ismbblead((_UI)*(_PUC)_s1))
        /*  for a dud MBCS string (leadbyte, EOS), we don't move forward 2
            We do not assert here because this routine is too low-level


#endif  /* __STDC__ || defined (_NO_INLINING) */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C++" {
_Check_return_ inline char * __CRTDECL _tcschr(_In_z_ char *_S, _In_ unsigned int _C)
        {return ((char *)_tcschr((const char *)_S, _C)); }
_Check_return_ inline char * __CRTDECL _tcspbrk(_In_z_ char *_S, _In_z_ const char *_P)
        {return ((char *)_tcspbrk((const char *)_S, _P)); }
_Check_return_ inline char * __CRTDECL _tcsrchr(_In_z_ char *_S, _In_ unsigned int _C)
        {return ((char *)_tcsrchr((const char *)_S, _C)); }
_Check_return_ inline char * __CRTDECL _tcsstr(_In_z_ char *_S, _In_z_ const char *_P)
        {return ((char *)_tcsstr((const char *)_S, _P)); }
#endif  /* __cplusplus */

#endif  /* _MB_MAP_DIRECT */

/* MBCS-specific mappings */

#define _tccmp(_cp1,_cp2)   _tcsnccmp(_cp1,_cp2,1)

/* ctype functions */

#define _istalnum       _ismbcalnum
#define _istalnum_l     _ismbcalnum_l
#define _istalpha       _ismbcalpha
#define _istalpha_l     _ismbcalpha_l
#define _istdigit       _ismbcdigit
#define _istdigit_l     _ismbcdigit_l
#define _istgraph       _ismbcgraph
#define _istgraph_l     _ismbcgraph_l
#define _istlegal       _ismbclegal
#define _istlegal_l     _ismbclegal_l
#define _istlower       _ismbclower
#define _istlower_l     _ismbclower_l
#define _istprint       _ismbcprint
#define _istprint_l     _ismbcprint_l
#define _istpunct       _ismbcpunct
#define _istpunct_l     _ismbcpunct_l
#define _istblank       _ismbcblank
#define _istblank_l     _ismbcblank_l
#define _istspace       _ismbcspace
#define _istspace_l     _ismbcspace_l
#define _istupper       _ismbcupper
#define _istupper_l     _ismbcupper_l

#define _totupper       _mbctoupper
#define _totupper_l     _mbctoupper_l
#define _totlower       _mbctolower
#define _totlower_l     _mbctolower_l

#define _istlead        _ismbblead
#define _istleadbyte    isleadbyte
#define _istleadbyte_l  _isleadbyte_l

#else  /* _MBCS */

/* ++++++++++++++++++++ SBCS ++++++++++++++++++++ */

typedef char            _TCHAR;
typedef signed char     _TSCHAR;
typedef unsigned char   _TUCHAR;
typedef char            _TXCHAR;
typedef int             _TINT;
#endif  /* __TCHAR_DEFINED */

typedef char            TCHAR;
typedef char *          PTCHAR;
typedef unsigned char   TBYTE;
typedef unsigned char * PTBYTE;
#endif  /* _TCHAR_DEFINED */

/* String functions */

#define _tcschr         strchr
#define _tcscspn        strcspn
#define _tcsncat        strncat
#define _tcsncat_s      strncat_s
#define _tcsncat_l      _strncat_l
#define _tcsncat_s_l    _strncat_s_l
#define _tcsncpy        strncpy
#define _tcsncpy_s      strncpy_s
#define _tcsncpy_l      _strncpy_l
#define _tcsncpy_s_l    _strncpy_s_l
#define _tcspbrk        strpbrk
#define _tcsrchr        strrchr
#define _tcsspn         strspn
#define _tcsstr         strstr
#define _tcstok         strtok
#define _tcstok_s       strtok_s
#define _tcstok_l       _strtok_l
#define _tcstok_s_l     _strtok_s_l

#define _tcsnset        _strnset
#define _tcsnset_s      _strnset_s
#define _tcsnset_l      _strnset_l
#define _tcsnset_s_l    _strnset_s_l
#define _tcsrev         _strrev
#define _tcsset         _strset
#define _tcsset_s       _strset_s
#define _tcsset_l       _strset_l
#define _tcsset_s_l     _strset_s_l

#define _tcscmp         strcmp
#define _tcsicmp        _stricmp
#define _tcsicmp_l      _stricmp_l
#define _tcsnccmp       strncmp
#define _tcsncmp        strncmp
#define _tcsncicmp      _strnicmp
#define _tcsncicmp_l    _strnicmp_l
#define _tcsnicmp       _strnicmp
#define _tcsnicmp_l     _strnicmp_l

#define _tcscoll        strcoll
#define _tcscoll_l      _strcoll_l
#define _tcsicoll       _stricoll
#define _tcsicoll_l     _stricoll_l
#define _tcsnccoll      _strncoll
#define _tcsnccoll_l    _strncoll_l
#define _tcsncoll       _strncoll
#define _tcsncoll_l     _strncoll_l
#define _tcsncicoll     _strnicoll
#define _tcsncicoll_l   _strnicoll_l
#define _tcsnicoll      _strnicoll
#define _tcsnicoll_l    _strnicoll_l

/* "logical-character" mappings */

#define _tcsclen        strlen
#define _tcscnlen       strnlen
#define _tcsclen_l(_String, _Locale) strlen(_String)
#define _tcscnlen_l(_String, _Max_count, _Locale) strnlen((_String), (_Max_count))
#define _tcsnccat       strncat
#define _tcsnccat_s     strncat_s
#define _tcsnccat_l     _strncat_l
#define _tcsnccat_s_l   _strncat_s_l
#define _tcsnccpy       strncpy
#define _tcsnccpy_s     strncpy_s
#define _tcsnccpy_l     _strncpy_l
#define _tcsnccpy_s_l   _strncpy_s_l
#define _tcsncset       _strnset
#define _tcsncset_s     _strnset_s
#define _tcsncset_l     _strnset_l
#define _tcsncset_s_l   _strnset_s_l

/* MBCS-specific functions */

#define _tcsdec     _strdec
#define _tcsinc     _strinc
#define _tcsnbcnt   _strncnt
#define _tcsnccnt   _strncnt
#define _tcsnextc   _strnextc
#define _tcsninc    _strninc
#define _tcsspnp    _strspnp

#define _tcslwr     _strlwr
#define _tcslwr_l   _strlwr_l
#define _tcslwr_s   _strlwr_s
#define _tcslwr_s_l _strlwr_s_l
#define _tcsupr     _strupr
#define _tcsupr_l   _strupr_l
#define _tcsupr_s   _strupr_s
#define _tcsupr_s_l _strupr_s_l
#define _tcsxfrm    strxfrm
#define _tcsxfrm_l  _strxfrm_l

#define _istlead(_Char)                 (0)
#define _istleadbyte(_Char)             (0)
#define _istleadbyte_l(_Char, _Locale)  (0)

#if __STDC__ || defined (_NO_INLINING)
#define _tclen(_pc) (1)
#define _tccpy(_pc1,_cpc2) (*(_pc1) = *(_cpc2))
#define _tccpy_l(_pc1,_cpc2,_locale) _tccpy((_pc1),(_cpc2))
#define _tccmp(_cpc1,_cpc2) (((unsigned char)*(_cpc1))-((unsigned char)*(_cpc2)))
#else  /* __STDC__ || defined (_NO_INLINING) */
_Check_return_ __inline size_t __CRTDECL _tclen(_In_z_ const char *_cpc)
    /* avoid compiler warning */
    (void *)_cpc;
    return 1;
__inline void __CRTDECL _tccpy(_Out_ char *_pc1, _In_z_ const char *_cpc2) { *_pc1 = *_cpc2; }
__inline void __CRTDECL _tccpy_l(_Out_ char *_Pc1, _In_z_ const char *_Cpc2, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 28719 )
    _tccpy(_Pc1, _Cpc2);
#pragma warning( pop )
_Check_return_ __inline int __CRTDECL _tccmp(_In_z_ const char *_cpc1, _In_z_ const char *_cpc2) { return (int) (((unsigned char)*_cpc1)-((unsigned char)*_cpc2)); }
#endif  /* __STDC__ || defined (_NO_INLINING) */

/* ctype-functions */

#define _istalnum   isalnum
#define _istalnum_l   _isalnum_l
#define _istalpha   isalpha
#define _istalpha_l   _isalpha_l
#define _istdigit   isdigit
#define _istdigit_l   _isdigit_l
#define _istgraph   isgraph
#define _istgraph_l   _isgraph_l
#define _istlower   islower
#define _istlower_l   _islower_l
#define _istprint   isprint
#define _istprint_l   _isprint_l
#define _istpunct   ispunct
#define _istpunct_l   _ispunct_l
#define _istblank   isblank
#define _istblank_l   _isblank_l
#define _istspace   isspace
#define _istspace_l   _isspace_l
#define _istupper   isupper
#define _istupper_l   _isupper_l

#define _totupper   toupper
#define _totupper_l   _toupper_l
#define _totlower   tolower
#define _totlower_l   _tolower_l

#define _istlegal(_c)   (1)

/* the following is optional if functional versions are available */

#if __STDC__ || defined (_NO_INLINING)
#define _strdec(_cpc1, _cpc2) ((_cpc1)>=(_cpc2) ? NULL : (_cpc2)-1)
#define _strinc(_pc)    ((_pc)+1)
#define _strnextc(_cpc) ((unsigned int) *(const unsigned char *)(_cpc))
#define _strninc(_pc, _sz) (((_pc)+(_sz)))
_ACRTIMP size_t  __cdecl __strncnt(_In_reads_or_z_(_Cnt) const char * _Str, _In_ size_t _Cnt);
#define _strncnt(_cpc, _sz) (__strncnt(_cpc,_sz))
#define _strspnp(_cpc1, _cpc2)                                                          (_cpc1==NULL ? NULL : ((*((_cpc1)+strspn(_cpc1,_cpc2))) ? ((_cpc1)+strspn(_cpc1,_cpc2)) : NULL))

#define _strncpy_l(_Destination, _Source, _Count, _Locale)                              (strncpy(_Destination, _Source, _Count))
#define _strncpy_s_l(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Source, _Count, _Locale)   (strncpy_s(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Source, _Count))
#endif  /* __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ */
#define _strncat_l(_Destination, _Source, _Count, _Locale)                              (strncat(_Destination, _Source, _Count))
#define _strncat_s_l(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Source, _Count, _Locale)   (strncat_s(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Source, _Count))
#endif  /* __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ */
#define _strtok_l(_String, _Delimiters, _Locale)                                        (strtok(_String, _Delimiters))
#define _strtok_s_l(_String, _Delimiters, _Current_position, _Locale)                   (strtok_s(_String, _Delimiters, _Current_position))
#endif  /* __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ */
#define _strnset_l(_Destination, _Value, _Count, _Locale)                               (_strnset(_Destination, _Value, _Count))
#define _strnset_s_l(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Value, _Count, _Locale)    (_strnset_s(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Value, _Count))
#define _strset_l(_Destination, _Value, _Locale)                                        (_strset(_Destination, _Value))
#define _strset_s_l(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Value, _Locale)             (_strset_s(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Value))
#else  /* __STDC__ || defined (_NO_INLINING) */
_Check_return_ __inline char * __CRTDECL _strdec(_In_reads_z_(_Cpc2 - _Cpc1) const char * _Cpc1, _In_z_ const char * _Cpc2) { return (char *)((_Cpc1)>=(_Cpc2) ? NULL : (_Cpc2-1)); }
_Check_return_ __inline char * __CRTDECL _strinc(_In_z_ const char * _Pc) { return (char *)(_Pc+1); }
_Check_return_ __inline unsigned int __CRTDECL _strnextc(_In_z_ const char * _Cpc) { return (unsigned int)*(const unsigned char *)_Cpc; }
_Check_return_ __inline char * __CRTDECL _strninc(_In_reads_or_z_(_Sz) const char * _Pc, _In_ size_t _Sz) { return (char *)(_Pc+_Sz); }
_Check_return_ __inline size_t __CRTDECL _strncnt(_In_reads_or_z_(_Cnt) const char * _String, _In_ size_t _Cnt)
        size_t n = _Cnt;
        char *cp = (char *)_String;
        while (n-- && *cp)
        return _Cnt - n - 1;
_Check_return_ __inline char * __CRTDECL _strspnp
    _In_z_ const char * _Cpc1,
    _In_z_ const char * _Cpc2
    return _Cpc1==NULL ? NULL : ((*(_Cpc1 += strspn(_Cpc1,_Cpc2))!='\0') ? (char*)_Cpc1 : NULL);

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t __CRTDECL _strncpy_s_l(_Out_writes_z_(_Destination_size_chars) char *_Destination, _In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars, _In_z_ const char *_Source, _In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return strncpy_s(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Source, _Count);
#endif  /* __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ */

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_3(errno_t, _strncpy_s_l, _Post_z_ char, _Dest, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _strncpy_l, _strncpy_s_l, _Out_writes_z_(_Size) char, _Out_writes_(_Count) char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4995 4996 28719 )
    return strncpy(_Dst, _Source, _Count);
#pragma warning( pop )

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _strncpy_l, _strncpy_s_l, _Out_writes_z_(_Size) char, _Out_writes_(_Count), char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

_Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t __CRTDECL _strncat_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_Destination_size_chars) char *_Destination, _In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars, _In_z_ const char *_Source, _In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return strncat_s(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Source, _Count);
#endif  /* __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ */

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_3(errno_t, _strncat_s_l, _Prepost_z_ char, _Dest, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _strncat_l, _strncat_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_ char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4995 4996 6054 28719 )
    return strncat(_Dst, _Source, _Count);
#pragma warning( pop )

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _strncat_l, _strncat_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_, char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_strtok_s_l) __inline char *  _strtok_l(_Inout_opt_z_ char * _String, _In_z_ const char * _Delimiters, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996 28727)
    return strtok(_String,_Delimiters);
#pragma warning(pop)

_Check_return_ __inline char *  _strtok_s_l(_Inout_opt_z_ char * _String, _In_z_ const char * _Delimiters, _Inout_ _Deref_prepost_opt_z_ char **_Current_position, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return strtok_s(_String, _Delimiters, _Current_position);
#endif  /* __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ */

__inline errno_t __CRTDECL _strnset_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_Destination_size_chars) char *_Destination, _In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars, _In_ int _Value, _In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _strnset_s(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Value, _Count);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_3(errno_t, _strnset_s_l, _Prepost_z_ char, _Dest, _In_ int, _Value, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _strnset_l, _strnset_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_updates_z_(_MaxCount) char, _Dst, _In_ int, _Value, _In_ size_t, _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4996 6054 )
    return _strnset(_Dst, _Value, _MaxCount);
#pragma warning( pop )

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _strnset_l, _strnset_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_updates_z_(_MaxCount), char, _Dst, _In_ int, _Value, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__inline errno_t __CRTDECL _strset_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_Destination_size_chars) char *_Destination, _In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars, _In_ int _Value, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
    return _strset_s(_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Value);

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_2(errno_t, _strset_s_l, _Prepost_z_ char, _Dest, _In_ int, _Value, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_2_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _strset_l, _strset_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_ char, _Dst, _In_ int, _Value, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4996 )
    return _strset(_Dst, _Value);
#pragma warning( pop )

__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_2_EX(char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _strset_l, _strset_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_z_, char, _Dst, _In_ int, _Value, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)

#endif  /* __STDC__ || defined (_NO_INLINING) */

#endif  /* _MBCS */

#endif  /* _UNICODE */

/* Generic text macros to be used with string literals and character constants.
   Will also allow symbolic constants that resolve to same. */

#define _T(x)       __T(x)
#define _TEXT(x)    __T(x)

#ifdef __cplusplus
}   /* ... extern "C" */
#endif  /* __cplusplus */

#pragma warning(pop)

#endif  /* _INC_TCHAR */


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Creator打地鼠游戏hitmouse.zip // Learn cc.Class: // - [Chinese] https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/zh/scripting/class.html // - [English] http://docs.cocos2d-x.org/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html // Learn Attribute: // - [Chinese] https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/zh/scripting/reference/attributes.html // - [English] http://docs.cocos2d-x.org/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html // Learn life-cycle callbacks: // - [Chinese] https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/zh/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html // - [English] https://www.cocos2d-x.org/docs/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html cc.Class({ extends: cc.Component, properties: { mouse: [cc.Node], hammer: cc.Node, txtCount: cc.Label, }, // LIFE-CYCLE CALLBACKS: onLoad () { var manager = cc.director.getCollisionManager(); manager.enabled = true; this.count = 0; this.txtCount.string = this.count; }, start () { cc.director.getScheduler().schedule(this.logic, this, 0.5, false); this.node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_START, function(event){ for(let i = 0; i < this.mouse.length; i++){ if(this.mouse[i].opacity == 0){ continue; } let parent = this.mouse[i].parent; let maskPos = parent.parent.convertToWorldSpaceAR(parent.position); let maskRect = cc.rect(maskPos.x - parent.width / 2 , maskPos.y , parent.width, parent.height); let mouse = this.mouse[i]; let mousePos = parent.convertToWorldSpaceAR(mouse.position); let mousRect = cc.rect(mousePos.x - mouse.width / 2, mousePos.y - mouse.height / 2, mouse.width, mouse.height); let mixRect = new cc.Rect(); maskRect.intersection(mixRect, mousRect); if(mixRect.contains(event.g


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评论 3




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


