Learning Objective-C: A Primer




学习 Objective-C:入门篇

The Objective-C language is a simple computer language designed to enable sophisticated object-oriented programming. Objective-C extends the standard ANSI C language by providing syntax for defining classes, methods, and properties, as well as other constructs that promote dynamic extension of classes. The class syntax and design are based mostly on Smalltalk, one of the first object-oriented programming languages.

Objective-C语言是一种简单的,被设计成面向对象的计算机语言。Objective-C扩展了标准的ANSI C语言的语法包括定义类,方法,属性,当然还有其他一些结构以促进对类进行动态拓展(比方说:category)。类的语法和设计都是基于第一个面向对象的编程语言Smalltalk。

If you have programmed with object-oriented languages before, the following information should help you learn the basic syntax of Objective-C. Many of the traditional object-oriented concepts, such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, are all present in Objective-C. There are a few important differences, but those differences are called out in this article and more detailed information is available if you need it.


If you have never programmed using an object-oriented language before, you need to have at least a basic understanding of the associated concepts before proceeding. The use of objects and object-oriented constructs is fundamental to the design of iPhone applications, and understanding how they interact is critical to creating your applications. For an overview of object-oriented concepts, see Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C. In addition, see Cocoa Fundamentals Guide for information about the object-oriented design patterns used in Cocoa.

如果你以前从来没有面向对象的编程经验的话,你至少需要了解一些基础的概念。在iphone的应用程序中对象和面向对象的结构是你设计程序的基础,去理解他们怎么相互作用才能创建你的应用程序。对面向对象概念的总览,看Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C。另外你也可以看Cocoa Fundamentals Guide里有关Cocoa编程的面向对象设计模式的信息

For a more detailed introduction to the Objective-C language and syntax, see The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language.

需要更多有关Objective-C语言和语法的介绍你可以看The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language


目录 [隐藏]

  • 1 Objective-C: A Superset of C
  • 2 Strings
  • 3 Classes
  • 4 Methods
  • 5 Properties
  • 6 Protocols and Delegates
  • 7 For More Information


Objective-C: A Superset of C


Objective-C is a superset of the ANSI version of the C programming language and supports the same basic syntax as C. As with C code, you define header files and source files to separate public declarations from the implementation details of your code. Objective-C files use the file extensions listed in Table 1.


Table 1 File extensions for Objective-C code

表 1 Objective-C的文件後缀名



Source type


Header files. Header files contain class, type, function, and constant declarations.


Source files. This is the typical extension used for source files and can contain both Objective-C and C code.


Source files. A source file with this extension can contain C++ code in addition to Objective-C and C code. This extension should be used only if you actually refer to C++ classes or features from your Objective-C code.









源文件。这个源文件是一个拓展型的源文件,可以包含C + +, Objective - C和C代码(三种同时)。这个後缀只有在你使用了C++类的时候才能使用

When you want to include header files in your source code, you can use the standard #include compiler directive but Objective-C provides a better way. The #import directive is identical to #include, except that it makes sure that the same file is never included more than once. The Objective-C samples and documentation all prefer the use of #import, and your own code should too.

当你想要在你的源文件中包含头文件的时候你可以使用标准的 #include指令但是Objective-C提供了更好的方法。它使用#import等同于#include,并且可以保证你的程序只包含相同的头文件一次。Objective-C的例子和文档都倾向于使用#import,你的代码也应一样




As a superset of C, Objective-C supports the same conventions for specifying strings as C. In other words, single characters are enclosed by single quotes and strings of characters are surrounded by double quotes. However, most Objective-C frameworks do not use C-style strings very often. Instead, most frameworks pass strings around in NSString objects.


The NSString class provides an object wrapper for strings that has all of the advantages you would expect, including built-in memory management for storing arbitrary-length strings, support for Unicode, printf-style formatting utilities, and more. Because such strings are used commonly though, Objective-C provides a shorthand notation for creating NSString objects from constant values. To use this shorthand, all you have to do is precede a normal, double-quoted string with the @ symbol, as shown in the following examples:

NSString类提供了一个对象封装字符串, 其好处是您所期待的,包括内置的内存管理用于存储任意长度的字符串,支持Unicode(统一字符集),printf格式化输出,等等。因为这种字符串使用的是如此的多,所以Objective-C提供了简写符号从常量创建NSString对象。运用这个符号和正常初始化的效果是一样的,一个@符号紧跟两个双引号, 就像下面显示的例子那样:


NSString*  myString = @"My String\n";

NSString*  anotherString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d %s", 1, @"String"];

// Create an Objective-C string from a C string

NSString*  fromCString = [NSString stringWithCString:"A C string" encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];



As in most other object-oriented languages, classes in Objective-C provide the basic construct for encapsulating some data with the actions that operate on that data. An object is simply a runtime instance of a class, and contains its own in-memory copy of the instance variables declared by that class and pointers to the methods of the class.


The specification of a class in Objective-C requires two distinct pieces: the interface and the implementation. The interface portion contains the class declaration and defines the instance variables and methods associated with the class. The implementation portion contains the actual code for the methods of the class. Figure 1 shows the syntax for declaring a class called MyClass, which inherits from the NSObject base class. The class declaration always begins with the @interface compiler directive and ends with the @end directive. Following the class name (and separated from it by a colon) is the name of the parent class. The instance (or member) variables of the class are declared in a code block that is delineated by braces ({ and }). Following the instance variable block is the list of methods declared by the class. A semicolon character marks the end of each instance variable and method declaration.


Figure 1 A class declaration

图 1 一个类的定义


Listing 1 shows the implementation of MyClass from the preceding example. Like the class declaration, the class implementation is identified by two compiler directives—here, @implementation and @end. These directives provide the scoping information the compiler needs to associate the enclosed methods with the corresponding class. A method’s definition therefore matches its corresponding declaration in the interface, except for the inclusion of a code block.

表 1 显示了MyClass这个类的实现代码。就像类的定义规则一样,类实现文件也被两个标识框起来,一个是@implementtation,还有一个是@end。这两个指令标识符告诉编译器程序从那里开始编译到那里结束。类中的方法名称的定义和他接口文件中的定义是一样的除了具实现文件中有具体的代码以外。

Listing 1 A class implementation

表 1 一个类的实现

@implementation MyClass


- (id)initWithString:(NSString *) aName


   if (self = [super init]) {

       count count = 0;

       data = nil;

       name = [aName copy];

       return self;



+ (MyClass *)createMyClassWithString: (NSString *) aName


   return [[[self alloc] initWithString:aName] autorelease];



Note: Although the preceding class declaration declared only methods, classes can also declare properties. For more information on properties, see “Properties”.


When storing objects in variables, you always use a pointer type. Objective-C supports both strong and weak typing for variables containing objects. Strongly typed pointers include the class name in the variable type declaration. Weakly typed pointers use the type id for the object instead. Weakly typed pointers are used frequently for things such as collection classes, where the exact type of the objects in a collection may be unknown. If you are used to using strongly typed languages, you might think that the use of weakly typed variables would cause problems, but they actually provide tremendous flexibility and allow for much greater dynamism in Objective-C programs.


The following example shows both strongly and weakly typed variable declarations for the MyClass class:



MyClass*  myObject1;    // Strong typing

id        myObject2;    // Weak typing




A class in Objective-C can declare two types of methods: instance methods and class methods. An instance method is a method whose execution is scoped to a particular instance of the class. In other words, before you call an instance method, you must first create an instance of the class. Class methods, by comparison, do not require you to create an instance, but more on that later.


The declaration of a method consists of the method type identifier, a return type, one or more signature keywords, and the parameter type and name information. Figure 2 shows the declaration of the insertObject:atIndex: instance method. The declaration is preceded by a minus (-) sign, which indicates that this is an instance method. The method’s actual name (insertObject:atIndex:) is a concatenation of all of the signature keywords, including colon characters. The colon characters declare the presence of a parameter. If a method has no parameters, you omit the colon after the first (and only) signature keyword. In this example, the method takes two parameters.

一个方法定义包含了方法类型,返回类型,一个或者多个关键词,参数类型和参数名。图 2 显示了insertObject:atIndex的实例方法。这个方法用减号(-)说明了他是一个实例方法。方法的实际名称是(insertObject:atIndex:)他是一串包含了冒号的字符串。冒号分割了参数。如果一个方法没有参数,你将在第一个关键词後面省略冒号。在这个例子中,这个方法有两个参数。

Figure 2 Method declaration syntax

图 2 方法定义语法


When you want to call a method, you do so by "messaging” the corresponding object. The message in this case is the method signature, along with the parameter information the method needs. All messages you send to an object are dispatched dynamically, thus facilitating the polymorphism behavior of Objective-C classes. In other words, if a subclass defines a method with the same signature as one of its parent classes, the subclass receives the message first and can opt to forward the message (or not) to its parent.


Messages are enclosed by brackets ([ and ]). Inside the brackets, the object receiving the message is on the left side and the message (along with any parameters required by the message) is on the right. For example, to send the insertObject:atIndex: message to an object in the myArray variable, you would use the following syntax:



[myArray insertObject:anObj atIndex:0];

To avoid declaring numerous local variables to store temporary results, Objective-C lets you nest messages. The return value from each nested message is used as a parameter, or as the target, of another message. For example, you could replace any of the variables used in the previous example with messages to retrieve the values. Thus, if you had another object called myAppObject that had methods for accessing the array object and the object to insert into the array, you could write the preceding example to look something like the following:



[[myAppObject getArray] insertObject:[myAppObject getObjectToInsert] atIndex:0];

Although the preceding examples sent messages to an instance of a class, you can also send messages to the class itself. When messaging a class, the method you specify must be defined as a class method instead of an instance method. You can think of class methods as something akin to (but not exactly like) static members in a C++ class.


You typically use class methods as factory methods for creating new instances of the class or for accessing some piece of shared information associated with the class. The syntax for a class method declaration is identical to that of an instance method, with one exception. Instead of using a minus sign for the method type identifier, you use a plus (+) sign.


The following example demonstrates the use of a class method as a factory method for a class. In this case, the arrayWithCapacity: method is a class method on the NSMutableArray class that allocates and initializes a new instance of the class and returns it to your code.

下面的例子演示了像工厂方法那样使用一个类方法。在这个例子中,arrayWithCapacity:方法是一个NSMutableArray 类方法 初始化然後生成一个新的实例对象返回给myArray


NSMutableArray*   myArray = nil;    // nil is essentially the same as NULL

// Create a new array and assign it to the myArray variable.

myArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:0];




Properties are a convenience notation used to replace accessor method declarations. Properties do not create new instance variables in your class declaration. They are simply a shorthand for defining methods that access existing instance variables. Classes that expose instance variables can do so using the property notation instead of using getter and setter syntax. Classes can also use properties to expose “virtual” instance variables—that is, pieces of data that are computed dynamically and not actually stored in instance variables.


Practically speaking, properties reduce the amount of redundant code you have to write. Because most accessor methods are implemented in similar ways, properties eliminate the need to provide a distinct getter and setter method for each instance variable exposed in the class. Instead, you specify the behavior you want using the property declaration and then synthesize actual getter and setter methods based on that declaration at compile time.


You include property declarations with the method declarations in your class interface. The basic definition uses the @property compiler directive, followed by the type information and name of the property. You can also configure the property with custom options, which define how the accessor methods behave. The following example shows a few simple property declarations:



@property BOOL flag;

@property (copy) NSString* nameObject;  // Copy the object during assignment.

@property (readonly) UIView* rootView;  // Create only a getter method.

Another benefit of properties is that you can use dot syntax when accessing them in your code, as shown in the following example:



  myObject.flag = YES;

  CGRect   viewFrame = myObject.rootView.frame;

Although the object and property names in the preceding example are contrived, they demonstrate the flexibility of properties. The dot syntax actually masks the corresponding set of method calls. Each readable property is backed by a method with the same name as the property. Each writable property is backed by an additional method of the form setPropertyName:, where the first letter of the property name is capitalized. (These methods are the actual implementation of properties and are the reason you can include property declarations for attributes of your class that are not backed by instance variables.) To implement the preceding code using methods instead of properties, you would write the following code:



  [myObject setFlag:YES];

  CGRect   viewFrame = [[myObject rootView] frame];

For information on how to declare properties in your own classes, read "Properties" in The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language.

需要了解如何在你的类中定义属性你可以参考The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language中的属性那章。


Protocols and Delegates


A protocol declares methods that can be implemented by any class. Protocols are not classes themselves. They simply define an interface that other objects are responsible for implementing. When you implement the methods of a protocol in one of your classes, your class is said to conform to that protocol.


In iPhone OS, protocols are used frequently to implement delegate objects. A delegate object is an object that acts on behalf of, or in coordination with, another object. The best way to look at the interplay between protocols, delegates, and other objects is to look at an example.

在iphone OS中协议经常用来实现代理对象。一个代理是一种用来协同或者代表其他对象的特殊对象。要理解协议,代理,和其他对象的关系请看下面的例子:

The UIApplication class implements the required behavior of an application. Instead of forcing you to subclass UIApplication to receive simple notifications about the current state of the application, the UIApplication class delivers those notifications by calling specific methods of its assigned delegate object. An object that implements the methods of the UIApplicationDelegate protocol can receive those notifications and provide an appropriate response.


The declaration of a protocol looks similar to that of a class interface, with the exceptions that protocols do not have a parent class and they do not define instance variables. The following example shows a simple protocol declaration with one method:


@protocol MyProtocol

- (void)myProtocolMethod;


In the case of many delegate protocols, adopting a protocol is simply a matter of implementing the methods defined by that protocol. There are some protocols that require you to state explicitly that you support the protocol, and protocols can specify both required and optional methods. As you get further into your development, however, you should spend a little more time learning about protocols and how they are used by reading "Protocols" in The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language.

对于许多代理协议,接收协议比直接现实协议中定义的方法简单。有些协议需要你首先要接受那个协议,然後他会实现必须的和那些拓展的方法。当你在开发的路上走的更远的时候,事实上你需要一些时间来学习有关协议和他们如何使用的。你可以参考The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language中的协议哪一章。


For More Information


The preceding information was intended primarily to familiarize you with the basics of the Objective-C language. The subjects covered here reflect the language features you are most likely to encounter as you read through the rest of the documentation. These are not the only features of the language though, and you are encouraged to read more about the language in The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language.

那些先前的信息是为了让你熟悉Objective-C语言中一些基本的东西。他复盖了剩下的文档中那些有关这个语言的特性。这些不全是这个语言特点的全部更多信息你可以参考The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language这一章。





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