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Detecting Malicious Rootkit Web Pages in High-interaction Client Honeypots

Hengya Liu,Dongmei Zhang Gengyu Wei,Jinxin Zhong
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Identifying Rootkit Infections Using Data Mining

Desmond Lobo, Paul Watters and Xin-Wen Wu
Internet Commerce Security Laboratory
Graduate School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences
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RBACS: Rootkit Behavioral Analysis and Classification System

Desmond Lobo, Paul Watters and Xinwen Wu
Internet Commerce Security Laboratory
University of Ballarat
Ballarat, Australia, {p.watters, x.wu}

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Windows Rootkits: Attacks and Countermeasures

Desmond Lobo Paul Watters
Internet Commerce Security Laboratory Internet Commerce Security Laboratory
Graduate School of Information Technology and Graduate School of Information Technology and
Mathematical Sciences Mathematical Sciences
University of Ballarat, Australia University of Ballarat, Australia
Xin-Wen Wu Li Sun
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Exploring Rootkit Detectors’ Vulnerabilities Using a New Windows Hidden Driver
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UNIX and Linux based
Kernel Rootkits

Feedback / rootkits:


UNIX and Linux based Rootkits
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Andreas Bunten
DFN-CERT Services GmbH
Heidenkampsweg 41
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