问题:电脑Com口连接GPS对时信号,电脑上有一个程序,从Com口读取GPS时间信号,然后设置电脑本地时间;但问题是程序打开Com口一直失败,报Com口已经被占用, 不能再次打开Com口,奇怪Com口怎么会被占用呢?
问题原因:原来Com口连接的GPS设备,因为满足了微软对Serial ballpoint设备的检测要求,被微软误认为Com口连接的是Serial ballpoint设备,操作系统占用了Com口导致问题。
在设置管理器-鼠标及其他指针设备:禁用:Microsoft Serial BallPoint,这样就防止Com口连接的设备误检测为Microsoft Serial BallPoint设备
I had the same problem, cursor sometimes jumps all over the screen
Here's the fix: Open Regedit. Navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SerMouse, and change the value "Start" from 3 to 4. Reboot.
I found this on a website for a program to help with gps . Worked like a charm for me.
There is a reg file that will do the editing for you also. http://www.curioustech.net/downloads/reg.zip 注册表
解决方法3:(来至于网上,未测试)running the command "DEVCON.exe DISABLE *PNP0F09"
It seems to work on W7 as well. You may try this solution by getting hold of DEVCON.EXE: It is included in the Windows DDK (Driver Development Kit 7.1). Or you may download it from here, I believe: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/311272
EDIT: Seems like it works, but it has to be done for each separate USB port you will be using. I am working on trying to find a solution to this...