MyBatis sql xml 对于重复的代码片段 可以使用 include
例如 以下将查询条件进行优化:
<sql id="where"><!-- 定义代码片段-->
<if test="CarNo != null and CarNo != ''">
and car_no like concat('%',#{CarNo},'%')
<if test="CardNo != null and CardNo != ''">
and card_no = #{CardNo}
<if test="serviceType != null and serviceType != ''">
and service_type = #{serviceType}
<select id="queryList" resultType="com.framework.entity.WeightEntity">
select * from weight
<include refid="where"/> <!-- 引用-->
<if test="offset != null and limit != null">
limit #{offset}, #{limit}
<select id="queryTotal" resultType="int">
select count(*) from weight
<include refid="where" /> <!-- 引用->
当然 include
标签不仅仅用于where, 只要重复代码片段都可使用