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原创 launch images in landscape mode not showed on iphone 4s/5/5s in iOS 8

launch images in landscape mode not showed on iphone 4s/5/5s in iOS 8 Solved it by going the old proven way:Provide all the above assets for apps in landscape onlyDont use AssetCatalog...

2015-01-19 01:19:22 217

原创 xcode automatic covert launch images from png to tiff

-> build settings -> COMBINE_HIDPI_IMAGES to NOthis is the only solution that works and no other change is necessaryhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/12244494/image-resources-for-ios

2015-01-19 01:15:31 183

原创 Xcode archive succeeded but not show in organizer

Xcode archive succeeded but not show in organizer, enter the xcode archive folder, it is a empty file.find the solution on stackoverflow.comhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/6716756/why-does-...

2014-08-01 15:51:40 417

原创 iPhone Store Kit “Cannot connect to iTunes Store”

When develop the IAP feature follow with the Apple IAP guide , I get a failed case:- (void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray *)transactionscase SKPaymentTransac...

2014-07-10 12:12:12 361

原创 Color management in ios devices with photoshop


2014-01-15 18:17:13 101

原创 Color management in ios devices with photoshop


2014-01-15 18:16:57 75

原创 bullet tips

when use bullet as the physics engine, I had got these problem: 1. about RestitutionP :when the rigid body use simple collision shape such as box, cylinder as their collision shape and moving o...

2014-01-09 10:05:10 128

原创 Gamma Correction/Color on iPhone

Linearity and Gammahttp://www.arcsynthesis.org/gltut/Illumination/Tut12%20Monitors%20and%20Gamma.html Color on iPhonehttp://www.colorwiki.com/wiki/Color_on_iPhone

2013-12-19 17:07:04 189

原创 BRDF Explained


2013-12-17 12:22:46 93

原创 Normal Matrix

Normal MatrixNormals are funny.  They're vec3's, since you don't want perspective on normals.   And they don't actually scale quite right--a 45 degree surface with a 45 degree normal, scaled by glS...

2013-12-15 22:45:26 436

原创 good place to learn glsl


2013-12-15 19:01:02 101

原创 Ogre xcode build error: Reference to 'FileInfo' is ambiguous

When update Ogre source to the stable version 1.9 with Mac osx 10.7,Xcode 4.6.3, CMake, I get  this error Reference to 'FileInfo' is ambiguous  /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Dev...

2013-12-07 15:59:56 167

原创 Bullet Gof6DConstrants axis limit

when we are using btGeneric6DofSpringConstraint for physic constraints, be careful about those methods:setAngularUpperLimit setAngularLowerLimit setLinearLowerLimit setLinearUpperLimit, the axis wi...

2013-10-26 14:46:15 157

原创 Recast Settings Uncovered

Recast Settings Uncovered Some folks have been wondering what is the meaning behind some of the Recast generation settings. Here's a quick primer how to derive the correct values.First you shoul...

2013-06-19 11:45:01 138

原创 recastnavigation study

a good place to find the design detail for recastnavigationhttp://www.critterai.org/book/export/html/2a place to study game aihttp://aigamedev.com 

2013-06-10 13:54:07 97

原创 use git to check a svn repository

git svn clone -r350:HEAD  http://recastnavigation.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ recastnavigation

2013-05-22 17:02:31 93


Morpheus to Neo in "The Matrix" (1999)Firstly, recognise that thinking critically does not mean simple criticism. It means not simply accepting information at face value in a non-critical or non-evalu...

2013-03-11 14:59:41 850

原创 linphone iphone syntax error: unexpected end of file

these days I want to compile the linphone sdk for ios.as my company has blocked the git port . So I got the sdk archive from my colleague who downloaded it from Israel in a window environment. after...

2012-12-11 15:54:43 132

原创 Mirror a remote repository in a local branch

The vendor branches section of the book was written before Subversion grew support for foreign repository merges. If I was rewriting that section now, I would absolutely mention this feature.1. 's...

2012-08-07 12:30:40 67

原创 C++ Header File Include Patterns

http://www.eventhelix.com/realtimemantra/headerfileincludepatterns.htmC++ Header File Include PatternsComplex software in Realtime systems requires a careful header file management even when p...

2012-08-01 16:04:12 233

原创 Quaternion

Michael Isner's 10th Level Magic User Quaternion Spellshttp://www.isner.com/tutorials/quatSpells/quaternion_spells_14.htm

2012-05-17 00:37:26 70

原创 swig tutorial for lua

swig is a script interface auto generate toolhere is the tutorial for luahttp://www.swig.org/Doc1.3/Lua.html#Lua_nn2

2012-04-13 00:13:16 90

原创 lua ecliipse plugin


2012-04-13 00:12:09 46

原创 game ebook

AI:New Riders - 2003 - AI Game DevelopmentSynthetic Creatures with Learning and Reactive BehaviorsPremier - AI Techniques for Game DevelopmentART:Charles River - Animating Real-Time Game CharactersPr...

2012-04-07 22:04:51 132

原创 Debug with android ndk-gdb

Debug (C++)Debug with gdb(Note: there's now an ndk-debug.sh script in stellarium/android/util which handles most of this; I'll have to remember to rewrite this section)If you need to debug as ...

2012-03-28 17:15:11 78

原创 Android下使用ndk-gdb 调试cmake CmakeFiles 生成的代码


2012-03-28 15:04:10 176

原创 GDB STL Support Tools

this is a site page for GDB STL Support Tools :http://sourceware.org/gdb/wiki/STLSupportin the page we can get the gdb macros stuff to support stl container :http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/src/dbi...

2012-03-26 14:28:47 118

原创 GDB tutorial


2012-03-26 01:42:50 151

原创 subversion-with-mac-os-x


2012-03-24 18:53:36 78

原创 Androd NDK undefined reference to while linking

For some reason I want to use FreeImage library in my android ndk project ,but while I am building this static library with ndk-build, It compiled the source quite OK, but  failed  during the link ste...

2012-03-23 18:04:28 98

原创 GCC document


2012-03-23 14:33:25 149

原创 Undefined reference to "function name"

This is a common confusion in C programming.The library is NOT the same as the header (.h) file. C libraries are collections of compiled objects which are LINKED to your object code by the linker. Hea...

2012-03-22 16:42:39 65

原创 Static and dynamic libraries

A library is a package of code that is meant to be reused by many programs. Typically, a C++ library comes in two pieces:1) A header file that defines the functionality the library is exposing (of...

2012-03-22 11:53:42 117

原创 Mac OS X Lion Eclipse JDK JRE Not found problem(Solved)

the origin page from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6614380/jdk-on-osx-10-7-lion Tips: the steps 5-10 are not suit for my eclipse.no JVM Contents (MacOS X Default) ,only Standard Jre Environme...

2012-03-15 11:26:48 95

原创 "What is Z-Depth"


2012-03-14 10:45:53 94

原创 OGRE 3D Tutorial


2012-03-08 14:27:52 85

原创 C++ tutorial


2012-03-03 16:26:59 115

原创 NDK: is not able to compile a simple test program.

is not able to compile a simple test program.  It fails with the following output: SOLUTION: just rename the android-ndk-r7\sources\cxx-stl\gnu-libstdc++\libs\armeabi\libgnustl_static.a to libst...

2012-03-02 17:19:50 1135



2012-02-28 17:42:29 69

原创 cmake command


2012-02-27 15:27:11 190



TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹


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