
Changing the access password should be done in two tier while the App server and Process Scheduler are down. If possible, it is also best to do while all users are logged off.

First a few important notes:

1. Please make sure that your SYMBOLIC ID and your ACCESS ID are not the same. PeopleSoft delivers the SYMBOLIC ID in most databases as SYSADM1 and the ACCESS ID as SYSADM. If for some reason you make these two ids match it can cause problems. The SYMBOLIC ID is a proxy for the ACCESS ID because the ACCESS ID gets encrypted.

2. If your database platform is MSSQL Server or SYBASE then you MUST change the password in ALL instances of PeopleSoft on that server or no one will be able to logon to any other PeopleSoft DB except for the first one changed.

3. If you have already changed the Access ID Password and now cannot logon to PeopleSoft to change it in App Designer then you can use method 1 or 2 below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: One thing to remember is that PeopleSoft does not support an Access ID or Access ID password of over 8 Characters. It MUST also start with an alpha character and can not contain any white space, or any of the following characters:
; : & , < > \ / " ' [ ] { } ( )! % * ? - = +

The @ $ # characters will work but not at the beginning of the password. The Access ID cannot be a restricted word used in the Database either.

There is a enhancement request in place to allow for longer Access ID Passwords. More information can be found in the following Document 1076084.1 - E-SEC: Access ID Password Length Limitation Needs to Allow for Flexibility.

VERY IMPORTANT: There are ONLY 3 ways to change the Access ID password. These options MUST be done in 2 tier and your application servers, Process Schedulers, and Web Servers MUST BE DOWN. Once the password is changed you will want to also clear ALL cache files.

METHOD # 1 - Recommended Method

IMPORTANT NOTE: This method does not work in some versions of PT 8.48, per ICE Incident 1564578000. Please use METHOD 2 to change Access Password in PT 8.48. This issue is resolved in PT 8.48.11 and 8.49.05.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Some versions of PT 8.48 and 8.49 per incident 1792223000 - option # 1 will return the following SQL error.

SQL error. Stmt #: 937 Error Position: 0 Return: 8601 - [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]The procedure 'sys.sp_password' cannot be executed within a transaction. (SQLSTATE 37000) 15002

Developers are currently looking into this issue and a fix will be available in PT 8.50.

Step 1. Log into DataMover as the Access ID (Bootstrap mode).

Step 2. Then run the following command:

CHANGE_ACCESS_PASSWORD sa1 (This is your symbolic ID) abcdefg (This is the new password for the Access ID) ;

Step 3. And hit the Green traffic light.

METHOD # 2 - Second best method

Step 1. Change the Access ID Password at database level first.

Step 2. You can either run the SQL statement in your SQL tool or you can log into DataMover in bootstrap mode (As the Access ID with the NEW password) and run the following SQL statement:

update PSACCESSPRFL set ACCESSID = 'what your Access ID is' , ACCESSPSWD = 'your New Access Password' , ENCRYPTED = 0 where SYMBOLICID = 'whatever the SYMBOLICID is';

Step 3. Then run the following command in DataMover


You can skip step 3 by just logging on to app designer or booting the app server and this will encrypt the Access ID and password on the PSACCESSPRFL table.

METHOD # 3 - Last and most discouraged method, in fact some times will not even work in upgraded databases so only use this method if the first two do not work!

Step 1. Log into Application Designer and navigate to Tools > Miscellaneous Objects > Access Profiles.

Step 2. Highlight the Symbolic ID and push the Edit button, enter the old password, new password, and confirm new password.




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


