Feng Shui is a system of aesthetics which was developed inChina at 3 thousand years ago.
By understanding theories of Feng shui, you can designa home which is balenced,which bringsheathy and fortune to its inhabitantes.
The most of fundamental conception of FengShui is "CHI". Chi is an enger. it's the enger which can be fond in everything: inside your body, inside or outside of beatuful building,everywhere.
By following the idea of Feng shui, you can create a good flow of "chi" in your home, which in turn can create a good flow of "chi" in your body.
Here are some tips for using Feng shui principles as you design your rooms in your home.
The living room is where people come to together to conmunacte and relax. It should be comfortable and inviting so inhabitants feel happle and at easy.
chairs and couchs should be face the door so the poeple have a good view of newly arriving famaly members and guests
Also, don't design your living room it's centered about the television. The feng shui living room should encourage conversation.