


5 Data Grid

A DataGrid is used to display an independent Table or a collection of Tables contained in a DataSet. It also provides a UI for editing, deleting and inserting records along with a set of event notifications for programmatic response and for data change tracking. In addition it supports a collection of DataGrid Table Styles that provides custom presentation for each table in its DataSource. WebForms and WinForms can both display a DataGrid bound and unbound to a database; however, there are significant differences in usage.

This section will present how to work with a DataGrid and its many features and different use models.

5.1 Methods and Properties




Collapse a specified row or all rows.


Expand a specified row or all rows


Returns true if a specified row is expanded otherwise false.


Navigates back to the previously displayed table in the grid.


Navigate to a table in the grid.


Binds a dataset to the DataSource and selects a table.


This method selects row and highlights it. It is not necessarily the same as the current row.


This method unselects a row and turns of highlighting. It does not change the current row.




Set to True allows column sorting using the column headers.


Allows navigation within the data grid using for example the arrow or tab keys.


This sets a background color for alternating rows in the DataGrid making it easier to read across a row.


This returns or sets the source of data for the DataGrid. It is either a DataSet or a DataTable.


This sets the table to be displayed. When the DataSource is a DataSet the DataGrid display is in a hierarchical mode, setting this to one of the Tables in the DataSet automatically forces it to be displayed.


Gets or Sets the currently active cell including the CurrentRowIndex


Gets or Sets the current row

5.2 Assigning Data Sources

The DataSource for a DataGrid is either a Table or a DataSet. For example, a previously created DataTable dt object is assigned to the DataGrid as using the DataGrid’s DataSource member follows:

dg.DataSource = dt; // DataSource contains only a
// DataTable object

A DataSet that contains multiple tables in its table’s collection can be assigned using the DataGrid’s DataSource member as follows::

DataSet ds = new DataSet();

dg.DataSource = ds; // DataSource contains a DataSet object

By default the first table in the collection is displayed in the DataGrid, but a particular table can be selected using the DataGrid’s DataMember property as follows:

dg.DataMember = dt2.TableName;

or equivalently:

dg.DataMember = ds.Tables[1].TableName; // zero-based index

or a DataSet can be assigned and a Table selected at the same time using the SetDataBinding() method as follows:

dg.SetDataBinding(ds, dt2.TableName);

Note : The only restriction for DataSets is that tables must have a primary key, if not then an error will occur at the time of assigning the DataSet to the DataSource.

5.3 Formatting

5.3.1 DataGridTableStyle - WinForms

A DataTable is used to hold a collection of Column definitions and a collection of rows containing data for each column. A DataSet contains a collection of Tables and a DataGrid provides the interactive UI for the presentation of a table from a DataTable or from one contained in a DataSet.

The rendering of each table being managed by the DataGrid is carried out through the collections of individual table styles (DataGridTableStyle) where each table style contains a collection of column styles. Refer to Figure 1 for a pictorial view of these relationships.

Microsoft’s .NET IDE provides DataGridTextBoxColumn or DataGridBoolColumn objects that are as there name implies a TextBox and Boolean or CheckBox column respectively. The TextBox column is the default column type used when declaring a DataGrid.

Unique rendering for each column is provided through the column style properties and methods. In addition it is possible to modify the .NET provided column styles or define new column styles such as ComboBoxes and ImageControls that are inherited from the base classes.

Note: DataGridTableStyle is not available for WebForms instead one must use itemstyles – see WebForm example.

In the following example assume the following:

A DataTable dt is defined

  • A DataSet ds is defined and contains dt at index equal 0 in its Tables collection
  • A DataGrid dg is defined with DataSource containing ds

Initially the DataGrid dg does not have any TableStyles contained in the TableStyles collection, which can be seen through the Count property value:


Also, the dg.Controls collection only contains Vertical and Horizontal Scrollbar controls.

// First, a DataGridTableStyle object is declared
// that will hold a collection of
// GridColumnStyles.
System.Windows.Forms.DataGridTableStyle DGStyle =
   new DataGridTableStyle();
// In this example the .NET DataGridTextBoxColumn class is used.
DataGridTextBoxColumn textColumn;
// Loop through each Column in table dt to get a DataColumn
// object that will be used
// to define properties for its TextBoxColumn style.
foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
  textColumn = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
  // the MappingName must correspond to the Table Column Name
  // in order to establish the relationship between them
  textColumn.MappingName = dc.ColumnName;
  // the HeaderText value is displayed in Header for the column, here
  // the Caption value is used.
  textColumn.HeaderText = dc.Caption;
  // specify some other property values
  textColumn.Width = 200;
  textColumn.Alignment = System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Left ;
  textColumn.ReadOnly = true;
  // Add this column object with its specifications to the
  // GridColumnStyles collection
// The name of the DataGridTableStyle must match that of the table
// Since the DataGrid can contain multiple tables,
// similar the TableStyles collection
// can contain multiple DataGridTableStyles, one for each table.
DGStyle.MappingName = ds.Tables[0].TableName;
DGStyle.AlternatingBackColor = Color.Gainsboro;
DGStyle.AllowSorting = false;
DGStyle.ReadOnly = true;
// The Clear() method is called to ensure that
// the previous style is removed.
// Add the new DataGridTableStyle collection to
// the TableStyles collection

5.3.2 Change only one table’s DataGridTableStyles

The following shows how to change only one Table’s DataGridTableStyles. Assume the table’s style is contained in the TableStyles collection at index equal 0

// Clear only a single table of its GridColumnStyles
DataGridTextBoxColumn textColumn;
// Loop through each Column in table dt to get a
// DataColumn object that will be used
// to define properties for its TextBoxColumn style.
foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
  textColumn = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
  // the MappingName must correspond to the Table Column Name
  // in order to establish the relationship between them
  textColumn.MappingName = dc.ColumnName;
  // the HeaderText value is displayed in Header for the column, here
  // the Caption value is used.
  textColumn.HeaderText = dc.Caption;
  // specify some other property values
  textColumn.Width = 200;
  textColumn.Alignment = System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Left ;
  textColumn.ReadOnly = true;
  // Add this column object with its specifications to
  // the GridColumnStyles collection
  // for TableStyles[0]

5.3.3 Change a single column in a Table’s DataGridTableStyle

One or more columns in an existing Table’s DataGridTableStyles collection can be changed using code to similar to the following. In this example, the first method uses the HeaderText to find the column that is to be changed in a table that is named “Demo”. Once the desired object is obtained, the current HeaderText value for the TextBoxColumn “old header text” is changed to “new header text”. Also, the Width of the column is changed to 150. In the second example the Column MappingName must be used instead of the HeaderText if they are different. Method 1 – for-loop through collection

In this example

GridColumnStylesCollection gcsColl =
for (int i=0; i< gcsColl.Count; i++)
  if(gcsColl[i].GetType() == typeof(DataGridTextBoxColumn))
   DataGridTextBoxColumn textColumn = (DataGridTextBoxColumn)gcsColl[i];
   If (textColumn.HeaderText == “old header text”)
     textColumn.Width = 150;
     textColumn.HeaderText = “new header text”;




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