1、写一个 bash脚本以输出数字 0 到 100 中 7 的倍数(0 7 14 21...)的命令。
先创建一个text文件在使用vi text.sh编辑,最后在使用 bash ./text.sh
2、写一个 bash脚本以统计一个文本文件 nowcoder.txt中字母数小于8的单词。
假设 nowcoder.txt 内容如下:
how they are implemented and applied in computer
这边是先创建一个nowcoder.txt文件,然后在里面写入how they are implemented and applied in computer。最后使用vi text.1sh进行编辑,然后使用bash ./text.1sh查看结果(我这显示的结果是以开头字母排序)
3、写一个 bash脚本以实现一个需求,去掉输入中含有this的语句,把不含this的语句输出
that is your bag
is this your bag?
to the degree or extent indicated.
there was a court case resulting from this incident
welcome to nowcoder
that is your bag
to the degree or extent indicated.
welcome to nowcoder
这边使用vi text.2sh进行编辑,然后使用bash ./text.2sh查看结果
输入:that is your bag
is this your bag?
to the degree or extent indicated.
there was a court case resulting from this incident
welcome to nowcoder