JAVA Web service (saaj)开发2

是一个saaj的例子,SOAP with Attachments API for Java就是说用message传输附件。附件可以是图片,音频,视频等。但saaj是一个低级别的api,需要你自己创建和组装message。比较麻烦,下面有个例子供大家参考一下.

不好意思,下面的代码没法看。以下的内容都是引用自Java Web Services in a Nutshell.chm















To run a SAAJ client application with J2EE 1.4, your CLASSPATH needs to include lib/j2ee.jar, together with the following four files from the endorsed directory:







package ora.jwsnut.saaj; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory; import javax.xml.soap.MimeHeader; import javax.xml.soap.MimeHeaders; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage;

/**  * A servlet that can be used to host a SAAJ  * service within a web container. This is based  * on in the JWSDP tutorial  * examples.  */ public abstract class SAAJServlet extends HttpServlet {         /**      * The factory used to build messages      */     protected MessageFactory messageFactory;         /**      * Initialisation - create the MessageFactory      */     public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {         super.init(config);         try {             messageFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance();         } catch (SOAPException ex) {             throw new ServletException("Failed to create MessageFactory", ex);         }     }         /**      * Handles a POST request from a client. The request is assumed      * to contain a SOAP message with the HTTP binding.      */     public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)                             throws ServletException, IOException {                                         try {                                        // Get all the HTTP headers and convert them to a MimeHeaders object             MimeHeaders mimeHeaders = getMIMEHeaders(request);

            // Create a SOAPMessage from the content of the HTTP request             SOAPMessage message = messageFactory.createMessage(mimeHeaders,                                                 request.getInputStream());                         // Let the subclass handle the message             SOAPMessage reply = onMessage(message);                         // If there is a reply, return it to the sender.             if (reply != null) {                 // Set OK HTTP status, unless there is a fault.                 boolean hasFault = reply.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().getBody().hasFault();                 response.setStatus(hasFault ?                                     HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR :                                     HttpServletResponse.SC_OK);                                 // Force generation of the MIME headers                 if (reply.saveRequired()) {                     reply.saveChanges();                 }                                 // Copy the MIME headers to the HTTP response                 setHttpHeaders(reply.getMimeHeaders(), response);                                 // Send the completed message                 OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();                 reply.writeTo(os);                 os.flush();             } else {                 // No reply - set the HTTP status to indicate this                 response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NO_CONTENT);             }                       } catch (SOAPException ex) {             throw new ServletException("SOAPException: " + ex);         }           }         /**      * Method implemented by subclasses to handle a received SOAP message.      * @param message the received SOAP message.      * @return the reply message, or <code>null</code> if there is      * no reply to be sent.      */     protected abstract SOAPMessage onMessage(SOAPMessage message) throws SOAPException;         /**      * Creates a MIMEHeaders object from the HTTP headers      * received with a SOAP message.      */     private MimeHeaders getMIMEHeaders(HttpServletRequest request) {         MimeHeaders mimeHeaders = new MimeHeaders();         Enumeration enum = request.getHeaderNames();         while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {             String headerName = (String)enum.nextElement();             String headerValue = request.getHeader(headerName);             StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(headerValue, ",");             while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {                 mimeHeaders.addHeader(headerName, st.nextToken().trim());             }         }         return mimeHeaders;     }         /**      * Converts the MIMEHeaders for a SOAP message to      * HTTP headers in the response.      */     private void setHttpHeaders(MimeHeaders mimeHeaders, HttpServletResponse response) {         Iterator iter = mimeHeaders.getAllHeaders();         while (iter.hasNext()) {             MimeHeader mimeHeader = (MimeHeader);             String headerName = mimeHeader.getName();             String[] headerValues = mimeHeaders.getHeader(headerName);                         int count = headerValues.length;             StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();             for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {                 if (i != 0) {                     buffer.append(',');                 }                 buffer.append(headerValues[i]);             }                        response.setHeader(headerName, buffer.toString());         }            } }


package ora.jwsnut.chapter3.bookimageservice;

import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.activation.DataSource; import javax.xml.soap.AttachmentPart; import javax.xml.soap.Detail; import javax.xml.soap.DetailEntry; import javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory; import javax.xml.soap.Name; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPBody; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPBodyElement; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConstants; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPEnvelope; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPFault; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage; import ora.jwsnut.saaj.SAAJServlet;

/**  * A servlet that uses SAAJ attachments to  * serve images to a client.  */ public class BookImageServlet extends SAAJServlet {         // The XML Schema namespace     private static final String XMLSCHEMA_URI = "";         // The XML Schema instance namespace     private static final String XMLSCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI =                                         "";

    // Namespace prefix for XML Schema     private static final String XMLSCHEMA_PREFIX = "xsd";

    // Namespace prefix for XML Schema instance     private static final String XMLSCHEMA_INSTANCE_PREFIX = "xsi";            // The namespace prefix used for SOAP encoding     private static final String SOAP_ENC_PREFIX = "SOAP-ENC";         // The URI used to qualify elements for this service     private static final String SERVICE_URI = "urn:jwsnut.bookimageservice";         // The namespace prefix used in elements for this service     private static final String SERVICE_PREFIX = "tns";         // MessageFactory for replies from this service     private static MessageFactory messageFactory;          // SOAPFactory for message pieces     private static SOAPFactory soapFactory;         // The name of the element used to request a book name list     private static Name BOOK_LIST_NAME;         // The name of the element used to reply to a book name list request     private static Name BOOK_TITLES_NAME;         // The name of the element used to request a book image     private static Name BOOK_IMAGE_REQUEST_NAME;         // The name of the element used to respond to a book image request     private static Name BOOK_IMAGES_NAME;         // The name of the attribute used to hold the image encoding     private static Name IMAGE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE;         // The name of the href attribute     private static Name HREF_ATTRIBUTE;        /**      * Handles a received SOAP message.      */     public SOAPMessage onMessage(SOAPMessage message) throws SOAPException {         if (messageFactory == null) {             // Create all static data on first call             messageFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance();             soapFactory = SOAPFactory.newInstance();             BOOK_LIST_NAME = soapFactory.createName("BookList", SERVICE_PREFIX, SERVICE_URI);             BOOK_TITLES_NAME = soapFactory.createName("BookTitles", SERVICE_PREFIX, SERVICE_URI);             BOOK_IMAGE_REQUEST_NAME =                         soapFactory.createName("BookImageRequest", SERVICE_PREFIX, SERVICE_URI);             BOOK_IMAGES_NAME = soapFactory.createName("BookImages", SERVICE_PREFIX, SERVICE_URI);             IMAGE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = soapFactory.createName("imageType", SERVICE_PREFIX, SERVICE_URI);             HREF_ATTRIBUTE = soapFactory.createName("href");         }                 // Create the reply message and define the namespace         // and encoding for the elements used in the reply.         SOAPMessage reply = messageFactory.createMessage();         SOAPEnvelope replyEnvelope = reply.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope();         replyEnvelope.getHeader().detachNode();         replyEnvelope.addNamespaceDeclaration(SERVICE_PREFIX, SERVICE_URI);         replyEnvelope.addNamespaceDeclaration(SOAP_ENC_PREFIX,                                             SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_ENCODING);         replyEnvelope.addNamespaceDeclaration(XMLSCHEMA_PREFIX, XMLSCHEMA_URI);         replyEnvelope.addNamespaceDeclaration(XMLSCHEMA_INSTANCE_PREFIX,                                                         XMLSCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI);                replyEnvelope.setEncodingStyle(SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_ENCODING);         SOAPBody replyBody = reply.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().getBody();                        // There are two requests - one for the list of         // book titles, the other for the image for a book.         SOAPBody requestBody = message.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().getBody();         Iterator iter = requestBody.getChildElements();         if (iter.hasNext()) {             // The child element contains the request             SOAPElement element = (SOAPElement);             Name elementName = element.getElementName();             if (elementName.equals(BOOK_LIST_NAME)) {                 handleBookListRequest(replyBody);             } else if (elementName.equals(BOOK_IMAGE_REQUEST_NAME)) {                 handleBookImageRequest(element, reply);             } else {                 // Unrecognized request - this is a fault.                 createFault(replyBody, "soap-env:Client.UnknownRequest", "Unrecognized request",                                             SERVICE_URI, elementName.getLocalName());             }         } else {             // No request - this is a fault             createFault(replyBody, "soap-env:Client.MissingRequest", "Missing request",                                             SERVICE_URI, "No request found");         }                     return reply;     }         /**      * Handles a request for list of book names.      */     private void handleBookListRequest(SOAPBody replyBody) throws SOAPException {         // Create a BookTitles element containing an entry         // for each book title.         SOAPBodyElement bodyElement = replyBody.addBodyElement(BOOK_TITLES_NAME);                 // Add 'xsi:type = "SOAP-ENC:Array"'         bodyElement.addAttribute(             soapFactory.createName("type", XMLSCHEMA_INSTANCE_PREFIX, XMLSCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI),                                     SOAP_ENC_PREFIX + ":Array");                 // Add 'SOAP-ENC:arrayType = "xsd:string[]"         bodyElement.addAttribute(             soapFactory.createName("arrayType", SOAP_ENC_PREFIX, SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_ENCODING),                                     XMLSCHEMA_PREFIX + ":string[]");                 // Add an array entry for each book         String[] titles = BookImageServletData.getBookTitles();         for (int i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) {             SOAPElement titleElement = bodyElement.addChildElement("item");             titleElement.addTextNode(titles[i]);         }            }         /**      * Handles a request for the images for a given list of book.      */     private void handleBookImageRequest(SOAPElement element, SOAPMessage reply)                                             throws SOAPException {         // The request element contains an attribute that holds the         // type of image requested and a nested string for each title.         // The reply body has a BookImages element and a nested item with         // a reference to the image which is sent as an attachment                                                        SOAPBody replyBody = reply.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().getBody();                         // Determine whether to use JPEG or GIF images         String imageType = element.getAttributeValue(IMAGE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE);         boolean gif = imageType.equalsIgnoreCase("image/gif");                 // Build the BookImages element containing all of the replies         SOAPBodyElement bodyElement = replyBody.addBodyElement(BOOK_IMAGES_NAME);         bodyElement.addAttribute(             soapFactory.createName("type", XMLSCHEMA_INSTANCE_PREFIX, XMLSCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI),                                     SOAP_ENC_PREFIX + ":Array");         bodyElement.addAttribute(             soapFactory.createName("arrayType", SOAP_ENC_PREFIX, SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_ENCODING),                                     XMLSCHEMA_PREFIX + ":anyType[]");                 // Index of the next attachment to use         int index = 0;                 // Handle each nested element.         Iterator iter = element.getChildElements();         while (iter.hasNext()) {             // Get the next child element from the request message             SOAPElement childElement = (SOAPElement);                         // Get the book title             String title = childElement.getValue();                         // Get the image data             byte[] imageData = BookImageServletData.getBookImage(title, gif);             if (imageData != null) {                 // Got the data - attach it.                 AttachmentPart attach = reply.createAttachmentPart();                   attach.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(                                         new ByteArrayDataSource("Image Data",                                             imageData,                                             gif ? "image/gif" : "image/jpeg")));                 attach.setContentId("ID" + index);                 reply.addAttachmentPart(attach); 

                // Add an element in the reply pointing to the attachment                 bodyElement.addChildElement("item").addAttribute(HREF_ATTRIBUTE, "cid:ID" + index);                                 // Increment the index                 index++;             } else {                 // No data - this is a fault.                 // Clear the reply and install the fault                 reply.removeAllAttachments();                 bodyElement.detachNode();                 createFault(replyBody, "soap-env:Client.Title", "Unknown title",                                         SERVICE_URI, title);                 return;             }         }           }         /**      * Creates a fault in the reply body.      */     private void createFault(SOAPBody replyBody, String faultCode, String faultString,                                 String faultActor, String detailString) throws SOAPException {                                             SOAPFault fault = replyBody.addFault();         fault.setFaultCode(faultCode);         fault.setFaultString(faultString);         fault.setFaultActor(faultActor);         if (detailString != null) {             Name detailName = soapFactory.createName("BookFaultDetail", SERVICE_PREFIX, SERVICE_URI);             Detail detail = fault.addDetail();             DetailEntry detailEntry = detail.addDetailEntry(detailName);             detailEntry.addTextNode(detailString);         }     } }

/**  * A private DataSource implementation that  * allows byte streams of arbitrary types to  * be associated with a DataHandler.  */ class ByteArrayDataSource implements DataSource {

    private String contentType;         private byte[] data;         private String name;             ByteArrayDataSource(String name, byte[] data, String contentType) { = name; = data;         this.contentType = contentType;     }         public String getContentType() {         return contentType;     }         public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {         return new ByteArrayInputStream(data);     }         public String getName() {         return name;     }         public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {         throw new IOException("ByteArrayDataSource cannot support getOutputStream()");     } }

package ora.jwsnut.chapter3.bookimageservice;

import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer;

class BookImageServletData {         /**      * Map from book name to image data      */     private static HashMap bookMap;         /**      * List of book titles.      */     private static String[] bookTitles;         /**      * Buffer used when reading image data      */     private static byte[] buffer;         /**      * Stream used when reading image data      */     private static ByteArrayOutputStream os;         /**      * Gets an image for a book with a given title.      * @param title the book title      * @param gif <code>true</code> to return GIF data,      * <code>false</code> for JPEG data.      */     static byte[] getBookImage(String title, boolean gif) {         byte[] data = null;         if (bookMap == null) {             // Load the data on first call             getBookImageData();         }                 if (bookMap != null) {             byte[][] imageData = (byte[][])bookMap.get(title);             if (imageData != null) {                 data = imageData[gif ? 1 : 0];             }         }         return data;            }         /**      * Gets a list of all of the book names.      */     public static String[] getBookTitles() {         if (bookTitles == null) {             if (bookMap == null) {                 // Load the data on first call                 getBookImageData();             }

            if (bookMap != null) {                 bookTitles = new String[bookMap.size()];                 Iterator iter = bookMap.keySet().iterator();                 int index = 0;                 while (iter.hasNext()) {                     bookTitles[index++] = (String);                 }             } else {                 bookTitles = new String[0];             }                    }         return bookTitles;     }     /**      * Gets the book image data in the form of a HashMap      * where the key is the book title and the value is      * a two dimensional byte array in which the first      * array provides a JPEG image and the second a GIF.      */     private static void getBookImageData() {         try {             bookMap = new HashMap();             InputStream is =                     BookImageServletData.class.getResourceAsStream("booklist.txt");             BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));             buffer = new byte[1024];             os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();             String line;             while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {                 StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, "!");                 if (st.countTokens() == 3) {                     String title = st.nextToken();                     String jpegImagePath = st.nextToken();                     String gifImagePath = st.nextToken();                     byte[][] imageData = new byte[2][];                     imageData[0] = getImage(jpegImagePath);                     imageData[1] = getImage(gifImagePath);                                            bookMap.put(title, imageData);                 }             }              buffer = null;             os.close();             os = null;         } catch (Exception ex) {             // Just return an empty or partial map                            ex.printStackTrace();         }     }          /**      * Reads an image file and returns the content.      */     private static byte[] getImage(String path) throws IOException {         InputStream is = BookImageServletData.class.getResourceAsStream(path);         int count;         while ((count =, 0, buffer.length)) > 0) {             os.write(buffer, 0, count);         }         byte[] content = os.toByteArray();         os.reset();         return content;           } }


Java in a Nutshell!images/javanut.jpg!images/javanut.gif Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell!images/jfcnut.jpg!images/jfcnut.gif J2ME in a Nutshell!images/j2meanut.jpg!images/j2meanut.gif Java Swing!images/jswing.jpg!images/jswing.gif Java Servlet Programming!images/jservlet.jpg!images/jservlet.gif Enterprise JavaBeans!images/ejb.jpg!images/ejb.gif JavaServer Pages!images/jserverpages.jpg!images/jserverpages.gif Java I/O!images/javaio.jpg!images/javaio.gif Java 2D Graphics!images/java2d.jpg!images/java2d.gif Creating Effective JavaHelp!images/creatingjavahelp.jpg!images/creatingjavahelp.gif Java Performance Tuning!images/javapt.jpg!images/javapt.gif Java Internationalization!images/javaint.jpg!images/javaint.gif



package ora.jwsnut.chapter3.client;

import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.xml.soap.AttachmentPart; import javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory; import javax.xml.soap.MimeHeader; import javax.xml.soap.MimeHeaders; import javax.xml.soap.Name; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPBody; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPBodyElement; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnection; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConstants; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPEnvelope; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPFault; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage;

/**  * SAAJ client that receives images from a web service.  */ public class BookImageClient {         // The XML Schema namespace     private static final String XMLSCHEMA_URI = "";         // The XML Schema instance namespace     private static final String XMLSCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI =                                         "";

    // Namespace prefix for XML Schema     private static final String XMLSCHEMA_PREFIX = "xsd";

    // Namespace prefix for XML Schema instance     private static final String XMLSCHEMA_INSTANCE_PREFIX = "xsi";            // The namespace prefix used for SOAP encoding     private static final String SOAP_ENC_PREFIX = "SOAP-ENC";         // The URI used to qualify elements for this service     private static final String SERVICE_URI = "urn:jwsnut.bookimageservice";         // The namespace prefix used in elements for this service     private static final String SERVICE_PREFIX = "tns";         // MessageFactory for replies from this service     private static MessageFactory messageFactory;          // SOAPFactory for message pieces     private static SOAPFactory soapFactory;         // SOAPConnection used to call the server     private static SOAPConnection conn;         // The name of the element used to request a book name list     private static Name BOOK_LIST_NAME;         // The name of the element used to reply to a book name list request     private static Name BOOK_TITLES_NAME;         // The name of the element used to request a book image     private static Name BOOK_IMAGE_REQUEST_NAME;         // The name of the element used to respond to a book image request     private static Name BOOK_IMAGES_NAME;       // The name of the attribute used to hold the image encoding     private static Name IMAGE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE;         // The name of the href attribute     private static Name HREF_ATTRIBUTE;         // Server address     private static String serverAddress;         // Debug required flag     private static boolean debug;           public static void main(String[] args) {         // Ignore hostname verification failures         HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() {             public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {                 return true;             }         });                        if (args.length != 1) {             usage();         }         serverAddress = args[0];                 // Determine whether debug messages are required         debug = System.getProperty("DEBUG_MESSAGE") != null;

        try {                    // Create all static data             messageFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance();             soapFactory = SOAPFactory.newInstance();             BOOK_LIST_NAME = soapFactory.createName("BookList", SERVICE_PREFIX, SERVICE_URI);             BOOK_TITLES_NAME = soapFactory.createName("BookTitles", SERVICE_PREFIX, SERVICE_URI);             BOOK_IMAGE_REQUEST_NAME =                         soapFactory.createName("BookImageRequest", SERVICE_PREFIX, SERVICE_URI);             BOOK_IMAGES_NAME = soapFactory.createName("BookImages", SERVICE_PREFIX, SERVICE_URI);             IMAGE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = soapFactory.createName("imageType", SERVICE_PREFIX, SERVICE_URI);             HREF_ATTRIBUTE = soapFactory.createName("href");                        // Get a SOAPConnection                    SOAPConnectionFactory connFactory = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance();             conn = connFactory.createConnection();                         // Get the book titles from the server             String[] titles = getBookTitles();             Arrays.sort(titles);

            // Build the user interface             showGui(titles);         } catch (Exception ex) {             System.out.println(ex);         }     }         public static void usage() {         System.err.println("Usage: java BookImageClient address");         System.exit(1);     }         /**      * Builds the message used to request the book titles,      * sends it and extracts the titles from the reply.      */     private static String[] getBookTitles() throws SOAPException, IOException {                     // Build the message         SOAPMessage message = messageFactory.createMessage();

        // Remove the message header         SOAPEnvelope envelope = message.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope();         envelope.getHeader().detachNode();

        // Set up the namespace declaration         envelope.addNamespaceDeclaration(SERVICE_PREFIX, SERVICE_URI);

        // Add the element for the book list request         SOAPBody soapBody = envelope.getBody();         soapBody.addBodyElement(BOOK_LIST_NAME);

        // Print the message.         printMessage(message);                 SOAPMessage reply =, serverAddress);                 // Print the reply         printMessage(reply);         SOAPBody replyBody = reply.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().getBody();         if (replyBody.hasFault()) {             SOAPFault fault = replyBody.getFault();             throw new SOAPException("Fault when getting book titles: " + fault.getFaultString());         }                 // The body contains a "BookTitles" element with a nested         // element for each book title.         Iterator iter = replyBody.getChildElements(BOOK_TITLES_NAME);         if (iter.hasNext()) {             ArrayList list = new ArrayList();             SOAPElement bookTitles = (SOAPElement);             iter = bookTitles.getChildElements();             while (iter.hasNext()) {                 list.add(((SOAPElement);             }             int size = list.size();             String[] titles = new String[size];             list.toArray(titles);             return titles;                    } else {             // No BookTitles element was found             throw new SOAPException("No BookTitles element in returned message");         }     }         /**      * Gets the images for the books with the supplied titles.      */     private static Image[] getImages(Object[] titles, boolean gif) throws SOAPException, IOException {                     // Build the message         SOAPMessage message = messageFactory.createMessage();

        // Remove the message header         SOAPEnvelope envelope = message.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope();         envelope.getHeader().detachNode();

        // Set up the namespaces and the encoding style         envelope.addNamespaceDeclaration(SERVICE_PREFIX, SERVICE_URI);         envelope.addNamespaceDeclaration(SOAP_ENC_PREFIX,                                             SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_ENCODING);         envelope.addNamespaceDeclaration(XMLSCHEMA_PREFIX, XMLSCHEMA_URI);         envelope.addNamespaceDeclaration(XMLSCHEMA_INSTANCE_PREFIX,                                                         XMLSCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI);                envelope.setEncodingStyle(SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_ENCODING);

        // Add the element for the book image request         SOAPBody soapBody = envelope.getBody();         SOAPBodyElement bodyElement = soapBody.addBodyElement(BOOK_IMAGE_REQUEST_NAME);                 // Add 'xsi:type = "SOAP-ENC:Array"'         bodyElement.addAttribute(             soapFactory.createName("type", XMLSCHEMA_INSTANCE_PREFIX, XMLSCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI),                                     SOAP_ENC_PREFIX + ":Array");                 // Add 'SOAP-ENC:arrayType = "xsd:string[]"         bodyElement.addAttribute(             soapFactory.createName("arrayType", SOAP_ENC_PREFIX, SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_ENCODING),                                     XMLSCHEMA_PREFIX + ":string[]");                 // Add the image type attribute         bodyElement.addAttribute(IMAGE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, gif ? "image/gif" : "image/jpeg");

        // Add an array entry for each book         for (int i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) {             SOAPElement titleElement = bodyElement.addChildElement("item");             titleElement.addTextNode(titles[i].toString());         }       

        // Print the message.         printMessage(message);                 SOAPMessage reply =, serverAddress);                 // Print the reply         printMessage(reply);         SOAPBody replyBody = reply.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().getBody();         if (replyBody.hasFault()) {             SOAPFault fault = replyBody.getFault();             throw new SOAPException("Fault when getting book images: " + fault.getFaultString() +                             ", actor is [" + fault.getFaultActor() + "]");         }                 // The body contains a "BookImages" element with a nested         // element for each book title.         Iterator iter = replyBody.getChildElements(BOOK_IMAGES_NAME);         if (iter.hasNext()) {             ArrayList list = new ArrayList();             MimeHeaders headers = new MimeHeaders();             SOAPElement bookImages = (SOAPElement);             iter = bookImages.getChildElements();             while (iter.hasNext()) {                 SOAPElement element = (SOAPElement);                 String imageRef = element.getAttributeValue(HREF_ATTRIBUTE);                 if (imageRef != null) {                     // Get the attachment using the Content-Id, having                     // first removed the "cid:" prefix                     imageRef = imageRef.substring(4);                     headers.setHeader("Content-Id", imageRef);                     Iterator attachIter = reply.getAttachments(headers);                     if (attachIter.hasNext()) {                         AttachmentPart attach = (AttachmentPart);                         Object content = attach.getContent();                         if (content instanceof Image) {                             list.add(content);                         }                     }                 }             }             int size = list.size();             Image[] images = new Image[size];             list.toArray(images);             return images;                    } else {             // No BookTitles element was found             throw new SOAPException("No BookImages element in returned message");         }     }             /* -- User interface -- */     private static void showGui(String[] titles) throws SOAPException {         JFrame frame = new JFrame("SAAJ Example");         JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());                 // Add an unknown title to the book list         String[] fullTitles = new String[titles.length + 1];         System.arraycopy(titles, 0, fullTitles, 0, titles.length);         fullTitles[titles.length] = "No Such Book";         final JList titleList = new JList(fullTitles);                 final JPanel imagePanel = new JPanel();         mainPanel.add(new JScrollPane(imagePanel), BorderLayout.CENTER);         JPanel controls = new JPanel();         controls.setLayout(new BoxLayout(controls, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));         mainPanel.add(controls, BorderLayout.SOUTH);         final JCheckBox isGif = new JCheckBox("Use GIF images");         JButton fetchButton = new JButton("Fetch");         controls.add(isGif);         controls.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue());         controls.add(fetchButton);                 frame.getRootPane().setDefaultButton(fetchButton);         frame.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(titleList), BorderLayout.WEST);         frame.getContentPane().add(mainPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);         frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);         frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {             public void windowClosed(WindowEvent evt) {                 System.exit(0);             }         });                 fetchButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {                 Object[] selections = titleList.getSelectedValues();                 imagePanel.removeAll();                 imagePanel.validate();                 if (selections.length > 0) {                     try {                         Image[] images = getImages(selections, isGif.isSelected());                         for (int i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {                             imagePanel.add(new JLabel(new ImageIcon(images[i])));                         }                         imagePanel.revalidate();                         imagePanel.repaint();                     } catch (Exception ex) {                         System.out.println(ex);                     }                 }             }         });         frame.setSize(640, 300);         frame.setVisible(true);            }         /* -- Debug methods -- */     private static void printMessage(SOAPMessage message) throws IOException, SOAPException {         if (debug && message != null) {             // Get the MIME headers and print them             System.out.println("Headers:");             if (message.saveRequired()) {                 message.saveChanges();             }             MimeHeaders headers = message.getMimeHeaders();             printHeaders(headers);                         // Print the message itself             System.out.println("/nMessage:");             message.writeTo(System.out);             System.out.println();         }     }         private static void printHeaders(MimeHeaders headers) {         if (debug) {             printHeaders(headers.getAllHeaders());         }     }         private static void printHeaders(Iterator iter) {         if (debug) {             while (iter.hasNext()) {                 MimeHeader header = (MimeHeader);                 System.out.println("/t" + header.getName() + ": " + header.getValue());             }         }     } }



<!ENTITY buildsetup SYSTEM "../../common/buildsetup.xml">   <!ENTITY deploy SYSTEM "../../common/deploy.xml"> 这里声明的文件同上一篇的相同。并且在使用时改变文件路径。


<!DOCTYPE project [   <!ENTITY buildsetup SYSTEM "../../common/buildsetup.xml">   <!ENTITY deploy SYSTEM "../../common/deploy.xml">   <!ENTITY saajcommon SYSTEM "../common/saajcommon.xml"> ]>

<project name="BookImageService" basedir="." default="web-package">         <!-- Import common elements -->     &buildsetup;     &saajcommon;     &deploy;  

    <!-- Check that this example is appropriate for the current platform -->     <target name="platform-check">         <!-- Nothing to check -->     </target>         <!-- Targets that are private to this project -->     <!-- Executes the client test with basic authentication -->     <target name="run-basicauth-client" if="client.present" depends="init">         <java classname="${CLIENT_CLASS_NAME}" fork="yes">             <sysproperty key="http.proxyHost" value="${HTTP_PROXY_SERVER}"/>             <sysproperty key="http.proxyPort" value="${HTTP_PROXY_PORT}"/>             <sysproperty key="https.proxyHost" value="${HTTPS_PROXY_SERVER}"/>             <sysproperty key="https.proxyPort" value="${HTTPS_PROXY_PORT}"/>             <arg line="${CLIENT_BASIC_AUTH_ARGS}"/>             <classpath refid="run.path"/>         </java>     </target>

    <!-- Executes the client test with https and server authentication -->     <target name="run-httpsserver-client" if="client.present" depends="init">         <java classname="${CLIENT_CLASS_NAME}" fork="yes">             <sysproperty key="http.proxyHost" value="${HTTP_PROXY_SERVER}"/>             <sysproperty key="http.proxyPort" value="${HTTP_PROXY_PORT}"/>             <sysproperty key="https.proxyHost" value="${HTTPS_PROXY_SERVER}"/>             <sysproperty key="https.proxyPort" value="${HTTPS_PROXY_PORT}"/>             <sysproperty key=""                          value="${EXAMPLES_ROOT}/client.keystore"/>             <sysproperty key=""                          value="changeit"/>             <arg line="${CLIENT_HTTPS_SERVER_AUTH_ARGS}"/>             <classpath refid="run.path"/>         </java>     </target>

    <!-- Executes the client test with https and server authentication with debug -->     <target name="run-httpsserver-client-debug" if="client.present" depends="init">         <java classname="${CLIENT_CLASS_NAME}" fork="yes">             <sysproperty key="http.proxyHost" value="${HTTP_PROXY_SERVER}"/>             <sysproperty key="http.proxyPort" value="${HTTP_PROXY_PORT}"/>             <sysproperty key="https.proxyHost" value="${HTTPS_PROXY_SERVER}"/>             <sysproperty key="https.proxyPort" value="${HTTPS_PROXY_PORT}"/>             <sysproperty key=""                          value="${EXAMPLES_ROOT}/client.keystore"/>             <sysproperty key=""                          value="changeit"/>             <sysproperty key="" value="all"/>             <arg line="${CLIENT_HTTPS_SERVER_AUTH_ARGS}"/>             <classpath refid="run.path"/>         </java>     </target>




<!-- Common build targets for SAAJ examples -->

<!-- Source directories --> <property name="SERVER_SRC_DIR" value="${basedir}/server"/> <property name="CLIENT_SRC_DIR" value="${basedir}/client"/>

<!-- Output directories --> <property name="OUTPUT_DIR" value="${basedir}/output"/> <property name="SERVER_OUTPUT_DIR" value="${OUTPUT_DIR}/server"/> <property name="CLIENT_OUTPUT_DIR" value="${OUTPUT_DIR}/client"/>

<!-- Directory containing the SAAJ servlet --> <property name="SAAJ_SERVLET_DIR" value="${EXAMPLES_ROOT}/chapter3/servlet"/>

<!-- Sets properties to indicate whether there are client and/or server parts --> <target name="check-dirs" depends="check" unless="check.done">     <available file="${SERVER_SRC_DIR}" property="server.present"/>     <available file="${CLIENT_SRC_DIR}" property="client.present"/>     <property name="check.done" value="true"/> </target>

<!-- Makes the client output directory, but only if there is client code --> <target name="client-dir" if="client.present" depends="check-dirs">     <mkdir dir="${CLIENT_OUTPUT_DIR}"/> </target>

<!-- Makes the server output directory, but only if there is server code --> <target name="server-dir" if="server.present" depends="check-dirs">     <mkdir dir="${SERVER_OUTPUT_DIR}"/> </target>

<target name="init" depends="prepare, client-dir, server-dir">

    <!-- Compilation class path -->     <path id="compile.path">         <!-- Required for access to SAAJ classes -->         <path refid="basic.classpath"/>         <pathelement location="${SAAJ_SERVLET_DIR}"/>     </path>

    <!-- Client execution class path -->     <path id="run.path">         <!-- Required for access to SAAJ classes -->         <path refid="basic.classpath"/>

        <!-- Access to SAAJ client code -->         <pathelement location="${CLIENT_OUTPUT_DIR}"/>     </path> </target>

<!-- Target that ensures that the SAAJ servlet is up to date --> <target name="saaj-servlet" if="server.present" depends="init">     <ant dir="${SAAJ_SERVLET_DIR}"/> </target>

<!-- Target that cleans the SAAJ servlet directory --> <target name="saaj-clean" if="server.present" depends="check">     <ant dir="${SAAJ_SERVLET_DIR}" target="clean"/> </target>

<!-- Target that cleans the SAAJ servlet directory of all files --> <target name="saaj-pub-clean" if="server.present" depends="saaj-clean">     <ant dir="${SAAJ_SERVLET_DIR}" target="pub-clean"/> </target>

<!-- Compilation of the server part --> <target name="compile-server"  if="server.present" depends="saaj-servlet">     <javac srcdir="${SERVER_SRC_DIR}" destdir="${SERVER_OUTPUT_DIR}" debug="true">         <classpath refid="compile.path"/>     </javac>

    <!-- Include resource files from the server source tree -->     <copy todir="${SERVER_OUTPUT_DIR}">         <fileset dir="${SERVER_SRC_DIR}">             <exclude name="**/*.java"/>             <exclude name="web.xml"/>         </fileset>     </copy> </target>

<!-- Compilation of the client part --> <target name="compile-client" if="client.present" depends="init">     <javac srcdir="${CLIENT_SRC_DIR}" destdir="${CLIENT_OUTPUT_DIR}" debug="true">         <classpath refid="compile.path"/>     </javac> </target>

<!-- Target that generates and compiles everything --> <target name="compile" depends="compile-server, compile-client"/>

<!-- Target that builds the WAR file for web deployment --> <target name="web-package" if="server.present" depends="compile-server">     <war warfile="${WEB_ARCHIVE_NAME}" webxml="${SERVER_SRC_DIR}/web.xml">

        <!-- Include the SAAJServlet class -->         <classes dir="${SAAJ_SERVLET_DIR}" includes="**/*.class"/>                 <!-- Include the server files  -->         <classes dir="${SERVER_OUTPUT_DIR}"/>     </war> </target>

<!-- Dummy target, not used by SAAJ examples --> <target name="portable-web-package"/>

<!-- Executes the client test --> <target name="run-client" if="client.present" depends="init">     <java classname="${CLIENT_CLASS_NAME}" fork="yes">         <arg line="${CLIENT_ARGS}"/>         <classpath refid="run.path"/>     </java> </target>

<!-- Executes the client test and requests debug output --> <target name="run-client-debug" if="client.present" depends="init">     <java classname="${CLIENT_CLASS_NAME}" fork="yes">         <arg line="${CLIENT_ARGS}"/>         <classpath refid="run.path"/>         <sysproperty key="DEBUG_MESSAGE" value="true"/>     </java> </target>

<!-- Cleans up by removing all intermediate files and outputs --> <target name="clean" depends="clean-common, saaj-clean, check">     <delete dir="${OUTPUT_DIR}"/>     <delete dir="${TEMP_DEPLOY_DIR}"/>     <delete file="${WEB_ARCHIVE_NAME}"/> </target>







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