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原创 June 26th Friday (六月 二十六日 金曜日)

I am going to cinema in order to watch Transformer II.  It called up my memory from my childship.

2009-06-26 21:08:00 572

原创 June 29th Monday (六月 二十九日 月曜日)

I have to deal with some document in order to take them over another.  That is not a good thing to do.

2009-06-26 21:08:00 550

原创 June 30th Tuesday (六月 三十日 火曜日)

 Hurry up!  I wish that I can leave this company and can begin to work in another company.

2009-06-26 21:08:00 620

原创 June 25th Thursday (六月 二十五日 木曜日)

Local Binding: let, let*, letrec, ...(let ([id val-expr] ...) body ...+) (let proc-id ([id init-expr] ...) body ...+) The first form evaluates the val-exprs left-to-right, creates a new location for e

2009-06-26 21:06:00 552

原创 June 24th Wednesday (六月 二十四日 水曜日)

  How the amb run?(define-syntax amb  (syntax-rules ()    ((amb alt ...)     (let ((prev-amb-fail amb-fail))       (call/cc        (lambda (sk)          (call/cc           (lambda (fk)             (se

2009-06-26 20:57:00 668

原创 June 22th Monday (六月 二十二日 月曜日)

Terminator 2018 was watched yesterday.  The Terminator II is classic because of T1000 robot.  The day after tomorrow, Transformer II is shown.  I wish that is better than the episode I.

2009-06-26 20:55:00 604

原创 June 23th Tuesday (六月 二十三日 火曜日)

  Today I put forth my resign report.  I am going to another new company.  Maybe I can learn some interested technology.  Before leave it, I must finish a lot of things to take over another man who wi

2009-06-26 20:55:00 625

原创 June 19th Friday (六月 十九日 木曜日)

  There is try/except implemented in C program languages.  It can be used in sources in C language.  From it, we can learn how to use macro in C and the principle of try/except.//except.h#ifndef EXCEP

2009-06-26 20:54:00 639

原创 June 18th Tuesday (六月 十八日 木曜日)

  There is an example about the pointer to a member function.#include #include using namespace std;class B {public:    virtual void set(int val) {        val_ = val;        cout    }protected:    int

2009-06-26 20:53:00 582

原创 June 17th Wednesday (六月 十七日 水曜日)

  I wrote a little program to simulate reproduce a babay.  The class LV in source is just a symbol for a life.//propagate.cpp#include #include #include using namespace std;class Chromosome {private:  

2009-06-26 20:52:00 572

原创 June 16th Tuesday (六月 十六日 火曜日)

//GThread.cpp#include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;class GThread {private:    pthread_t _thread;    void * (*_routine)(void *);    void * _arg;public:    GThread(vo

2009-06-26 20:51:00 569

原创 June 15th Monday (六月 十五日 月曜日)

  I wrote a string class.  Maybe I can used it in the future.//GString.h#include #include #include using namespace std;class GString {private:    char *_buf;    int _len;public:    GString() : _buf(NU

2009-06-26 20:49:00 740

原创 June 11th Thursday (六月 十一日 木曜日)

  Generally speaking, the using-declaration is safer to use because it shows exactly what names you aremaking available. And if the name conflicts with a local name, the compiler lets you know. The us

2009-06-26 20:48:00 486

原创 June 12th Friday (六月 十二日 金曜日)

  I played an demo about a strategic game.  It is so vivid.  That is implemented in Javascript.  Web game willbecome a fashion in the future.  I need a good rest for long, although I am going to learn

2009-06-26 20:48:00 593

原创 June 10th Wednesday (六月 十日 水曜日)

  There is an example how to implement try/except. ^_^//except.h#ifndef EXCEPT_INCLUDED#define EXCEPT_INCLUDED#include #define T Except_Ttypedef struct T { char *reason;} T;typedef struct Except_Frame

2009-06-26 20:47:00 684

原创 June 9th Tuesday (六月 九日 火曜日)

  I am going to put C++ aside.  In the future, it is not main my program language.  Maybe, I will use it to write some tools.  The last program is following.//herald.cpp#include #include #include #inc

2009-06-26 20:46:00 624

原创 June 5th Friday (六月 五日 金曜日)

  Quasiquote forms may be nested. Substitutions are made only for unquoted components appearing at the same nesting level asthe outer most quasiquote. The nesting level (quasiquote qq template) syntax

2009-06-26 20:45:00 1127

原创 June 8th Monday (六月 八日 月曜日)

  To make a coustructor in C language.//ctor.c#include void my_init() {  printf("Hello");}typedef void (*ctor_t)();ctor_t __attribute__((section (".ctors"))) my_init_p = &my_init;int main() {  printf(

2009-06-26 20:45:00 539

原创 June 4th Thursday (六月 四日 木曜日)

 The program can show auxiliary vectors hidden after environment and arguments.//showall.c#include #include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {  int *p= (int*) argv;  int i;  Elf32_auxv_t* aux;  printf

2009-06-26 20:43:00 581

原创 June 2nd Tuesday (六月 二日 火曜日)

setjmp() and longjmp()  #include   void longjmp(jmp_buf env, int val);  void siglongjmp(sigjmp_buf env, int val);  longjmp() and setjmp() are useful for dealing with  errors and interrupts encountered

2009-06-26 20:38:00 692

原创 June 1st Monday (六月 一日 月曜日)

Oh!  Template as parament is not supported in Visual C++ 6.0.  Maybe it is so old. ^_^  I have to build the following codes in Visual C++ 2005.//temparg.cpp#include using namespace std;template class

2009-06-26 20:37:00 629

wxSnake -- 用wxWidgets开发的贪吃蛇游戏

wxSnake -- 用wxWidgets开发的贪吃蛇游戏。算是个Demo吧。比较粗陋,自己写着玩的。


wxCalc -- wxWidgets开发的计算器



wxMine 扫雷小游戏

学习wxWidgets后,写的一个扫雷小游戏。 还有些bug,玩起来可能会不爽。 有问题可联系我。lu_ming@live.cn 网上扫雷的程序很多。也有用wxWidgets写的。 但是代码国内不好下,于是自己写了一个满足自己兴趣。 这个游戏简单,代码没什么技术。我只是尽量用规范,易懂的风格写。 玩得时候要wxmsw28u_gcc_custom.dll库。你可以把它放到系统目录下。 由于是用Code::Block开发环境开发的,打开项目时注意。 如果在可视化环境中编辑了窗口或控件,它会自己修改代码。 另外,程序的图标一直无法修改,原因现在不明。 Linux或别的操作系统下尚未测试过。


PLSQL Developer 中文注册版下载

PLSQL Developer 中文注册版下载 Enhancements in PL/SQL Developer 8.0.3 ====================================== * Fixed Access Violation when dragging & dropping an empty item in the Logon History * Fixed Access Violation in the File Browser when adding a new folder * Order of items after "Open All Items" from a project was not correct * Project Groups could be removed after doing project options * Find would not work correctly with a column selection scope * Edit > Selection > Apply Syntax Case/Color Mark/Comment did not work for Column Selections * Describe Window now also shows the view comments in the header * Export Tables would change nls_date_format in single session mode and dual session mode * Auto Replace now supports Undo to continue with "non replaced" text * Debugger can now show PL/SQL Table elements indexed by a string * Object Browser could sometimes perform "double-click" action when using the cursor right key * Unicode characters from DBMS_Output were not displayed correctly * Right-clicking on an empty area in the Window List did not show the popup menu * Highlighted search hits are now cleared when editing the text * Fixed drawing performance issue with Diagram Window in zoomed mode * DDE now remains enabled for Windows Explorer open command (DisableDDE parameter to revert) * PL/SQL Developer main window could not always be minimized * To-Do list would not always be updated when switching editors in a Program Window * Case expressions could cause incorrect "Unused assignment" hints * File Browser would not show all files for large directories (>1000 files) * Support Info showed OCI Version 11.1 on a 10.2 client * Export Tables tool will limit the line size to 2400 characters in SQL Inserts format for SQL*Plus compatibility * Reports did not always calculate subtotals correctly * Compiler Hints could not be enabled/disabled


plsqldev v7.14

PL/SQL Developer Version 7.14 是一种集成的开发环境,专门用于开发、测试、调试和优化Oracle PL/SQL存储程序单元,比如触发器等。


Visual C++ 实用图像处理专业教程中的Imgcx学习版

Visual C++ 实用图像处理专业教程一书中框架.


libevent v0.1



Programming Erlang

Programming Erlang PDF author: Joe Armstrong


Visual C ++ 6.0 的MFC类库详解

Visual C ++ 6.0 的MFC类库详解。VC开发者常用的手册。





From CPP to COM



Inside ATL




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