本节中的代码实现了一些简单的“ping”协议(灵感来自“ns注释和文档”(现在更名为ns手册)的第9.6章中的“ping请求者”,但相当不同)。 一个节点将能够发送一个数据包到另一个节点,它将立即返回,以便可以计算往返时间。
struct hdr_ping {
char ret;
double send_time;
如果数据包正在从发送方正在被ping通的节点上,则char'ret'将被设置为“0”,而在返回路由时将被设置为“1”。 double “send_time”是发送时在分组上设置的时间戳,用于后来计算往返时间。
class PingAgent : public Agent {
int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);
void recv(Packet*, Handler*);
int off_ping_;
int off_ping_将用于访问数据包的ping头。 请注意,对于具有本地对象范围的变量通常使用尾随“_”。
首先必须定义C ++代码和Tcl代码之间的联系。
static class PingHeaderClass : public PacketHeaderClass {
PingHeaderClass() : PacketHeaderClass("PacketHeader/Ping",
sizeof(hdr_ping)) {}
} class_pinghdr;
static class PingClass : public TclClass {
PingClass() : TclClass("Agent/Ping") {}
TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
return (new PingAgent());
} class_ping;
下一段代码是类“PingAgent”的构造函数。 它绑定了必须在Tcl和C ++中访问的变量。TCL中的(packetSize)——>C++(size)
PingAgent::PingAgent() : Agent(PT_PING)
bind("packetSize_", &size_);
bind("off_ping_", &off_ping_);
当执行类“PingAgent”的Tcl命令时,将调用函数'command()'。 在本案例中,将是'$ pa send'(假设'pa'是Agent / Ping类的一个实例),因为我们希望将ping数据包从代理发送到另一个ping代理。 我们基本上必须在'command()'函数中解析命令,如果没有匹配,则必须将其参数传递给基类的command()函数(在这种情况下为“代理” ::命令()'(详见代码倒数第二行的return))
int PingAgent::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
if (argc == 2) {
if (strcmp(argv[1], "send") == 0) {
// Create a new packet
Packet* pkt = allocpkt();
// Access the Ping header for the new packet:
hdr_ping* hdr = (hdr_ping*)pkt->access(off_ping_);
// Set the 'ret' field to 0, so the receiving node knows
// that it has to generate an echo packet
hdr->ret = 0;
// Store the current time in the 'send_time' field
hdr->send_time = Scheduler::instance().clock();
// Send the packet
send(pkt, 0);
// return TCL_OK, so the calling function knows that the
// command has been processed
return (TCL_OK);
// If the command hasn't been processed by PingAgent()::command,
// call the command() function for the base class
return (Agent::command(argc, argv));
函数recv()定义了接收到数据包时要执行的操作。 如果'ret'字段为0,则必须返回“send_time”字段的值相同但“ret”字段设置为1的数据包。 如果'ret'为1,则会调用Tcl函数(必须由Tcl中的用户定义)函数并处理该事件。
void PingAgent::recv(Packet* pkt, Handler*)
// Access the IP header for the received packet:
hdr_ip* hdrip = (hdr_ip*)pkt->access(off_ip_);
// Access the Ping header for the received packet:
hdr_ping* hdr = (hdr_ping*)pkt->access(off_ping_);
// Is the 'ret' field = 0 (i.e. the receiving node is being pinged)?
if (hdr->ret == 0) {
// Send an 'echo'. First save the old packet's send_time
double stime = hdr->send_time;
// Discard the packet
// Create a new packet
Packet* pktret = allocpkt();
// Access the Ping header for the new packet:
hdr_ping* hdrret = (hdr_ping*)pktret->access(off_ping_);
// Set the 'ret' field to 1, so the receiver won't send another echo
hdrret->ret = 1;
// Set the send_time field to the correct value
hdrret->send_time = stime;
// Send the packet
send(pktret, 0);
} else {
// A packet was received. Use tcl.eval to call the Tcl
// interpreter with the ping results.
// Note: In the Tcl code, a procedure 'Agent/Ping recv {from rtt}'
// has to be defined which allows the user to react to the ping
// result.
char out[100];
// Prepare the output to the Tcl interpreter. Calculate the round
// trip time
sprintf(out, "%s recv %d %3.1f", name(),
hdrip->src_.addr_ >> Address::instance().NodeShift_[1],
(Scheduler::instance().clock()-hdr->send_time) * 1000);
Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
// Discard the packet
* File: Code for a new 'Ping' Agent Class for the ns
* network simulator
* Author: Marc Greis (greis@cs.uni-bonn.de), May 1998
#include "ping.h"
static class PingHeaderClass : public PacketHeaderClass {
PingHeaderClass() : PacketHeaderClass("PacketHeader/Ping",
sizeof(hdr_ping)) {}
} class_pinghdr;
static class PingClass : public TclClass {
PingClass() : TclClass("Agent/Ping") {}
TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
return (new PingAgent());
} class_ping;
PingAgent::PingAgent() : Agent(PT_PING)
bind("packetSize_", &size_);
bind("off_ping_", &off_ping_);
int PingAgent::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
if (argc == 2) {
if (strcmp(argv[1], "send") == 0) {
// Create a new packet
Packet* pkt = allocpkt();
// Access the Ping header for the new packet:
hdr_ping* hdr = (hdr_ping*)pkt->access(off_ping_);
// Set the 'ret' field to 0, so the receiving node knows
// that it has to generate an echo packet
hdr->ret = 0;
// Store the current time in the 'send_time' field
hdr->send_time = Scheduler::instance().clock();
// Send the packet
send(pkt, 0);
// return TCL_OK, so the calling function knows that the
// command has been processed
return (TCL_OK);
// If the command hasn't been processed by PingAgent()::command,
// call the command() function for the base class
return (Agent::command(argc, argv));
void PingAgent::recv(Packet* pkt, Handler*)
// Access the IP header for the received packet:
hdr_ip* hdrip = (hdr_ip*)pkt->access(off_ip_);
// Access the Ping header for the received packet:
hdr_ping* hdr = (hdr_ping*)pkt->access(off_ping_);
// Is the 'ret' field = 0 (i.e. the receiving node is being pinged)?
if (hdr->ret == 0) {
// Send an 'echo'. First save the old packet's send_time
double stime = hdr->send_time;
// Discard the packet
// Create a new packet
Packet* pktret = allocpkt();
// Access the Ping header for the new packet:
hdr_ping* hdrret = (hdr_ping*)pktret->access(off_ping_);
// Set the 'ret' field to 1, so the receiver won't send another echo
hdrret->ret = 1;
// Set the send_time field to the correct value
hdrret->send_time = stime;
// Send the packet
send(pktret, 0);
} else {
// A packet was received. Use tcl.eval to call the Tcl
// interpreter with the ping results.
// Note: In the Tcl code, a procedure 'Agent/Ping recv {from rtt}'
// has to be defined which allows the user to react to the ping
// result.
char out[100];
// Prepare the output to the Tcl interpreter. Calculate the round
// trip time
sprintf(out, "%s recv %d %3.1f", name(),
hdrip->src_ >> Address::instance().NodeShift_[1],
(Scheduler::instance().clock()-hdr->send_time) * 1000);
Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
// Discard the packet