
下面这行代码显示如何更新一个Choice ch中k选项的图像:
ch.set(k, ch.getString(k), ch.getImage(k));
应用程序可以选择一种系统用来显示较长选项包括那些包含回车符的选项的策略。只有在系统策略允许下第一个回车符后面的字符才会可见。SetFitPolicy(int)和getFitPolicy()方法控制这种选择。有效参数是TEXT_WRAP_DEFAULT,TEXT_WRAP_ON和TEXT_WRAP_OFF。除非实现Choice接口的类有特殊的定义,选项的fit policy是TEXT_WRAP_DEFAULT。
Exclusive-choice显示一系列的选项并同用户交互。即,当用户选择一个选项后,选项用一种不同的显示方式显示代表被选中。如果Choice有一些选项,任何时候只能有一个选项被选择。如果在任何时候造成exclusive-choice中有选项代没有一个被选中,系统会选择一个选项并选中它。这种情况可能发生在当把一个选项添加到一个空的Choice里,当删除一个被选中的选项,或是当Choice通过构造器构造选项的时候。。在这些情况里,对那一项选择由系统来处理。对那些选择选项很有意义的应用程序来说应该显示的设置选择。在exclusive Choice里没有让用户取消选择的方法。
Popup choice同exclusive choice很类似。Popup choice的选择行为同exclusive choice的相同。但是,popup choice的表示以及交互方式和exclusive choice不同。在exclusive choice里,所有选项都必须按顺序排列。在popup choice里,被选中的选项总是被显示出来,而其它选项可以保持隐藏直到用户持行一个特定行为来显示它们。比如,一个exclusive choice可以通过一系列的单选按钮其中总有一个被选择的方式实现。一个popup choice可以通过一个弹出式菜单来实现,被选中的选项显示在一个菜单按钮上。
Implicit choice是一种exclusive choice,这里当一个命令被初使化给它时,获得焦点或是高亮显示的选项隐式被选中。和exclusive choice一样,如果Choice中有选项,总有一个被选中。
一个multiple-choice表示一系列选项并且允许用户选择任意组合的任意个选项。和exclusive-choice一样,multiple-choice通过object-operation 模式和用户进行交互。Multiple-choice的外观看起来和exclusive-choice有些差别,它显示选中每一个被选中的选项并且通知用户多个选项可以被选中。
Selected state是选项的一个属性。如果有其它选项被添加或是删除,造成某选项更换位置,这个属性也不会改变。举个例子,假如索引值为n的选项被选中,这时一个新的选项被添加到索引值为0的位置。这时被选中的选项的索引值为n+1。同样的规则适用于删除操作。假设n大于0,删除选项0会造成选项n-1是被选中的。设置一个选项的内容不会改变选项的selected state。当一个新的选项添加或是插入的时候,它种是不被选中的(除了向一个空的Exclusive,Popup或是Implicit Choice中添加选项)
应用程序可以通过setSelectedFlags和setSelectedIndex方法来控制一个Choice对象的selected state。应用程序可以通过getSelectedFlags和getSelectedIndex方法来获得该状态。这些函数返回的selected state通常和应用程序设置的状态相同,以下的几种情况除外。添加或是删除选项可能会改变选择。当一个Choice显示在屏幕上时,系统的用户界面规则和直接的用户交互同样会影响选择。比如,当用户移动高亮时系统可能更新选择项到现在高亮显示的选项,系统也可能只当用户触发一个command时才把选择项更改到当前高亮的位置。再比如,系统可能会在每次implicit list成为当前显示部件时移动高亮(就是选择)到第一个选项。当屏幕上显示一个Choice对象的时候,应用程序应该只在CommandListener或是ItemStateListener回调函数里查询选择状态。在其它时间对状态进行查询可能会造成返回值和应用程序设置的值不符(因为用户或是系统的UI规则可能会改变它)而且它也可能不会反映用户的意图(因为用户可能还没有做出选择)。

Interface Choice

All Known Implementing Classes:
ChoiceGroup, List

public interface Choice

Choice defines an API for a user interface components implementing selection from predefined number of choices. Such UI components are List and ChoiceGroup. The contents of the Choice are represented with strings and images.

Each element of a Choice is composed of a text string part, an Image part, and a font attribute that are all treated as a unit. The font attribute applies to the text part and can be controlled by the application. The application may provide null for the image if the element is not to have an image part. The implementation must display the image at the beginning of the text string. If the Choice also has a selection indicator (such as a radio button or a checkbox) placed at the beginning of the text string, the element's image should be placed between the selection indicator and the beginning of the text string.

When a new element is inserted or appended, the implementation provides a default font for the font attribute. This default font is the same font that is used if the application calls setFont(i, null). All ChoiceGroup instances must have the same default font, and all List instances must have the same default font. However, the default font used for Choice objects may differ from the font returned by Font.getDefaultFont.

The Image part of a Choice element may be mutable or immutable. If the Image is mutable, the effect is as if snapshot of its contents is taken at the time the Choice is constructed with this Image or when the Choice element is created or modified with the append, insert, or set methods. The snapshot is used whenever the contents of the Choice element are to be displayed. Even if the application subsequently draws into the Image, the snapshot is not modified until the next call to one of the above methods. The snapshot is not updated when the Choice becomes visible on the display. (This is because the application does not have control over exactly when Displayables and Items appear and disappear from the display.)

The following code illustrates a technique to refresh the image part of element k of a Choice ch:

    ch.set(k, ch.getString(k), ch.getImage(k));    

If the application provides an image, the implementation may choose to truncate it if it exceeds the capacity of the device to display it. Images within any particular Choice object should all be of the same size, because the implementation is allowed to allocate the same amount of space for every element. The application can query the implementation's image size recommendation by calling Display.getBestImageWidth(int) and Display.getBestImageHeight(int).

If an element is very long or contains a line break, the implementation may display only a portion of it. If this occurs, the implementation should provide the user with a means to see as much as possible of the element. If this is done by wrapping an element to multiple lines, the second and subsequent lines should show a clear indication to the user that they are part of the same element and are not a new element.

The application can express a preference for the policy used by the implementation for display of long elements including those that contain line break characters. The characters after the first line break may only be visible if the policy permits it. The setFitPolicy(int) and getFitPolicy() methods control this preference. The valid settings are TEXT_WRAP_DEFAULT, TEXT_WRAP_ON, and TEXT_WRAP_OFF. Unless specified otherwise by Choice implementation classes, the initial value of the element fit policy is TEXT_WRAP_DEFAULT.

After a Choice object has been created, elements may be inserted, appended, and deleted, and each element's string part and image part may be get and set. Elements within a Choice object are referred to by their indexes, which are consecutive integers in the range from zero to size()-1, with zero referring to the first element and size()-1 to the last element.

There are four types of Choices: implicit-choice (valid only for List), exclusive-choice, multiple-choice, and pop-up (valid only for ChoiceGroup).

The exclusive-choice presents a series of elements and interacts with the user. That is, when the user selects an element, that element is shown to be selected using a distinct visual representation. If there are elements present in the Choice, one element must be selected at any given time. If at any time a situation would result where there are elements in the exclusive-choice but none is selected, the implementation will choose an element and select it. This situation can arise when an element is added to an empty Choice, when the selected element is deleted from the Choice, or when a Choice is created and populated with elements by a constructor. In these cases, the choice of which element is selected is left to the implementation. Applications for which the selected element is significant should set the selection explicitly. There is no way for the user to unselect an element within an exclusive Choice.

The popup choice is similar to the exclusive choice. The selection behavior of a popup choice is identical to that of an exclusive choice. However, a popup choice differs from an exclusive choice in presentation and interaction. In an exclusive choice, all elements should be displayed in-line. In a popup choice, the selected element should always be displayed, and the other elements should remain hidden until the user performs a specific action to show them. For example, an exclusive choice could be implemented as a series of radio buttons with one always selected. A popup choice could be implemented as a popup menu, with the selected element being displayed in the menu button.

The implicit choice is an exclusive choice where the focused or highlighted element is implicitly selected when a command is initiated. As with the exclusive choice, if there are elements present in the Choice, one element is always selected.

A multiple-choice presents a series of elements and allows the user to select any number of elements in any combination. As with exclusive-choice, the multiple-choice interacts with the user in object-operation mode. The visual appearance of a multiple-choice will likely have a visual representation distinct from the exclusive-choice that shows the selected state of each element as well as indicating to the user that multiple elements may be selected.

The selected state of an element is a property of the element. This state stays with that element if other elements are inserted or deleted, causing elements to be shifted around. For example, suppose element n is selected, and a new element is inserted at index zero. The selected element would now have index n+1. A similar rule applies to deletion. Assuming n is greater than zero, deleting element zero would leave element n-1 selected. Setting the contents of an element leaves its selected state unchanged. When a new element is inserted or appended, it is always unselected (except in the special case of adding an element to an empty Exclusive, Popup, or Implicit Choice as mentioned above).

The selected state of a Choice object can be controlled by the application with the setSelectedFlags and setSelectedIndex methods. This state is available to the application through the getSelectedFlags and getSelectedIndex methods. The selected state reported by these methods is generally identical to what has been set by the application, with the following exceptions. Adding or removing elements may change the selection. When the Choice is present on the display, the implementation's user interface policy and direct user interaction with the object may also affect the selection. For example, the implementation might update the selection to the current highlight location as the user is moving the highlight, or it might set the selection from the highlight only when the user is about to invoke a command. As another example, the implementation might move the highlight (and thus the selection) of an implicit List to the first element each time the List becomes current. When a Choice object is present on the display, applications should query its selected state only within a CommandListener or a ItemStateListener callback. Querying the state at other times might result in a value different from what has been set by the application (because the user or the implementation's UI policy might have changed it) and it might not reflect the user's intent (because the user might still in the process of making a selection).

Note: Methods have been added to the Choice interface in version 2.0. Adding methods to interfaces is normally an incompatible change. However, Choice does not appear as a type in any field, method parameter, or method return value, and so it is not useful for an application to create a class that implements the Choice interface. Future versions of this specification may make additional changes to the Choice interface. In order to remain compatible with future versions of this specification, applications should avoid creating classes that implement the Choice interface.



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