MySQL源代码阅读调试 - 1. 环境搭建
1)一定要一切以官网说明为王道,官网说明地址,最好下载MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual,这才是MySQL最权威最全面的资料,阅读中文资料可能会有一些困惑,然后阅读MySQL参考手册可以豁然开朗,
比如(1),很多博客都要求安装Bison,但是我没有安装Bison也没有问题,MySQL5.7参考手册上说的很明白,用Standard Source Distribution来build工程不需要Bison,而用Development Source Tree才需要Bsion,从官网上直接下载的标准版的源码ZIP包就是Standard Source Distribution,而在GitHub下载的最新的开发源码就是Development Source Tree。
(2),cmake configure可能会遇到如下图片中的错误,查看MySQL源码下的CmakeList.txt文件有“INCLUDE(cmake/boost.cmake)”,然后查看MySQL参考手册有说明,构建MySQL需要Boost libraries,但是不会用它,并给出了图片中的错误的解决方法。
Source Installation System Requirements
• The Boost C++ libraries are required to build MySQL (but not to use it). Boost 1.59.0 or higher must be installed. To obtain Boost and its installation instructions, visit the official site. After Boost is installed, tell the build system where the Boost files are located by defining the WITH_BOOST option。when you invoke CMake. For example:
shell> cmake . -DWITH_BOOST=/usr/local/boost_1_59_0
Adjust the path as necessary to match your installation.
2)在build成功后,C:\mysql-5.7.13-build\sql\Debug\mysqld.exe 启动MySQL服务可能会报如下错误,然后无论如何更改read_buffer_size还是报这个错误,搜索test_lc_time_sz()这个函数,就可以找到解决方法了,其实是一个DEBUG的断言错误,将sql\mysqld.cc第4283行的DBUG_ASSERT(0);改成DBUG_ASSERT(1);就行了。
It is possible that mysqld could use up to
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_threads = 59879 K b
ytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.
ytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.
Thread pointer: 0x0
Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
13ff45385 mysqld.exe!my_sigabrt_handler()[my_thr_init.c:449]
14073f4df mysqld.exe!raise()[winsig.c:594]
14073c3f0 mysqld.exe!abort()[abort.c:82]
140724d58 mysqld.exe!_wassert()[assert.c:156]
13f1c5177 mysqld.exe!test_lc_time_sz()[mysqld.cc:4283]
13f1c5511 mysqld.exe!win_main()[mysqld.cc:4536]
13f1c6067 mysqld.exe!mysql_service()[mysqld.cc:5035]
13f1c693f mysqld.exe!mysqld_main()[mysqld.cc:5233]
13f1b803f mysqld.exe!main()[main.cc:26]
14071f19c mysqld.exe!__tmainCRTStartup()[crt0.c:255]
14071f2de mysqld.exe!mainCRTStartup()[crt0.c:165]
76c45a4d kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk()
76d7b831 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart()
还可能会在启动mysqld服务的时候遇到这个错误,http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33691038/issue-when-running-mysqld,解决方法是"To do this right click the
Command Prompt startup icon and then select Run As Admininistrator. Then run mysqld and you should no longer see that error."
mysqld: Could not create or access the registry key needed for the MySQL application
to log to the Windows EventLog. Run the application with sufficient
privileges once to create the key, add the key manually, or turn off
logging for that application.
mysqld --initialize
从这一段可以知道,--initialize-insecure选项不会生成随机的密码,mysql.exe可以使用无密码登录MySQL, mysql -u root --skip-password。而--initialize必须使用密码登录。
Regardless of platform, use --initialize for “secure by default” installation (that is, including
generation of a random initial root password). In this case, the password is marked as expired and
you will need to choose a new one. With the --initialize-insecure option, no root password is
generated; it is assumed that you will assign a password to the account in timely fashion before putting
the server into production use.
然后启动mysql.exe,C:\mysql-5.7.13-build\client\Debug\mysql.exe 使用命令mysql -u root -p 登录。如果觉得初始密码太复杂,可以改成自己熟悉的密码,ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'new_password';