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原创 Ubuntu安装paramiko _openssl.c:433:30: fatal error: openssl/opensslv.h: No such file or directory

刚接触paramiko,于是在自己的虚拟机器上面安装,总是报错_openssl.c:433:30: fatal error: openssl/opensslv.h: No such file or directory,千百回转终于解决了root@ubuntu:~# apt-get install -y libffi-dev libssl-dev python-dev报错截图:

2016-09-14 19:10:25 5394

转载 Python在命令行中如何使用Tab键

Tab.py代码# python startup fileimport sysimport readlineimport rlcompleterimport osreadline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')histfile=os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'],'.pythonhistory')效果如下:

2016-08-30 11:42:43 4101

原创 Informatica 修改gateway host

问题产生:修改服务器名字后,导致始终无法连接responsitory,经过查看发现域的配置信息中Gateway Host的配置是旧的,无法修改过来,如下为修改方法。版本:PowerCenter8.6.11  修改nodemeta.xml文件路径:........../PowerCenter8.6.1/server/config/nodemeta.xml操作:修改host的值

2016-02-17 14:26:08 1632

转载 GREP 使用笔记

功能说明:查找文件里符合条件的字符串。语  法:grep [-abcEFGhHilLnqrsvVwxy][-A][-B][-C][-d][-e][-f][--help][范本样式][文件或目录...]补充说明:grep 指令用于查找内容包含指定的范本样式的文件,如果发现某文件的内容符合所指定的范本样式,预设grep指令会把含有范本样式的那一列显示出来。若不指定任何文件名称,

2015-07-22 11:32:27 304


c:\tmp>type dumy.sqlset echo onselect * from v$version;drop table dumy purge; create table dumy(id number,init_date date,final_date date,item varchar2(50)); exitc:\tmp>type

2015-07-22 11:15:50 490

转载 ORACLE 表函数

PL/SQL表---table()函数用法/*PL/SQL表---table()函数用法:利用table()函数,我们可以将PL/SQL返回的结果集代替table。oracle内存表在查询和报表的时候用的比较多,它的速度相对物理表要快几十倍。simple example:1、table()结合数组:*/create o

2015-07-22 11:14:53 1063

转载 ORACLE系统函数

1 数据定义语言触发器当创建、修改或删除数据库模式中的对象时,会激发数据定义语言触发器。它们可以用来控制或监控DDL语句。表10-1列出了使用DDL触发器的数据定义事件。这些触发器都支持BEFORE和AFTER事件触发器,并在数据库或模式级运行。通常,DDL触发器用于监控数据库中的重要事件。有时用它们来监控错误代码。错误代码可能会执行破坏数据库或使数据库不稳定的活动。更常见的情

2015-07-22 11:12:28 2327

原创 查看Oracle执行计划方法

一 通过PL/SQL DEV工具    1 File-> New -> Explain Plan Window            COST 表示CUP的消耗 单位为n%           Cardinality 表示执行的行数 rows    2    先执行EXPLAIN PLAN FOR select * from tableA where paraA=1     

2015-07-22 11:05:28 451

原创 SHELL 脚本链接数据库示例

#! /bin/shx=`sqlplus -S lifeman/cnsz030471@ls43dl <<EOFset heading offselect 1 from dual;exit;EOF`echo $x

2015-07-22 11:03:10 541

转载 Is there a complete list of PSPROJECTITEM.OBJECTTYPE Values for PeopleTools 8.51?

Here is the complete project object type list for PeopleTools 8.51:typedef enum{PJM_OBJRECORD = 0, // RecordPJM_OBJINDEX = 1, // IndexPJM_OBJFIELD = 2, // FieldPJM_OBJFIELDFMT = 3, //

2015-07-22 10:56:47 1103


mstsc /v:IP /console

2015-07-22 10:47:22 1314


SolutionChanging the access password should be done in two tier while the App server and Process Scheduler are down. If possible, it is also best to do while all users are logged off.First

2015-07-22 10:45:12 916

转载 Oracle10g常见HINT的用法语法

提示里不区分大小写, 多个提示用空格分开, 如:select /*+ hint1(tab1) hint2(TAB1 idx1) */ col1, col2 from tab1 where col1='xxx';如果表使用了别名, 那么提示里也必须使用别名, 如:select /*+ hint1(t1) */ col1, col2 from tab1 t1 where col1='xxx';

2015-07-22 10:43:34 585

原创 Linux 磁盘挂载

[root@DEVXXXXXX /]# fdisk -l[root@DEVXXXXXX ~]# pvcreate /dev/vda  Physical volume "/dev/vda" successfully created[root@DEVXXXXXX ~]# vgcreate Volgroup01 /dev/vda  Volume group "Volgro

2015-07-22 10:41:30 385

转载 PeopleCode 代码收集

//peoplesoft JavascriptActually there is simpler way to branch back to component PeopleCode from ajavascript running from the html area. Here's how:1) Add a derived field on level 0 of the page (f

2015-07-22 10:36:58 1180

原创 SQL SPOOL脚本示例

set linesize 151set wrap onset space 1set feedback offset timing offset pause offset term offset heading offset recsep offset pagesize 0set verify offspool enable_constraints_pk

2015-07-22 10:25:44 567

转载 SQL SERVER JOB 管理脚本收集

-- 作业信息SELECT [sJOB].[job_id] AS [作业ID] , [sJOB].[name] AS [作业名称] , [sDBP].[name] AS [作业创建者] , [sCAT].[name] AS [作业种类] , [sJOB].[description] AS [作业描述] , CAS

2015-07-22 10:18:21 739

原创 查询Record中字段描述-PeoppleSoft


2015-07-22 09:58:56 525

转载 What components are not suitable to work as component interfaces

When creating a new Component Interface (CI), it must select the component based-on to build the CI from. Sometimes the selected component may not be suitable to be used as a CI directly without prope

2015-06-24 09:56:47 532

转载 different services that PSAPPSRV executes and what do they do?

Here is a list of services that PSAPPSRV is responsible for, along with a description of each service.GetCertificate-Create a certificate for the client. The certificate is passed back to forth

2015-06-24 09:54:34 414

转载 Understanding the PS_TOKEN Cookie

When the system authenticates a user, it distributes the PS_TOKEN cookie to the browser. The PS_TOKENcookie holds user authentication information in the browser that a PeopleSoft system uses to veri

2015-01-02 16:46:32 948

原创 Create a database (oracle 10G)

1运行dbcacd /xxxx/   . ./dbca2界面1:welcome点击“next”3界面2:operations选择“create a database”,点击“next”4界面3:database template选择“custom database”,点击“next”5界面4:database id

2015-01-02 16:12:18 454


概述DBV是一个外部工具,所以对数据库影响很小。它可以对在线的数据文件检查其完好性,也可用于在将备份文件拷贝回原位置前检验备份文件的完好性,并定位数据块损坏。命令如下:dbv /*******/ybt/data/oradata/data01.dbf start=1 end=500 logfile=dbv.log. ... 环境准备1、 使用root用户修改 /u

2015-01-02 15:43:50 475


一 回滚段相关概念    Every[1]   Oracle database must have a method of maintaining information that is used to roll back, or undo, changes to the database. Such information consists of records of the actio

2015-01-02 14:26:00 472

转载 How to change peoplesoft logo

Step 1 Open up App Designer.Step 2 Go to File > Open.Step 3 Select definition as Image and then in the name field type “PT_ORACLELOGO_SWAN” and click Open.Step 4 You

2014-12-29 15:20:51 660

转载 Process Server Management

1. How to disable Server Name, Recurrence, Type and Format fields?1. Select PeopleTools > Security > Permissions & Roles > Permission Lists to open the permission list definition.2. Select the "Pr

2014-12-23 11:59:58 618

转载 Portal Security Sync

ERP Associates has an excellent article explaining portal security sync. Remember that portal security is based on menu security for content references (CREFs) but folder security is set at the port

2014-12-23 11:53:47 870

转载 Cobol License Manager Error; 'Unable to open License Key database'

CauseIssue identified to be caused by one of the following scenarios:Scenario 1): The license manager is being started from an incorrect directory.Scenario 2): A license manager process is alr

2014-12-23 11:36:20 2374

转载 Can PeopleSoft password controls be used with LDAP authentication?

The answer to this question is not a simple Yes or No. There are a number of reasons why PeopleSoft password controls can and cannot be used with LDAP authentication.Some PeopleSoft password con

2014-12-23 11:33:10 1826

转载 PeopleSoft meta tables

PeopleSoft ProjectsPSPROJECTDEFN table stores information about projects created in Application Designer.Try it out:SELECT * FROM PSPROJECTDEFNWHERE PROJECTNAME = 'Your_Project_name';  PSP

2014-12-23 10:14:26 1111

原创 Oracle DB常用SQL

1 查看某用户当前执行的sql语句set pages 500 set lines 160 break on sid nodup on serial# nodup on user nodup on machine nodup on logontime nodup col machine format a20 col text format a64 col user

2014-11-30 13:51:24 518

原创 数据库关闭和启动操作步骤

Oracle DB异常时关闭与启动1. 生成OS级kill -9脚本 set head off set feedback off set pagesize 0 spool /tmp/kill_9_scripts.sh select ' kill -9 ' || spid from (select spid from v$process where add

2014-11-30 13:18:35 583

转载 Exporting Attachments

         PeopleSoft provides the File Attachment API for storing, retrieving, and viewing file attachments. These API functions comprise the recommended method for working with attachments. If you

2014-11-29 17:36:39 583

翻译 如何在Peoplesoft使用Json呢?

在负责接口这一块的工作也有很长时间了,实时的,非实时的,主动,非主动的都做了不少,由于其它java系统对json的大量使用,第三方系统对peoplesoft系统提出了接口返回数据需要满足json格式的要求,在查询了大量的资料以及案例后,也来做一个相应的总结。如下代码是摘抄自其他论坛,方便以后使用。Function IScript_GetJSON Local SQL &usersCurso

2014-11-29 17:14:24 1750

翻译 Using JDBC to Execute Stored Procedures

在使用PeopleCode调用存储过程之前,我们首先需要确认SYSADM有这个存储过程的执行权限,并且这个存储过程的同义词存在,如果不存在建议对这个存储过程创建一个PUBLIC的公共同义词,以方便调用,如下为PKG的代码示例CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE PT_PRC_TEST AS PROCEDURE PRC1( IN1 IN VARCHAR2

2014-11-29 16:44:46 430

转载 How to use cref links redirect to external content ?

1 Creat Iscript function,you can take advantage the follow code.Declare Function SpecifyPortalOpen PeopleCode FUNCLIB_PTPP.PTPP_PORTALR FieldFormula;Function IScript_ContentRedirect() Local Api

2014-11-29 15:58:38 479

转载 How to create Navigation Collection ,publish it as a pagelet and add to homepage ?

Creating the Navigation CollectionFirst, let’s create the Navigation Collection.  You can have whatever menus/components you want in your collection.Go to PeopleTools > Portal > Portal Utilities

2014-11-29 15:34:18 472

转载 PS PIA Change Default Content and Layout

Change PeopleSoft PIAFor end users, I prefer having the 2nd menu (main menu) enabled by default. This is the one with the icons. It makes it a lot easier for people to learn their way around PIA and

2014-11-29 15:03:13 755



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