The Art of Software Testing, Third Edition代码审查部分翻译



A code inspection is a set of procedures and error-detection techniquesfor group code reading. Most discussions of code inspections focus on theprocedures, forms to be filled out, and so on. Here, after a short summary ofthe general procedure, we will focus on the actual error-detection techniques.

Inspection Team

An inspection team usually consists of four people. The first of thefour plays the role of moderator, which in this context is tantamount to thatof a quality-control engineer. The moderator is expected to be a competentprogrammer, but he or she is not the author of the program and need not beacquainted with the details of the program. Moderator duties include:

l  Distributing materials for, andscheduling, the inspection session.

l  Leading the session.

l  Recording all errors found.

l  Ensuring that the errors aresubsequently corrected.

The second team member is the programmer. The remaining team membersusually are the program’s designer (if different from the programmer) and atest specialist. The specialist should be well versed in software testing andfamiliar with the most common programming errors, which we discuss later inthis chapter.

Inspection Agenda

Several days in advance of the inspection session, the moderatordistributes the program’s listing and design specification to the otherparticipants. The participants are expected to familiarize themselves with thematerial prior to the session. During the session, two activities occur:

1. The programmer narrates, statement by statement, the logic of theprogram. During the discourse, other participants should raise questions, whichshould be pursued to determine whether errors exist. It is likely that theprogrammer, rather than the other team members, will find many of the errorsidentified during this narration. In other words, the simple act of readingaloud a program to an audience seems to be a remarkably effectiveerror-detection technique.

 2. The program is analyzed withrespect to checklists of historically common programming errors (such achecklist is discussed in the next section).

The moderator is responsible for ensuring that the discussions proceedalong productive lines and that the participants focus their attention onfinding errors, not correcting them. (The programmer corrects errors after theinspection session.)

Upon the conclusion of the inspection session, the programmer is givena list of the errors uncovered. If more than a few errors were found, or if anyof the errors require a substantial correction, the moderator might makearrangements to reinspect the program after those errors have been corrected.This subsequent list of errors is also analyzed, categorized, and used to refinethe error checklist to improve the effectiveness of future inspections.

As stated, this inspection process usually concentrates on discoveringerrors, not correcting them. That said, some teams may find that when a minorproblem is discovered, two or three people, including the programmerresponsible for the code, may propose design changes to handle this specialcase. The discussion of this minor problem may, in turn, focus the group’sattention on that particular area of the design. During the discussion of thebest way to alter the design to handle this minor problem, someone may notice asecond problem. Now that the group has seen two problems related to the sameaspect of the design, comments likely will come thick and fast, withinterruptions every few sentences. In a few minutes, this whole area of thedesign could be thoroughly explored, and any problems made obvious.

The time and location of the inspection should be planned to preventall outside interruptions. The optimal amount of time for the inspectionsession appears to be from 90 to 120 minutes. The session is a mentally taxingexperience, thus longer sessions tend to be less productive. Most inspectionsproceed at a rate of approximately 150 program statements per hour. For thatreason, large programs should be examined over multiple inspections, eachdealing with one or several modules or subroutines.

Human Agenda

Note that for the inspection process to be effective, the testing groupmust adopt an appropriate attitude. If, for example, the programmer views theinspection as an attack on his or her character and adopts a defensive posture,the process will be ineffective. Rather, the programmer must a leave his or herego at the door and place the process in a positive and constructive light,keeping in mind that the objective of the inspection is to find errors in theprogram and, thus, improve the quality of the work. For this reason, mostpeople recommend that the results of an inspection be a confidential matter,shared only among the participants. In particular, if managers somehow make useof the inspection results (to assume or imply that the programmer is inefficientor incompetent, for example), the purpose of the process may be defeated.

Side Benefits of the InspectionProcess

The inspection process has several beneficial side effects, in additionto its main effect of finding errors. For one, the programmer usually receivesvaluable feedback concerning programming style, choice of algorithms, andprogramming techniques. The other participants gain in a similar way by beingexposed to another programmer’s errors and programming style. In general, thistype of software testing helps reinforce a team approach to this particularproject and to projects that involve these participants in general. Reducingthe potential for the evolution of an adversarial relationship, in favor of acooperative, team approach to projects, can lead to more efficient and reliableprogram development.

Finally, the inspection process isa way of identifying early the most error-prone sections of the program,helping to focus attention more directly on these sections during thecomputer-based testing processes (number 9 of the testing principles given inChapter 2).



代码检查是一项以小组为单位来阅读代码,集合了一系列规章程序和错误检查规范的技术。大部分对于代码检查的讨论都是集中在程序和所要填写的表格之中以及其他流程当中, 在这里本文将对整个完整的规章程序进行简单的概述,之后将重点讨论实际之中所产生的错误检查技术。



l  对代码检查任务进行安排,将代码检查的所需资料分配给组内的其他人员。

l  在代码检查的任务中起到了领头的作用。

l  在检查过程中实时记录所有发现的错误。

l  确保被发现的所有错误都能在最后被解决。




1. 由程序的编写人员逐字逐句的给其他人讲解程序的逻辑结构。在讲解过程之中,团队中的其他参与者应该提出问题,来判断该程序之中是否存在错误。在讲述的过程中也有可能是程序的编写人员,而不是团队中的其他成员发现了程序之中的错误。换句话说,对着听众大声朗读程序之中的代码,这个方法虽然看似简单但其实也是一种非常有效的错误检查方法。

 2. 参考其他容易出现的代码编写错误列表来分析此程序。(诸如此类的代码错误列表会在下一章节中讲述)。











[1] Myers, G.J. The Art of Software Testing, Third Edition [M]. Wiley,2011,22-25





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