ipad 选用

mini4性价比最高 苹果新iPad购买手册


苹果完成iPad产品线布局 从小到大都能满足你

   iPad屏幕尺寸由原来的两个尺寸上升到三个,分别是7.9英寸、9.7英寸和12.9英寸,全线普及了Retina显示屏,就此iPad mini一代终遭淘汰。屏幕尺寸在很大意义上决定了你要购买哪款iPad,从现在市场的火热程度来看,7.9英寸的iPad mini系列会更受欢迎。

mini4性价比最高 苹果新iPad购买手册


   大家的焦点相信都被发布会中的iPad Pro所吸引了,确实12.9英寸硕大的屏幕让我们都大跌眼镜,而且它媲美桌面级PC的A9X处理器让人惊叹叫绝,iPad Pro的确有着傲娇的资本。但是在iPad Pro巨大的光环下,iPad mini4却名不见经传,更新了处理器之后让它脱胎换骨。菲利普·席勒(Philip Schiller)在发布会上简短的说道:“我们还有全新的iPad mini4,我们将iPad Air的性能塞进了iPad mini中,这也将是一款不可思议的产品。”,虽然iPad mini4在2个半小时的发布会就只有这么短短一句,但它依旧是最超值的iPad系列产品。

找寻性价比最突出的 苹果iPad购买手册

iPad mini4性价比非常突出

   通过我们上述的这张对比表格不难发现,iPad mini4具备了苹果所有的最新技术,在屏幕像素密度一项上是最高的326ppi,显示效果也绝对是最好的,它的售价和iPad mini3保持了一致,16GB/Wifi/2888元。


   iPad Air和iPad Air2两者其实很好选择,我肯定推荐采用A8X处理器的iPad Air2,更出色的CPU可让iPad在Retina处理器下游刃有余。当然这仅限于我们要玩游戏的时候,作为平时使用,iPad Air也是非常流畅的。如果你是想购买9.7英寸iPad的用户,那么就直接购买iPad Air2,若是你手中已经有iPad Air了,那么就不用更换,继续试用iPad Air即可,现在完全够用了。

   iPad mini也是推荐购买iPad mini4,首先两款的起步售价相差900元,但是iPad mini4采用了A8芯片,全层压显示屏和抗反射涂层,TouchID,蓝牙4.2技术等,而且iPad mini4还拥有64GB和128GB存储容量可选,对于日渐增大的硬盘空间需求,我想64GB可选会更有诱惑力。

PS:什么是全层压显示屏? 全层压显示屏就是通过将保护玻璃、触控层、显示层做成一体的屏幕,这样更有助于减少反光折射,可以让屏幕看起来比普通充胶填充的全贴合屏更加通透,显示效果更佳。

   iPad Pro现阶段我认为不适合普通消费群体,只适合商用办公人群,他的起步售价799美金(折合人民币5096元,未含税)也决定了它是一款和生产力挂钩的产品。所以对于普通大众来说,我觉得购买iPad Air系列就足够了,9.7英寸的屏幕完全可以满足你对视觉上的需求。

什么版本最值 网络制式/购买渠道

   iPad mini推荐Wifi版本,iPad Air购买Wifi版本、iPad Pro推荐4G版本。这三个推荐完全是根据使用场景来推荐的,iPad mini可随身携带,本应推荐4G版本,但是现在手机屏幕已经上升到5英寸,需要使用网络的时候可用手机代替,iPad mini更多就是以观看为主,所以对网络的需求不大。

   iPad Air的尺寸几乎很少有人拿出去,都是在家里或者办公室使用,Wifi环境都比较理想,所以推荐Wifi版本。而iPad Pro就明显针对商用办公人群,再看它的容量划分,只有32GB和128GB两个选择,那我觉得不如一步到位,毕竟12.9英寸屏幕下的联网需求是手机屏幕不能代替的,故推荐128GB/4G版本。




iPad mini3为什么被悄然替换掉

   很简单的道理,iPad mini3是个比较坑的产品,它只是一个过渡产品,和当年的iPad 3是一样的,芯片和iPad mini2一样,只是增加了TouchID,价格比iPad mini2要贵了将近800元,性价比全无。iPad mini4上来之后就是mini系列的旗舰,而iPad mini2会继续以低价吸引用户,那么iPad mini3的处境就非常尴尬了,所以被摒弃也是情理之中。

one more thing...

   iPad最新推出的两个新配件,Apple 铅笔和Smart Keyboard,这两款配件都是专为iPad Pro而来。键盘肯定是一对一只针对iPad Pro了,Pencil是否只能用于改进后的Multi-Touch技术现在还是未知数,也就说未来能否应用在iPad Air上还不能肯定。但是这杆价值99美元的Pencil确实非常惊艳,推荐度要强于Keyboard。


  mini, air都支持







Command list

Below is a semi-exhaustive list of commands for Siri. Due to the nature of Siri, and the fact that it is aware of your location and context, it would be purely impossible to list every single command available. The commands listed below are some of the most popular commands that you can use, and it is a good launching pad to get you started with Siri.

The commands listed are broken up into sections, and sometimes, sub-sections, depending on the need. For example, the Phone section features two sub-sections—Phone calls and Voicemail.


Phone calls

  • Call Jeff
  • Call my wife
  • Call Jeff’s  Cell
  • Call Jeff on his work phone
  • Call 555 555 5555
  • Call home
  • Call 911
  • Call the fire department
  • Get my call history
  • Do I have any missed calls?
  • Redial the last number


  • Do I have any new voicemail?
  • Play me the voicemail from Sebastien


  • FaceTime Cody
  • FaceTime my wife
  • Make a FaceTime call to Sebastien Page
  • Make a FaceTime audio call

App Launching

  • Launch Photos
  • Play Flappy Bird
  • Open Facebook


Sending Messages

  • Tell Sebastien I’ll be late
  • Tell my dad I’m on my way
  • Send a message to Cody Lee
  • Send a message to Sebastien saying how about now
  • Tell Chris the post was great
  • Send a message to Sebastien on his mobile saying I’ll be early
  • Send a message to 555 555 5555
  • Text Cody and Sebastien where are you

Reading messages

  • Do I have new messages?
  • Read my new messages
  • Read it again

Responding to messages

  • Reply that’s a great idea
  • Tell him I’ll be there in 15 minutes
  • Call him

Searching for messages

  • Read my latest message from Lori


Adding events

  • Set up a meeting at 10
  • Set up a meeting with Jeff at 9
  • Meet with Lori at noon
  • Set up a meeting about hiring tomorrow at 11am
  • New appointment with Sebastien Page Friday at 5
  • Schedule a planning meeting at 8:30 today at Starbucks

Changing calendar events

  • More my 2pm meeting to 4:15
  • Reschedule my appointment with Sebastien to next Friday at 11am
  • Add Cody to my meeting with Lori
  • Cancel the app review meeting

Asking about events

  • What does the rest of my day look like?
  • What’s on my calendar for Thursday?
  • When is my next appointment?
  • When am I meeting with Joe?
  • Where is my next meeting?



  • Did the Cardinals win?
  • How did Chicago do last night?
  • What was the score the last time the Angels played the Dodgers?
  • Show me the basketball scores from last night
  • Who will win the Bulls game?

Game schedules

  • When do the Bears play next?
  • When is San Francisco’s first game of the season?
  • What basketball games are on today?
  • What channel is the Lakers game on?
  • When is England’s next match?


  • Who’s the best team in hockey?
  • How did the Yankees do last season?
  • Did Seattle make the playoffs?
  • What are the standings in the Atlantic region?
  • Get me college basketball rankings
  • What are the standings in the Premier League?

Player information

  • Who has the best assist to turnover ratio?
  • Who has the most home runs on the Reds?
  • Which player scored the most goals in English soccer?
  • What quarterback has the most passing yards?

Team Information

  • Show me the roster for the Jets
  • Who is pitching for New York this season?
  • Is anyone injured on the Brewers?
  • Which team has the fewest penalty minutes
  • Which team has the most stolen bases in the NL West?



  • Give me directions home
  • Get me directions to the Grand Canyon
  • Directions to my dad’s work
  • Get me directions from Los Angeles to San Diego
  • Give me walking directions to Sebastien’s
  • What’s my next turn?
  • Are we there yet?
  • What’s my ETA
  • Find a gas station


  • Show me the Brooklyn Bridge
  • Show me a map of 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino California

Local Business

  • Find coffee near me
  • I want to eat Mexican food
  • Find the best nail salon
  • Where is the closest Apple Store?



  • Tweet ‘just read a great post on iDownloadBlog’
  • Tweet ‘another beautiful day in San Diego’
  • Tweet with my location ‘having a great vacation with Cody Lee’
  • Tweet ‘loved the Kaskade concert tonight’ hashtag EDM

Searching Twitter

  • Search Twitter for Chicago Bulls
  • Show me my tweets
  • What’s the latest in San Diego
  • Find tweets with the hashtag #letstalkios
  • What’s trending on Twitter
  • What’s going on?
  • What are people saying about Foo Fighters?


  • Post to Facebook headed to the new Pixar movie
  • Write on my wall went to a great concert tonight
  • Write on my wall just landed in San Diego

iOS 7 Siri Resturants

Searching for restaurants

  • Find a good pizza joint in Chicago
  • Good Mexican restaurants around here


  • Table for four in Palo Alto tonight
  • Make a reservation at a romantic Italian restaurant tonight at 7pm


  • Show me the reviews for Ferdi in Paris


Searching for movie information

  • Find Disney movies
  • What comedies are playing?
  • Who starred in Remember the Titans?
  • Who directed Finding Nemo?
  • What is Toy Story 3 rated?

Finding movie showtimes

  • I want to see the new Disney movie
  • What’s playing at the movies tomorrow
  • What’s playing at Main Street Movies

Getting movie tickets (U.S. only)

  • Three tickets to see Walter Mitty
  • Buy four tickets to see Walter Mitty tonight in San Jose
  • Two tickets to Walter Mitty at City Theatre at 9pm
  • Two tickets to that new Pixar movie

Finding movie theaters

  • Find some movie theaters near my office

Reading movie reviews

  • Show me the reviews for Walter Mitty

Major movie awards

  • Which movie won Best picture in 1966?


Music Library

  • Play Walk by Foo Fighters
  • Play Little Broken Hearts shuffled
  • Play Norah Jones
  • Play some blues
  • Play my party mix
  • Shuffle my road trip playlist
  • Play
  • Pause
  • Skip

iTunes Radio

  • Play iTunes Radio
  • Play my reggae station
  • Play my Norah Jones station
  • Play more songs like this one
  • Don’t play this song again
  • I like this song


  • Add artichokes to my grocery list
  • Add skydiving to my bucket list
  • Remind me to call mom
  • Remember to take an umbrella
  • Remind me to take my medicine at 6am tomorrow
  • Remind me to finish the report by 6
  • Read my work to-do list
  • Remind me to call mom when I get home
  • Remind me when I leave to call Brian
  • Remind me to pick up flowers when I leave here


Sending email

  • Email Sebastien about the trip
  • Email Cody about the change in plans
  • New email to Cody Lee
  • Mail Dad about the rent check
  • Email Dr. Patrick and say I got the forms, thanks
  • Mail Sebastien and Cody about the party and say I had a great time

Checking email

  • Check email
  • Read my emails
  • Any new email from Lori today?
  • Show new mail about the lease
  • Show the email from Sebastien yesterday

Responding to email

  • Reply dear Sebastien sorry about the late payment
  • Call him at work


  • What’s the weather for today?
  • What’s the weather for tomorrow?
  • What’s the forecast for this evening?
  • How’s the weather in Tampa right now?
  • What’s the high for Anchorage on Thursday?
  • What’s the temperature outside?
  • How windy is it out there?
  • When is sunrise in Paris?
  • Should I bring an umbrella today?


  • What’s Apple’s stock price?
  • What is Apple’s PE ratio?
  • What did Yahoo close at today?
  • How is the Nikkei doing?
  • How are the markets doing?
  • Where’s the NASDAQ today?



  • Wake me up tomorrow at 7am
  • Set an alarm for 6:30am
  • Wake me up in 8 hours
  • Change my 6:30 alarm to 6:45
  • Turn off my 6:30 alarm
  • Delete my 7:30 alarm
  • Turn off all my alarms


  • What time is it in Berlin?
  • What is today’s date?
  • What’s the date this Saturday?


  • Set the timer for ten minutes
  • Show the timer
  • Pause the timer
  • Resume timer
  • Reset the timer
  • Stop timer


Asking About Contacts

  • What’s Sebastien’s address?
  • What is Cody Lee’s phone number?
  • When is my wife’s birthday?
  • Show Cody’s home email address
  • What’s my brother’s work address

Finding Contacts

  • Show Sebastien Page
  • Find people named Cody


  • My co-worker is Cody Lee
  • Sebastien Page is my boss
  • Call my brother at work


  • Learn how to pronounce my name
  • Learn how to pronounce my mom’s name
  • Learn how to pronounce Christian Zibreg


  • Note that I spent $12 on lunch
  • Note to self: check out that new Kaskade album
  • Find my meeting notes
  • Add ‘tour the catacombs’ to my Paris vacation note
  • Show my notes from June 25th
  • Read my note about story ideas


  • Turn on airplane mode
  • Is Bluetooth on?
  • Make the screen brighter
  • Turn on Bluetooth
  • Go to Twitter settings
  • Show me my privacy settings
  • Enable Wi-Fi
  • Open Mail settings
  • Turn on Do Not Disturb

Web Search

  • Search the web for polar bears
  • Search for vegetarian pasta recipes
  • Search the web for best cable plans
  • Google the war of 1812
  • Bing Nora Jones
  • Find pictures of killer whales
  • Show me videos of the Northern Lights
  • What’s the news for Chicago?


  • How many calories in a bagel?
  • What is an 18% tip on $86.74 for four people?
  • Who’s buried in Grant’s tomb?
  • How long do greyhound live?
  • What is the Gossamer Condor?
  • What’s the square root of 128?
  • How many dollars is €45?
  • How many days until Christmas?
  • How far away is the Sun?
  • When is the next solar eclipse?
  • Show me the Orion constellation
  • What’s the population of Jamaica?
  • How high is Mt. Everest?
  • How deep is the Atlantic ocean?
  • What’s the price of gasoline in Chicago?
  • When was Abraham Lincoln born?
  • What’s the population of San Francisco?
  • Tell me about Pixar





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