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原创 正则表达式

匹配方法str.macth(reg);reg.exec(str);reg.test(str);str.replace(reg,str1);除了了解匹配规则还要多练习,复习才能记得住,在需要的时候用得上。匹配规则字符 描述 \ 将下一个字符标记为一个特殊字符、或一个原义字符、或一个 向后引用、或一个八进制转义符。例如,'n' 匹配字符 "n"。'\...

2019-10-09 11:57:10 177

原创 TypeScript基础学习

数据类型布尔值:let isDone: boolean = false;数字: let dec: number = 6;let hex: number = 0xfff;let bin: number = 0b1010;let oct: number = 0o744;字符串:let name: string =‘bob’;数组:let list: number[]=...

2019-10-09 11:54:25 167

原创 前端面试准备题目

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-...

2019-09-24 11:27:52 166

原创 GIT基础和分支,回滚合并

repository : 版本库,仓库,可以理解为目录,这个目录里的所有文件都可以被Git管理起来,每个文件的修改、删除,Git都能跟踪,以便任何时刻都可以追踪历史,或者在将来某个时刻可以“还原”。 初始化一个git仓库使用命令 git init 添加文件到git 仓库,分两步 使用命令 git add <file> ,可反复多次使用,添加多个文件; 使用命令 git c...

2019-07-23 17:12:57 501

原创 Gulp学习笔记

1.gulp的作用gulp.js 是一个自动化构建工具,开发者可以使用它在项目开发过程中自动执行常见任务。Gulp.js 是基于Node.js 构建的,利用Node.js 流的威力,可以快速构建项目。gulp可以 测试,检查,合并,压缩,格式化,部署,监听文件。自动化- gulp是一个工具包,可帮助您在开发工作流程中自动执行痛苦或耗时的任务。与平台无关- 集成内置于所有主...

2019-07-19 18:39:06 133

原创 HDU - 5927Auxiliary Set (树dfs+LCA)

Given a rooted tree with n vertices, some of the vertices are important.An auxiliary set is a set containing vertices satisfying at least one of the two conditions:∙∙It is an important vertex∙∙I...

2019-05-29 20:47:02 125

原创 ZOJ - 4110 Strings in the Pocket (manacher马拉车 )

BaoBao has just found two stringsandin his left pocket, whereindicates the-th character in string, andindicates the-th character in string.As BaoBao is bored, he decides to select a subs...

2019-05-26 18:42:55 127

原创 HDU - 5976 Detachment(逆元+贪心+前缀和)

In a highly developed alien society, the habitats are almost infinite dimensional space.In the history of this planet,there is an old puzzle.You have a line segment with x units’ length representi...

2019-05-26 18:30:27 264

原创 github提交没有显示contributions,提交记录没有verified认证


2019-04-28 10:55:21 1491

原创 FreeCodeCamp部分题目汇总


2019-04-17 16:27:02 741

原创 HDU-6034 Balala Power!(贪心)

Balala Power! Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 8205Accepted Submission(s): 1920 Problem Description ...

2019-04-08 19:48:44 307

原创 计算机网络的一点点点笔记(TCP,UDP,DNS,HTTP,URL,应用层)

以下内容基本全部l来自谢希仁编著《计算机网络》(第七版)(1)计算机网络体系结构协议:为进行网络中的数据交换而建立的规则,标准或约定成为网络协议,简称为协议;协议有三个要素构成:语法,即数据与控制信息的结构或格式;语义,即需要发出何种控制信息,完成何种动作以及做出何种响应;同步,及事件实现顺序的详细说明。OSI/RM 开放系统互联基本参考模型,OSI的七层协议; TCP/IP的体...

2019-04-01 21:18:23 1567 1

原创 git本地仓库上传和更新到github(笔记)

首先安装git客户端....超多新手教程,就不在重复;大概上传的命令就是git add .git commit -m "commit"git push -u origin master更新的时候git add .git commit -m "commit"git pull origin master ----->会出现一个输入的一长串英文可以按一下 `ES...

2019-03-31 17:09:28 259

原创 javaScript的一点点点笔记

Document Object Model选择器:document.querySelector('css 选择器'); 返回 node节点document.querySelectorAll('css 选择器');返回nodeList它们选择后的结果在ie6,ie7不兼容,而且不是实时的结果。增document.createElement('');创建元素节点document.cre...

2019-03-31 16:28:46 201

原创 web的一点点点笔记

什么是浏览器内核?网页上所用到的语言有:html, css, JavaScript等,其中,前两者通常决定了该页面长什么样,它们是可以说都是约定的规范。不同的浏览器在获取到某页面的代码文件后,负责根据这套规范将代码渲染出来呈现给用户,浏览器内核所做的就是这个渲染工作。因此,浏览器内核,也被称为排版引擎(layout engine)、渲染引擎(rendering engine)。五大主流浏览...

2019-03-31 16:21:48 141

原创 java实现图片查看器

我的java代码特别不面向对象。实现的功能是查看,左右切换,放大缩小。import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;import java.io.*;import javax.imageio.ImageIO;import javax.swing.ImageIcon;...

2019-03-28 20:02:41 3720

原创 E - Plants vs. Zombies ZOJ - 4062

BaoBao and DreamGrid are playing the game Plants vs. Zombies. In the game, DreamGrid grows plants to defend his garden against BaoBao's zombies. Plants vs. Zombies(?)(Image from pixiv. ID: 21790160...

2018-12-12 14:02:51 289

原创 Magic Multiplication ZOJ - 4061

Magic Multiplication ZOJ - 4061 BaoBao is now learning a new binary operation between two positive integers, represented by , in his magic book. The book tells him that the result of such operatio...

2018-12-12 14:01:23 190

原创 CodeForces - 825D

You are given two strings s and t consisting of small Latin letters, string s can also contain '?' characters.Suitability of string s is calculated by following metric:Any two letters can be swapp...

2018-10-17 15:30:17 196

原创 Wall Painting HDU - 4810(组合数异或和)

Ms.Fang loves painting very much. She paints GFW(Great Funny Wall) every day. Every day before painting, she produces a wonderful color of pigments by mixing water and some bags of pigments. On the K-...

2018-10-17 10:26:13 176

原创 HDU - 4803 Poor Warehouse Keeper (贪心模拟)

Jenny is a warehouse keeper. He writes down the entry records everyday. The record is shown on a screen, as follow: There are only two buttons on the screen. Pressing the button in the first line...

2018-10-17 10:21:41 187

原创 Chip Factory (字典树求异或最大值)

 John is a manager of a CPU chip factory, the factory produces lots of chips everyday. To manage large amounts of products, every processor has a serial number. More specifically, the factory produc...

2018-10-11 10:04:07 209

原创 java画图板 (部分功能未实现)

主类 package draw;import java.awt.Color;import java.awt.Dimension;import java.awt.FlowLayout;import java.awt.Font;import java.awt.Graphics;import java.awt.GridLayout;import javax.swing.Border...

2018-10-08 13:36:37 722

原创 Poor God Water---(BM模版)

God Water likes to eat meat, fish and chocolate very much, but unfortunately, the doctor tells him that some sequence of eating will make them poisonous.Every hour, God Water will eat one kind of fo...

2018-09-21 21:53:34 251

原创 BE, GE or NE(记忆化搜索)

In a world where ordinary people cannot reach, a boy named "Koutarou" and a girl named "Sena" are playing a video game. The game system of this video game is quite unique: in the process of playing th...

2018-09-21 16:18:02 184

原创 Participate in E-sports

 Jessie and Justin want to participate in e-sports. E-sports contain many games, but they don't know which one to choose, so they use a way to make decisions.They have several boxes of candies, an...

2018-09-19 20:43:52 301

原创 Trace-----ACM-ICPC 2018 徐州赛区网络预赛

There's a beach in the first quadrant. And from time to time, there are sea waves. A wave ( xx , yy ) means the wave is a rectangle whose vertexes are ( 00 , 00 ), ( xx , 00 ), ( 00 , yy ), ( xx , yy ...

2018-09-17 19:21:57 187

原创 Cacti Lottery--------ACM-ICPC 2018 徐州赛区网络预赛

Morgana is playing a game called cacti lottery. In this game, morgana has a 3 \times 33×3 grid graph, and the graph is filled with 11 ~ 99 , each number appears only once. The game is interesting, he ...

2018-09-17 19:17:28 177

原创 A---Hard to prepare ACM-ICPC 2018 徐州赛区网络预赛

After Incident, a feast is usually held in Hakurei Shrine. This time Reimu asked Kokoro to deliver a Nogaku show during the feast. To enjoy the show, every audience has to wear a Nogaku mask, and seat...

2018-09-16 10:47:25 124

原创 Ryuji doesn't want to study

Ryuji is not a good student, and he doesn't want to study. But there are n books he should learn, each book has its knowledge a[i]a[i].Unfortunately, the longer he learns, the fewer he gets.That m...

2018-09-11 10:47:58 239

原创 hdu6351---Beautiful Now(暴力)

Beautiful Now Time Limit: 5000/2500 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 262144/262144 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 2815    Accepted Submission(s): 1026   Problem Description ...

2018-08-20 10:53:59 323

原创 hdu6406----Taotao Picks Apples(模拟)

Taotao Picks Apples Time Limit: 2000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 1904    Accepted Submission(s): 597   Problem Description...

2018-08-18 11:15:42 197

原创 Tickets(简单dp)

H - Tickets HDU - 1260  Jesus, what a great movie! Thousands of people are rushing to the cinema. However, this is really a tuff time for Joe who sells the film tickets. He is wandering when c...

2018-08-04 18:15:32 376

原创 Monkey and Banana(最长递增子序列变形)

 Monkey and Banana HDU - 1069 A group of researchers are designing an experiment to test the IQ of a monkey. They will hang a banana at the roof of a building, and at the mean time, provide the ...

2018-08-04 18:11:12 194

原创 HDU - 1074 Doing Homework(状态压缩)

D - Doing Homework  HDU - 1074Ignatius has just come back school from the 30th ACM/ICPC. Now he has a lot of homework to do. Every teacher gives him a deadline of handing in the homework. If Ignat...

2018-08-03 10:59:00 700

原创 Problem A. Ascending Rating

Problem A. Ascending Rating Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 524288/524288 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 3287    Accepted Submission(s): 1083   Problem D...

2018-07-31 16:57:40 208

原创 51nod1126求递推序列的第N项

1126 求递推序列的第N项 基准时间限制:1 秒 空间限制:131072 KB 分值: 10 难度:2级算法题 收藏 关注有一个序列是这样定义的:f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(n) = (A * f(n - 1) + B * f(n - 2)) mod 7.给出A,B和N,求f(n)的值。Input输入3个数:A,B,N。数字之间用空格分割。(-100...

2018-07-28 18:28:34 206

原创 HDU6301

Distinct Values Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 3244    Accepted Submission(s): 1051   Problem Description ...

2018-07-25 10:14:12 363

原创 51NOD1050 循环数组最大子段和

1050 循环数组最大子段和 基准时间限制:1 秒 空间限制:131072 KB 分值: 10 难度:2级算法题 收藏 关注N个整数组成的循环序列a[1],a[2],a[3],…,a[n],求该序列如a[i]+a[i+1]+…+a[j]的连续的子段和的最大值(循环序列是指n个数围成一个圈,因此需要考虑a[n-1],a[n],a[1],a[2]这样的序列)。当所给的整数均为负数时和为...

2018-07-25 10:07:54 308

原创 51nod1381硬币游戏

1381 硬币游戏 基准时间限制:1 秒 空间限制:131072 KB 分值: 5 难度:1级算法题 收藏 关注有一个简单但是很有趣的游戏。在这个游戏中有一个硬币还有一张桌子,这张桌子上有很多平行线(如下图所示)。两条相邻平行线之间的距离是1,硬币的半径是R,然后我们来抛硬币到桌子上,抛下之后硬币有时候会和一些直线相交(相切的情况也算是相交),有时候不会。请你来计算一下抛一次硬...

2018-07-21 11:37:57 159





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