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原创 装双SATA硬盘蓝屏问题

装双SATA硬盘时就会蓝屏 代码为0x00000007b。单独接其中的任意一个硬盘做系统都没问题. 解决方法:运行DiskGenius分区工具,选中你的主盘。选择菜单的重建主引导记录(MBR)后确定既可.

2015-07-16 12:59:35 2691

原创 关于GA-6UASL3(Rev:2.1)主板安装Windows2003蓝屏(代码:STOP: 0x0000007B...)问题

此主板出厂默认BIOS设置SATA Controller=Enable SATA Mode=IDE Mode 安装Windows2003第一次重启后蓝屏 解决方法:BIOS设置SATA Controller=Disable,F10保存退出,再次设置SATA Controller = Enable 保存退出,重启问题解决.

2015-07-16 12:48:17 3358

C++ How to Program, 10th Edition, 2016, by Paul Deitel, Harvey

英文第10版 Introducing the New C++14 Standard Preface Welcome to the C++ computer programming language and C++ How to Program, Tenth Edition. We believe that this book and its support materials will give you an informative, challenging and entertaining introduction to C++. The book presents leading-edge computing technologies in a friendly manner appropriate for introductory college course sequences, based on the curriculum recommendations of two key professional organizations—the ACM and the IEEE.


A Tour of C++ - Stroustrup, Bjarne - Addison Wesley Professional

英文版 第二版 In A Tour of C++ (2/e), Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, describes what constitutes modern C++. This concise, self-contained guide covers most major language features and the major standard-library components―not, of course, in great depth, but to a level that gives programmers a meaningful overview of the language, some key examples, and practical help in getting started.


Getting Started with Data Warehousing

Data warehousing software works to manage a repository of large amount of data. It includes a series of features and functions that allow for easier reporting and analysis. IBM uses its InfoSphere Warehouse product to support data warehousing. InfoSphere Warehouse is based on the DB2 database server.


Microsoft_SQL_Server_2008_A_Beginner's_Guide 英文版

Microsoft SQL Server 2008: A Beginner’s Guide follows three previous editions that covered SQL Server 7, 2000, and 2005. Generally, all SQL Server users who want to get a good understanding of this database system and to work successfully with it will find this book very helpful. (If you are a new SQL Server user but understand SQL, read the section “Differences Between SQL and Transact-SQL Syntax” later in this introduction.) This book addresses users of all components of the SQL Server system. For this reason, it is divided into several parts: users who want to learn more about the relational database component called Database Engine will find the first three parts of the book the most useful. The fourth part of the book is dedicated to business intelligence users who use either Analysis Services or relational extensions concerning BI. The last part of the book provides insight for users who want to use XML data and/or spatial data.


LINQ Unleached For C Sharp(2/2)

共2个压缩包,这是第2个 About the Author Paul Kimmel is a four-time Microsoft MVP, the author of over a dozen books on object oriented programming and UML, including three books on Microsoft .NET, a columnist for codeguru.com, developer.com, informit.com, devsource.com, and devx.com, a cofounder of the Greater Lansing Area .NET Users Group (glugnet.org, East Lansing and Flint), a full-time software developer, and sometimes pilot. Paul still lives and works in the greater Lansing, Michigan, area (and hasn’t given up on the economy). After 15 years of independent consulting, Paul now works for EDS as an application architect.


LINQ Unleached For C Sharp(1/2)

共2个压缩包,这是第1个 Foreword Data affects just about every aspect of our lives. Everything we do is analyzed, scrutinized, and delivered back to us in the form of coupons and other marketing materials. When you write an application, you can be sure that data in one form or another will be part of the solution. As software developers, the ease with which we can store, retrieve, and analyze data is crucial to our ability to develop compelling applications. Add to that the fact that data can come in a number of different shapes and formats, and it quickly comes to light that there is tremendous value in a consistent framework for accessing many types of data. Several different data access approaches have been developed for Windows developers over the years. ADO and OLEDB and subsequently ADO.NET gave us universal access to relational databases. MSXML and ADO.NET made it possible to inspect and manipulate XML documents. Each of these technologies had their benefits and drawbacks, but one common thread ran through each of them: They failed to deliver data access capabilities in a way that felt natural to developers. LINQ now makes data access a first-class programming concept in .NET, making it possible for developers to express queries in a way that makes sense to developers. What makes LINQ unique is that it enables programmers to create type-safe data access code complete with Intellisense support and compile time syntax checking. Paul Kimmel has done an excellent job of presenting LINQ in a concise and complete manner. Not only has he made LINQ approachable, but he has also masterfully explained concepts such as Anonymous Types and Lambda Expressions that help make LINQ a reality. The sample code throughout the book demonstrates the application of the technology in a clear and meaningful way. This is a great “Saturday morning with a pot of coffee” kind of book. I hope you’ll dive in and get as much out of this book as I did. Darryl Hogan Architect Evangelist, Microsoft


Illustrated C# 2005.pdf(3/3)



Illustrated C# 2005.pdf(2/3)



Illustrated C# 2005.pdf(1/3)

请注意: 共3个RAR包,这是第1个 Publisher's description Illustrated C# 2005 doesn’t use the traditional dense prose format of most programming texts. Rather, it presents the C# programming language in a unique visual manner. The book uses three techniques to achieve this: concise text; tables that clarify and summarize language features; and frequent figures and diagrams. Each feature is also illustrated with concise, focused code samples. The book starts with an overview of the .NET platform and the role played by C#, then quickly delves into the language. It covers the entire C# language, including new features added in C# 2.0 as well as the most complex topics. It’s an ideal read if you’re a migrating C++ or VB programmer who already knows how languages work. Despite its title—which might give the impression that it’s a lightweight treatment of the language—this book is anything but. With its clean visual format, you’ll be able to learn the material more quickly and retain it better than you would with a typical C# 2005 book. Even experienced programmers may come away from it with a deeper understanding of the language


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