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    缘起:单位新配了台电脑,主板:GA-8vm800m-775 (VIA P4M800芯片),硬盘:西部数据SATA 80G 2M。    尝试:用U盘启动默认进入C:(经查这个C:是U盘(U盘只分了一个驱)),D:为硬盘的C:。用硬盘(F:)上的GHOST7.5或U盘上的GHOST7.5都不成功,现象为硬盘灯常亮。无论怎样更改BOIS选项都无济于事。    解决:考虑到SATA是新生事物,而

2006-04-30 09:44:00 1581

原创 跟踪MFC(未完...)

全局变量,一切从此开始:CSxTestApp theApp;  //theApp代表程序本身CWinApp::CWinApp(LPCTSTR lpszAppName)--> CWinThread::CWinThread() -->  CCmdTarget::CCmdTarget()  -->   _AFX_INLINE CObject::CObject()   { } 未完...

2006-04-28 15:40:00 992

原创 零起点Visual C++ 程序设计推荐书目

零起点Visual C++.NET 程序设计推荐书目 本书目按学习难易程序排列1.程序设计入门完全的编程新手可以阅读Francis Glassborow的《A Beginners Introduction to Computer Programming : You Can Do It!》。这也是Bjarne的推荐。Francis Glassborow是ACCU主席,多年来他对几乎每一本C+

2006-04-26 13:18:00 2094

转载 国产操作系统的可行性分析

国产操作系统的可行性分析左轻侯1999年4月6日  中国人需不需要搞自己的操作系统?在我看来,这个问题根本就不成为一个问题。在“中国人有没有这个技术能力”“搞出来的东西有没有市场”这些方面当然有很多可以讨论的地方,但在“需不需要有自己的操作系统”这个问题上,毫无争论的余地。有无数无可辩驳的理由,需要我们拥有自己的操作系统。 当然,光有“需要”还是远远不够的。在现有条件的限制下,能不能搞出有

2006-04-19 16:51:00 5019

原创 Foxconn6100K8MB-RS经常死机、黑屏自动重起的解决

Foxconn6100K8MB-RS经常死机、黑屏自动重起的解决在买这块板之前到网上查了一下,结果看到它存在显卡驱动的问题。但是在装机后使用却并没有出现,可能是时间短(用了1个多小时),后来还是按照网友的说法装了网上的驱动。以下是网友的意见:      用这款板子一定要注意驱动的问题,驱动不要光盘带的,必须去网上下载最新驱动,否则会出问题!显卡驱动地址:(这个地址会等到海枯石烂)http:

2006-04-18 11:20:00 1419

转载 一些VS快捷键

 MSDN上看到的,说是6.0多数却是2003、2005(以下会用(vc6)标出),有的功能与写的不一致,这里会尽量标出。 有些内容用不同颜色区分:常用,重要,自己加的注释,错误“文本操作”快捷键下列快捷组合键可在文本编辑器中用于在打开的文档中删除、移动或者格式化文本。 命令名 快捷键 说明 编辑.折叠到定义Ctrl + M,Ctrl + O

2006-04-17 09:34:00 2383

原创 各厂家内存编号的含义

朋友们在选购计算机的时候,CPU、硬盘、主板什么的,都是十分容易的就选定了,唯有内存是最麻烦的!为什么呢?因为内存的生产厂商多、品质差异大,而且内存芯片的编号各个厂家又不统一,所以很难直观的就判断所要购买的内存的速度、性能等等指标。    有些朋友就可能认为,内存也不主要,每条都差不多,只要容量够大,随随便便买一条吧!结果你的爱机就会经常性的休克、抽搐(医学上好像叫:间歇性精神病!8-)),到了那

2006-04-15 14:49:00 6658

转载 VC编程如何区分磁盘类型


2006-04-15 12:59:00 7951

转载 打造功能齐全的超级启动盘

打造功能齐全的超级启动盘        Windows 98/Me启动盘存在一些不足,比如:不支持中文、长文件名、USB设备、NTFS分区等,现在可以将一些新鲜血液输入到启动软盘中,使其成为一张功能齐全的超级启动盘。  作一张Windows Me的启动盘  虽然Windows 98的启动盘也不错,但比起Windows Me的来说,功能有一定差距,特别   是其中的FDISK不支持64GB以上容

2006-04-14 13:56:00 2730

转载 硬盘的基础知识及数据恢复

一般要将硬盘分成主引导扇区、操作系统引导扇区、FAT表、DIR目录区和Data数据区等五部分。主引导扇区(MBR)  主引导扇区位于整个硬盘的0磁道0柱面1扇区,包括硬盘主引导记录MBR(Main Boot Record)和分区表DPT(Disk Partition Table)。其中主引导记录的作用就是检查分区表是否正确以及判别哪个分区为可引导分区,并在程序结束时把该分区的启动程序(也就

2006-04-13 14:30:00 2595

转载 《Windows95:A Developer's Guide》介绍

摘自(作者:Jeffrey Richter,Jonathan Locke)對於擁有相當功力之 Windows 程式員而言,此書實如至寶。但也就是說,此書絕對不適合 Windows Programming 初學者。閱讀此書,我有兩個建議,可收旁徵博引左右逢源之效:1. 先讀過 Charlest Petzold 之 Programming Windows 95,或具備相等功力。2. 同時閱讀 Je

2006-04-09 10:06:00 1261

原创 如何让VS.net中的控制台程序出现Press any key to continue字样?

如何让VS.net中的控制台程序出现Press any key to continue字样?Q:VS.net中的控制台程序窗口总是一闪而过,看不到程序执行的结果。A:可以ctrl+F5 执行程序使程序出现Press any key to continue字样。

2006-04-08 17:14:00 3085


为了提高系统的性能,加快系统的启动、文件读取的速度,Windows XP/Server 2003中增加了预读取功能。Windows XP/Server 2003系统盘下的Windows/Prefetch文件夹,就是预读取所在的文件夹,且在Prefetch文件夹中有许多以PF为扩展名的文件,这就是系统生成的预读取文件。但是这个功能如果用不好,时间一长,会生成大量的预读取文件, 占用宝贵的硬盘空间,导

2006-04-08 14:34:00 2116

原创 右下角自动弹出广告的删除

     1.发现:最近不知道何时中了一个很讨厌的软件,表现为系统运行中右下角会不定时间自动弹出广告窗口,比如XX彩信、XX交友之类的,内容图片比较低俗。     2.分析:起初以为是腾迅的新花招,后来发现即使不开QQ、IE什么的一样也会弹出来。添加删除程序、进程表(sde.exe版本1.7.0.0以上可以在进程表中隐藏)、起动运行加载项里无显示,标准流氓软件。(雅虎助手也不能拦截它)。    

2006-04-08 13:47:00 4739

转载 Rundll32.exe介绍

Rundll32.exe和Rundll.exe的区别 所谓Rundll.exe,可以把它分成两部分,Run(运行)和DLL(动态链接库),所以,此程序的功能是运行那些不能作为程序单独运行的DLL文件。而Rundll32.exe则用来运行32位DLL文件。Windows 2000/XP都是NT内核系统,其代码都是纯32位的,所以在这两个系统中,就没有rundll.exe这个程序。 相反,Window

2006-04-06 10:05:00 1454


1.没经过允许就安装到系统上八乐音乐主页:http://www.bala.com.cn/在系统中所在位置:C:/Program Files/Bala(工具栏图标)寻宝乐趣多常用网址情景聊天酷桌面主页:http://www.letscool.cn/index.html联系邮箱:letscool@263.net酷桌面主目录C:/Program Files/LetsCoolwindire

2006-04-04 09:40:00 2009

C++ How to Program, 10th Edition, 2016, by Paul Deitel, Harvey

英文第10版 Introducing the New C++14 Standard Preface Welcome to the C++ computer programming language and C++ How to Program, Tenth Edition. We believe that this book and its support materials will give you an informative, challenging and entertaining introduction to C++. The book presents leading-edge computing technologies in a friendly manner appropriate for introductory college course sequences, based on the curriculum recommendations of two key professional organizations—the ACM and the IEEE.


A Tour of C++ - Stroustrup, Bjarne - Addison Wesley Professional

英文版 第二版 In A Tour of C++ (2/e), Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, describes what constitutes modern C++. This concise, self-contained guide covers most major language features and the major standard-library components―not, of course, in great depth, but to a level that gives programmers a meaningful overview of the language, some key examples, and practical help in getting started.


Getting Started with Data Warehousing

Data warehousing software works to manage a repository of large amount of data. It includes a series of features and functions that allow for easier reporting and analysis. IBM uses its InfoSphere Warehouse product to support data warehousing. InfoSphere Warehouse is based on the DB2 database server.


Microsoft_SQL_Server_2008_A_Beginner's_Guide 英文版

Microsoft SQL Server 2008: A Beginner’s Guide follows three previous editions that covered SQL Server 7, 2000, and 2005. Generally, all SQL Server users who want to get a good understanding of this database system and to work successfully with it will find this book very helpful. (If you are a new SQL Server user but understand SQL, read the section “Differences Between SQL and Transact-SQL Syntax” later in this introduction.) This book addresses users of all components of the SQL Server system. For this reason, it is divided into several parts: users who want to learn more about the relational database component called Database Engine will find the first three parts of the book the most useful. The fourth part of the book is dedicated to business intelligence users who use either Analysis Services or relational extensions concerning BI. The last part of the book provides insight for users who want to use XML data and/or spatial data.


LINQ Unleached For C Sharp(2/2)

共2个压缩包,这是第2个 About the Author Paul Kimmel is a four-time Microsoft MVP, the author of over a dozen books on object oriented programming and UML, including three books on Microsoft .NET, a columnist for codeguru.com, developer.com, informit.com, devsource.com, and devx.com, a cofounder of the Greater Lansing Area .NET Users Group (glugnet.org, East Lansing and Flint), a full-time software developer, and sometimes pilot. Paul still lives and works in the greater Lansing, Michigan, area (and hasn’t given up on the economy). After 15 years of independent consulting, Paul now works for EDS as an application architect.


LINQ Unleached For C Sharp(1/2)

共2个压缩包,这是第1个 Foreword Data affects just about every aspect of our lives. Everything we do is analyzed, scrutinized, and delivered back to us in the form of coupons and other marketing materials. When you write an application, you can be sure that data in one form or another will be part of the solution. As software developers, the ease with which we can store, retrieve, and analyze data is crucial to our ability to develop compelling applications. Add to that the fact that data can come in a number of different shapes and formats, and it quickly comes to light that there is tremendous value in a consistent framework for accessing many types of data. Several different data access approaches have been developed for Windows developers over the years. ADO and OLEDB and subsequently ADO.NET gave us universal access to relational databases. MSXML and ADO.NET made it possible to inspect and manipulate XML documents. Each of these technologies had their benefits and drawbacks, but one common thread ran through each of them: They failed to deliver data access capabilities in a way that felt natural to developers. LINQ now makes data access a first-class programming concept in .NET, making it possible for developers to express queries in a way that makes sense to developers. What makes LINQ unique is that it enables programmers to create type-safe data access code complete with Intellisense support and compile time syntax checking. Paul Kimmel has done an excellent job of presenting LINQ in a concise and complete manner. Not only has he made LINQ approachable, but he has also masterfully explained concepts such as Anonymous Types and Lambda Expressions that help make LINQ a reality. The sample code throughout the book demonstrates the application of the technology in a clear and meaningful way. This is a great “Saturday morning with a pot of coffee” kind of book. I hope you’ll dive in and get as much out of this book as I did. Darryl Hogan Architect Evangelist, Microsoft


Illustrated C# 2005.pdf(3/3)



Illustrated C# 2005.pdf(2/3)



Illustrated C# 2005.pdf(1/3)

请注意: 共3个RAR包,这是第1个 Publisher's description Illustrated C# 2005 doesn’t use the traditional dense prose format of most programming texts. Rather, it presents the C# programming language in a unique visual manner. The book uses three techniques to achieve this: concise text; tables that clarify and summarize language features; and frequent figures and diagrams. Each feature is also illustrated with concise, focused code samples. The book starts with an overview of the .NET platform and the role played by C#, then quickly delves into the language. It covers the entire C# language, including new features added in C# 2.0 as well as the most complex topics. It’s an ideal read if you’re a migrating C++ or VB programmer who already knows how languages work. Despite its title—which might give the impression that it’s a lightweight treatment of the language—this book is anything but. With its clean visual format, you’ll be able to learn the material more quickly and retain it better than you would with a typical C# 2005 book. Even experienced programmers may come away from it with a deeper understanding of the language


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