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原创 August 30th Thursday (八月 三十日 木曜日)

  Kademlia is a distributed hash table for decentralized peer to peer computer networks designed by Petar Maymounkov and David Mazieres . It specifies the structure of the network and how the exchange

2007-09-10 20:21:00 626

原创 August 31th Friday (八月 三十一日 金曜日)

  I am reading a book on details.  The book is about the relation between detail and success.  When reading this book, I am aware that I am also a blundering man.When I was talking about other men, I

2007-09-10 20:21:00 612

原创 August 27th Monday (八月 二十七日 月曜日)

  I caught another bug today.  This evening there is a dinner in our development department.  Oh, my god!  I must pay attention onmy weight, it is up to 70kg.  

2007-09-10 20:20:00 645

原创 August 28th Tuesday (八月 二十八日 火曜日)

wxAppDerivedClass& wxGetApp()This function doesnt exist in wxWidgets but it is created by using the IMPLEMENT_APP macro. Thus, before using it anywhere but inthe same module where this macro is used,

2007-09-10 20:20:00 729

原创 August 22th Wednesday (八月 二十二日 水曜日)

Another bug I found.  I am seeking for it. 

2007-09-10 20:19:00 753

原创 August 23th Thursday (八月 二十三日 木曜日)

In the Hello message pack of eMule, there is a strange phenomenon.  The Hello pack have a TCP Port field which tell us a incomingfriends port, default is 4662.  However, in Tag list field, there

2007-09-10 20:19:00 703

原创 August 24th Friday (八月 二十四日 金曜日)

  Today during studying xMule project I heard of the discussion among my workmates and a customer.  The quesiont which they aretalking about is HashMap in Java.  There are several our project managers

2007-09-10 20:19:00 661

原创 August 17th Friday (八月 十五日 金曜日)

wxThread deletionRegardless of whether it has terminated or not, you should call wxThread::Wait on a joinable thread to release its memory,as outlined in Types of wxThreads. If you created a joinable

2007-09-10 20:18:00 849

原创 August 20th Monday (八月 二十日 月曜日)

  Today I almost took a whole work day to seek a bug which alway return a incorrect result when input a request string with the firstwrong field.  Because the first field is correctly parsed a local c

2007-09-10 20:18:00 761

原创 August 21th Tuesday (八月 二十一日 火曜日)

  It is not easy to spilte a string in Python.  In order to write a testing program I have to use Python.  However, I almost spenta work day in coding. Python does not supply string API for my habit. 

2007-09-10 20:18:00 692

原创 August 16th Thursday (八月 十四日 木曜日)

  This afternoon there is a class of CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration).  But I am going to give up it andtake part in the next weeks class. 

2007-09-10 20:17:00 768

原创 August 14th Tuesday (八月 十四日 火曜日)

  The detail of design usually can make coding easy or hardy.  Today I found the remote unit type data must be representeda triple.  So, I have to change codes to create a two dismesions array in orde

2007-09-10 20:14:00 653

原创 August 15th Wednesday (八月 十五日 水曜日)

  The eMule client periodically verifies the status of the servers on his server list.  This verification is done byusing the UDP server status request and the UDP server description request messages.

2007-09-10 20:14:00 814

原创 August 10th Friday (八月 十日 金曜日)

 Tommorrow I will order a house contract with China bank so as to loan a great deal of money.The next month I begin to pay those loan. 

2007-09-10 20:13:00 669

原创 August 13th Monday (八月 十三日 月曜日)

  I am going to write my diary in Japanese and English at once.  I dont know whether it is an interesting.Perhaps it is so chaotic.  My house is still in air.  I hoped that all things is right.  If I

2007-09-10 20:13:00 683

原创 August 9th Thursday (八月 九日 木曜日)

   I went to China Bank and Bank of Merchant several time today in order to prepare to buy my hourse.The process of buying hourse is not easy, there will be many a trival things I must to do.

2007-09-10 20:12:00 628

原创 August 7th Tuesday (八月 七日 火曜日)

  How to write an application using documnet/view mode in wxWidgets?  There are the overall stepsinvolved in creating an application based on the document/view framework:1. Define your own document an

2007-09-10 20:11:00 718

原创 August 8th Wednesday (八月 八日 水曜日)

  How to implement drag and drop functionality?  To be a drag source, i.e. to provide the data whichmay be dragged by the user elsewhere, you should implement the following steps:Preparation: First of

2007-09-10 20:11:00 713

原创 August 4th Saturday (八月 四日 土曜日)

  The aim of the validator concept is to make dialogs very mucheasier to write. A validator is an object that can be pluggedinto a control (such as a wxTextCtrl), and mediates between C++data and the

2007-09-10 20:09:00 667

原创 August 2nd Thursday (八月 二日 木曜日)

 Probably the main trap with using this class is the implicit conversion operatorto const char *.  It is advised that you use c_str() instead to clearly indicatewhen the conversion is done.  Specifica

2007-09-10 20:08:00 639

原创 August 3th Friday (八月 三日 金曜日)

  The normal order of event table searching by ProcessEvent is as follows:1. If the object is disabled (via a call to wxEvtHandler::SetEvtHandlerEnabled) the function skipsto step (6).2. If the object

2007-09-10 20:08:00 724

原创 August 1th Wednesday (八月 一日 水曜日)

I am a lazy man.  So when I know wx-Widgets, I likes it rightly.  That is a GUI APIscross platforms.  The xMule is developed based on this packages.  There are not only GUI functions, classes, but als

2007-09-10 20:07:00 901

wxSnake -- 用wxWidgets开发的贪吃蛇游戏

wxSnake -- 用wxWidgets开发的贪吃蛇游戏。算是个Demo吧。比较粗陋,自己写着玩的。


wxCalc -- wxWidgets开发的计算器



wxMine 扫雷小游戏

学习wxWidgets后,写的一个扫雷小游戏。 还有些bug,玩起来可能会不爽。 有问题可联系我。lu_ming@live.cn 网上扫雷的程序很多。也有用wxWidgets写的。 但是代码国内不好下,于是自己写了一个满足自己兴趣。 这个游戏简单,代码没什么技术。我只是尽量用规范,易懂的风格写。 玩得时候要wxmsw28u_gcc_custom.dll库。你可以把它放到系统目录下。 由于是用Code::Block开发环境开发的,打开项目时注意。 如果在可视化环境中编辑了窗口或控件,它会自己修改代码。 另外,程序的图标一直无法修改,原因现在不明。 Linux或别的操作系统下尚未测试过。


PLSQL Developer 中文注册版下载

PLSQL Developer 中文注册版下载 Enhancements in PL/SQL Developer 8.0.3 ====================================== * Fixed Access Violation when dragging & dropping an empty item in the Logon History * Fixed Access Violation in the File Browser when adding a new folder * Order of items after "Open All Items" from a project was not correct * Project Groups could be removed after doing project options * Find would not work correctly with a column selection scope * Edit > Selection > Apply Syntax Case/Color Mark/Comment did not work for Column Selections * Describe Window now also shows the view comments in the header * Export Tables would change nls_date_format in single session mode and dual session mode * Auto Replace now supports Undo to continue with "non replaced" text * Debugger can now show PL/SQL Table elements indexed by a string * Object Browser could sometimes perform "double-click" action when using the cursor right key * Unicode characters from DBMS_Output were not displayed correctly * Right-clicking on an empty area in the Window List did not show the popup menu * Highlighted search hits are now cleared when editing the text * Fixed drawing performance issue with Diagram Window in zoomed mode * DDE now remains enabled for Windows Explorer open command (DisableDDE parameter to revert) * PL/SQL Developer main window could not always be minimized * To-Do list would not always be updated when switching editors in a Program Window * Case expressions could cause incorrect "Unused assignment" hints * File Browser would not show all files for large directories (>1000 files) * Support Info showed OCI Version 11.1 on a 10.2 client * Export Tables tool will limit the line size to 2400 characters in SQL Inserts format for SQL*Plus compatibility * Reports did not always calculate subtotals correctly * Compiler Hints could not be enabled/disabled


plsqldev v7.14

PL/SQL Developer Version 7.14 是一种集成的开发环境,专门用于开发、测试、调试和优化Oracle PL/SQL存储程序单元,比如触发器等。


Visual C++ 实用图像处理专业教程中的Imgcx学习版

Visual C++ 实用图像处理专业教程一书中框架.


libevent v0.1



Programming Erlang

Programming Erlang PDF author: Joe Armstrong


Visual C ++ 6.0 的MFC类库详解

Visual C ++ 6.0 的MFC类库详解。VC开发者常用的手册。





From CPP to COM



Inside ATL




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