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原创 一些技术网站地址


2006-05-15 11:21:00 1546

原创 [C#]LINQ小例子


2015-10-17 17:28:24 1164

原创 装双SATA硬盘蓝屏问题


2015-07-16 12:59:35 2656

原创 关于GA-6UASL3(Rev:2.1)主板安装Windows2003蓝屏(代码:STOP: 0x0000007B...)问题

此主板出厂默认BIOS设置SATA Controller=EnableSATA Mode=IDE Mode安装Windows2003第一次重启后蓝屏解决方法:BIOS设置SATA Controller=Disable,F10保存退出,再次设置SATA Controller = Enable 保存退出,重启问题解决.

2015-07-16 12:48:17 3334

转载 [SQL Server] SA密码无法清除,提示未能找到存储过程'sp_password'

执行以下脚本:create procedure sp_password    @old sysname = NULL,        -- the old (current) password    @new sysname,               -- the new password    @loginame sysname = NULL    -- user to

2014-04-14 11:29:54 9376

原创 [C#]datagridView实现的数据联动时selectionChanged事件发生多次的解决方法


2014-01-21 10:49:36 15430

原创 C#使用SqlBulkCopy批量更新数据

相关链接:http://blog.csdn.net/codetian/article/details/2948679http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/system.data.datacolumn.datatype(v=vs.100).aspxSqlConnection sqlCon = new SqlConnection(sql

2013-08-23 11:17:04 24828 2

原创 C#中的DataGridView控件(WIN FORM),数据绑定与数据联动

一种方法是在DataGridView.RowEnter中写类似如下代码,labCusId.Text = dgvCustomer.CurrentRow.Cells[col].Value.ToString();字段一多,这种方法就非常繁琐。这里介绍另一种利用数据绑定实现数据联动的方法。private void FillSaledgv(string CusIDStr){ dgvSale

2013-08-14 16:00:48 6056

原创 数据绑定时出现"这将导致集合中的两个绑定绑定到同一个属性"错误.

labCusId.DataBindings.Clear();labCusIDSale.DataBindings.Clear();labCusId.DataBindings.Add("Text", dataView, "CusID");labCusIDSale.DataBindings.Add("Text", dataView, "CusID");最后一行报错:"这将导致集合中的两个绑

2013-08-13 20:46:02 4581

原创 面对MS SQL 新的管理组件——SMO

从MSSQL2005引入SMO,到SQL2008 SQL-DMO 已被 SQL Server 管理对象 (SMO) 取代。SQL Server 管理对象 (SMO) 是针对 Microsoft SQL Server 的编程管理设计的对象。可以使用 SMO 生成自定义 SQL Server 管理应用程序。尽管 SQL Server Management Studio 是用于管理 SQL Se

2013-08-01 20:40:34 3477

转载 C# 限制MDI窗口只能调用单实例子窗口


2013-07-27 15:30:24 1000

转载 Win7+MySql,opentaps安装

opentaps主页上没有提供下载,要到sourceforge上去下http://sourceforge.net/projects/opentaps/在MySql中新建opentapsCREATE DATABASE `opentaps` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */;opentaps修改framework\entity\confi

2013-03-26 20:07:53 7442 2

原创 C#登录窗口简单应用

// 登录窗口:FLoginusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;

2013-03-20 20:48:25 1119

原创 [Ralasafe]002如何修改(自定义)schemas名称

Ralasafe项目,如何修改(自定义)schemas名称.这里演示把业务schema改为"mj2013",Ralasafe schema改为"zh_ralasafe2013"1.    在部署时修改” demo-mysql(zh).sql”脚本文件,修改后我会把它另存一份(比如: mj2013-mysql(zh).sql).这样到别的机器上部署就可以直接复制了.脚本内容需要修改2处:

2013-03-19 19:03:08 1245

原创 [Ralasafe]001Demo安装

先让Dome跑起来Ralasafe1.2 MySQLDome部署下面分别讲部署到Tomcat,和在Eclipse中开发Tomcat中的部署1.    下载页面http://www.ralasafe.cn/2011/09/ralasafe-1-2%E7%89%88%E6%9C%AC%E5%8F%91%E5%B8%83/一共有4项,下载其中的” 基于mysql环境的中文

2013-03-19 16:59:25 2072

原创 Windows Server 2003远程桌面突破2用户限制

在远程管理方面,Windows Server 2003系统一个最明显的进步就是增加了“远程桌面”功能。这样一来,终端服务似乎就显得有点多余了。然而情况并不是这样,因为在不安装“终端服务器”的前提下,“远程桌面”有2用户数限制(超过2个将提示:终端服务器超出了最大允许连接数)。搭建终端服务器以后,将突破此限制。在Windows Server 2003中默认没有安装终端服务器组件,用户需要手动添加

2012-12-20 13:09:25 5136

原创 C#连接Access出现“本机上未注册Microsoft.Jet .OLEDB.4.0”错误

现象:C#做了一个连接Access的小程序,拿到别的(winxp32)电脑上运行出现“本机上未注册Microsoft.Jet .OLEDB.4.0”错误。另外在这台电脑上安装的中控考勤软件运行时也出现未找到组件错误(当时不知道原因)。原因:安装的office2003版本有问题,或做过精简,导致“msjetoledb40.dll”未在系统中注册。解决方法:点击“开始 ->运行” 然后输入 r

2012-10-01 11:10:47 3584 1

原创 foobar2000如何导出导入配置

Shift-鼠标点击foobar2000 file 菜单, 选择"Browse Configuration folder"把它们(除了"playlists-vxxx"那个, 它是播放列表)备份起来.系统会打开一个文件夹窗口, 这里的内容就是foobar2000的配置信息。别的电脑上可以直接用这些内容覆盖到对应foobar2000的配置文件夹.

2012-08-25 10:05:07 2199

原创 C#利用SQL-DMO得到(局域网中)SQL服务器的列表

//得到SQL服务器的列表使用SQL-DMO前要先在工程中引用它        public ArrayList GetSqlServerList()        {                ArrayList list = new ArrayList() ;             SQLDMO.Application sqlApp = new SQLDMO.Appl

2012-08-11 13:05:31 637

原创 C#控件事件处理代码的复用

复用前:        private void nudSMBegin_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)        {            nudSMBegin.Select(0, nudSMBegin.Value.ToString().Length);        }        private void nudS

2012-06-09 10:13:43 1431

转载 KeyDown,KeyPress 和KeyUp 之区别

Windows窗体通过引发键盘事件来处理键盘输入以响应Windows消息,大多数Windows窗体应用程序都通过处理键盘事件来以独占方式处理键盘输入。1.按键的类型  Windows窗体将键盘输入标识为由按位Keys枚举表示的虚拟键代码。使用Keys枚举,可以综合一系列按键以生成单个值,这些值与WM_KEYDOWN和WM_SYSKEYDOWN,Windows消息所伴随的值相对应。另外,

2012-06-09 09:00:13 1082

原创 C#的numericUpDown控件

numericUpDown控件主要属性方法事件属性:numericUpDown1.Value = 1;numericUpDown1.Maximum = 100;numericUpDown1.Increment = 2; // 步进值numericUpDown1.Text; Text和Value的区别:Text值只要键盘KeyUp发生后就改变(就是按下又松开了键盘键)。Val

2012-06-08 19:56:59 19195 4

转载 .Net判断是否出现滚动条

private const int WS_HSCROLL = 0x100000;        private const int WS_VSCROLL = 0x200000;        private const int GWL_STYLE = (-16);        [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32",C

2012-06-06 14:23:03 3302

转载 更改vs2010帮助文档的位置


2012-06-05 10:40:30 1028

原创 jqGrid笔记-1-概况

jqGridhttp://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.phpHow to Installhttp://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:how_to_installDownloading jqGridhttp://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id

2011-12-26 14:23:41 842

转载 C#(C Sharp)的特点

C#(C Sharp)是微软(Microsoft)为.NET Framework量身订做的程序语言,C#拥有C/C++的强大功能以及Visual Basic简易使用的特性,是第一个面向组件(Component-oriented)的程序语言,和C++与Java一样亦为面向对象(ob

2011-09-03 08:33:55 8556 1

原创 Ipcop局域网内电脑向广域网上电脑提供Netmeeting服务

IpCop版本:1.4.21步骤:登录IPCopFirewall/Port ForwordingProtocol: TCPDestination IP:提供服务的局域网电脑IPSource port:1503Destination port:1503ADD就OK啦。

2010-10-19 14:55:00 802

原创 IPCop.org FAQs (frequently-asked questions)翻译练习

http://www.ipcop.org/index-pn.php?name=FAQ&id_cat=2 FAQ What is the IPCop firewall? IPCop Firewall is a Linux firewall distribution geared towards home and SOHO (Small Office/Home Office) users. The IPCop interface is very user-friendly and task-based. IPC

2010-08-08 18:41:00 980

原创 接路由器后某些网页打不开的解决方法

<br />网络环境:小区LAN网线入户。<br />现象:单机拨号连网一切正常。加路由器后QQ能上,有些网页能打开,有些打不开。<br />猜测:被ISP封路由,这ISP方法比较特别(损),让你能用一些,还不能全用,相当不爽。<br />对策:克隆MAC。选定一台单机可上网的电脑,进入路由器配置界面,网络参数-MAC地址克隆,克隆MAC地址,保存重启路由器。<br />原理:ISP可以通过MAC地址来区分拨号的是PC还是一台路由器。

2010-08-07 13:45:00 2494

原创 考勤记录导出Excel文件后日期排序


2010-08-05 13:25:00 3677

原创 在VirtualBox虚拟机上安装和使用ipcop路由

vbox上网络连接1,eth0桥接方式(连本地网卡),对应ipcop GREEN 本地网络,设置地址(上网络连接2,eth1桥接方式(连本地网卡),对应ipcop RED 连接MODEM,设成pppoexp下本地连接IP:,网关:上eth0的地址,也就是路由器的地址)说明:bridged networking, the virtual machines can talk to each other and the ho

2010-07-14 23:12:00 2091 3

原创 关于C++的字符及字符串

<br />#include <cstdlib><br />#include <iostream><br />using namespace std;<br />int main(int argc, char *argv[])<br />{<br />    string s1 = "hello";<br />    const char *s2 = "hello";<br />    char cs[] = "hello";<br />    cout << "sizeof(/"hello/"):" <<

2010-06-29 06:06:00 680

原创 路由器后面的内网计算机如何向外网提供网络服务


2010-03-28 11:06:00 622

转载 使用C#格式化字符串(转自博客园)

今天在博客园上看到一片超赞的C#字符串格式的文章,是我看过最好的一个关于字符格式的文章,转来收藏,顺便向原作者flyingbread表示感谢和尊敬!1 前言    如果你熟悉Microsoft Foundation Classes(MFC)的CString,Windows Template Library(WTL)的CString或者Standard Template Library(ST

2010-02-05 22:44:00 727

原创 [翻译练习]UNIX Network Programming Volume1, Third Edition 1.1(001)

Chapter 1. Introduction1.1 IntroductionWhen writing programs that communicate across a computer network, one must first invent a protocol, an agreement on how those programs will communicate. Befo

2010-01-01 09:30:00 1387

原创 C#进行Windows Shell编程

可以在MSDN中查询"Windows Shell",也可以参考以下网址. http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/bb773177(en-us,VS.85).aspx C# does Shell, Part 1http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/csdoesshell1.aspC# does Shell

2009-11-12 17:29:00 2027

原创 如何手工创建Timer控件,并且在Timer控件的事件中控制窗体控件

  需要用到托管的知识using System.Timers; public static System.Timers.Timer myTimer;... private void FrmAlert_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { myTimer = new Syste

2009-11-11 22:16:00 1452

原创 C Sharp(C#)中如何删除文件(文件夹)

C Sharp(C#)中如何删除文件(文件夹)直接删除:using System.IO;... string filePath = @"D:/.../xxx.xxx"; if (File.Exists(filePath)) { File.Delete(

2009-11-06 01:06:00 3884

原创 "Internet快捷方式"是什么文件?怎样创建它们?

在收藏夹里有一些保存过的网址,用右键查看属性会看到它们的文件类型叫做"Internet快捷方式",如何手工创建它们呢? [InternetShortcut]URL=http://Kennytian.cnblogs.com随便在哪儿建立一个txt,然后把上面这段代码复制进去,然后另保存为.url格式Notice:如果你的系统没有显示扩展名,就在另存为的时候写上"MyUrl.url"(前后

2009-11-06 00:46:00 4286

原创 HP台式机直接用的ghostXP后出现“windows could not start...”错误

HP台式机直接用的ghostXP后,重启以后出现下面的提示:windows could not start because of a computer disk hardware configuration problem could not read from the selected boot disk check boot path and disk harwareplease check

2009-10-27 18:24:00 2311 1

C++ How to Program, 10th Edition, 2016, by Paul Deitel, Harvey

英文第10版 Introducing the New C++14 Standard Preface Welcome to the C++ computer programming language and C++ How to Program, Tenth Edition. We believe that this book and its support materials will give you an informative, challenging and entertaining introduction to C++. The book presents leading-edge computing technologies in a friendly manner appropriate for introductory college course sequences, based on the curriculum recommendations of two key professional organizations—the ACM and the IEEE.


A Tour of C++ - Stroustrup, Bjarne - Addison Wesley Professional

英文版 第二版 In A Tour of C++ (2/e), Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, describes what constitutes modern C++. This concise, self-contained guide covers most major language features and the major standard-library components―not, of course, in great depth, but to a level that gives programmers a meaningful overview of the language, some key examples, and practical help in getting started.


Getting Started with Data Warehousing

Data warehousing software works to manage a repository of large amount of data. It includes a series of features and functions that allow for easier reporting and analysis. IBM uses its InfoSphere Warehouse product to support data warehousing. InfoSphere Warehouse is based on the DB2 database server.


Microsoft_SQL_Server_2008_A_Beginner's_Guide 英文版

Microsoft SQL Server 2008: A Beginner’s Guide follows three previous editions that covered SQL Server 7, 2000, and 2005. Generally, all SQL Server users who want to get a good understanding of this database system and to work successfully with it will find this book very helpful. (If you are a new SQL Server user but understand SQL, read the section “Differences Between SQL and Transact-SQL Syntax” later in this introduction.) This book addresses users of all components of the SQL Server system. For this reason, it is divided into several parts: users who want to learn more about the relational database component called Database Engine will find the first three parts of the book the most useful. The fourth part of the book is dedicated to business intelligence users who use either Analysis Services or relational extensions concerning BI. The last part of the book provides insight for users who want to use XML data and/or spatial data.


LINQ Unleached For C Sharp(2/2)

共2个压缩包,这是第2个 About the Author Paul Kimmel is a four-time Microsoft MVP, the author of over a dozen books on object oriented programming and UML, including three books on Microsoft .NET, a columnist for codeguru.com, developer.com, informit.com, devsource.com, and devx.com, a cofounder of the Greater Lansing Area .NET Users Group (glugnet.org, East Lansing and Flint), a full-time software developer, and sometimes pilot. Paul still lives and works in the greater Lansing, Michigan, area (and hasn’t given up on the economy). After 15 years of independent consulting, Paul now works for EDS as an application architect.


LINQ Unleached For C Sharp(1/2)

共2个压缩包,这是第1个 Foreword Data affects just about every aspect of our lives. Everything we do is analyzed, scrutinized, and delivered back to us in the form of coupons and other marketing materials. When you write an application, you can be sure that data in one form or another will be part of the solution. As software developers, the ease with which we can store, retrieve, and analyze data is crucial to our ability to develop compelling applications. Add to that the fact that data can come in a number of different shapes and formats, and it quickly comes to light that there is tremendous value in a consistent framework for accessing many types of data. Several different data access approaches have been developed for Windows developers over the years. ADO and OLEDB and subsequently ADO.NET gave us universal access to relational databases. MSXML and ADO.NET made it possible to inspect and manipulate XML documents. Each of these technologies had their benefits and drawbacks, but one common thread ran through each of them: They failed to deliver data access capabilities in a way that felt natural to developers. LINQ now makes data access a first-class programming concept in .NET, making it possible for developers to express queries in a way that makes sense to developers. What makes LINQ unique is that it enables programmers to create type-safe data access code complete with Intellisense support and compile time syntax checking. Paul Kimmel has done an excellent job of presenting LINQ in a concise and complete manner. Not only has he made LINQ approachable, but he has also masterfully explained concepts such as Anonymous Types and Lambda Expressions that help make LINQ a reality. The sample code throughout the book demonstrates the application of the technology in a clear and meaningful way. This is a great “Saturday morning with a pot of coffee” kind of book. I hope you’ll dive in and get as much out of this book as I did. Darryl Hogan Architect Evangelist, Microsoft


Illustrated C# 2005.pdf(3/3)



Illustrated C# 2005.pdf(2/3)



Illustrated C# 2005.pdf(1/3)

请注意: 共3个RAR包,这是第1个 Publisher's description Illustrated C# 2005 doesn’t use the traditional dense prose format of most programming texts. Rather, it presents the C# programming language in a unique visual manner. The book uses three techniques to achieve this: concise text; tables that clarify and summarize language features; and frequent figures and diagrams. Each feature is also illustrated with concise, focused code samples. The book starts with an overview of the .NET platform and the role played by C#, then quickly delves into the language. It covers the entire C# language, including new features added in C# 2.0 as well as the most complex topics. It’s an ideal read if you’re a migrating C++ or VB programmer who already knows how languages work. Despite its title—which might give the impression that it’s a lightweight treatment of the language—this book is anything but. With its clean visual format, you’ll be able to learn the material more quickly and retain it better than you would with a typical C# 2005 book. Even experienced programmers may come away from it with a deeper understanding of the language


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