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翻译 UML基本架构建模--图的通用建模技术(一)

Modeling Different Views of a System建模系统的不同视图When you model a system from different views, you are in effect constructing your system simultaneously from multiple dimensions. By choosing

2015-05-08 07:31:13 928

翻译 UML基本架构建模--图的术语和概念(三)

 Behavioral DiagramsThe UML’s behavioral diagrams are used to visualize, specify, construct, and document the dynamic aspects of a system. You can think of the dynamic aspects of a syste

2015-05-08 07:29:37 1095

翻译 UML基本架构建模--图的术语和概念(二)

Structural DiagramsThe UML’s structural diagrams exist to visualize, specify, construct, and document the static aspects of a system. You can think of the static aspects of a system as r

2015-05-08 07:28:18 692

翻译 UML基本架构建模--图的术语和概念(一)

Asystemis a collection of subsystems organized to accomplish a purpose and described by a set of models, possibly from different viewpoints. Asubsystems is a grouping of elements, some

2015-05-08 07:26:35 975

翻译 UML基本架构建模--开始构建图

 When you work with an architect to design a house, you start with three things: a list of wants (such as“I want a house with three bedrooms” and “I want to pay no more thanx”), a

2015-05-08 07:25:23 918

翻译 UML基本架构建模--图概述

DIAGRAMS图群 When you model something, you create a simplification of reality so that you can better understand the system you are developing. Using the UML, you build your models from

2015-05-08 07:23:48 787 1

翻译 UML基本架构建模--通用机制的通用建模技术(三)

Modeling New Semantics新语义建模 When you create a model using UML, you work within the rules the UML lays down. That’s a good thing, because it means that you can communicate your intent

2015-03-06 09:20:15 555

翻译 UML基本架构建模--给通用机制建模时的注意事项

When you adorn a model with notes,lUse notes only for those requirements, observations, reviews, and explanations that you can’t express simply or meaningfully using existing features of

2015-03-06 09:19:46 584

翻译 UML基本架构建模--通用机制的通用建模技术(二)

Modeling New Properties新特性建模 The basic properties of the UML’s building blocks-----attributes and operations for classes, the contents of packages, and so on----are generic enough to

2015-03-06 09:19:07 620

翻译 UML基本架构建模--通用机制的通用建模技术(一)

Modeling Comments注释建模 The most common purpose for which you’ll use notes is to write down free-form observations, reviews, or explanations. By putting these comments directly in your

2015-03-06 09:17:50 614

翻译 UML基本架构建模--通用机制的术语和概念(四)

Constraints约束 Everything in the UML has its own semantics. Generalization (usually, if you know what’s good for you) implies the LisKov substitution principle, and multiple associati

2015-03-06 09:16:25 668

翻译 UML基本架构建模--通用机制的术语和概念(三

 Stereotypes模式化 The UML provides a language for structural things, behavioral things, grouping things, and notational things. These four basic kinds of things address the overwhelming

2015-03-05 07:59:51 930

翻译 UML基本架构建模--通用机制的术语和概念(二)

Notes备注 A note that renders a comment has no semantic impact, meaning that its contents do not alter the meaning of the model to which it is attached. This is why notes are used to spe

2015-03-05 07:57:54 697

翻译 UML基本架构建模--通用机制的术语和概念(一)

 Terms and Concepts术语和概念 A note is a graphical symbol for rendering constraints or comments attached to an element or a collection of elements. Graphically, a note is rendered as a

2015-03-05 07:56:02 875

翻译 UML基本架构建模--获得通用机制

Sometimes you just have to color outside the lines. For example, at a job site, an architect might scribble a few notes on the building’s blueprints to communicate a subtle detail to the c

2015-03-05 07:55:04 616

翻译 UML基本架构建模--通用机制概述

Common Mechanisms通用机制 The UML is made simpler by the presence of four common mechanisms that apply throughout the language: specifications, adornments, common divisions, and extensibil

2015-03-05 07:51:17 1849

翻译 UML基本架构建模--给关联建模时的注意事项

When you model relationships in the UML,lUse dependencies only when the relationship you are modeling is not structural.lUse generalization only when you have an“is-a-kind-of” rela

2015-01-30 18:00:40 727

翻译 UML基本架构建模--关联的通用建模技术(三)

Modeling Structural Relationships建模结构关系 When you model with dependencies or generalization relationships, you may be modeling classes that represent different levels of importance or d

2015-01-30 17:59:22 770

翻译 UML基本架构建模--关联的通用建模技术(二)

Modeling Single Inheritance建模简单的继承 In modeling the vocabulary of your system, you will often run across classes that are structurally or behaviorally similar to others. You could model

2015-01-30 17:56:06 455

翻译 UML基本架构建模--关联的通用建模技术(一)

 Modeling Simple Dependencies建模简单的依赖 A common kind of dependency relationship is the connection between a class that uses another class as a parameter to an operation.To model this u

2015-01-30 17:55:07 673

翻译 UML基本架构建模--关联的术语和概念(三)

 Other Features其它特征 Plain, unadorned dependencies, generalizations, and associations with names, multiplicities, and roles are the most common features you’ll need when creating abst

2015-01-13 07:35:02 603

翻译 UML基本架构建模--关联的术语和概念(二)

 Associations联合Anassociationis a structural relationship that specifies that objects of one thing are connected to objects of another. Given an association connecting two classes, yo

2015-01-13 07:32:42 698

翻译 UML基本架构建模--关联的术语和概念(一)

A relationship is a connection among things. In object-oriented modeling, the three most important relationships are dependencies, generalizations, and associations. Graphically, a relatio

2015-01-13 07:31:17 821

翻译 UML基本架构建模--获取关联

If you are building a house, things like walls, doors, windows, cabinets, and lights will form part of your vocabulary. None of these things stands alone, however. Walls connect to other wal

2015-01-13 07:29:28 592

翻译 UML基本架构建模--关联概述

Relationships关联 When you build abstractions, you’ll discover that very few of your classes stand alone. Instead, most of them collaborate with others in a number of ways. Therefore, when you

2015-01-13 07:18:57 609

翻译 UML基本架构建模--给类建模时的注意事项

 When you model classes in the UML, remember that every class should map to some tangible or conceptual abstraction in the domain of the end user or the implementer. A well-structured class1.P

2015-01-12 10:54:14 722

翻译 UML基本架构建模--类的通用建模技术(四)

 Modeling Primitive Types构建原始类型模型 At the other extreme, the things you model may be drawn directly from the programming language you are using to implement a solution. Typically, these abs

2015-01-12 10:52:59 727

翻译 UML基本架构建模--类的通用建模技术(三)

 Modeling Nonsoftware Things构建非软件事物模型 Sometimes, the things you model may never have an analog in software. For example, the people who send invoices and the robots that automatically pack

2015-01-12 10:51:34 584

翻译 UML基本架构建模--类的通用建模技术(二)

Modeling the Distribution of Responsibilities in a System为系统的职责分配建模 Once you start modeling more than just a handful of classes, you will want to be sure that your abstractions provide a b

2015-01-12 10:47:35 516

翻译 UML基本架构建模--类的通用建模技术(一)

 Modeling the Vocabulary of a System为系统的词汇表建模 You’ll use classes most commonly to model abstractions that are drawn from the problem you are trying to solve or from the technology you are 

2015-01-12 10:44:14 589

翻译 UML基本架构建模--类的辅助信息

Organizing Attributes and Operations组织属性和操作 When drawing a class, you don’t have to show every attribute and every operation at once. In fact, in most cases, you can’t (there are too man

2014-08-21 22:06:01 954 2

翻译 UML基本架构建模--类的术语和概念

Terms and Concepts术语和概念 A classis a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, relationships, and semantics. Graphically, a class is rendered as a rectan

2014-06-19 12:04:47 1140

翻译 UML基本架构建模--获取类

Getting Started开始 Modeling a system involves identifying the things that are important to your particular view. These things form the vocabulary of the system you are modeling. For example,

2014-06-18 20:12:00 893

翻译 UML基本架构建模--类概述

Classes类 Classes are the most important building block of any object-oriented system. A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, relationships,

2014-06-18 20:11:11 716


Artifacts工件“Hello, World!” is implemented as an applet, so it never stands alone but instead is typically a part of some Web page. The applet starts when its enclosing page is opened, trigge

2014-06-18 20:10:16 546


Mechanisms机制The hardest part of mastering a library as rich as Java’s is learning how its parts work together. For example, how does HelloWorld‘spaint operation get invoked? What operation

2014-06-17 13:17:35 469


This figure makes it clear thatHelloWorld is just a leaf in a larger hierarchy of classes.HelloWorld is a child ofApplet ;Appletis a child of Panel ;Panel is a child ofContainer

2014-06-17 13:16:54 437


This class diagram captures the basics of the“Hello, World!” application, but it leaves out a number of things. As the preceding code specifies, two other classes----Applet andGraphics----ar

2014-06-17 13:16:06 445


Key AbstractionsIn Java, the applet for printing“Hello, World!” in a Web browser is quite simple:import java.awt.Graphics;class HelloWorld extends java.applet.Applet {  public void p

2014-06-17 13:15:24 487


UML实例--HELLO, WORLD!(一)Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, the authors of the C programming language, point out that“the only way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in

2014-06-17 13:14:37 417





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