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转载 Linux NFS服务器的安装与配置

一、NFS服务简介  NFS 是Network File System的缩写,即网络文件系统。一种使用于分散式文件系统的协定,由Sun公司开发,于1984年向外公布。功能是通过网络让不同的机器、不同的操作系统能够彼此分享个别的数据,让应用程序在客户端通过网络访问位于服务器磁盘中的数据,是在类Unix系统间实现磁盘文件共享的一种方法。  NFS 的基本原则是“容许不同的客户端及服务端

2014-11-21 18:12:42 392

转载 Linux和Linux之间共享目录

1。Linux 服务器端NFS服务器的配置    以root身份登陆Linux服务器,编辑/etc目录下的共享目录配置文件exports,指定共享目录及权限等。    执行如下命令编辑文件/etc/exports:   # vi /etc/exports   在该文件里添加如下内容:   /home/work 192.

2014-11-21 18:12:00 434

转载 Oracle表空间扩展

1.查看所有表空间使用情况select b.file_id 文件ID号, b.tablespace_name 表空间名, b.bytes/1024/1024||'M'字节数, (b.bytes-sum(nvl(a.bytes,0)))/1024/1024||'M' 已使用, sum(nvl(a.bytes,0))/1024/1024||'M' 剩余空间, 100

2013-12-31 09:24:30 564

转载 ORACLE 多表关联 UPDATE 语句

为了方便起见,建立了以下简单模型,和构造了部分测试数据:在某个业务受理子系统BSS中,SQL 代码--客户资料表create table customers(customer_id number(8) not null, -- 客户标示city_name varchar2(10) not null, -- 所在城市customer_type char(2) not null

2013-04-26 10:12:28 581

原创 Oracle中日期

-- 当前日期 select to_char(add_months(sysdate,0),'yyyy-MM-dd') day from dual-- 上月当前日期 select to_char(add_months(sysdate,-1),'yyyy-MM-dd') day from dual -- 下月当前日期 select to_char(add_months(sysdate,1),'

2013-02-26 10:46:57 352

转载 Oracle 删除重复数据只留一条

查询及删除重复记录的SQL语句 1、查找表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(Id)来判断 select * from 表 where Id in (select Id from 表 group byId having count(Id) > 1) 2、删除表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(Id)来判断,只留有rowid最小的记录

2013-01-31 14:15:21 330

转载 Oracle查看进程执行sql

Oracle数据库查看一个进程是如何执行相关的实际SQL语句SELECT b.sql_text, sid, serial#, osuser, machine      FROM v$session a, v$sqlarea b      WHERE a.sql_address = b.address;  查询前台发出的SQL语句.select

2013-01-28 14:45:57 571

原创 spring加载xml

一:Spring中的几种容器都支持使用xml装配bean,包括:     XmlBeanFactory ,     ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ,     FileSystemXmlApplicationContext ,     XmlWebApplicationContext 加载这些容器的配置文件的xml有一下几种常见的方法: 1:引

2012-11-20 15:49:33 478

转载 查询Oracle正在执行和执行过的SQL语句

---正在执行的select a.username, a.sid,b.SQL_TEXT, b.SQL_FULLTEXT  from v$session a, v$sqlarea b where a.sql_address = b.address ---执行过的select b.SQL_TEXT,b.FIRST_LOAD_TIME,b.SQL_FULLTEXT  from

2012-10-18 14:34:07 422

转载 制作证书

下面开始制作,先找好存放证书的位置:(1)       keytool -genkey -alias tomcatcas -keystore tomcatcas -keyalg RSA -validity 3666这一步是制作密钥库。 注意:名字与姓氏要输入主机名或域名或localhost,不能随意输入。密码为自己设定。下面的密码直接回车。(2)keytool -export

2012-09-28 11:10:16 317

转载 Tomcat Https单、双向认证

关于tomcat6配置SSl,tomcat的文档本身是有带说明的。有兴趣的可以去看一下。htpp://localhost:8080/docs就是这个地址。   这里描述一下配置的过程。  1首先使用jdk的keytools.exe生成认证文件。进入java的安装目录下,执行如下命令cd %JAVA_HOME% cd binkeytool 查看命令帮助

2012-09-25 14:55:15 639

原创 Oracle远程物化视图

1、创建数据库链2、在源数据库上创建表的物化日志create materialized view log on user_info with rowiddrop materialized view log on user_info3、在目表数据库上创建物化视图(2分钟更新)CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW T_TEST_MV REFRESH FAST

2012-08-29 13:43:18 495

转载 dom4j通过xpath查询xml

获取DocumentSAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader(); Document document = saxReader.read(FileUtil.getFileInputStream(fileName));查询ElementString xpath ="/composites/composite[@type='onDelete']";

2012-08-08 12:46:18 351

原创 Java OpenSSL生成的RSA公私钥进行数据加解密 .

openssl req -x509 -out public_key.der -outform der -new -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout private_key.pemopenssl rsa -in private_key.pem -pubout -out public_key.pemopenssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -in priv

2012-07-24 16:52:49 3166 1

原创 Oracle查看表空间详细信息

select df.tablespace_name "表空间名称",       totalspace "空间大小/M",       freespace "剩余空间/M",       round((1 - freespace / totalspace) * 100, 2) "表空间使用率%"  from (select tablespace_name, round(sum(by

2012-07-09 09:34:42 963

原创 XML报表

Function Generate_xmlReport();   Local XmlDoc &xmlDoc;   Local XmlNode &root_node, &sub_node, &text_node;   Local Rowset &rs, &rs1;      Local PSXP_XMLGEN:RowSetDS &oRS;   Local PSXP_RPTDE

2012-06-01 16:50:39 778

原创 Data Mover导入错误解决

导入脚本里,在import之前加SET IGNORE_DUPS;即可

2012-05-30 10:51:08 668

原创 Linux如何清除系统cache

1. drop_caches在Documentation/sysctl/vm.txt中有如下描述:drop_cachesWriting to this will cause the kernel to drop clean caches, dentries and inodes from memory, causing that memory to become free.

2012-05-26 13:52:36 1255

转载 PeopleSoft Tracing & Logging

Tracing online People Code and SQL1. Select Trace at the login screen or add “&trace=Y” to the login URL OR - To set trace flags, click here (use this link.2. Choose the options in the tra

2012-05-09 11:15:39 756

转载 How to hide & unhide the grid from the page by using people code?

How to hide & unhide the grid from the page by using people code?In the given example, user wants to hide and unhide the grid from the page by selecting the check box option on the page. If the ch

2012-05-09 11:14:20 406

转载 定义集合类型

要使用集合,我们首先要创建集合类型,然后声明该类型的变量。我们可以在任何PL/SQL块、子程序或包的声明部分使用TABLE和VARRAY类型。集合的作用域和初始化规则同其他类型和变量一样。在一个块或子程序中,当程序进入块或子程序时集合被初始化,退出时销毁。在包中,集合在我们第一次引用包的时候初始化,直至会话终止时才销毁。· 嵌套表 对于嵌套表,可以使用下面的语法来进行定义:

2012-02-29 08:56:36 708

转载 Copying Rowsets

I find that you often need to create and manipulate standalone rowsets. Sometimes you can get the data for your standalone rowset from the database using the Fillmethod, however sometimes you'll wan

2011-12-21 19:42:50 277

转载 PeopleTools Security

OperatorsRecordDescriptionPSOPRDEFNStores all operators (users) in the PeopleSoft system. Also stores their employee ID (EMPLID), encrypted password, primary permission list,

2011-12-21 19:26:37 355

转载 Tracing Tips and Resources

Tracing Tips and ResourcesI had an issue recently where I needed to trace a process to try to determine where a bug was occurring.  So, I decided to try to document how I could setup tracing on a

2011-12-20 21:22:55 347

转载 Good Looking Messages

Good Looking MessagesJuly 1, 2010 — digitaleagle I have often wanted to display an informational message at the top of the page.  Rather than just slap a Long Edit Box at the top of the scre

2011-12-20 21:17:54 380

转载 PeopleTools Tables

During one of my PeopleTools classes, a student asked for a quick list of the PeopleTools catalog tables. Here is an attempt at this list. The list is organized by type of PeopleTools Defintion:Proj

2011-12-20 21:13:20 448

转载 Explorations in Component Interface: PeopleCode

Adding a Log Step to the ProgramBefore we dive into the PeopleCode, we need to add a second step to the program.  This step will come in handy for testing how the program works.  It will just simply

2011-12-20 21:09:03 584

转载 PeopleTools Reference: Common Meta-SQL

PeopleTools Reference: Meta-SQL %Updategenerates an update statement to change the database to match the values in the record object.ExampleLocal Record &recJob;&recJob.EMPLID.value =

2011-12-20 21:06:24 697

转载 Arrays Question

This post is to address a question posed in one of the comments on another post.  The answer is a little too in-depth for a comment reply.  Also, I had been wanting to blog more about arrays anyway.

2011-12-20 21:00:45 396

转载 PeopleTools Tip — Cloning a Component Interface

Have you ever tried to recreate a component interface and allow PeopleSoft to default the properties and collections? The hard part is that you have to make sure that it uses the same names as your ol

2011-12-20 20:57:03 429

转载 Finding a Component Interfaces

If you know the name of the component interface, you can easily find it in App Designer.  Just press Ctrl+O or File > Open and search for it by name.  But, what if you only know the name of the compon

2011-12-20 20:55:33 303

原创 PeopleSoft修改用户密码

在DataMove中执行以下脚本:update PSOPRDEFNset OPERPSWD = 'PS', ENCRYPTED = 0 where OPRID = 'PS'; encrypt_password PS;

2011-12-17 20:59:46 1896

转载 PeopleTools Security

A summary of the main PeopleTools security records.OperatorsRecordDescriptionPSOPRDEFNStores all operators (users) in the PeopleSoft system. Also stores their employee ID (

2011-12-17 20:58:45 399

转载 js只能输入数字和小数点

1.文本框只能输入数字代码(小数点也不能输入)2.只能输入数字,能输小数点.3.数字和小数点方法二<input type=text t_value="" o_value="" onkeypress="if(!this.value.match(/^[\+\-]?\d*?\.?\d*?$/))this.value=this.t_value;else this.t_value=t

2011-12-13 14:15:12 318

转载 Oracle删除重复记录oracle 删除重复记录的高效方法 && mysql 删除重复记录方法

COL1中有重复记录(COL1,COL2为主键),如何删除    1、有少数重复记录(在col1,col2上有索引比较好)    DELETE T  WHERE (COL1,COL2) IN  (SELECT COL1,COL2 FROM T GROUP BY COL1,COL2 HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)  AND  ROWID NOT IN

2011-12-12 10:42:22 602

转载 Debugging and Tracing

Application EngineTracingUse the -TRACE option to trace the SQL executed by an application engine program. You can do this either through the command line debugger or in the override parameters

2011-12-12 10:21:11 497

转载 几条有用sql

查找数据库中所有字段  以对应的表 select C.column_name,C.TABLE_NAME from dba_tab_columns C where owner='' 查每个科目class 分数scro前三名 select id, name, class, scro    from (select row_number() over(partition by cla

2011-12-09 11:10:59 353

原创 Oracle HTTP请求接收!

create or replace procedure p_sendsms(p_comCode      in varchar2,                                      p_businessType in varchar2,                                      p_phoneNo      in varchar2,

2011-12-08 15:05:01 2101

转载 Query与Pagelet-----统计最近一周内入职的员工,并在主页提醒

统计最近一周内入职的员工,并在主页提醒:Pagelet:  1.建立好Query:CSN_NEW_EMPL_QRY:  其中红色方框内的标准必须添上,否则会出现冗余数据,因为只是根据部门ID会找到很多部门描述,主要原因是很多SetID都复用了该DeptID,所以要确定具体的SetID。运行结果如下: 2.新建一个Pagelet向导,路径:PeopleTools>

2011-12-01 09:51:20 632

转载 PeopleCode取组件缓冲区(Component Buffer)数据小结

Local Rowset    &RS_Level0, &RS_Level1;Local Row    &Row_Level0, &Row_Level1;Local Record    &Rec_TaskRsrc;Local Field    &Fld_PctAvail;REM Get rowset of level0 (获取0层的行集合);&RS_Level0 = Get

2011-12-01 09:44:13 926








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