
1) TCP包的错误检测使用16位加和校验. 除了TCP包本身,
TCP校验数据块还包括源IP地址,目的IP地址, TCP包长度, TCP协议号组成的12字节伪头标.

2) 校验和为16位字补码和, 数据块长度为奇数时, 数据块末尾添零处理.
校验和的计算与顺序无关, 可以从数据块开始计算, 也可以从未尾开始向前计算.

3) 为了提高计算效率, TCP包的校验和并不一次算出,
csum_partial()用来计算数据块的32位部分累加和, 累加和可以用csum_fold()折叠为16位校验和.

4) 为了加快执行速度, csum_partial()将8个32位字分为一组用分立的指令进行32位累加,
这样可加长循环体中指令长度, 提高CPU指令流水线的效率.

5) 并不是所有的TCP包都必须校验, skb->ip_summed用来控制校验操作.
对于loopback设备的收发包, 其skb->ip_summed设为HECKSUM_UNNECESSARY, 忽略校验过程.
static int tcp_v4_checksum_init(struct sk_buff *skb) TCP包接收校验的初始化
       if (skb->ip_summed ==CHECKSUM_HW) { 如果TCP包本身的校验已经由硬件链路层完成
              if(tcp_v4_check(skb->,skb->len,skb->nh.iph->saddr, 附加伪头标进行校验
                             skb->nh.iph->daddr,skb->csum)) {
                     NETDEBUG(printk(KERN_DEBUG"hw tcp v4 csum failed\n"));
                     return -1;
              skb->ip_summed =CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY;
       } else {
              if (skb->len <= 76) { 如果TCP包全长不超过76字节
                                    csum_partial((char *)skb->, skb->len,0))) 进行全包校验
                            return -1;
                     skb->ip_summed =CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY;
              } else { 首先生成伪头标的部分累加和
                     skb->csum =~tcp_v4_check(skb->,skb->len,skb->nh.iph->saddr,
       return 0;
static __inline__ int tcp_checksum_complete(struct sk_buff *skb)
       return skb->ip_summed !=CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY &&
static __inline__ int __tcp_checksum_complete(struct sk_buff *skb)
       return (unsignedshort)csum_fold(csum_partial(skb->h.raw, skb->len, skb->csum));

/* This routine computes an IPv4 TCP checksum. */
void tcp_v4_send_check(struct sock *sk, struct tcphdr *th, int len,
                     struct sk_buff *skb) 基于TCP用户数据的中间累加和, 生成TCP包校验码
       th->check = tcp_v4_check(th,len, sk->saddr, sk->daddr,
                             csum_partial((char *)th, th->doff<<2,skb->csum));
 * Calculate(/check) TCP checksum
static __inline__ u16 tcp_v4_check(struct tcphdr *th, int len,
                               unsigned long saddr, unsigned long daddr,
                               unsigned long base)
 * computes the checksum of the TCP/UDPpseudo-header
 * returns a 16-bit checksum, alreadycomplemented
static inline unsigned short int csum_tcpudp_magic(unsigned long saddr,
                                             unsigned long daddr,
                                             unsigned short len,
                                             unsigned short proto,
                                             unsigned int sum)
static inline unsigned long csum_tcpudp_nofold(unsigned long saddr,
                                             unsigned long daddr,
                                             unsigned short len,
                                             unsigned short proto,
                                             unsigned int sum) 生成包含伪头标的累加和
       addl % 1, % 0
       adcl % 2, % 0
       adcl % 3, % 0
       adcl $0, % 0
       : "=r" (sum)
       : "g" (daddr),"g"(saddr), "g"((ntohs(len)<<16)+proto*256),"0"(sum));
    return sum;
 *    Folda partial checksum

static inline unsigned int csum_fold(unsigned int sum) 将32位累加和折叠成16位校验和
              addl % 1, % 0
              adcl $0xffff, % 0
              : "=r" (sum)
              : "r" (sum<< 16), "0" (sum & 0xffff0000)
       return (~sum) >> 16;

extern __inline__
unsigned int csum_partial_copy_nocheck ( const char *src, char *dst,
                                   intlen, int sum) 在拷贝用户数据时同时计算累加和
       return csum_partial_copy_generic (src, dst, len, sum, NULL, NULL);

; arch/i386/lib/checksum.S:

 * computes a partial checksum, e.g. forTCP/UDP fragments

unsigned int csum_partial(const unsigned char * buff, int len, unsigned intsum)
.align 4
.globl csum_partial 计算32位中间累加和                                           
         * Experiments with Ethernet and SLIP connections show that buff
         * is aligned on either a 2-byte or 4-byte boundary.  We get at
         * least a twofold speedup on 486 and Pentium if it is 4-byte aligned.
         * Fortunately, it is easy to convert 2-byte alignment to 4-byte
         * alignment for the unrolled loop.
       pushl % esi
       pushl % ebx
       movl 20(% esp),% eax   # Function arg: unsigned int sum
       movl 16(% esp),% ecx  # Function arg: int len
       movl 12(% esp),% esi    # Function arg: unsigned char *buff
       testl $2, % esi        # Check alignment.
       jz 2f               #Jump if alignment is ok.
       subl $2, % ecx              # Alignment uses up two bytes.
       jae 1f                    #Jump if we had at least two bytes.
       addl $2, % ecx              # ecx was < 2.  Deal with it.
       jmp 4f
1:     movw (% esi), % bx           
       addl $2, % esi
       addw % bx, % ax
       adcl $0, % eax
       movl % ecx, % edx              保存长度
       shrl $5, % ecx              除以32
       jz 2f               如果长度小于32
       testl % esi, % esi    清除进位标志
1:     movl (% esi), % ebx      加载32位字
       adcl % ebx, % eax         加到累加和上
       movl 4(% esi), % ebx    加载下一32位字
       adcl % ebx, % eax         继续累加
       movl 8(% esi), % ebx
       adcl % ebx, % eax        
       movl 12(% esi), % ebx 
       adcl % ebx, % eax
       movl 16(% esi), % ebx
       adcl % ebx, % eax
       movl 20(% esi), % ebx
       adcl % ebx, % eax
       movl 24(% esi), % ebx
       adcl % ebx, % eax
       movl 28(% esi), % ebx
       adcl % ebx, % eax
       lea 32(% esi), % esi       连续累加8个32位字
       dec % ecx
       jne 1b
       adcl $0, % eax              累加最后的进位标志
2:     movl % edx, % ecx
       andl $0x1c, % edx  取剩余字节数量
       je 4f
       shrl $2, % edx              # This clears CF 除以4得到剩余32位字数
3:     adcl (% esi), % eax
       lea 4(% esi), % esi
       dec % edx
       jne 3b
       adcl $0, % eax              加上剩余的32位字
4:     andl $3, % ecx              取剩余的字节数
       jz 7f
       cmpl $2, % ecx
       jb 5f               如果只剩1字节
       movw (% esi),% cx             取剩余的2字节
       leal 2(% esi),% esi
       je 6f
       shll $16,% ecx              移到高16位
5:     movb (% esi),% cl        取仅剩的1字节
6:     addl % ecx,% eax          累加最后一字
       adcl $0, % eax             累加进位标志
       popl % ebx
       popl % esi

unsigned int csum_partial_copy_generic (const char *src, char *dst,
                              int len, int sum, int *src_err_ptr, int*dst_err_ptr)

 * Copy from ds while checksumming,otherwise like csum_partial
 * The macros SRC and DST specify thetype of access for the instruction.
 * thus we can call a custom exceptionhandler for all access types.
 * FIXME: could someone double-checkwhether I haven't mixed up some SRC and
 *      DST definitions? It's damn hard to triggerall cases.  I hope I got
 *      them all but there's no guarantee.

#define SRC(y...)                 \
       9999: y;                 \
       .section __ex_table, "a"; \
       .long 9999b, 6001f ;      \

#define DST(y...)                 \
       9999: y;                 \
       .section __ex_table, "a"; \
       .long 9999b, 6002f ;      \

.align 4
.globl csum_partial_copy_generic
#define ARGBASE 16          
#define FP             12
       subl  $4,% esp     
       pushl % edi
       pushl % esi
       pushl % ebx
       movl ARGBASE+16(% esp),% eax       # sum
       movl ARGBASE+12(% esp),% ecx      # len
       movl ARGBASE+4(% esp),% esi  # src
       movl ARGBASE+8(% esp),% edi  # dst

       testl $2, % edi               # Check alignment.
       jz 2f                      # Jump if alignment is ok.
       subl $2, % ecx                     # Alignment uses up twobytes.
       jae 1f                           #Jump if we had at least two bytes.
       addl $2, % ecx                     # ecx was < 2.  Deal with it.
       jmp 4f
SRC(1:    movw (% esi), % bx     )
       addl $2, % esi
DST(      movw % bx, (% edi)     )
       addl $2, % edi
       addw % bx, % ax  
       adcl $0, % eax
       movl % ecx, FP(% esp)
       shrl $5, % ecx
       jz 2f
       testl % esi, % esi
SRC(1:    movl (% esi), % ebx      )
SRC(      movl 4(% esi), % edx    )
       adcl % ebx, % eax
DST(      movl % ebx, (% edi)      )
       adcl % edx, % eax
DST(      movl % edx, 4(% edi)    )

SRC(      movl 8(% esi), % ebx    )
SRC(      movl 12(% esi), % edx  )
       adcl % ebx, % eax
DST(      movl % ebx, 8(% edi)    )
       adcl % edx, % eax
DST(      movl % edx, 12(% edi)  )

SRC(      movl 16(% esi), % ebx )
SRC(      movl 20(% esi), % edx  )
       adcl % ebx, % eax
DST(      movl % ebx, 16(% edi)  )
       adcl % edx, % eax
DST(      movl % edx, 20(% edi)  )

SRC(      movl 24(% esi), % ebx  )
SRC(      movl 28(% esi), % edx  )
       adcl % ebx, % eax
DST(      movl % ebx, 24(% edi)  )
       adcl % edx, % eax
DST(      movl % edx, 28(% edi)  )

       lea 32(% esi), % esi
       lea 32(% edi), % edi
       dec % ecx
       jne 1b
       adcl $0, % eax
2:     movl FP(% esp), % edx
       movl % edx, % ecx
       andl $0x1c, % edx
       je 4f
       shrl $2, % edx                     # This clears CF
SRC(3:    movl (% esi), % ebx      )
       adcl % ebx, % eax
DST(      movl % ebx, (% edi)      )
       lea 4(% esi), % esi
       lea 4(% edi), % edi
       dec % edx
       jne 3b
       adcl $0, % eax
4:     andl $3, % ecx
       jz 7f
       cmpl $2, % ecx
       jb 5f
SRC(      movw (% esi), % cx     )
       leal 2(% esi), % esi
DST(      movw % cx, (% edi)     )
       leal 2(% edi), % edi
       je 6f
       shll $16,% ecx
SRC(5:    movb (% esi), % cl       )
DST(      movb % cl, (% edi)       )
6:     addl % ecx, % eax
       adcl $0, % eax

# Exception handler:
.section .fixup, "ax"                                                

       movl ARGBASE+20(% esp), % ebx     # src_err_ptr
       movl $-EFAULT, (% ebx)

       # zero the complete destination -computing the rest
       # is too much work
       movl ARGBASE+8(% esp), % edi # dst
       movl ARGBASE+12(% esp), % ecx     # len
       xorl % eax,% eax
       rep ; stosb

       jmp 5000b

       movl ARGBASE+24(% esp), % ebx     # dst_err_ptr
       movl $-EFAULT,(% ebx)
       jmp 5000b


       popl % ebx
       popl % esi
       popl % edi
       popl % ecx                   # equivalent to addl $4,% esp
  • 0
  • 1
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  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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