#redis 配置
################################## 配置 include ###################################
# 加载配置文件
# include /path/to/local.conf
# include /path/to/other.conf
################################## 模块 #####################################
# 加载模块
# loadmodule /path/to/my_module.so
# loadmodule /path/to/other_module.so
################################## 网络 #####################################
#指定 redis 只接收来自于该IP地址的请求,如果不进行设置,那么将处理所有请求
#bind -::1
protected-mode no
#tcp keepalive参数。如果设置不为0,就使用配置tcp的SO_KEEPALIVE值,
tcp-keepalive 300
################################# TLS/SSL #####################################
# 默认情况下,禁用TLS / SSL。要启用它,请使用“ tls-port”配置。
# tls-port 6379
# tls-cert-file redis.crt
# tls-key-file redis.key
# tls-key-file-pass secret
# tls-client-cert-file client.crt
# tls-client-key-file client.key
# tls-client-key-file-pass secret
# tls-dh-params-file redis.dh
# tls-ca-cert-file ca.crt
# tls-ca-cert-dir /etc/ssl/certs
# tls-auth-clients no
# tls-auth-clients optional
# tls-replication yes
# tls-cluster yes
# tls-ciphers DEFAULT:!MEDIUM
# tls-ciphersuites TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
# tls-prefer-server-ciphers yes
# tls-session-caching no
# tls-session-cache-size 5000
# tls-session-cache-timeout 60
################################# 通用 #####################################
# 是否后台启动(静默)
daemonize yes
# 可以通过upstart和systemd管理Redis守护进程,这个参数是和具体的操作系统相关的
# supervised auto
# redis的进程文件
pidfile /var/run/redis_6379.pid
loglevel notice
logfile ""
# syslog-enabled no
# syslog-ident redis
# syslog-facility local0
#数据库的数量,默认使用的数据库是0。可以通过”SELECT 【数据库序号】“命令选择一个数据库,序号从0开始
databases 16
# 是否显示redis logo
always-show-logo no
# By default, Redis modifies the process title (as seen in 'top' and 'ps') to
# provide some runtime information. It is possible to disable this and leave
# the process name as executed by setting the following to no.
set-proc-title yes
# When changing the process title, Redis uses the following template to construct
# the modified title.
# Template variables are specified in curly brackets. The following variables are
# supported:
# {title} Name of process as executed if parent, or type of child process.
# {listen-addr} Bind address or '*' followed by TCP or TLS port listening on, or
# Unix socket if only that's available.
# {server-mode} Special mode, i.e. "[sentinel]" or "[cluster]".
# {port} TCP port listening on, or 0.
# {tls-port} TLS port listening on, or 0.
# {unixsocket} Unix domain socket listening on, or "".
# {config-file} Name of configuration file used.
proc-title-template "{title} {listen-addr} {server-mode}"
################################ rdb快照持久化 ################################
# rdb 持久化触发 每seconds(秒)有changes(个)键改变 在触发一次rdb持久化
# save <seconds> <changes>
# save 3600 1
# save 300 100
# save 60 10000
最新推荐文章于 2024-09-24 13:45:24 发布
本文详细介绍了 Redis 6.2.6 版本的配置选项,包括内存管理、持久化、网络设置、安全性等多个方面,旨在帮助用户更好地理解和优化 Redis 的部署和使用。