
      MNIST手写字体数据库下载地址 。



FILE FORMATS FOR THE MNIST DATABASEThe data is stored in a very simple file format designed for storing vectors and multidimensional matrices. General info on this format is given at the end of this page, but you don't need to read that to use the data files.

All the integers in the files are stored in the MSB first (high endian) format used by most non-Intel processors. Users of Intel processors and other low-endian machines must flip the bytes of the header.

There are 4 files:

train-images-idx3-ubyte: training set images
train-labels-idx1-ubyte: training set labels
t10k-images-idx3-ubyte:  test set images
t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte:  test set labels

The training set contains 60000 examples, and the test set 10000 examples.

The first 5000 examples of the test set are taken from the original NIST training set. The last 5000 are taken from the original NIST test set. The first 5000 are cleaner and easier than the last 5000.

TRAINING SET LABEL FILE (train-labels-idx1-ubyte):

[offset] [type]          [value]          [description]
0000     32 bit integer  0x00000801(2049) magic number (MSB first)
0004     32 bit integer  60000            number of items
0008     unsigned byte   ??               label
0009     unsigned byte   ??               label
xxxx     unsigned byte   ??               label

The labels values are 0 to 9.

TRAINING SET IMAGE FILE (train-images-idx3-ubyte):

[offset] [type]          [value]          [description]
0000     32 bit integer  0x00000803(2051) magic number
0004     32 bit integer  60000            number of images
0008     32 bit integer  28               number of rows
0012     32 bit integer  28               number of columns
0016     unsigned byte   ??               pixel
0017     unsigned byte   ??               pixel
xxxx     unsigned byte   ??               pixel

Pixels are organized row-wise. Pixel values are 0 to 255. 0 means background (white), 255 means foreground (black).

TEST SET LABEL FILE (t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte):

[offset] [type]          [value]          [description]
0000     32 bit integer  0x00000801(2049) magic number (MSB first)
0004     32 bit integer  10000            number of items
0008     unsigned byte   ??               label
0009     unsigned byte   ??               label
xxxx     unsigned byte   ??               label

The labels values are 0 to 9.

TEST SET IMAGE FILE (t10k-images-idx3-ubyte):

[offset] [type]          [value]          [description]
0000     32 bit integer  0x00000803(2051) magic number
0004     32 bit integer  10000            number of images
0008     32 bit integer  28               number of rows
0012     32 bit integer  28               number of columns
0016     unsigned byte   ??               pixel
0017     unsigned byte   ??               pixel
xxxx     unsigned byte   ??               pixel

Pixels are organized row-wise. Pixel values are 0 to 255. 0 means background (white), 255 means foreground (black).


由offset我们可以看出真正的pixel式从16开始的,一个int 32字节,所以在读取pixel之前我们要读取4个 32 bit integer,也就是magic number,number of images,number of rows,number of columns,读取二进制文件用struct比较方便,struct.unpack_from('>IIII',buf,index)表示按照大端方式读取4个int.

虽然数据集网站写着“Users of Intel processors and other low-endian machines must flip the bytes of the header.”,而我的电脑就是intel处理器,但是我尝试了一把还是得用大端方式读,读出来才是“2051 60000 28 28”,用小端方式读取就不正确了,这个小小实验一把就行。

MNIST Handwritten Digits字符库中含有0-9的训练数据集和0-9测试数据集两种图片



从上面的数据库说明可以看出来,MNIST手写字体数据库包含了是个文件,每个文件都是单纯的普通文件格式,因此,可以采用C++的文件流将其打开,每一个文件除了几个字节的文件头之外,就是剩下的要数据部分了。因此,可以先将文件的文件头读进来,然后利用magic number进行验证,验证所读的文件是否为MNIST文件。



struct MNISTImageFileHeader
    unsigned char MagicNumber[4];
    unsigned char NumberOfImages[4];
    unsigned char NumberOfRows[4];
    unsigned char NumberOfColums[4];

struct MNISTLabelFileHeader
    unsigned char MagicNumber[4];
    unsigned char NumberOfLabels[4];
int ConvertCharArrayToInt(unsigned char* array, int LengthOfArray)
    if (LengthOfArray < 0)
        return -1;
    int result = static_cast<signed int>(array[0]);
    for (int i = 1; i < LengthOfArray; i++)
        result = (result << 8) + array[i];
    return result;

#ifndef MNIST_H
#define MNIST_H

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

struct MNISTImageFileHeader
    unsigned char MagicNumber[4];
    unsigned char NumberOfImages[4];
    unsigned char NumberOfRows[4];
    unsigned char NumberOfColums[4];

struct MNISTLabelFileHeader
    unsigned char MagicNumber[4];
    unsigned char NumberOfLabels[4];

const int MAGICNUMBEROFIMAGE = 2051;
const int MAGICNUMBEROFLABEL = 2049;

int ConvertCharArrayToInt(unsigned char* array, int LengthOfArray);

bool IsImageDataFile(unsigned char* MagicNumber, int LengthOfArray);

bool IsLabelDataFile(unsigned char* MagicNumber, int LengthOfArray);

cv::Mat ReadData(std::fstream& DataFile, int NumberOfData, int DataSizeInBytes);

cv::Mat ReadImageData(std::fstream& ImageDataFile, int NumberOfImages);

cv::Mat ReadLabelData(std::fstream& LabelDataFile, int NumberOfLabel);

cv::Mat ReadImages(std::string& FileName);

cv::Mat ReadLabels(std::string& FileName);

#endif // MNIST_H

 * @file ReadData.cpp The file contains the functions used to read image data
 *                    and label data from the origin mnist file
 * @author sheng
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @date  2014-04-09
 * @function
 * @histroy     <author>      <date>      <version>      <description>
 *               sheng      2014-04-09      1.0.0      build the module

#include <MNIST.h>

 * @brief IsImageDataFile  Check the input MagicNumber is equal to
 *                         MAGICNUMBEROFIMAGE
 * @param MagicNumber      The array of the magicnumber to be checked
 * @param LengthOfArray    The length of the array
 * @return true, if the magcinumber is mathed;
 *         false, otherwise.
 * @author sheng
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @date  2014-04-08
 * @histroy     <author>      <date>      <version>      <description>
 *               sheng      2014-04-08      1.0.0      build the function
bool IsImageDataFile(unsigned char* MagicNumber, int LengthOfArray)
    int MagicNumberOfImage = ConvertCharArrayToInt(MagicNumber, LengthOfArray);
    if (MagicNumberOfImage == MAGICNUMBEROFIMAGE)
        return true;

    return false;

 * @brief IsImageDataFile  Check the input MagicNumber is equal to
 *                         MAGICNUMBEROFLABEL
 * @param MagicNumber      The array of the magicnumber to be checked
 * @param LengthOfArray    The length of the array
 * @return true, if the magcinumber is mathed;
 *         false, otherwise.
 * @author sheng
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @date  2014-04-08
 * @histroy     <author>      <date>      <version>      <description>
 *               sheng      2014-04-08      1.0.0      build the function
bool IsLabelDataFile(unsigned char *MagicNumber, int LengthOfArray)
    int MagicNumberOfLabel = ConvertCharArrayToInt(MagicNumber, LengthOfArray);
    if (MagicNumberOfLabel == MAGICNUMBEROFLABEL)
        return true;

    return false;

 * @brief ReadData  Read the data in a opened file
 * @param DataFile  The file which the data is read from.
 * @param NumberOfData  The number of the data
 * @param DataSizeInBytes  The size fo the every data
 * @return The Mat which rows is a data,
 *         Return a empty Mat if the file is not opened or the some flag was
 *                 seted when reading the  data.
 * @author sheng
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @date  2014-04-08
 * @histroy     <author>      <date>      <version>      <description>
 *               sheng      2014-04-08      1.0.0      build the function

cv::Mat ReadData(std::fstream& DataFile, int NumberOfData, int DataSizeInBytes)
    cv::Mat DataMat;

    // read the data if the file is opened.
    if (DataFile.is_open())

        int AllDataSizeInBytes = DataSizeInBytes * NumberOfData;
        unsigned char* TmpData = new unsigned char[AllDataSizeInBytes]; *)TmpData, AllDataSizeInBytes);

        //        // If the state is good, convert the array to a mat.
        //        if (!
        //        {
        //            DataMat = cv::Mat(NumberOfData, DataSizeInBytes, CV_8UC1,
        //                              TmpData).clone();
        //        }

        DataMat = cv::Mat(NumberOfData, DataSizeInBytes, CV_8UC1,
        delete [] TmpData;


    return DataMat;

 * @brief ReadImageData  Read the Image data from the MNIST file.
 * @param ImageDataFile  The file which contains the Images.
 * @param NumberOfImages The number of the images.
 * @return The mat contains the image and each row of the mat is a image.
 *         Return empty mat is the file is closed or the data is not matching
 *                the number.
 * @author sheng
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @date  2014-04-08
 * @histroy     <author>      <date>      <version>      <description>
 *               sheng      2014-04-08      1.0.0      build the function
cv::Mat ReadImageData(std::fstream& ImageDataFile, int NumberOfImages)
    int ImageSizeInBytes = 28 * 28;

    return ReadData(ImageDataFile, NumberOfImages, ImageSizeInBytes);

 * @brief ReadLabelData Read the label data from the MNIST file.
 * @param LabelDataFile The file contained the labels.
 * @param NumberOfLabel The number of the labels.
 * @return The mat contains the labels and each row of the mat is a label.
 *         Return empty mat is the file is closed or the data is not matching
 *                the number.
 * @author sheng
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @date  2014-04-08
 * @histroy     <author>      <date>      <version>      <description>
 *               sheng      2014-04-08      1.0.0      build the function
cv::Mat ReadLabelData(std::fstream& LabelDataFile, int NumberOfLabel)
    int LabelSizeInBytes = 1;

    return ReadData(LabelDataFile, NumberOfLabel, LabelSizeInBytes);

 * @brief ReadImages Read the Training images.
 * @param FileName  The name of the file.
 * @return The mat contains the image and each row of the mat is a image.
 *         Return empty mat is the file is closed or the data is not matched.
 * @author sheng
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @date  2014-04-08
 * @histroy     <author>      <date>      <version>      <description>
 *               sheng      2014-04-08      1.0.0      build the function
cv::Mat ReadImages(std::string& FileName)
    std::fstream File(FileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);

    if (!File.is_open())
        return cv::Mat();

    MNISTImageFileHeader FileHeader; *)(&FileHeader), sizeof(FileHeader));

    if (!IsImageDataFile(FileHeader.MagicNumber, 4))
        return cv::Mat();

    int NumberOfImage = ConvertCharArrayToInt(FileHeader.NumberOfImages, 4);

    return ReadImageData(File, NumberOfImage);

 * @brief ReadLabels  Read the label from the MNIST file.
 * @param FileName  The name of the file.
 * @return The mat contains the image and each row of the mat is a image.
 *         Return empty mat is the file is closed or the data is not matched.
 * @author sheng
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @date  2014-04-08
 * @histroy     <author>      <date>      <version>      <description>
 *               sheng      2014-04-08      1.0.0      build the function
cv::Mat ReadLabels(std::string& FileName)
    std::fstream File(FileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);

    if (!File.is_open())
        return cv::Mat();

    MNISTLabelFileHeader FileHeader; *)(&FileHeader), sizeof(FileHeader));

    if (!IsLabelDataFile(FileHeader.MagicNumber, 4))
        return cv::Mat();

    int NumberOfImage = ConvertCharArrayToInt(FileHeader.NumberOfLabels, 4);

    return ReadLabelData(File, NumberOfImage);

评论 4




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