How Btree Indexes Are Maintained (Doc ID 30405.1)


Checked for relevance on 13-Jun-2007
Checked for relevance on 25-Jul-2010

Although this is an older document, the information below is still relevant to later versions.

  This article explains how Oracle B*tree indexes are maintained.

  It is intended to assist users who are trying to understand how an Oracle
  B*tree index is maintained.

How Btree Indexes Are Maintained:

Oracle version 8 provides five indexing schemes:

    B*tree indexes
    B*tree cluster indexes
    hash cluster indexes
    reverse key indexes
    bitmap indexes

This article is only concerned with B*tree indexes which are currently the most
commonly used.  The theory of B*tree indexes is beyond the scope of this 
article; for more information refer to computer science texts dealing with data

Format of Index Blocks

Within a B*tree index, index blocks are either branch blocks, the upper blocks 
within the B*tree index, or leaf blocks, the lowest level index blocks. Branch 
blocks contain index data that point to lower level index blocks. Leaf blocks 
contain every indexed data value and a corresponding ROWID used to locate the 
actual row.

               Index Block Format

|                                                     |
|            Index Block Header                       |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|             Space reserved for future updates       |
|             and inserts of new rows with the        |
|             appropriate key values                  |
|                                                     |
|-----------------------------------------------------| <- PCTFREE say 10
|                                                     |
|             Index Key Data                          |

|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |

B*tree Index Creation
When a B*tree index is created using the CREATE INDEX statement, the parameter 
PCTFREE can be specified.  PCTFREE specifies the percentage of space to leave 
free for future updates and insertions to an index block. A value of 0 reserves 
no space for future inserts and updates. It allows the entire data area of the 
block to be filled when the index is created. If PCTFREE is not specified, it 
defaults to 10. This value reserves 10% of each block for updates to existing 
key values, and inserts of new key values.

Thus PCTFREE is only relevant at initial index creation. It causes optimal
splitting of the B*-tree in preparation for subsequent growth. The idea is to 
do as much splitting as possible during initial creation and avoid having to 
pay the penalty later during insertion into the table. This is what a high 
PCTFREE setting on an index gives you. However, if your inserted keys are 
monotonically increasing (say a date/time field) a PCTFREE=0 is best. Only the 
rightmost index leaf block will be inserted into, so there's no point leaving 
room in the other leaf blocks at creation time.

Following index creation, an index block can accommodate keys up to the full
available data area including space for ITLs. Thus an index block will not 
require splitting until the available data area is fully used. The bottom line 
is PCTFREE is not looked at once you pass the index creation phase.  One thing 
to remember is that each row in the index has only one correct block it can 
live in, based on the key value.

Inserting an index entry after index creation
After index creation, a new table row will create a new index entry. This entry
is inserted into the appropriate index leaf block based on the index key values
until the leaf block is full.  If on insert the index leaf block is full, then 
an index block split will occur putting half of the index entries into each new
index leaf block. Within an index data block, space is reserved for the index 
block header. The rest of the block is available for index keys.

Where an index key value has multiple entries, these entries are made into the 
leaf block in ROWID order.  So all the blocks for the index key value are 
scanned in turn until an entry is found with a greater ROWID than the new row, 
and the row is inserted into that block (which may cause extra block splitting). 

The reason for this is for queries such as: 
    SELECT some_columns FROM table WHERE COL_A  = valueA and COL_B = valueB;

If COL_A and COL_B both have non-unique indexes, then because the entries in 
each index are stored in ROWID order, it makes it easy to find the ROWID's that
occur in both indexes.  Otherwise we would have to sort the ROWID's before we 
could find the ROWID's that occur in both indexes. 

Updating an index entry
There is really no concept of an UPDATE to an index. When a table row is 
updated, the old index key is deleted and a new key inserted (at the correct 
location in the B*tree).

Deleting an index entry
When a index entry is to be deleted, the row is deleted from the index leaf 
block and the space within the index leaf block released to the block for 
further inserts with the appropriate key range.  If a leaf block has even one 
entry it is still part of the tree, hence only entries that belong in it 
positionally can be accommodated. Once a leaf block is completely empty it is 
put on the free list, at which point it can be used to service an index block 

Index Fragmentation
To ascertain index fragmentation, the following SQL statement can be used:


    col name         heading 'Index Name'          format a30
    col del_lf_rows  heading 'Deleted|Leaf Rows'   format 99999999
    col lf_rows_used heading 'Used|Leaf Rows'      format 99999999
    col ibadness     heading '% Deleted|Leaf Rows' format 999.99999

    SELECT name,
       lf_rows - del_lf_rows lf_rows_used,
       to_char(del_lf_rows / (lf_rows)*100,'999.99999') ibadness
    FROM index_stats
       where name = upper('&&index_name');

    undefine index_name

As a rule of thumb if 10-15% of the table data changes, then you should 
consider rebuilding the index. 
B*Tree Balancing
Oracle indexes are implemented as B* Trees which are always balanced.

In an Oracle B*tree the root of the tree is at level 0. In a very small B*tree 
the root block can also be a Leaf block.

In most cases, blocks on levels 0 through N-2 (where N is the height of the 
tree) are Branch blocks. Branch blocks do not contain data, they simply contain
separators which are used to navigate from the root block to the the Leaf 

All Leaf blocks are at level N-1 in Oracle B*trees. All data stored in a B*tree
is stored in the Leaf blocks.

The definition of a 'Balanced Tree' is that all the data is on the same level. 
Which means that the path to all data in the tree is the same length. Since all
the data is stored in Leaf blocks and all the Leaf blocks are on the same level
the B*trees are always balanced. There is no way to unbalance a B* tree.

Deletion of many rows in the B*Tree
If a table has 100,000 rows and 99,999 of 100,000 rows and index entries are 
deleted.  How is the index balanced?

In this case the rows are deleted from the index, and the empty blocks inserted
onto the index free list. These blocks are still part of the index and will 
need to be accessed when traversing the index. 

Thus if an index has one entry in it, there is only one block (a root/leaf 
block) in the tree. When searching the tree only one block needs to be accessed
to answer thequery. If you load a B* Tree with 100,000 rows and get a tree with
say 3 Levels. Levels zero and one are Branch blocks used to access the data in 
the Leaf blocks on level 2. When querying this tree you first access the root 
block using the search key to find correct Branch block in level one of the 
Tree. Next you use the search key and the Branch block to find the correct Leaf
block that should contain the key being sought. So it takes three block 
accesses to answer the same query. Now if 99,999 rows were deleted from the 
tree the rows are removed from the index but the index is not collapsed. In 
this case you still have a 3 level index to store the one row and it will still 
take three block accesses to access that row. The fact that we need three block
accesses instead of one does not mean this tree is unbalanced. The tree is 
still balanced it just contains a lot of empty blocks.

The reason for doing this is that, when data is inserted into a Leaf block, and
there is no room for the insert, a very expensive operation called a split
occurs. The split creates a new Leaf block and possibly new Branch blocks as 
well to maintain the balance of the tree. The split operation is by far the 
most expensive operation that is done in the maintenance of B* trees so we go 
to great lengths to avoid them. By not collapsing the now unused levels out of 
the B*Trees after large deletes these levels (with splits) do not have to be 
recreated during future inserts.

If most of the rows in a table are going to be deleted, and not refilled soon 
after, it is advisable to drop the index, delete the rows, and then recreate
the index.

By dropping the index you save the index maintenance that needs to be done 
during the delete thus speeding up the delete. By recreating the index after 
the delete you create an index of optimal height and with the Leaf blocks 
filled to an optimal level.

Search Words

delete insert rebuild

  Oracle8 Server Concepts Manual, Schema Objects, indexes
  Oracle8 Server SQL Reference Manual, CREATE INDEX syntax


NOTE:1019722.6 - Script: To Report Information on Indexes
NOTE:33343.1 - How to Find Out How Much Space an Index is Using

Checked for relevance on 13-Jun-2007
Checked for relevance on 25-Jul-2010

Although this is an older document, the information below is still relevant to later versions.

  This article explains how Oracle B*tree indexes are maintained.

  It is intended to assist users who are trying to understand how an Oracle
  B*tree index is maintained.

How Btree Indexes Are Maintained:

Oracle version 8 provides five indexing schemes:

    B*tree indexes
    B*tree cluster indexes
    hash cluster indexes
    reverse key indexes
    bitmap indexes

This article is only concerned with B*tree indexes which are currently the most
commonly used.  The theory of B*tree indexes is beyond the scope of this 
article; for more information refer to computer science texts dealing with data

Format of Index Blocks

Within a B*tree index, index blocks are either branch blocks, the upper blocks 
within the B*tree index, or leaf blocks, the lowest level index blocks. Branch 
blocks contain index data that point to lower level index blocks. Leaf blocks 
contain every indexed data value and a corresponding ROWID used to locate the 
actual row.

               Index Block Format

|                                                     |
|            Index Block Header                       |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|             Space reserved for future updates       |
|             and inserts of new rows with the        |
|             appropriate key values                  |
|                                                     |
|-----------------------------------------------------| <- PCTFREE say 10
|                                                     |
|             Index Key Data                          |

|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |

B*tree Index Creation
When a B*tree index is created using the CREATE INDEX statement, the parameter 
PCTFREE can be specified.  PCTFREE specifies the percentage of space to leave 
free for future updates and insertions to an index block. A value of 0 reserves 
no space for future inserts and updates. It allows the entire data area of the 
block to be filled when the index is created. If PCTFREE is not specified, it 
defaults to 10. This value reserves 10% of each block for updates to existing 
key values, and inserts of new key values.

Thus PCTFREE is only relevant at initial index creation. It causes optimal
splitting of the B*-tree in preparation for subsequent growth. The idea is to 
do as much splitting as possible during initial creation and avoid having to 
pay the penalty later during insertion into the table. This is what a high 
PCTFREE setting on an index gives you. However, if your inserted keys are 
monotonically increasing (say a date/time field) a PCTFREE=0 is best. Only the 
rightmost index leaf block will be inserted into, so there's no point leaving 
room in the other leaf blocks at creation time.

Following index creation, an index block can accommodate keys up to the full
available data area including space for ITLs. Thus an index block will not 
require splitting until the available data area is fully used. The bottom line 
is PCTFREE is not looked at once you pass the index creation phase.  One thing 
to remember is that each row in the index has only one correct block it can 
live in, based on the key value.

Inserting an index entry after index creation
After index creation, a new table row will create a new index entry. This entry
is inserted into the appropriate index leaf block based on the index key values
until the leaf block is full.  If on insert the index leaf block is full, then 
an index block split will occur putting half of the index entries into each new
index leaf block. Within an index data block, space is reserved for the index 
block header. The rest of the block is available for index keys.

Where an index key value has multiple entries, these entries are made into the 
leaf block in ROWID order.  So all the blocks for the index key value are 
scanned in turn until an entry is found with a greater ROWID than the new row, 
and the row is inserted into that block (which may cause extra block splitting). 

The reason for this is for queries such as: 
    SELECT some_columns FROM table WHERE COL_A  = valueA and COL_B = valueB;

If COL_A and COL_B both have non-unique indexes, then because the entries in 
each index are stored in ROWID order, it makes it easy to find the ROWID's that
occur in both indexes.  Otherwise we would have to sort the ROWID's before we 
could find the ROWID's that occur in both indexes. 

Updating an index entry
There is really no concept of an UPDATE to an index. When a table row is 
updated, the old index key is deleted and a new key inserted (at the correct 
location in the B*tree).

Deleting an index entry
When a index entry is to be deleted, the row is deleted from the index leaf 
block and the space within the index leaf block released to the block for 
further inserts with the appropriate key range.  If a leaf block has even one 
entry it is still part of the tree, hence only entries that belong in it 
positionally can be accommodated. Once a leaf block is completely empty it is 
put on the free list, at which point it can be used to service an index block 

Index Fragmentation
To ascertain index fragmentation, the following SQL statement can be used:


    col name         heading 'Index Name'          format a30
    col del_lf_rows  heading 'Deleted|Leaf Rows'   format 99999999
    col lf_rows_used heading 'Used|Leaf Rows'      format 99999999
    col ibadness     heading '% Deleted|Leaf Rows' format 999.99999

    SELECT name,
       lf_rows - del_lf_rows lf_rows_used,
       to_char(del_lf_rows / (lf_rows)*100,'999.99999') ibadness
    FROM index_stats
       where name = upper('&&index_name');

    undefine index_name

As a rule of thumb if 10-15% of the table data changes, then you should 
consider rebuilding the index. 
B*Tree Balancing
Oracle indexes are implemented as B* Trees which are always balanced.

In an Oracle B*tree the root of the tree is at level 0. In a very small B*tree 
the root block can also be a Leaf block.

In most cases, blocks on levels 0 through N-2 (where N is the height of the 
tree) are Branch blocks. Branch blocks do not contain data, they simply contain
separators which are used to navigate from the root block to the the Leaf 

All Leaf blocks are at level N-1 in Oracle B*trees. All data stored in a B*tree
is stored in the Leaf blocks.

The definition of a 'Balanced Tree' is that all the data is on the same level. 
Which means that the path to all data in the tree is the same length. Since all
the data is stored in Leaf blocks and all the Leaf blocks are on the same level
the B*trees are always balanced. There is no way to unbalance a B* tree.

Deletion of many rows in the B*Tree
If a table has 100,000 rows and 99,999 of 100,000 rows and index entries are 
deleted.  How is the index balanced?

In this case the rows are deleted from the index, and the empty blocks inserted
onto the index free list. These blocks are still part of the index and will 
need to be accessed when traversing the index. 

Thus if an index has one entry in it, there is only one block (a root/leaf 
block) in the tree. When searching the tree only one block needs to be accessed
to answer thequery. If you load a B* Tree with 100,000 rows and get a tree with
say 3 Levels. Levels zero and one are Branch blocks used to access the data in 
the Leaf blocks on level 2. When querying this tree you first access the root 
block using the search key to find correct Branch block in level one of the 
Tree. Next you use the search key and the Branch block to find the correct Leaf
block that should contain the key being sought. So it takes three block 
accesses to answer the same query. Now if 99,999 rows were deleted from the 
tree the rows are removed from the index but the index is not collapsed. In 
this case you still have a 3 level index to store the one row and it will still 
take three block accesses to access that row. The fact that we need three block
accesses instead of one does not mean this tree is unbalanced. The tree is 
still balanced it just contains a lot of empty blocks.

The reason for doing this is that, when data is inserted into a Leaf block, and
there is no room for the insert, a very expensive operation called a split
occurs. The split creates a new Leaf block and possibly new Branch blocks as 
well to maintain the balance of the tree. The split operation is by far the 
most expensive operation that is done in the maintenance of B* trees so we go 
to great lengths to avoid them. By not collapsing the now unused levels out of 
the B*Trees after large deletes these levels (with splits) do not have to be 
recreated during future inserts.

If most of the rows in a table are going to be deleted, and not refilled soon 
after, it is advisable to drop the index, delete the rows, and then recreate
the index.

By dropping the index you save the index maintenance that needs to be done 
during the delete thus speeding up the delete. By recreating the index after 
the delete you create an index of optimal height and with the Leaf blocks 
filled to an optimal level.

Search Words

delete insert rebuild

  Oracle8 Server Concepts Manual, Schema Objects, indexes
  Oracle8 Server SQL Reference Manual, CREATE INDEX syntax


NOTE:1019722.6 - Script: To Report Information on Indexes
NOTE:33343.1 - How to Find Out How Much Space an Index is Using

Checked for relevance on 13-Jun-2007
Checked for relevance on 25-Jul-2010

Although this is an older document, the information below is still relevant to later versions.

  This article explains how Oracle B*tree indexes are maintained.

  It is intended to assist users who are trying to understand how an Oracle
  B*tree index is maintained.

How Btree Indexes Are Maintained:

Oracle version 8 provides five indexing schemes:

    B*tree indexes
    B*tree cluster indexes
    hash cluster indexes
    reverse key indexes
    bitmap indexes

This article is only concerned with B*tree indexes which are currently the most
commonly used.  The theory of B*tree indexes is beyond the scope of this 
article; for more information refer to computer science texts dealing with data

Format of Index Blocks

Within a B*tree index, index blocks are either branch blocks, the upper blocks 
within the B*tree index, or leaf blocks, the lowest level index blocks. Branch 
blocks contain index data that point to lower level index blocks. Leaf blocks 
contain every indexed data value and a corresponding ROWID used to locate the 
actual row.

               Index Block Format

|                                                     |
|            Index Block Header                       |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|             Space reserved for future updates       |
|             and inserts of new rows with the        |
|             appropriate key values                  |
|                                                     |
|-----------------------------------------------------| <- PCTFREE say 10
|                                                     |
|             Index Key Data                          |

|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |

B*tree Index Creation
When a B*tree index is created using the CREATE INDEX statement, the parameter 
PCTFREE can be specified.  PCTFREE specifies the percentage of space to leave 
free for future updates and insertions to an index block. A value of 0 reserves 
no space for future inserts and updates. It allows the entire data area of the 
block to be filled when the index is created. If PCTFREE is not specified, it 
defaults to 10. This value reserves 10% of each block for updates to existing 
key values, and inserts of new key values.

Thus PCTFREE is only relevant at initial index creation. It causes optimal
splitting of the B*-tree in preparation for subsequent growth. The idea is to 
do as much splitting as possible during initial creation and avoid having to 
pay the penalty later during insertion into the table. This is what a high 
PCTFREE setting on an index gives you. However, if your inserted keys are 
monotonically increasing (say a date/time field) a PCTFREE=0 is best. Only the 
rightmost index leaf block will be inserted into, so there's no point leaving 
room in the other leaf blocks at creation time.

Following index creation, an index block can accommodate keys up to the full
available data area including space for ITLs. Thus an index block will not 
require splitting until the available data area is fully used. The bottom line 
is PCTFREE is not looked at once you pass the index creation phase.  One thing 
to remember is that each row in the index has only one correct block it can 
live in, based on the key value.

Inserting an index entry after index creation
After index creation, a new table row will create a new index entry. This entry
is inserted into the appropriate index leaf block based on the index key values
until the leaf block is full.  If on insert the index leaf block is full, then 
an index block split will occur putting half of the index entries into each new
index leaf block. Within an index data block, space is reserved for the index 
block header. The rest of the block is available for index keys.

Where an index key value has multiple entries, these entries are made into the 
leaf block in ROWID order.  So all the blocks for the index key value are 
scanned in turn until an entry is found with a greater ROWID than the new row, 
and the row is inserted into that block (which may cause extra block splitting). 

The reason for this is for queries such as: 
    SELECT some_columns FROM table WHERE COL_A  = valueA and COL_B = valueB;

If COL_A and COL_B both have non-unique indexes, then because the entries in 
each index are stored in ROWID order, it makes it easy to find the ROWID's that
occur in both indexes.  Otherwise we would have to sort the ROWID's before we 
could find the ROWID's that occur in both indexes. 

Updating an index entry
There is really no concept of an UPDATE to an index. When a table row is 
updated, the old index key is deleted and a new key inserted (at the correct 
location in the B*tree).

Deleting an index entry
When a index entry is to be deleted, the row is deleted from the index leaf 
block and the space within the index leaf block released to the block for 
further inserts with the appropriate key range.  If a leaf block has even one 
entry it is still part of the tree, hence only entries that belong in it 
positionally can be accommodated. Once a leaf block is completely empty it is 
put on the free list, at which point it can be used to service an index block 

Index Fragmentation
To ascertain index fragmentation, the following SQL statement can be used:


    col name         heading 'Index Name'          format a30
    col del_lf_rows  heading 'Deleted|Leaf Rows'   format 99999999
    col lf_rows_used heading 'Used|Leaf Rows'      format 99999999
    col ibadness     heading '% Deleted|Leaf Rows' format 999.99999

    SELECT name,
       lf_rows - del_lf_rows lf_rows_used,
       to_char(del_lf_rows / (lf_rows)*100,'999.99999') ibadness
    FROM index_stats
       where name = upper('&&index_name');

    undefine index_name

As a rule of thumb if 10-15% of the table data changes, then you should 
consider rebuilding the index. 
B*Tree Balancing
Oracle indexes are implemented as B* Trees which are always balanced.

In an Oracle B*tree the root of the tree is at level 0. In a very small B*tree 
the root block can also be a Leaf block.

In most cases, blocks on levels 0 through N-2 (where N is the height of the 
tree) are Branch blocks. Branch blocks do not contain data, they simply contain
separators which are used to navigate from the root block to the the Leaf 

All Leaf blocks are at level N-1 in Oracle B*trees. All data stored in a B*tree
is stored in the Leaf blocks.

The definition of a 'Balanced Tree' is that all the data is on the same level. 
Which means that the path to all data in the tree is the same length. Since all
the data is stored in Leaf blocks and all the Leaf blocks are on the same level
the B*trees are always balanced. There is no way to unbalance a B* tree.

Deletion of many rows in the B*Tree
If a table has 100,000 rows and 99,999 of 100,000 rows and index entries are 
deleted.  How is the index balanced?

In this case the rows are deleted from the index, and the empty blocks inserted
onto the index free list. These blocks are still part of the index and will 
need to be accessed when traversing the index. 

Thus if an index has one entry in it, there is only one block (a root/leaf 
block) in the tree. When searching the tree only one block needs to be accessed
to answer thequery. If you load a B* Tree with 100,000 rows and get a tree with
say 3 Levels. Levels zero and one are Branch blocks used to access the data in 
the Leaf blocks on level 2. When querying this tree you first access the root 
block using the search key to find correct Branch block in level one of the 
Tree. Next you use the search key and the Branch block to find the correct Leaf
block that should contain the key being sought. So it takes three block 
accesses to answer the same query. Now if 99,999 rows were deleted from the 
tree the rows are removed from the index but the index is not collapsed. In 
this case you still have a 3 level index to store the one row and it will still 
take three block accesses to access that row. The fact that we need three block
accesses instead of one does not mean this tree is unbalanced. The tree is 
still balanced it just contains a lot of empty blocks.

The reason for doing this is that, when data is inserted into a Leaf block, and
there is no room for the insert, a very expensive operation called a split
occurs. The split creates a new Leaf block and possibly new Branch blocks as 
well to maintain the balance of the tree. The split operation is by far the 
most expensive operation that is done in the maintenance of B* trees so we go 
to great lengths to avoid them. By not collapsing the now unused levels out of 
the B*Trees after large deletes these levels (with splits) do not have to be 
recreated during future inserts.

If most of the rows in a table are going to be deleted, and not refilled soon 
after, it is advisable to drop the index, delete the rows, and then recreate
the index.

By dropping the index you save the index maintenance that needs to be done 
during the delete thus speeding up the delete. By recreating the index after 
the delete you create an index of optimal height and with the Leaf blocks 
filled to an optimal level.

Search Words

delete insert rebuild

  Oracle8 Server Concepts Manual, Schema Objects, indexes
  Oracle8 Server SQL Reference Manual, CREATE INDEX syntax


NOTE:1019722.6 - Script: To Report Information on Indexes
NOTE:33343.1 - How to Find Out How Much Space an Index is Using

Checked for relevance on 13-Jun-2007
Checked for relevance on 25-Jul-2010

Although this is an older document, the information below is still relevant to later versions.

  This article explains how Oracle B*tree indexes are maintained.

  It is intended to assist users who are trying to understand how an Oracle
  B*tree index is maintained.

How Btree Indexes Are Maintained:

Oracle version 8 provides five indexing schemes:

    B*tree indexes
    B*tree cluster indexes
    hash cluster indexes
    reverse key indexes
    bitmap indexes

This article is only concerned with B*tree indexes which are currently the most
commonly used.  The theory of B*tree indexes is beyond the scope of this 
article; for more information refer to computer science texts dealing with data

Format of Index Blocks

Within a B*tree index, index blocks are either branch blocks, the upper blocks 
within the B*tree index, or leaf blocks, the lowest level index blocks. Branch 
blocks contain index data that point to lower level index blocks. Leaf blocks 
contain every indexed data value and a corresponding ROWID used to locate the 
actual row.

               Index Block Format

|                                                     |
|            Index Block Header                       |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|             Space reserved for future updates       |
|             and inserts of new rows with the        |
|             appropriate key values                  |
|                                                     |
|-----------------------------------------------------| <- PCTFREE say 10
|                                                     |
|             Index Key Data                          |

|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |

B*tree Index Creation
When a B*tree index is created using the CREATE INDEX statement, the parameter 
PCTFREE can be specified.  PCTFREE specifies the percentage of space to leave 
free for future updates and insertions to an index block. A value of 0 reserves 
no space for future inserts and updates. It allows the entire data area of the 
block to be filled when the index is created. If PCTFREE is not specified, it 
defaults to 10. This value reserves 10% of each block for updates to existing 
key values, and inserts of new key values.

Thus PCTFREE is only relevant at initial index creation. It causes optimal
splitting of the B*-tree in preparation for subsequent growth. The idea is to 
do as much splitting as possible during initial creation and avoid having to 
pay the penalty later during insertion into the table. This is what a high 
PCTFREE setting on an index gives you. However, if your inserted keys are 
monotonically increasing (say a date/time field) a PCTFREE=0 is best. Only the 
rightmost index leaf block will be inserted into, so there's no point leaving 
room in the other leaf blocks at creation time.

Following index creation, an index block can accommodate keys up to the full
available data area including space for ITLs. Thus an index block will not 
require splitting until the available data area is fully used. The bottom line 
is PCTFREE is not looked at once you pass the index creation phase.  One thing 
to remember is that each row in the index has only one correct block it can 
live in, based on the key value.

Inserting an index entry after index creation
After index creation, a new table row will create a new index entry. This entry
is inserted into the appropriate index leaf block based on the index key values
until the leaf block is full.  If on insert the index leaf block is full, then 
an index block split will occur putting half of the index entries into each new
index leaf block. Within an index data block, space is reserved for the index 
block header. The rest of the block is available for index keys.

Where an index key value has multiple entries, these entries are made into the 
leaf block in ROWID order.  So all the blocks for the index key value are 
scanned in turn until an entry is found with a greater ROWID than the new row, 
and the row is inserted into that block (which may cause extra block splitting). 

The reason for this is for queries such as: 
    SELECT some_columns FROM table WHERE COL_A  = valueA and COL_B = valueB;

If COL_A and COL_B both have non-unique indexes, then because the entries in 
each index are stored in ROWID order, it makes it easy to find the ROWID's that
occur in both indexes.  Otherwise we would have to sort the ROWID's before we 
could find the ROWID's that occur in both indexes. 

Updating an index entry
There is really no concept of an UPDATE to an index. When a table row is 
updated, the old index key is deleted and a new key inserted (at the correct 
location in the B*tree).

Deleting an index entry
When a index entry is to be deleted, the row is deleted from the index leaf 
block and the space within the index leaf block released to the block for 
further inserts with the appropriate key range.  If a leaf block has even one 
entry it is still part of the tree, hence only entries that belong in it 
positionally can be accommodated. Once a leaf block is completely empty it is 
put on the free list, at which point it can be used to service an index block 

Index Fragmentation
To ascertain index fragmentation, the following SQL statement can be used:


    col name         heading 'Index Name'          format a30
    col del_lf_rows  heading 'Deleted|Leaf Rows'   format 99999999
    col lf_rows_used heading 'Used|Leaf Rows'      format 99999999
    col ibadness     heading '% Deleted|Leaf Rows' format 999.99999

    SELECT name,
       lf_rows - del_lf_rows lf_rows_used,
       to_char(del_lf_rows / (lf_rows)*100,'999.99999') ibadness
    FROM index_stats
       where name = upper('&&index_name');

    undefine index_name

As a rule of thumb if 10-15% of the table data changes, then you should 
consider rebuilding the index. 
B*Tree Balancing
Oracle indexes are implemented as B* Trees which are always balanced.

In an Oracle B*tree the root of the tree is at level 0. In a very small B*tree 
the root block can also be a Leaf block.

In most cases, blocks on levels 0 through N-2 (where N is the height of the 
tree) are Branch blocks. Branch blocks do not contain data, they simply contain
separators which are used to navigate from the root block to the the Leaf 

All Leaf blocks are at level N-1 in Oracle B*trees. All data stored in a B*tree
is stored in the Leaf blocks.

The definition of a 'Balanced Tree' is that all the data is on the same level. 
Which means that the path to all data in the tree is the same length. Since all
the data is stored in Leaf blocks and all the Leaf blocks are on the same level
the B*trees are always balanced. There is no way to unbalance a B* tree.

Deletion of many rows in the B*Tree
If a table has 100,000 rows and 99,999 of 100,000 rows and index entries are 
deleted.  How is the index balanced?

In this case the rows are deleted from the index, and the empty blocks inserted
onto the index free list. These blocks are still part of the index and will 
need to be accessed when traversing the index. 

Thus if an index has one entry in it, there is only one block (a root/leaf 
block) in the tree. When searching the tree only one block needs to be accessed
to answer thequery. If you load a B* Tree with 100,000 rows and get a tree with
say 3 Levels. Levels zero and one are Branch blocks used to access the data in 
the Leaf blocks on level 2. When querying this tree you first access the root 
block using the search key to find correct Branch block in level one of the 
Tree. Next you use the search key and the Branch block to find the correct Leaf
block that should contain the key being sought. So it takes three block 
accesses to answer the same query. Now if 99,999 rows were deleted from the 
tree the rows are removed from the index but the index is not collapsed. In 
this case you still have a 3 level index to store the one row and it will still 
take three block accesses to access that row. The fact that we need three block
accesses instead of one does not mean this tree is unbalanced. The tree is 
still balanced it just contains a lot of empty blocks.

The reason for doing this is that, when data is inserted into a Leaf block, and
there is no room for the insert, a very expensive operation called a split
occurs. The split creates a new Leaf block and possibly new Branch blocks as 
well to maintain the balance of the tree. The split operation is by far the 
most expensive operation that is done in the maintenance of B* trees so we go 
to great lengths to avoid them. By not collapsing the now unused levels out of 
the B*Trees after large deletes these levels (with splits) do not have to be 
recreated during future inserts.

If most of the rows in a table are going to be deleted, and not refilled soon 
after, it is advisable to drop the index, delete the rows, and then recreate
the index.

By dropping the index you save the index maintenance that needs to be done 
during the delete thus speeding up the delete. By recreating the index after 
the delete you create an index of optimal height and with the Leaf blocks 
filled to an optimal level.

Search Words

delete insert rebuild

  Oracle8 Server Concepts Manual, Schema Objects, indexes
  Oracle8 Server SQL Reference Manual, CREATE INDEX syntax


NOTE:1019722.6 - Script: To Report Information on Indexes
NOTE:33343.1 - How to Find Out How Much Space an Index is Using

Checked for relevance on 13-Jun-2007
Checked for relevance on 25-Jul-2010

Although this is an older document, the information below is still relevant to later versions.

  This article explains how Oracle B*tree indexes are maintained.

  It is intended to assist users who are trying to understand how an Oracle
  B*tree index is maintained.

How Btree Indexes Are Maintained:

Oracle version 8 provides five indexing schemes:

    B*tree indexes
    B*tree cluster indexes
    hash cluster indexes
    reverse key indexes
    bitmap indexes

This article is only concerned with B*tree indexes which are currently the most
commonly used.  The theory of B*tree indexes is beyond the scope of this 
article; for more information refer to computer science texts dealing with data

Format of Index Blocks

Within a B*tree index, index blocks are either branch blocks, the upper blocks 
within the B*tree index, or leaf blocks, the lowest level index blocks. Branch 
blocks contain index data that point to lower level index blocks. Leaf blocks 
contain every indexed data value and a corresponding ROWID used to locate the 
actual row.

               Index Block Format

|                                                     |
|            Index Block Header                       |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|             Space reserved for future updates       |
|             and inserts of new rows with the        |
|             appropriate key values                  |
|                                                     |
|-----------------------------------------------------| <- PCTFREE say 10
|                                                     |
|             Index Key Data                          |

|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |

B*tree Index Creation
When a B*tree index is created using the CREATE INDEX statement, the parameter 
PCTFREE can be specified.  PCTFREE specifies the percentage of space to leave 
free for future updates and insertions to an index block. A value of 0 reserves 
no space for future inserts and updates. It allows the entire data area of the 
block to be filled when the index is created. If PCTFREE is not specified, it 
defaults to 10. This value reserves 10% of each block for updates to existing 
key values, and inserts of new key values.

Thus PCTFREE is only relevant at initial index creation. It causes optimal
splitting of the B*-tree in preparation for subsequent growth. The idea is to 
do as much splitting as possible during initial creation and avoid having to 
pay the penalty later during insertion into the table. This is what a high 
PCTFREE setting on an index gives you. However, if your inserted keys are 
monotonically increasing (say a date/time field) a PCTFREE=0 is best. Only the 
rightmost index leaf block will be inserted into, so there's no point leaving 
room in the other leaf blocks at creation time.

Following index creation, an index block can accommodate keys up to the full
available data area including space for ITLs. Thus an index block will not 
require splitting until the available data area is fully used. The bottom line 
is PCTFREE is not looked at once you pass the index creation phase.  One thing 
to remember is that each row in the index has only one correct block it can 
live in, based on the key value.

Inserting an index entry after index creation
After index creation, a new table row will create a new index entry. This entry
is inserted into the appropriate index leaf block based on the index key values
until the leaf block is full.  If on insert the index leaf block is full, then 
an index block split will occur putting half of the index entries into each new
index leaf block. Within an index data block, space is reserved for the index 
block header. The rest of the block is available for index keys.

Where an index key value has multiple entries, these entries are made into the 
leaf block in ROWID order.  So all the blocks for the index key value are 
scanned in turn until an entry is found with a greater ROWID than the new row, 
and the row is inserted into that block (which may cause extra block splitting). 

The reason for this is for queries such as: 
    SELECT some_columns FROM table WHERE COL_A  = valueA and COL_B = valueB;

If COL_A and COL_B both have non-unique indexes, then because the entries in 
each index are stored in ROWID order, it makes it easy to find the ROWID's that
occur in both indexes.  Otherwise we would have to sort the ROWID's before we 
could find the ROWID's that occur in both indexes. 

Updating an index entry
There is really no concept of an UPDATE to an index. When a table row is 
updated, the old index key is deleted and a new key inserted (at the correct 
location in the B*tree).

Deleting an index entry
When a index entry is to be deleted, the row is deleted from the index leaf 
block and the space within the index leaf block released to the block for 
further inserts with the appropriate key range.  If a leaf block has even one 
entry it is still part of the tree, hence only entries that belong in it 
positionally can be accommodated. Once a leaf block is completely empty it is 
put on the free list, at which point it can be used to service an index block 

Index Fragmentation
To ascertain index fragmentation, the following SQL statement can be used:


    col name         heading 'Index Name'          format a30
    col del_lf_rows  heading 'Deleted|Leaf Rows'   format 99999999
    col lf_rows_used heading 'Used|Leaf Rows'      format 99999999
    col ibadness     heading '% Deleted|Leaf Rows' format 999.99999

    SELECT name,
       lf_rows - del_lf_rows lf_rows_used,
       to_char(del_lf_rows / (lf_rows)*100,'999.99999') ibadness
    FROM index_stats
       where name = upper('&&index_name');

    undefine index_name

As a rule of thumb if 10-15% of the table data changes, then you should 
consider rebuilding the index. 
B*Tree Balancing
Oracle indexes are implemented as B* Trees which are always balanced.

In an Oracle B*tree the root of the tree is at level 0. In a very small B*tree 
the root block can also be a Leaf block.

In most cases, blocks on levels 0 through N-2 (where N is the height of the 
tree) are Branch blocks. Branch blocks do not contain data, they simply contain
separators which are used to navigate from the root block to the the Leaf 

All Leaf blocks are at level N-1 in Oracle B*trees. All data stored in a B*tree
is stored in the Leaf blocks.

The definition of a 'Balanced Tree' is that all the data is on the same level. 
Which means that the path to all data in the tree is the same length. Since all
the data is stored in Leaf blocks and all the Leaf blocks are on the same level
the B*trees are always balanced. There is no way to unbalance a B* tree.

Deletion of many rows in the B*Tree
If a table has 100,000 rows and 99,999 of 100,000 rows and index entries are 
deleted.  How is the index balanced?

In this case the rows are deleted from the index, and the empty blocks inserted
onto the index free list. These blocks are still part of the index and will 
need to be accessed when traversing the index. 

Thus if an index has one entry in it, there is only one block (a root/leaf 
block) in the tree. When searching the tree only one block needs to be accessed
to answer thequery. If you load a B* Tree with 100,000 rows and get a tree with
say 3 Levels. Levels zero and one are Branch blocks used to access the data in 
the Leaf blocks on level 2. When querying this tree you first access the root 
block using the search key to find correct Branch block in level one of the 
Tree. Next you use the search key and the Branch block to find the correct Leaf
block that should contain the key being sought. So it takes three block 
accesses to answer the same query. Now if 99,999 rows were deleted from the 
tree the rows are removed from the index but the index is not collapsed. In 
this case you still have a 3 level index to store the one row and it will still 
take three block accesses to access that row. The fact that we need three block
accesses instead of one does not mean this tree is unbalanced. The tree is 
still balanced it just contains a lot of empty blocks.

The reason for doing this is that, when data is inserted into a Leaf block, and
there is no room for the insert, a very expensive operation called a split
occurs. The split creates a new Leaf block and possibly new Branch blocks as 
well to maintain the balance of the tree. The split operation is by far the 
most expensive operation that is done in the maintenance of B* trees so we go 
to great lengths to avoid them. By not collapsing the now unused levels out of 
the B*Trees after large deletes these levels (with splits) do not have to be 
recreated during future inserts.

If most of the rows in a table are going to be deleted, and not refilled soon 
after, it is advisable to drop the index, delete the rows, and then recreate
the index.

By dropping the index you save the index maintenance that needs to be done 
during the delete thus speeding up the delete. By recreating the index after 
the delete you create an index of optimal height and with the Leaf blocks 
filled to an optimal level.

Search Words

delete insert rebuild

  Oracle8 Server Concepts Manual, Schema Objects, indexes
  Oracle8 Server SQL Reference Manual, CREATE INDEX syntax


NOTE:1019722.6 - Script: To Report Information on Indexes
NOTE:33343.1 - How to Find Out How Much Space an Index is Using

Checked for relevance on 13-Jun-2007
Checked for relevance on 25-Jul-2010

Although this is an older document, the information below is still relevant to later versions.

  This article explains how Oracle B*tree indexes are maintained.

  It is intended to assist users who are trying to understand how an Oracle
  B*tree index is maintained.

How Btree Indexes Are Maintained:

Oracle version 8 provides five indexing schemes:

    B*tree indexes
    B*tree cluster indexes
    hash cluster indexes
    reverse key indexes
    bitmap indexes

This article is only concerned with B*tree indexes which are currently the most
commonly used.  The theory of B*tree indexes is beyond the scope of this 
article; for more information refer to computer science texts dealing with data

Format of Index Blocks

Within a B*tree index, index blocks are either branch blocks, the upper blocks 
within the B*tree index, or leaf blocks, the lowest level index blocks. Branch 
blocks contain index data that point to lower level index blocks. Leaf blocks 
contain every indexed data value and a corresponding ROWID used to locate the 
actual row.

               Index Block Format

|                                                     |
|            Index Block Header                       |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|             Space reserved for future updates       |
|             and inserts of new rows with the        |
|             appropriate key values                  |
|                                                     |
|-----------------------------------------------------| <- PCTFREE say 10
|                                                     |
|             Index Key Data                          |

|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                                                     |

B*tree Index Creation
When a B*tree index is created using the CREATE INDEX statement, the parameter 
PCTFREE can be specified.  PCTFREE specifies the percentage of space to leave 
free for future updates and insertions to an index block. A value of 0 reserves 
no space for future inserts and updates. It allows the entire data area of the 
block to be filled when the index is created. If PCTFREE is not specified, it 
defaults to 10. This value reserves 10% of each block for updates to existing 
key values, and inserts of new key values.

Thus PCTFREE is only relevant at initial index creation. It causes optimal
splitting of the B*-tree in preparation for subsequent growth. The idea is to 
do as much splitting as possible during initial creation and avoid having to 
pay the penalty later during insertion into the table. This is what a high 
PCTFREE setting on an index gives you. However, if your inserted keys are 
monotonically increasing (say a date/time field) a PCTFREE=0 is best. Only the 
rightmost index leaf block will be inserted into, so there's no point leaving 
room in the other leaf blocks at creation time.

Following index creation, an index block can accommodate keys up to the full
available data area including space for ITLs. Thus an index block will not 
require splitting until the available data area is fully used. The bottom line 
is PCTFREE is not looked at once you pass the index creation phase.  One thing 
to remember is that each row in the index has only one correct block it can 
live in, based on the key value.

Inserting an index entry after index creation
After index creation, a new table row will create a new index entry. This entry
is inserted into the appropriate index leaf block based on the index key values
until the leaf block is full.  If on insert the index leaf block is full, then 
an index block split will occur putting half of the index entries into each new
index leaf block. Within an index data block, space is reserved for the index 
block header. The rest of the block is available for index keys.

Where an index key value has multiple entries, these entries are made into the 
leaf block in ROWID order.  So all the blocks for the index key value are 
scanned in turn until an entry is found with a greater ROWID than the new row, 
and the row is inserted into that block (which may cause extra block splitting). 

The reason for this is for queries such as: 
    SELECT some_columns FROM table WHERE COL_A  = valueA and COL_B = valueB;

If COL_A and COL_B both have non-unique indexes, then because the entries in 
each index are stored in ROWID order, it makes it easy to find the ROWID's that
occur in both indexes.  Otherwise we would have to sort the ROWID's before we 
could find the ROWID's that occur in both indexes. 

Updating an index entry
There is really no concept of an UPDATE to an index. When a table row is 
updated, the old index key is deleted and a new key inserted (at the correct 
location in the B*tree).

Deleting an index entry
When a index entry is to be deleted, the row is deleted from the index leaf 
block and the space within the index leaf block released to the block for 
further inserts with the appropriate key range.  If a leaf block has even one 
entry it is still part of the tree, hence only entries that belong in it 
positionally can be accommodated. Once a leaf block is completely empty it is 
put on the free list, at which point it can be used to service an index block 

Index Fragmentation
To ascertain index fragmentation, the following SQL statement can be used:


    col name         heading 'Index Name'          format a30
    col del_lf_rows  heading 'Deleted|Leaf Rows'   format 99999999
    col lf_rows_used heading 'Used|Leaf Rows'      format 99999999
    col ibadness     heading '% Deleted|Leaf Rows' format 999.99999

    SELECT name,
       lf_rows - del_lf_rows lf_rows_used,
       to_char(del_lf_rows / (lf_rows)*100,'999.99999') ibadness
    FROM index_stats
       where name = upper('&&index_name');

    undefine index_name

As a rule of thumb if 10-15% of the table data changes, then you should 
consider rebuilding the index. 
B*Tree Balancing
Oracle indexes are implemented as B* Trees which are always balanced.

In an Oracle B*tree the root of the tree is at level 0. In a very small B*tree 
the root block can also be a Leaf block.

In most cases, blocks on levels 0 through N-2 (where N is the height of the 
tree) are Branch blocks. Branch blocks do not contain data, they simply contain
separators which are used to navigate from the root block to the the Leaf 

All Leaf blocks are at level N-1 in Oracle B*trees. All data stored in a B*tree
is stored in the Leaf blocks.

The definition of a 'Balanced Tree' is that all the data is on the same level. 
Which means that the path to all data in the tree is the same length. Since all
the data is stored in Leaf blocks and all the Leaf blocks are on the same level
the B*trees are always balanced. There is no way to unbalance a B* tree.

Deletion of many rows in the B*Tree
If a table has 100,000 rows and 99,999 of 100,000 rows and index entries are 
deleted.  How is the index balanced?

In this case the rows are deleted from the index, and the empty blocks inserted
onto the index free list. These blocks are still part of the index and will 
need to be accessed when traversing the index. 

Thus if an index has one entry in it, there is only one block (a root/leaf 
block) in the tree. When searching the tree only one block needs to be accessed
to answer thequery. If you load a B* Tree with 100,000 rows and get a tree with
say 3 Levels. Levels zero and one are Branch blocks used to access the data in 
the Leaf blocks on level 2. When querying this tree you first access the root 
block using the search key to find correct Branch block in level one of the 
Tree. Next you use the search key and the Branch block to find the correct Leaf
block that should contain the key being sought. So it takes three block 
accesses to answer the same query. Now if 99,999 rows were deleted from the 
tree the rows are removed from the index but the index is not collapsed. In 
this case you still have a 3 level index to store the one row and it will still 
take three block accesses to access that row. The fact that we need three block
accesses instead of one does not mean this tree is unbalanced. The tree is 
still balanced it just contains a lot of empty blocks.

The reason for doing this is that, when data is inserted into a Leaf block, and
there is no room for the insert, a very expensive operation called a split
occurs. The split creates a new Leaf block and possibly new Branch blocks as 
well to maintain the balance of the tree. The split operation is by far the 
most expensive operation that is done in the maintenance of B* trees so we go 
to great lengths to avoid them. By not collapsing the now unused levels out of 
the B*Trees after large deletes these levels (with splits) do not have to be 
recreated during future inserts.

If most of the rows in a table are going to be deleted, and not refilled soon 
after, it is advisable to drop the index, delete the rows, and then recreate
the index.

By dropping the index you save the index maintenance that needs to be done 
during the delete thus speeding up the delete. By recreating the index after 
the delete you create an index of optimal height and with the Leaf blocks 
filled to an optimal level.

Search Words

delete insert rebuild

  Oracle8 Server Concepts Manual, Schema Objects, indexes
  Oracle8 Server SQL Reference Manual, CREATE INDEX syntax


NOTE:1019722.6 - Script: To Report Information on Indexes
NOTE:33343.1 - How to Find Out How Much Space an Index is Using




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