System Mechanic汇编破解笔记

堆栈 ss:[0018F6E4]=01D2E908, (ASCII “91594-PR339-8757279693”)

0048FFF3  |.  8B45 F8       mov eax,[local.2]                        ;  假码
004900EC  |.  8B45 F8       mov eax,[local.2]                        ;  真码在此
mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x8]
0049011C  |.  8B45 F8       mov eax,[local.2]                        ;  好像是第二个真码
mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x8]
0048F7E4  /$  B8 F8F74800   mov eax,SysMecha.0048F7F8                ;  You have entered an invalid User ID or Serial Number.rFor assistance please contact your software vendor.




软件大小:1M  『文件数:1

单文件 汇编 修改 ,任意注册码,直接生成真实的注册码,当时只为了提高破解技术而为的作品。菜鸟初级选手,可以下载一个玩一玩哟~~~~

System Mechanic汇编破解笔记

system mechainc 注册码 自然显示


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Installation notes: ******************* Make sure to read all the notes and info below, cause you may need them. * If the activator is detected by your antivirus software then add it to the exclusions lists of real-time protection and auto-scan. You may need to temporarily disable real-time protection and auto-scan when adding the activator to the exclusions lists, or when using the activator. * If the activator is removed by your antivirus software then restore and exclude it through your antivirus (Quarantaine or History, or something similar). * Disconnect internet during installation, and/or make sure to BLOCK the prog from connecting to internet (block unwanted traffic by using e.g. a firewall). 01. Install System Mechanic 10 as a time-limited trial. 02. During installation: > UNCHECK "System Shield 4" (Do NOT install SysMech AntiVirus and Firewall) > UNCHECK "Send me an email when a new ActiveCare report is ready for viewing" 03. After installation reboot the computer. 04. Terminate "ioloServiceManager" through Task Manager (terminate both the ioloServiceManager services/processes: iolo FileInfoList Service + iolo System Service) * Vista/Windows 7 users may need to use another option to terminate "ioloServiceManager" (eg. through "active task bar services window" or by using msconfig, and rebooting the computer). 05. Run the activator. 06. Click on the tab "Already installed" and select all three (3) options: "Reset license information", "Subscribe offline for", and "Expires on". 07. Select the preferred expiry date at "Expires on". 08. Click on "Select target component". 09. The install folder of System Mechanic will open, and select "SysMech.exe". 10. System Mechanic will start, and click on "Enter license information". 11. Go back to the activator, and click on the tab "Fake Keymaker". 12. Select the correct program (ignore the version number), and generate a code. 13. Copy/paste the code to System Mechanic's Activation Key field. 14. Enter any email address below the Activation Key field. 15. Click on "OK", and smile to your licensed System Mechanic. Help/Troubleshooting/General Info: ********************************** 01. You may need to run the activator as Administrator (right-click on the activator and choose "Run as Administrator"). 02. In case of problems with Activator v3.1 then try the newer, extra included Activator v1.0. 03. In case of problems with the activator then try running it within System Mechanic's program directory. 04. If after all still the activator fails then try running it in Safe Mode (F8) using an Administrator account. 05. In case SysMech cannot be installed because of the message "You cannot install a trial version of System Mechanic over the top of an older licensed version": >Before installing SysMech run the activator, and at tab "Currently Installing" checkmark the box "Auto skip old registration on installer discovery". 06. A program or pc restart may be required to activate the license. 07. After installation run System Mechanic and: >At "Help" -> "Configure Update Options": uncheck "Automatically check for updates at startup". >At "Options" -> "ActiveCare" -> "Edit Advanced Options" -> "Reporting": uncheck "Automatically send performance data to iolo technologies". >At "Active Care" -> "Automated Tasks" (at the bottom) disable "Automatically download and install updated Tune-up Definitions". 08. Permanently block any attempt of SysMech to connect to internet. 09. Check and configure your other System Mechanic settings. 10. Do NOT update System Mechanic! Important notes: **************** To avoid System Mechanic's online check: * Block System Mechanic's internet traffic by using the activator its "Patch online check" button (may not work for SysMech 10). Or: * Block internet access for the program by using e.g. a firewall: > Block internet access through 'Program Control' from your firewall. > Or set 'Program Control' from your firewall to 'Ask what to do/Decide yourself'. * Make sure to block internet access for e.g.: C:\Program Files\iolo\Common\Lib\ioloServiceManager.exe C:\Program Files\iolo\System Mechanic Professional\SysMech.exe C:\Program Files\iolo\System Mechanic Professional\SMSystemAnalyzer.exe C:\Program Files\iolo\System Mechanic Professional\SMTrayNotify.exe * Permanently block any attempt of SysMech to connect to internet. <---------------------------------------------------------------------------------> <---------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Info by the SysMech Activator v3.1.exe: *************************************** System Mechanic [Professional] 8.0 Activator v3.1 ------------------------------------------------- * block or alternatively use the supplied patch. * Use at your own risk, and don't forget to read instructions carefully!! * Stop all components, including System Mechanic, Firewall, Antivirus, SMSystemAnalyzer, SMTrayNotify, Drive Scrubber & SearchAndRecover, failing to do so will result in improper work. * To reset your license details, check "Reset license information" and select target component and when you see the welcome screen, press "start 30-day evaluation period" . * Keys generated by keymaker are not official, they will work only side by side with this tool. * To register offline, check "Subscribe offline" and check "Reset license information", if you want to extend the "30 days" check "Subscribe until" and choose the required period and choose your target component,when you see the license screen press "Enter license information" and enter the proper serials from keymaker into the registration box. (2 serials needed for stand alone license - one for system mechanic, and another for antivirus, and/or 1 pro serial needed for subscription license) * After completing registration, restart application.You may use "Patch online check" to avoid online check, it's not needed unless you are always connected to web. *If this doesn't work for you, delete it, and never contact me for update. ** Don't leech this, or you'll marked ! BetaMaster VDOWN 20.06.2009 <---------------------------------------------------------------------------------> <---------------------------------------------------------------------------------> >>>When using TPB please read these important notes: **************************************************** 01- AV software may warn about keygens, patches, cracks etc because of their capabilities and signatures (generating codes, etc). Sometimes also they're added to the virus/spyware database and will be detected as malware. If not trusting keygens, patches, cracks etc don't use them. 02- To avoid AV software removing/blocking clean cracks etc: exclude the crack or folder from being auto-protected & auto-scanned by the AV software. 03- If AV software removed a clean crack usually it can be restored (if it's not in Quarantaine then look at History or something similar). 04- To avoid risks when using cracks also Sandboxie can be used to test them:[RH] 05- Before running .exe-files, keygens, patches, cracks etc always check first if they can be unpacked. Often some thirth party added a virus to the original file, repacked it, and uploaded it again. 06- Letting AV software software sending scan results to their companies can cause keygens, patches, cracks etc being added to their virus-database. 07- Firewalls which are set to automatically decide for connections will allow connections for lots of apps & MALWARE!. To avoid so firewalls should be set to decide yourself which connection to allow or not. 08- Clicking on unknown links can coz malware being silently installed on a pc! 09- Usually (new) torrents with extreme many downloads & seeders in a short time are very suspicious! Torrents with a SKULL-logo are trusted. 10- Some (frustrated) people use multiple accounts and post lots of FAKE comments and/or files trying to spread confusion. Usually they NEVER seriously reply on comments and don't have any torrent, or to look reliable just a few. 11- In general often there are more fake & negative comments than reliable & positive comments. 12- In some countries uploading/downloading copyright-protected material is forbidden, but showing some appreciation to reliable uploaders is not. 13- Posting FAKE comments & uploads on TPB can result in getting banned from TPB! For reporting bad or suspicious torrents: For visiting "TPB's Most Ridiculous Comments": For visiting my account: This torrent is scanned with: 1- Norton Internet Security 2- Avast! Antivirus AV Pro 3- AVG Antivirus Pro 4- Kaspersky AV Pro 5- NOD32 AV Also scanned with some well known antispyware, and tested in Sandboxie. Malware detected by other anti-malware software probably are false positives! So just stay cool ... or don't use this!!! <---------------------------------------------------------------------------------> To the "United Reliable The Pirate Bay Users", Nowadays a lot of TPB members abuse their TPB membership by intenionally posting fake comments & files. Their meaning is just to spread confusion and try to frustrate TPB and it's users. And less downloaders = less seeders = less downloadspeed etc etc. It's in the benefit of TPB and all reliable users to warn each other about people who intenionally keep posting fake comments & files. It's an easy answer against those who intenionally keep posting fake comments & files, which is a never ending issue. When reporting errors or false positives just keep in mind that what goes up for one does not always goes up for another. That's for both the working of an app and about false positives! Remember: whatever is said, say it constructive! Let's just try to help each other and TPB by thinking about what's said & posted. Things are all up to you, the "United Reliable The Pirate Bay Users"! Enjoy The Pirate Bay * Status torrent at September 30, 2010 - 00.30 CET: clean, tested & working.
如今,许多程序都可以为你保持计算机的良好状态,虽然有些用户仍然喜欢用手动编辑并优化注册表的方式,但是对于大多数人来说很难做到这一点,为此,开发人员发布了这样的程序,System Mechanic就是其中极有代表性的! [img=][/img] 有了这样一个功能强大的程序,你可以快速清理你的计算机垃圾,可以找到问题并快速修复它,这将使系统更快的运行,例如开发人员保证你会感觉更好,你甚至会认为你拥有一个全新的系统。一切都可以做到,并不那么困难,因为界面非常友好,很容易操作。虽然没有简体中文支持,但是有了官方繁体中文,这应该就是一件小事情了。 [img=][/img] System Mechanic 可以使用注册表,编辑自动加载,修复系统中的漏洞,更改连接到internet的设置,优化调制解调器……使它们更快、更稳定的工作。你还可以从硬盘驱动器中删除垃圾,复制你所做的一切,返回之前的状态(撤销修改)。针对ssd硬盘,还有特殊的优化。这里我只描述了其中一小部分功能,希望你喜欢他。 [img=][/img] 【分享原则及知识产权】 这个带密匙的专业版仅供个人学习参考,如若用于商业行为,所造成的影响及责任,由当事人承担,与本分享者无关! 如果你真的喜欢它,请购买正版软件! 开发商:iolo 授权:免费软件 语言:英语,繁体中文等 大小:56MB 操作系统:Windows
提供的源码资源涵盖了小程序应用等多个领域,每个领域都包含了丰富的实例和项目。这些源码都是基于各自平台的最新技术和标准编写,确保了在对应环境下能够无缝运行。同时,源码中配备了详细的注释和文档,帮助用户快速理解代码结构和实现逻辑。 适用人群: 适合毕业设计、课程设计作业。这些源码资源特别适合大学生群体。无论你是计算机相关专业的学生,还是对其他领域编程感兴趣的学生,这些资源都能为你提供宝贵的学习和实践机会。通过学习和运行这些源码,你可以掌握各平台开发的基础知识,提升编程能力和项目实战经验。 使用场景及目标: 在学习阶段,你可以利用这些源码资源进行课程实践、课外项目或毕业设计。通过分析和运行源码,你将深入了解各平台开发的技术细节和最佳实践,逐步培养起自己的项目开发和问题解决能力。此外,在求职或创业过程中,具备跨平台开发能力的大学生将更具竞争力。 其他说明: 为了确保源码资源的可运行性和易用性,特别注意了以下几点:首先,每份源码都提供了详细的运行环境和依赖说明,确保用户能够轻松搭建起开发环境;其次,源码中的注释和文档都非常完善,方便用户快速上手和理解代码;最后,我会定期更新这些源码资源,以适应各平台技术的最新发展和市场需求。 所有源码均经过严格测试,可以直接运行,可以放心下载使用。有任何使用问题欢迎随时与博主沟通,第一时间进行解答!


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