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原创 Enovia UTF8 Setting

OracleSet Charset to UTF8 when create a new db.EnoviaLANG=CMX_CHARSET=UTF8Web AppThe startup scripts for the Application Servers set the following:MX_CHARSET=UTF8LANG=CNLS_LANG=_

2012-03-13 10:28:36 1062

转载 oracle 查看 用户,用户权限,用户表空间,用户默认表空间

查看用户和默认表空间的关系。    select   username,default_tablespace   from   dba_users;1.查看表结构:desc表名2.查看当前用户的表:   1. select table_name from user_tables; 3.查看所有用户的表名:   1. select  table_name  from all_

2012-03-12 17:07:51 464

转载 Excel打开CSV文件中文乱码

Start – All Programs – Microsoft Office – Microsoft Office Tools – Microsoft Office 2003 Language Settings ,在其中的 Editing Language标签,选择Primary Editing Language 为 Chinese(PRC).

2012-03-06 18:12:30 700

原创 TOMCAT 中文文件上传下载乱码

set MX_CHARSET=UTF8set NLS_LANG=_.UTF8set LANG=Cset CATALINA_OPTS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF8

2012-03-06 17:40:39 1528

原创 Product line

Product LineENOVIA Product Line Management provides the ability to define productlines and models. Product lines manage models and models manageproducts. A product line must be created before an

2012-01-06 11:33:30 766

原创 AutoVue Installaion

1. VueLink (ReadMe.html and Installation Guide)2. AutoVue Server (ReadMe.txt and Installation Guide)

2011-10-28 10:49:42 545

原创 远程连接Windows数量限制

mstsc /v:*.*.*.* -console

2011-09-21 17:11:14 749

原创 Exalead Overview

Why use Exalead CloudView?Search Based Applications(SBAs)Efficient information indexingKnowledge and experience are a company’s most p

2011-09-01 09:42:23 755

原创 用Oracle中的Statspack诊断数据库性能实例


2011-08-29 17:00:06 352

原创 mql 集锦

expand bus id from recurse to all select bus id where attribute[ATTR] == 'TEXT';

2011-08-09 23:37:16 528

原创 kill oracle session

select a.username,a.sid,a.serial#from v$session aalter systemkill session'129,14933'--‘SID,SERIAL’

2011-08-02 12:48:01 292

原创 VMware

ISA ServerWSUSVMware ServerVMware vCenter ConverterESXESXiVMware WorkstationVMware ACEVRMVMware InfrastructureVirtual Center ServerVI Client

2011-07-25 16:55:07 318

原创 Windows Server 2008概览

Windows Server 2008 版本Windows Server Core 2008终端服务TS RemoteAppTS Web Access虚拟化技术Hyper虚拟化管理展示层虚拟化桌面虚拟化应用虚拟化存储虚拟化服务器虚拟化SCVMM 2008管理 P2V迁移

2011-07-24 13:29:41 261

原创 扫描局域网中的主机

扫描局域网中的主机NMap,也就是Network Mapper,是Linux下的网络扫描和嗅探工具包。http://baike.baidu.com/view/77455.htm

2011-07-22 12:44:52 847

转载 eclipse远程调试两种模式:

eclipse远程调试两种模式: 一、服务端监听 (1)服务器端需执行程序前加参数  -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000    说明:server=y 是指目标应用程序作为服务

2011-07-19 09:10:03 11068

原创 Install Oracle

Oracle Install 1. Logging In to the System as root 2. Checking the Hardware Requirements The system must meet the following minimum hardwar

2011-07-15 08:58:36 786

原创 Spinner

mod D:\Schema\Installer\Business\SourceFiles\emxDumper_1.tcl set sRootDir "/dump" the directory where you want to put dump file set sOutputD

2011-07-14 16:42:47 815 1

原创 规划

1. 社交能力2. 外语能力3. 技术能力与项目经验(技术能力提高,丰富的项目经验,领域前瞻)横向和纵向的提高,多维度的考虑问题

2011-07-14 14:53:59 350

原创 2011/07/13

take a long walkdoes that countmy schedule is so tight, I just can't manage itnothing elsekeep in good shapein social settingsenter fori am

2011-07-13 21:24:44 312

原创 Tomcat Catalina Home

#!/bin/sh# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# setenv.sh# ---------------------------------------

2011-07-12 09:49:43 535

原创 32位机虚拟64位

这要看CPU是否支持虚拟技术,可以下载 securable.exe看下CPU是否支持VT技术,如果支持那就可以进入BIOS将VT选项设置为Enabled。如果不支持,那就没办法了。

2011-07-11 09:54:42 571

原创 Thinkpad BIOS设置

BIOS,Basic Input and Output System,控制了整个计算机所有硬件的设置。当我们开启T60 时,屏幕下方会出现“Press F1 for ThinkPad BIOSSetup Utility”时,按下F1 键,输入正确的密码或刷下指纹(如果设置了BIO

2011-07-11 09:51:58 7128

原创 2011/07/10

well-knownpay forenrolldormcommutecafeteriaeat outI would like you to meetsame herehave funsleep inproficientconsistentattainable

2011-07-10 17:53:52 278

原创 Enovia Database

-- To query a bus with all attributes  select bt.mxname, bo.lxname, at.mxname, str.lxval   from mxbustype bt, lxbo_985079cc bo, mxdrvinfo di

2011-07-08 15:13:16 1552

原创 创建表空间

确定以管理员身份登录的:1.首先,创建(新)用户:    create user username identified by password;    username:新用户名的用户名    password: 新用户的密码也可以不创建新用户,而仍然用以前的用户,如:继续利用scott用户2.创建表空间:    create tablespace tablespacename datafile

2011-07-01 13:50:00 343

原创 Enabling Tracing

trace type TYPE{,TYPE} |filename FILENAME | [not full];dsftpindexjpoldaplogwritermemorymqlOTHER_TYPEportletsmtpsqlstoretriggerverboseworkflow trace type mql,sql filename mqlsql.log;trace pau

2011-06-29 13:45:00 302

原创 Oracle Manual

oracle manualexpexp user/password owner=user file=/data/**.dumpexp user/password owner=user statistics=none file=/data/**.dumpimp imp user/password fromuser=user touser=user file=/data/**.dump imp use

2011-06-28 13:57:00 472

原创 To support non-English characters (UTF-8)

1. Add filter to web.xml of TOMCAT             Set Character Encoding       com.matrixone.servlet.SetCharacterEncodingFilter                encoding         UTF-8                        Set Characte

2011-06-28 13:41:00 332

原创 Maintaining the System

set system SYSTEM_SETTING;list system;sessions;

2011-06-27 15:06:00 285

原创 Working With Transactions

Working With Transactionsabort transaction [NAME];commit transaction;print transaction;start transaction [read];set transaction wait|nowait|savepoint [NAME]; Working With ThreadsMQL has a noti

2011-06-27 14:28:00 325

原创 MQL

MQL is the Matrix Query Language. Similar to SQL, MQL consists of a set of statements that help the administrator set up and test an ENOVIA Live Collaboration database quickly and efficiently.MQL ac

2011-06-27 14:19:00 5795 1

原创 2011-06-27

Words megacityurbaninfrastructure In a senseContaminated

2011-06-27 13:56:00 234

原创 Engineering Context

set context user Ted password *** role PRODesigner;push context [person PERSON_NAME] [password VALUE] [vault VAULT_NAME];push context user Taylor password runwizard vault Denver;pop context;

2011-06-24 09:52:00 638

原创 Enovia MatrixOne Expression Objects

Expression ObjectsUsing MQL, expressions can be created and saved in the database to be evaluated against a business object, a connection, or from within a webreport, against a collection of busines

2011-06-24 09:38:00 1255

原创 Enovia MatrixOne Access Control

Person--creator--guest--[user]Use the user categories in policies and rules to control user access.Business objects are governed by a policy. The policy defines who has access and when.Gro

2011-06-23 17:04:00 952

原创 mql测试代码

eval expr (attribute[Actual Weight] > 100) AND ("relationship[Designed Part Quantity].to.type" == "Body Shell") on bus Comment 12345 1

2011-06-22 15:48:00 484

原创 Hudson常用插件

持续集成,重要在于集成,将项目相关的各个环节集成在一起,统一调配。所以这也就涉及到软件项目的:操作系统平台开发语言权限控制Build工具版本控制工具Deploy管理Task管理工具Iteration记录其中很多事情需要靠Hudson的插件来完成,比如说:Static Analysis UtilitiesBugzilla PluginChang

2011-06-17 10:33:00 964

原创 2011-06-17

Wordscharityregime sanctionasset freezes dynastyterrorist envoy charismapredecessordeputyalleged influence excessive odds cover upextent lead poisoning

2011-06-17 09:40:00 240

原创 Firefox Add-ons

Alexa SparkyFirebugJavascript DebuggerLive HTTP headersTamper DataView Source ChartWeb DeveloperYSlow

2011-06-16 16:12:00 341

原创 CI Principle

Features of CI1. Source Code Compilation2. Database Integration3. Testing4. Inspection5. Deployment6. Document and Feedback  持续集成是软件自动化的一个重要方面,在我们项目中CI主要涉及到以下几个方面:1. 开发环境开发环境力求统一

2011-06-16 10:27:00 317



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