C++ vs Java
1.Java runs in a virtual machine. 在虚拟机中运行
2. C++ natively supports unsigned arithmetic.支持原生的无符号数学运算
3. In Java, parameters are always passed by value (or, with objects, their references are passed by value). 在Java中参数总是值传递的(或者是对象的引用)
In C++, parameters can be passed by value, pointer, or by reference.在C++中参数可以是值传递,指针和引用传递
4. Java has built-in garbage collection.内建垃圾回收
5. C++ allows operator overloading.允许运算符重载
6. C++ allows multiple inheritance of classes.多继承
Question: Which of these might be considered strengths or weaknesses of C++ or Java? Why? In what cases might you choose one language over the other?
13.1 Write a method to print the last K lines of an input file using C++.
void printLastKLines(ifstream &fin, int k)
string L[k];
int lines = 0;
string tmp;
while(getline(fin, tmp))
L[lines%k] = tmp;
//if less than K lines were read,print them all
int start, count;
13.2 Compare and contrast a hash table vs. an STL map. How is a hash table implemented? If the number of inputs is small, what data structure options can be used instead of a hash table?
翻译:hash表与STL map对比,hash表如何实现的?如果输入规模不大,我们应该用什么数据结构代替hash表?
STL map是通过红黑树实现的,增删改查找都是O(logn)的时间复杂度,不需要处理冲突问题。hash表示以空间换取时间,通过hash函数提供key到value,需要解决冲突问题,时间复杂度O(1)。如果输入数据规模不大就可以用STL map来代替hash表。
13.3 How do virtual functions work in C++?
虚函数依赖虚函数表进行工作。如果一个类中,有函数被关键词virtual进行修饰, 那么一个虚函数表就会被构建起来保存这个类中虚函数的地址。同时, 编译器会为这个类添加一个隐藏指针指向虚函数表。如果在派生类中没有重写虚函数, 那么,派生类中虚表存储的是父类虚函数的地址。每当虚函数被调用时, 虚表会决定具体去调用哪个函数。因此,C++中的动态绑定是通过虚函数表机制进行的。当我们用基类指针指向派生类时,虚表指针vptr指向派生类的虚函数表。 这个机制可以保证派生类中的虚函数被调用到。C++中非虚函数的调用是在编译阶段静态绑定的,而虚函数的调用则是在执行阶段动态绑定的。
13.4 What is the difference between deep copy and shallow copy? Explain how you would use each.
Declaring a pointer variable for a volatile memory (only the pointer address is volatile):
volatile int * x;
int volatile * x;
Declaring a volatile pointer variable for a non-volatile memory (only memory contained is volatile):
int * volatile x;
Declaring a volatile variable pointer for a volatile memory (both pointer address and memory contained are volatile):
volatile int * volatile x;
int volatile * volatile x;
Volatile variables are not optimized, but this can actually be useful. Imagine this function:
1 int opt = 1;
2 void Fn(void) {
3 start:
4 if (opt == 1) goto start;
5 else break;
6 }
At first glance, our code appears to loop infinitely. The compiler will try to optimize it to:
1 void Fn(void) {
2 start:
3 int opt = 1;
4 if (true)
5 goto start;
6 }
13.5 What is the significance of the keyword “volatile” in C?
Declaring a simple volatile variable:
volatile int x;
int volatile x;
13.6 What is name hiding in C++?
让我们通过一个例子来讲解C++中的名字隐藏。在C++中,如果一个类里有一个重载的方法, 你用另一个类去继承它并重写(覆盖)那个方法。你必须重写所有的重载方法, 否则未被重写的方法会因为名字相同而被隐藏,从而使它在派生类中不可见。
For example:
1 class FirstClass {
2 public:
3 virtual void MethodA (int);
4 virtual void MethodA (int, int);
5 };
6 void FirstClass::MethodA (int i) {
7 std::cout << “ONE!!\n”;
8 }
9 void FirstClass::MethodA (int i, int j) {
10 std::cout << “TWO!!\n”;
11 }
This is a simple class with two methods (or one overloaded method). If you want to override the one-parameter version, you can do the following:
1 class SecondClass : public FirstClass {
2 public:
3 void MethodA (int);
4 };
5 void SecondClass::MethodA (int i) {
6 std::cout << “THREE!!\n”;
7 }
8 void main () {
9 SecondClass a;
10 a.MethodA (1);
11 a.MethodA (1, 1);
12} 上面main函数中,第二个MethodA在编译时会报错,因为它在派生类中是不可见的,这就是名字隐藏。名字隐藏与虚函数无关,所以不论基类中那两个函数是不是虚函数,都会名字隐藏。解决方法有:
13.7 Why does a destructor in base class need to be declared virtual?
析构函数也会遵循以上两种情况, 当对象出了作用域或是我们删除对象指针,析构函数就会被调用。当派生类对象出了作用域,派生类的析构函数会先调用,然后再调用它父类的析构函数, 这样能保证分配给对象的内存得到正确释放。但是,如果我们删除一个指向派生类对象的基类指针,而基类析构函数又是非虚的话, 那么就会先调用基类的析构函数,派生类的析构函数得不到调用。
For example:
1 class Base {
2 public:
3 Base() { cout << “Base Constructor “ << endl; }
4 ~Base() { cout << “Base Destructor “ << endl; } /* see below */
5 };
6 class Derived: public Base {
7 public:
8 Derived() { cout << ”Derived Constructor “ << endl; }
9 ~Derived() { cout << ”Derived Destructor “ << endl; }
10 };
11 void main() {
12 Base *p = new Derived();
13 delete p;
14 }
Base Constructor
Derived Constructor
Base Destructor
If we replace the above destructor with:
1 virtual ~Base() {
2 cout << “Base Destructor” << endl;
3 }
Then the output becomes:
Base Constructor
Derived Constructor
Derived Destructor
Base Destructor
13.8 Write a method that takes a pointer to a Node structure as a parameter and returns a complete copy of the passed-in data structure. The Node structure contains two pointers to other Node structures.
13.9 Write a smart pointer (smart_ptr) class.