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原创 Anaconda 安装python离线包方法

Anaconda 安装python离线包方法整理了几个常用的在anaconda下安装python离线包的方法1.condainstallpy_package2.pipinstallpy_package3.用setup.py来安装unzippy_package.zip cd c:/user/abc/py_package c:/user/abc/py_packa...

2020-04-10 08:57:20 1362

原创 Mac UltraEdit 16 Registration

UltraEditVersion: MacSoftware Version:macOS High Sierra Version 10.13.6 UltraEdit16.10.0.22 for MacRegister Steps on MacStep1: Open TerminalMac_Test:MacOS User$ Step2: Inpu...

2019-08-02 12:18:40 232

原创 Tableau Server 2019.2.2 Token - wgserver.trusted_hosts

Tableau Server 2019.2.2Token- wgserver.trusted_hosts软件版本: Tableau Server 2019.2.2 TSM 2019.2.2命令序列:使用TSM命令把对应的地址加入白名单:C:\Users\>tsm configuration set -k wgserver.trusted_host...

2019-08-01 18:06:31 1437

原创 ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use

ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in usedrop table tmpError report -ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already ...

2019-07-02 14:46:35 1861 1


(MySql/DB2)DROP TABLE IF EXISTS的ORACLE实现在存储过程中我们经常会用到drop table if exists,但是在Oracle中没有简单方法可实现。参考了曲线救国的方法是建立新的proc,在这里分享给大家。测试如下:create or replace procedure proc_dropifexists( p_table in var...

2019-07-01 14:50:34 3483

原创 Windows10 反选快捷键

Windows10 反选快捷键当我们在选择文件时想做反选,Windows10较老版本相对复杂,我们可以根据下面的步骤来进行测试。1.按Alt2. Alt+H下面是Alt+H的界面3.按 SISI就是在home菜单项下的反选快捷键我们来做个试验,先选中一个文件,来测试反选其他文件。当我们按照:选择文件-> Alt+H ->S...

2019-06-12 10:10:27 28442 4

原创 Anaconda 配置环境从 Python 3.7 降到 Python 3.6

Anaconda 配置环境从 Python 3.7 降到 Python 3.6Anaconda是大家经常使用的Python环境,有时也是烦恼于版本兼容性和切换的麻烦。整理了自己的经验分享给大家。Anaconda installer archivehttps://repo.anaconda.com/archive/降低版本方法无敌大法:卸载原有版本,安装新版本Anaconda...

2019-06-06 14:21:10 12082 1

原创 网络司法拍卖平台


2019-05-30 15:14:37 1991

原创 Windows 10安装Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express问题解决

Windows 10安装Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express问题解决下载SQL Server 2017 Express安装文件https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/sql-server-editions-express安装SQLServer 2017Express数据库 Basic类型双击...

2019-04-10 15:05:00 6822

原创 Oracle SQL Developer setup code template/assistant/autoreplace

Oracle SQL Developer setup code template/assistant/AutoReplace ---- Oracle SQL Developer 怎么设置自动字符串替换提高开发效率SoftwareOracle SQL Developer -- and config...

2019-04-02 14:02:46 382

原创 NLTK Download Error: SSL certificate verify failed _ssl.c:777

NLTK Download Error: SSL certificate verify failed _ssl.c:777在学习NLP(自然语言处理)中一定会用到NLTK工具;什么是NLTK?NLTK是一个开源项目,包含:Python模块,数据集和教程,用于NLP的研究和开发。NLTK是由Steven Bird和Edward Loper在宾夕法尼亚大学计算机和信息科学系开发。N...

2019-03-12 11:01:26 515

转载 根据需求选择合适的Linux发行版本

前段时间,有几个朋友都向我咨询该选择哪个Linux发行版本(Linux Distribution),在询问了他们自己的需求和想法后,给他们提供了相应的建议。其实,很多人对Linux的了解还停留在Redhat时代,所以介绍Linux各个发行版本的不同很有必要,而且Linux大部分发行版本都各有特色,根据自己的需求来合理的选 择适合自己的Linux发行版本是每个初学者在使用Linux前最重要的一步。

2007-11-23 13:14:00 456

MacBook Pro M1芯片XM文件

XM Content->Resource->copy/paste


MacBook Pro Intel芯片XM文件

XM Content->Resource->copy/paste



PowerDesigner16.6_64bit dll文件



包含3个文件: 1. sqlite-tools-win32-x86-3270200.zip 2. SQLiteSpy.zip 3. sqlite-dll-win32-x86-3270200.zip



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自己常用的流程图软件(draw.io、processon.com、lucidchart.com)总结了下,也分享给大家。 如果不是十分重要的流程图,建议使用 processon.com,9张图免费,多了要收费。 如果做的专业,流程图比较完整、专业、可控性较强,建议选择 draw.io,也是完全免费的。 不建议使用 lucidchart.com,主要是收费。如果学习画图软件的知识,那么文档真的非常棒。 draw.io的模板库还可以绘制更多种类的图,包括UML图,结构图等等,目前的最新版本,自己下载试试吧。


知识图谱课程 全套视频+代码+课件

非常全面的知识图谱课程,全套视频+代码+课件 从人工智能到开放知识图谱 第一讲 知识图谱概览 第二讲 知识表示和知识建模 第三讲 知识抽取与挖掘I 第四讲 知识抽取与挖掘_update 第五讲 知识存储 第六讲 知识融合 第七课 知识推理 第八讲 语义搜索 第九课:知识问答 第十课:IBM watson Lite 第十课:语义搜索+知识问答Demo 第十一课:行业知识图谱应用


Agile Estimating and Planning

中文名: 敏捷估计与规划 原名: Agile Estimating and Planning 作者: Mike Cohn 图书分类: 软件 资源格式: PDF 版本: 英文文字版 出版社: Prentice Hall 书号: 978-0131479418 发行时间: 2005年11月11日 地区: 美国 语言: 英文 简介: 内容介绍: 《敏捷估计与规划》一书为对敏捷项目进行估计与规划提供了权威实际的指导方针。在本书中,敏捷联盟的共同创始人Mike Cohn讨论了敏捷估计与规划的思想,并使用现实的例子与案例分析向您详细地展示了如何完成工作。本书清晰地阐述了有关的概念,并引导读者逐步认识到下列一些问题的答案:我们要构建什么?它的规模有多大?需要在什么时候完成?到那个时候我们到底能完成多少?您首先会认识到优秀的计划由哪些东西组成,接着会了解到如何才能使计划成为敏捷的。 《敏捷估计与规划》支持所有敏捷的、半敏捷的或迭代的开发过程,包括Scrum、极限编程、功能驱动的开发、Crystal开发、自适应软件开发、DSDM、统一过程以及许多其他开发方式。它将是每个开发经理、开发小组领导和开发小组成员不可或缺的宝贵资源。此书也获得了亚马逊网站“五星级”赞誉! 作者介绍: Mike Cohn是专门进行过程和项目管理咨询与培训的Mountain Goat Software公司的创始人。Mike拥有超过20年的行业经验,担任过从刚起步的新公司到财富40强企业的技术负责人,还是敏捷联盟的发起成员之一。他经常在业界相关杂志上发表文章并出席有关会议,也是User Stories Applied(Addison-wesley公司2004年出版)一书的作者。 内容截图: 目录: The Purpose of Planning Why Planning Fails An Agile Approach Estimating Size with Story Points Estimating In Ideal Days Techniques for Estimating Re-Estimating Choosing Between Story Points and Ideal Days Prioritizing Themes Financial Prioritization Prioritizing Desirability Splitting User Stories Release Planning Essentials Iteration Planning Selecting An Iteration Length Estimating Velocity Buffering Plans for Uncertainty Planning the Multi-Team Project Monitoring The Release Plan Monitoring The Iteration Plan Communicating About Plans Why Agile Planning Works A Case Study: Bomb Shelter Studios


MagicISO5.5 build 281 注册码

MagicISO5.5 build 281 注册码


Scrum® in Action: Agile Software Project Management and Development

Publisher: Course Technology PTR Pub. Date: February 02, 2011 Print ISBN-10: 1-4354-5913-X Print ISBN-13: 978-1-4354-5913-7 Web ISBN-10: 1-4354-5914-8 Web ISBN-13: 978-1-4354-5914-4 Pages in Print Edition: 320 SCRUM IN ACTION: AGILE SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT is a practical how-to guide for software project teams on how to successfully deploy an Agile software framework with Scrum. It is clearly and concisely written and is the first practical guide with real world situations written by corporate practitioners. This book describes many good project management techniques on how to get the most from project teams and bridges the gaps between many Scrum and project management books by addressing how to communicate with executives using financial terms, how to use an objective estimation technique, and where software architecture fits into Scrum.


Grid and Cloud Database Management

Grid and Cloud Database Management 2011版.pdf


Grids, Clouds and Virtualization

Grids, Clouds and Virtualization.pdf


深入对比Oracle与SQL Server

深入对比Oracle与SQL Server 非常经典的一本书


Understanding And Deploying Ldap Directory Services 2Nd Ed 2003

Understanding And Deploying Ldap Directory Services 2Nd Ed 2003.pdf


PDF Password Cracker Pro

PDF Password Cracker 密码破解很好用的工具,屡试不爽


ETL 架构师 面试试题及答案

1. 分析 a. What is a logical data mapping and what does it mean to ETL team? b. What are the primary goals of the data discovery phase of the data warehouse project? c. How is the system-of-record determined? 2. 结构 a. What are the four basic data flow steps of an ETL process? b. What are the permissible data structures for the data staging area? Firefly describe the pros and cons of each c. When should data be set to disk for safekeeping during ETL? 3. 抽取 a. Describe techniques for extracting from heterogeneous data source b. What is the best approach for handling ERP source data? c. Explain the pros and cons of communication with databases natively versus ODBC d. Describe three change data capture(CDC) practices and the pros and cons of each 4. 数据质量 a. What are the four broad categories of data quality checks? Provide an implementation technique for each. b. At which stage of the ETL should data be profiled? c. What are the essential deliverables of the data quality portion of ETL? d. How can data quality be quantified in the data warehouse? 5. 建立对应 a. What are surrogate keys? Explain how the surrogate key pipeline works. b. Why do dates require special treatment during process. c. Explain the three basic delivery steps for conformed dimensions. d. Name the three fundamental fact grains and describe an ETL approach for each. e. How are bridge tables delivered to classify groups of dimension records associated to a single fact? f. How does late arriving data affect dimension facts? Share techniques for handling each 6. metadata a. Describe the different type of ETL metadata and provide examples of each. b. Share acceptable mechanisms for capture operational metadata. c. Offer techniques for sharing business and technical metadata. 7. 优化 a. state the primary types of tables found in a data warehourse and the order which they mush be loaded to enforce referential integrity. b. What are the characteristics of the four levels of the ETL support model? c. What steps do you take for determine the bottleneck of a slow running ETL process? Describe how to estimate the load time of a large ETL job?


Foxit Phantom 1.0 patch

把patch文件放到Foxit Phantom安装目录下,运行即可。


Ultra Sentry v4.0 SN

Ultra Sentry v4.0 SN


Ultra Compare Professional 6 SN

Ultra Compare Professional 6 (English)



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