从开始到 # offset 512, entry point 功能和以前的bootsect.
后面的功能和setup.S的一部分 类似:
1:设置setup header参数部分
* header.S
* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Linus Torvalds
* Based on bootsect.S and setup.S
* modified by more people than can be counted
* Rewritten as a common file by H. Peter Anvin (Apr 2007)
* BIG FAT NOTE: We're in real mode using 64k segments. Therefore segment
* addresses must be multiplied by 16 to obtain their respective linear
* addresses. To avoid confusion, linear addresses are written using leading
* hex while segment addresses are written as segment:offset.
#include <asm/segment.h>
#include <linux/utsrelease.h>
#include <asm/boot.h>
#include <asm/e820.h>
#include <asm/page_types.h>
#include <asm/setup.h>
#include "boot.h"
#include "voffset.h"
#include "zoffset.h"
BOOTSEG = 0x07C0 /* original address of boot-sector */
SYSSEG = 0x1000 /* historical load address >> 4 */
#ifndef SVGA_MODE
#ifndef RAMDISK
#define RAMDISK 0
#define ROOT_RDONLY 1
.code16 //以下为16位模式 代码
.section ".bstext", "ax" //定义一个 。bstext段,这个段是可写'a'和可执行'x'的
.global bootsect_start //AT&T汇编语法中, .global 修饰使得 符号bootsect_start 对ld可见
bootsect_start: //符号定义
# Normalize the start address
ljmp $BOOTSEG, $start2 //跳转到 07C0的偏移 start2处
movw %cs, %ax
movw %ax, %ds
movw %ax, %es
movw %ax, %ss //将ds,es,ss全设置为cs
xorw %sp, %sp //将sp置0
sti //开中断
cld //清方向标志
movw $bugger_off_msg, %si //把下 面bugger_off_msg 符号的偏移地址放在 si寄存器中
lodsb //把si指向的源串的内容逐步装入al 中 PS:stosb 指的是将al中数据装入di指向的地址中.
andb %al, %al //当取完的时候,al=0 ,此时操作andb后方向为0,执行下句跳转
jz bs_die
movb $0xe, %ah
movw $7, %bx
int $0x10 // 视频服务中断指令, AH = 0Eh, AL = Character, BL = Color (only in graphic mode)
jmp msg_loop
# Allow the user to press a key, then reboot
xorw %ax, %ax
int $0x16
int $0x19
# int 0x19 should never return. In case it does anyway,
# invoke the BIOS reset code...
ljmp $0xf000,$0xfff0 //跳转到bios入口 fff0
.section ".bsdata", "a"
.ascii "Direct booting from floppy is no longer supported./r/n"
.ascii "Please use a boot loader program instead./r/n"
.ascii "/n"
.ascii "Remove disk and press any key to reboot . . ./r/n"
.byte 0
#可以看出以上的bootsect无任何实际意义,其实2.6以后的 内核需要另外的bootloader才可以 ,例如grub等.
在grub的boot_func中的big_linux_boot 里,描述了实际上grub的stage2将内核的 bootsect和setup实模式代码载入到地址0x90000后,是skip了头0x200个字节的,直接跳转到地址0x90200处执行的。
# Kernel attributes; used by setup. This is part 1 of the header, from the old boot sector.
.section ".header", "a" //header段
.globl hdr //定义一个全局的符号
setup_sects: .byte 0 /* Filled in by build.c */ //.byte是类型定义 ,这行及以下是一个首部的设置 01F1
root_flags: .word ROOT_RDONLY //01F2
syssize: .long 0 /* Filled in by build.c */ //01F4
ram_size: .word 0 /* Obsolete */
vid_mode: .word SVGA_MODE
root_dev: .word 0 /* Filled in by build.c */
boot_flag: .word 0xAA55 //01FE
# offset 512, entry point
以上生成的程序偏 移地址从 0000~~~01ff 就是512Bytes的bootsect.
下面的就是真正的setup代码了,从偏移0x0200开始.0200 位置处有一个Jump指令
.globl _start
# Explicitly enter this as bytes, or the assembler
# tries to generate a 3-byte jump here, which causes
# everything else to push off to the wrong offset.
.byte 0xeb # short (2-byte) jump //0200的第一个字节是跳转指令.
.byte start_of_setup-1f //0201是跳转距离,(start_of_setup-1f)其实就是 setup中的头部长度.
# Part 2 of the header, from the old setup.S
.ascii "HdrS" # header signature //0202
.word 0x020a # header version number (>= 0x0105)
# or else old loadlin-1.5 will fail)
.globl realmode_swtch
realmode_swtch: .word 0, 0 # default_switch, SETUPSEG
start_sys_seg: .word SYSSEG # obsolete and meaningless, but just
# in case something decided to "use" it
.word kernel_version-512 # pointing to kernel version string
# above section of header is compatible
# with loadlin-1.5 (header v1.5). Don't
# change it.
type_of_loader: .byte 0 # 0 means ancient bootloader, newer
# bootloaders know to change this.
# See Documentation/i386/boot.txt for
# assigned ids
# flags, unused bits must be zero (RFU) bit within loadflags
LOADED_HIGH = 1 # If set, the kernel is loaded high //大内核
CAN_USE_HEAP = 0x80 # If set, the loader also has set
# heap_end_ptr to tell how much
# space behind setup.S can be used for
# heap purposes.
# Only the loader knows what is free
.byte LOADED_HIGH //添加符号
setup_move_size: .word 0x8000 # size to move, when setup is not
# loaded at 0x90000. We will move setup
# to 0x90000 then just before jumping
# into the kernel. However, only the
# loader knows how much data behind
# us also needs to be loaded.
code32_start: # here loaders can put a different
# start address for 32-bit code.
.long 0x100000 # 0x100000 = default for big kernel
ramdisk_image: .long 0 # address of loaded ramdisk image
# Here the loader puts the 32-bit
# address where it loaded the image.
# This only will be read by the kernel.
ramdisk_size: .long 0 # its size in bytes
.long 0 # obsolete
heap_end_ptr: .word _end+STACK_SIZE-512
# (Header version 0x0201 or later)
# space from here (exclusive) down to
# end of setup code can be used by setup
# for local heap purposes.
.byte 0 # Extended boot loader version
.byte 0 # Extended boot loader type
cmd_line_ptr: .long 0 # (Header version 0x0202 or later)
# If nonzero, a 32-bit pointer
# to the kernel command line.
# The command line should be
# located between the start of
# setup and the end of low
# memory (0xa0000), or it may
# get overwritten before it
# gets read. If this field is
# used, there is no longer
# anything magical about the
# 0x90000 segment; the setup
# can be located anywhere in
# low memory 0x10000 or higher.
ramdisk_max: .long 0x7fffffff
# (Header version 0x0203 or later)
# The highest safe address for
# the contents of an initrd
# The current kernel allows up to 4 GB,
# but leave it at 2 GB to avoid
# possible bootloader bugs.
kernel_alignment: .long CONFIG_PHYSICAL_ALIGN #physical addr alignment
#required for protected mode
relocatable_kernel: .byte 1
relocatable_kernel: .byte 0
min_alignment: .byte MIN_KERNEL_ALIGN_LG2 # minimum alignment
pad3: .word 0
cmdline_size: .long COMMAND_LINE_SIZE-1 #length of the command line,
#added with boot protocol
#version 2.06
hardware_subarch: .long 0 # subarchitecture, added with 2.07
# default to 0 for normal x86 PC
hardware_subarch_data: .quad 0
payload_offset: .long ZO_input_data
payload_length: .long ZO_z_input_len
setup_data: .quad 0 # 64-bit physical pointer to
# single linked list of
# struct setup_data
pref_address: .quad LOAD_PHYSICAL_ADDR # preferred load addr
#define ZO_INIT_SIZE (ZO__end - ZO_startup_32 + ZO_z_extract_offset)
#define VO_INIT_SIZE (VO__end - VO__text)
init_size: .long INIT_SIZE # kernel initialization size
# End of setup header ,首部设置完毕,现在开始start_of_setup:
.section ".entrytext", "ax" //声明一个段
# Reset the disk controller.
movw $0x0000, %ax # Reset disk controller
movb $0x80, %dl # All disks
int $0x13 #用13号中断重设磁盘控制器 ax=0x0 ,dl=0x80
# Force %es = %ds #ds:数据段 es:附加数据段
movw %ds, %ax
movw %ax, %es
cld #清方向标志位DF=0
# Apparently some ancient versions of LILO invoked the kernel with %ss != %ds,
# which happened to work by accident for the old code. Recalculate the stack
# pointer if %ss is invalid. Otherwise leave it alone, LOADLIN sets up the
# stack behind its own code, so we can't blindly put it directly past the heap.
movw %ss, %dx
cmpw %ax, %dx # %ds == %ss? #ax里的还是ds的值,现在就是比较 ds和ss的值
movw %sp, %dx #再把dx设置位栈顶指针值
je 2f # -> assume %sp is reasonably set #如果比较相等,则跳转到 前面(f表前,b表后)的 标号2处 ,不相等就新建一个栈
# Invalid %ss, make up a new stack #ds和ss不相等的情况下
movw $_end, %dx #把栈底设置给dx
testb $CAN_USE_HEAP, loadflags #testb:两操作数(byte)做与运算,只修改标志位. 看内核头参数中有没有设置 CAN_USE_HEAP位.
jz 1f #如果与运算结果等于0,即设置了这一位则跳到下面标号1处
movw heap_end_ptr, %dx #否则用heap_end_ptr变量作为栈底
1: addw $STACK_SIZE, %dx #将栈的大小加上设置的
jnc 2f //无进位时转移到标号2处
xorw %dx, %dx # Prevent wraparound //,若有进位则将dx设置为0
2: # Now %dx should point to the end of our stack space
andw $~3, %dx # dword align (might as well...)
jnz 3f
movw $0xfffc, %dx # Make sure we're not zero
3: movw %ax, %ss //ss=ds了
movzwl %dx, %esp # Clear upper half of %esp //只用低16位的sp
sti # Now we should have a working stack #sti:置中断允许位
# We will have entered with %cs = %ds+0x20, normalize %cs so
# it is on par with the other segments.
pushw %ds
pushw $6f
# Check signature at end of setup
cmpl $0x5a5aaa55, setup_sig
jne setup_bad
# Zero the bss
movw $__bss_start, %di
movw $_end+3, %cx
xorl %eax, %eax
subw %di, %cx
shrw $2, %cx
rep; stosl
# Jump to C code (should not return)
calll main
# Setup corrupt somehow...
movl $setup_corrupt, %eax
calll puts
# Fall through...
.globl die
.type die, @function
jmp die
.size die, .-die
.section ".initdata", "a"
.byte 7
.string "No setup signature found.../n"