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转载 德国坦克问题及频率学派与贝叶斯学派
转载:Tony's blog: 德国坦克问题及频率学派与贝叶斯学派 (tonysh-thu.blogspot.com)这是一个看起来很基础很简单的经典问题:假设所有的德国坦克是从1开始按自然数递增编号的,坦克的总数为N,也就是说坦克的最大编号为N。盟军在战斗中共随机俘获/击毁了k辆坦克,且这些坦克的最大编号为m,那么应当如何对N的大小进行估计?本问题以应用于二战时对德军产能的实际估计而得名,在这个问题的解决上,基于统计的方法取得了非常大的成功,取得了惊人的准确成果。而这个基本问题的解决方法,体现了统计理论中
2022-11-27 11:49:23 2064
原创 Computational Geometry
PrerequisitesGraph Theory Shortest PathToolsThis module discusses several algorithms that calculate various geometric properties, mostly based on only two operations described below: cross product and arctangent.Cross ProductThe cross product of.
2022-05-15 08:57:09 348
原创 Eulerian Tour
Eulerian Tour Sample Problem: Riding The FencesFarmer John owns a large number of fences, which he must periodically check for integrity. Farmer John keeps track of his fences by maintaining a list of their intersection points, along...
2022-04-25 01:52:32 4855
原创 编程之美 微软技术面试心得
1.1 让CPU占用率曲线听你指挥GetTickCount(), Sleep(), QueryPerformanceCounter()1.3 一摞烙饼的顺序Search with pruning.Paper by Bill Gates: "Bounds for Sorting by Prefix Reversal", 19791.4 买书问题,1.6 饮料供货Greedy, Dynamic programming1.7 光影切割问题逆序对1.8 电梯调度算法O(N):
2022-04-11 09:17:51 567
转载 A Tour of C++
A Tour of C++Bjarne StroustrupChapter 1. The BasicsThe semantics of argument passing are identical to the semantics of copy initialization (type checked and implicit argument type conversi
2015-06-30 13:14:02 2192
转载 Elements of Modern C++ Style
http://herbsutter.com/elements-of-modern-c-style/Elements of Modern C++ Style“C++11 feels like a new language.” – Bjarne StroustrupThe C++11 standard offers many useful new f
2015-06-21 08:09:39 978
转载 C++: abort, terminate or exit?
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2820285/abort-terminate-or-exitabort indicates "abnormal" end to the program, and raises the the POSIX signal SIGABRT, which means that any handler tha
2015-06-20 04:30:53 1795
转载 Little's Law: Latency & Throughput
http://blog.flux7.com/blogs/benchmarks/littles-lawLittle’s Law- An insight on the relation between latency and throughputI’ve been doing a lot of analysis of latency and throughput rec
2015-06-17 12:51:10 922
转载 Convert pdf to image
http://askubuntu.com/questions/50170/how-to-convert-pdf-to-imageIn the poppler-utils packages there is the utility pdftoppm capable of converting pages from a pdf file to ppm, png or jpe
2015-05-24 08:39:22 1063
转载 Five Popular Myths about C++
www.stroustrup.com/Myths-final.pdfFive Popular Myths about C++Bjarne Stroustrup
2015-05-24 08:33:45 698
原创 Leetcode (H)
House Robber Total Accepted: 3183 Total Submissions: 11595My SubmissionsQuestion Solution You are a professional robber planning to rob houses along a street. Each house has
2015-04-03 14:44:02 673
转载 Database Management Systems (Additional Topics)
Database Management SystemsPart 7: Additional Topics
2015-03-20 08:08:50 539
转载 Database Management Systems (Database Design and Tuning)
Database Management SystemsPart 6: Database Design and Tuning
2015-03-20 08:07:47 851
转载 Database Management Systems (Query Evaluation)
Database Management SystemsPart 4: Query Evaluation
2015-03-20 08:05:36 938
转载 Database Management Systems (Transaction Management)
Database Management SystemsPart 5: Transaction Management
2015-03-20 08:04:55 1273
转载 Database Management Systems (Storage and Indexing)
Database Management SystemsPart 3: Storage and Indexing
2015-03-20 08:03:28 736
转载 Database Management Systems (Application Development)
Database Management SystemsPart 2: Application Development
2015-03-20 08:02:31 723
转载 Database Management Systems (Foundations)
Database Management SystemsPart 1: Foundations
2015-03-20 07:59:09 995
转载 Effective Modern C++
Effective Modern C++42 specific ways to improve your use of C++11 and C++14Scott Meyers
2015-01-24 05:29:56 809
转载 Search Techniques
Search TechniquesSample Problem: n Queens [Traditional]Place n queens on an n x n chess board so that no queen is attacked by another queen.Depth First Search (DFS) Th
2014-12-24 03:23:19 612
转载 路由器端口映射后 公网正常访问 而局域网无法通过公网IP访问
转载:http://blog.csdn.net/yxwmzouzou/article/details/18089291问题:在NR289-E 路由器对8010端口进行映射(虚拟服务),映射到我自己的电脑的80端口,设置成功后,但在本机上(即192.168.1.80这台PC机)访问域名和外网ip时,都是无法打开,还以为是映射不成功或是被路由器屏蔽了呢!一直没法解决,只好因vp
2014-12-19 06:11:53 27443 4
原创 LeetCode (L)
Largest Rectangle in HistogramTotal Accepted: 14600 Total Submissions: 69120 My Submissions Given n non-negative integers representing the histogram's bar height where the width of eac
2014-08-30 12:08:09 512
转载 《程序员应该知道的97件事》
《程序员应该知道的97件事》False consensus bias虚假同感偏差柏拉图:风格之美、和谐、优雅及优美的节奏,尽在于简单童子军规则:尽力去做,让你离开时的世界比你找到它时还要好一点 (Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell)计算机科学的努力方向就是将现实世界映射到受限的数据结构中去
2014-08-11 23:36:36 1562
转载 Search a Young Tableau
2014-08-11 10:24:20 1243
原创 Input English Ordinal Numbers in LaTeX
2014-08-05 23:08:16 519
原创 markdown to latex
prerequisite: installing kramdown http://kramdown.gettalong.org/installation.htmlusing the binary "kramdown", we can easily markdown (kramdown, default) or html to html (default), kramdown, la
2014-08-05 12:24:15 758
原创 Managing Emails on Cygwin
2014-06-14 00:22:56 874
原创 Setup SSH and SVN on Windows Server
cygwin: install sshd, cygrunsrvhttp://grokcode.com/115/how-to-setup-a-windows-svn-repository/setup windows firewallhttp://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles-tutorials/windows-server-2008/i
2014-06-05 12:20:12 1173
原创 Google CodeJam 2014 Round 1C
Problem: https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/3004486/dashboardProblem A. Part ElfThis contest is open for practice. You can try every problem as many times as you like, though we
2014-05-11 20:09:39 1167
原创 2014编程之美挑战赛初赛 (程式之美初賽第一場)
website: http://hihocoder.com/contest/msbop2014r2a
2014-04-19 16:18:35 986
原创 LeetCode (M)
Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Total Accepted: 14814 Total Submissions: 34098My SubmissionsGiven a binary tree, find its maximum depth.The maximum depth is the number of nodes along the
2014-04-15 15:54:46 631
原创 Google CodeJam Qualification Round 2014
Problems: https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/2974486/dashboard
2014-04-13 10:53:25 864
原创 POJ 2186 -- Popular Cows (Strongly Connected Components)
强连通分量缩点Problem: http://poj.org/problem?id=2186Popular CowsTime Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 22027 Accepted: 8993Descriptio
2014-04-09 21:36:03 879
转载 TopCoder SRM205 Div1 1000pt LongPipes
Problem: http://community.topcoder.com/stat?c=problem_statement&pm=2226Analysis:
2014-04-09 14:32:47 1134
转载 C++: Do { ... } While (0)
An example from http://webgpu.hwu.crhc.illinois.edu/mp/0#define wbCheck(stmt) do { \ cudaError_t err = stmt;
2014-03-12 23:19:44 599
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹