How to use libsvm for regression in matlab (It is very important)



%%% The following is the parameters
% options:
% -s svm_type : set type of SVM (default 0)
% 0 -- C-SVC
% 1 -- nu-SVC
% 2 -- one-class SVM
% 3 -- epsilon-SVR
% 4 -- nu-SVR
% -t kernel_type : set type of kernel function (default 2)
% 0 -- linear: u'*v
% 1 -- polynomial: (gamma*u'*v + coef0)^degree
% 2 -- radial basis function: exp(-gamma*|u-v|^2)
% 3 -- sigmoid: tanh(gamma*u'*v + coef0)
% -d degree : set degree in kernel function (default 3)
% -g gamma : set gamma in kernel function (default 1/num_features)
% -r coef0 : set coef0 in kernel function (default 0)
% -c cost : set the parameter C of C-SVC, epsilon-SVR, and nu-SVR (default 1)
% -n nu : set the parameter nu of nu-SVC, one-class SVM, and nu-SVR (default 0.5)
% -p epsilon : set the epsilon in loss function of epsilon-SVR (default 0.1)
% -m cachesize : set cache memory size in MB (default 100)
% -e epsilon : set tolerance of termination criterion (default 0.001)
% -h shrinking: whether to use the shrinking heuristics, 0 or 1 (default 1)
% -b probability_estimates: whether to train a SVC or SVR model for probability estimates, 0 or 1 (default 0)
% -wi weight: set the parameter C of class i to weight*C, for C-SVC (default 1)
% -v n: n-fold cross validation mode   % the older version does not the cross validation
% -q : quiet mode (no outputs) % the older version does not this opearation


This section describes application of the SVM Regression software provided in the LibSVM software package. The MATLAB interface for LibSVM is available in the package. Standard SVM Regression (SVR) formulation is referred to as epsilon-SVR in this package. The package also includes other versions of SVR; however only the epsilon-SVR option is described below.

There are two main interfaces in this package:

  • svmtrain

  • svmpredict

Usage interface svmtrain

This interface is used to train the SVM regression model.

model = svmtrain(trnY, trnX, param)

Input arguments


This is a ntimes 1 dimensional vector of the training data response values, 
where n is the total number of samples.


This is a ntimes d dimensional training data input matrix, 
where n is the total number of samples and d is the number of features for each sample.

Tunable parameters


This is a string which specifies the model parameters. 
For Regression, a typical parameter string may look like, ‘-s 3 -t 2 -c 20 -g 64 -p 1’ where

  • -s svm type, 3 for epsilon-SVR

  • -t kernel type, 2 for radial basis function

  • -c cost parameter C of epsilon-SVR

  • -g width parameter gamma for RBF kernel

  • -p epsilon for epsilon-SVR

Check LibSVM for a detailed description of other options.



This is the trained SVM model providing predicted response values for test inputs.

Usage interface svmpredict

This interface is used to test the SVM regression model.

[y_hat, Acc] = svmpredict(tstY, tstX, model)

Input arguments


This is a ntimes 1 dimensional vector of the test data response values, 
where n is the total number of samples.


This is a ntimes d dimensional test data input matrix, 
where n is the total number of samples and d is the number of features for each sample.


This is the trained SVM model obtained using the svmtrain interface, 
which can be used to obtain the prediction outputs on a test data sample.



This is the ntimes 1 dimensional predicted response value of the test data samples tstX.


This is the mean squared error for the test data.


This example uses the ‘motorcycle’ data introduced with the XTAL package. We illustrate the use of SVM regression with a RBF kernel.

Load the data (same as in XTAL)
tmp = load('xtal_linuxtrain.txt', '-ascii');
trn_data.X = tmp(:,1)';
trn_data.y = tmp(:,2);

tmp = load('xtal_linuxtest.txt', '-ascii');
tst_data.X = tmp(:,1)';
tst_data.y = tmp(:,2);
Scale the data to [0,1]
[trn_data, tst_data, jn2] = scaleSVM(trn_data, tst_data, trn_data, 0, 1);

Note, for this example we set C to a constant value as prescribed in Equation 9.61 of the book. Further, we perform model selection for epsilon and gamma using 5-fold cross validation.

Perform model selection
param.s = 3; 					% epsilon SVR
param.C = max(trn_data.y) - min(trn_data.y);	% FIX C based on Equation 9.61
param.t = 2; 					% RBF kernel
param.gset = 2.^[-7:7];				% range of the gamma parameter
param.eset = [0:5];				% range of the epsilon parameter
param.nfold = 5;				% 5-fold CV

Rval = zeros(length(param.gset), length(param.eset));

for i = 1:param.nfold
	% partition the training data into the learning/validation
	% in this example, the 5-fold data partitioning is done by the following strategy,
	% for partition 1: Use samples 1, 6, 11, ... as validation samples and
	%			the remaining as learning samples
	% for partition 2: Use samples 2, 7, 12, ... as validation samples and
	%			the remaining as learning samples
	%   :
	% for partition 5: Use samples 5, 10, 15, ... as validation samples and
	%			the remaining as learning samples

	data = [trn_data.y, trn_data.X];
	[learn, val] = k_FoldCV_SPLIT(data, param.nfold, i);
	lrndata.X = learn(:, 2:end);
	lrndata.y = learn(:, 1);
	valdata.X = val(:, 2:end);
	valdata.y = val(:, 1);

	for j = 1:length(param.gset)
		param.g = param.gset(j);

		for k = 1:length(param.eset)
			param.e = param.eset(k);
			param.libsvm = ['-s ', num2str(param.s), ' -t ', num2str(param.t), ...
					' -c ', num2str(param.C), ' -g ', num2str(param.g), ...
					' -p ', num2str(param.e)];

			% build model on Learning data
			model = svmtrain(lrndata.y, lrndata.X, param.libsvm);

			% predict on the validation data
			[y_hat, Acc, projection] = svmpredict(valdata.y, valdata.X, model);

			Rval(j,k) = Rval(j,k) + mean((y_hat-valdata.y).^2);


Rval = Rval ./ (param.nfold);
Select the parameters (with minimum validation error)
[v1, i1] = min(Rval);
[v2, i2] = min(v1);
optparam = param;
optparam.g = param.gset( i1(i2) );
optparam.e = param.eset(i2);

Based on the minimum validation error, the best model is C=209 (from Equation 9.61). gamma=32 and epsilon=2.

  epsilon=0 1 2 3 4 5
gamma=2^{-2} 2382.267 2376.982 2391.682 2402.548 2412.888 2432.055
2^{-1} 2313.489 2320.621 2333.430 2323.429 2312.017 2303.053
2^0 2210.922 2197.156 2187.927 2181.607 2170.894 2146.244
2^1 1928.355 1919.255 1916.538 1912.344 1895.023 1900.917
2^2 1649.516 1641.646 1638.431 1625.665 1615.502 1614.951
2^3 1160.306 1154.952 1152.771 1147.345 1163.053 1171.488
2^4 857.4170 863.7603 863.4076 859.5823 857.9985 849.2161
2^5 681.7371 672.0156 668.4148 672.9413 679.2028 697.0018
2^6 678.1910 679.3564 685.1602 679.2798 681.5483 684.1367
2^7 702.7702 701.1718 698.7076 692.9010 703.4782 703.2296
Train the selected model using all training samples
optparam.libsvm = ['-s ', num2str(optparam.s), ' -t ', num2str(optparam.t), ...
		' -c', num2str(optparam.C), ' -g ', num2str(optparam.g), ...
		' -p ', num2str(optparam.e)];

model = svmtrain(trn_data.y, trn_data.X, optparam.libsvm);
Mean square error
% MSE for test samples
[y_hat, Acc, projection] = svmpredict(tst_data.y, tst_data.X, model);
MSE_Test = mean((y_hat-tst_data.y).^2);
NRMS_Test = sqrt(MSE_Test) / std(tst_data.y);

% MSE for training samples
[y_hat, Acc, projection] = svmpredict(trn_data.y, trn_data.X, model);
MSE_Train = mean((y_hat-trn_data.y).^2);
NRMS_Train = sqrt(MSE_Train) / std(trn_data.y);

The performance of the selected (final) model is

Training 554.7569 0.4698
Test 356.95 0.4362
Plot the model
X = 0:0.01:1;
X = X';
y = ones(length(X), 1);
y_est = svmpredict(y, X, model);

h = plot(trn_data.X, trn_data.y, 'ko', tst_data.X, tst_data.y, 'kx', X, y_est, 'r--');

legend('Training', 'Test', 'Model');
y1 = max([trn_data.y; tst_data.y]);
y2 = min([trn_data.y; tst_data.y]);
axis([0 1 y2 y1]);





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