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原创 March 31th Wednesday 2010

  Yesterday I begin to read an article on the War II.  It is so interesting.  I had read it until 0:15 last night.  Maybe I can wirte a science fiction based on War II.  I need more information about

2010-03-31 09:15:00 603

原创 March 30th Tuesday 2010

  Today I have to order the examination of Japanese.  It is coming.  July.  I have about 3 months to learn.  I must get use the time.  Now the level N3 is not same as the old level 3.   I must fin

2010-03-30 09:12:00 693

原创 March 29th Monday 2010

  I must finish the wxWidgets guid.  After it I am going to dive into Japanese and another things, such as graphics technique and so on.   Oh. Spring came at all.  We kept waiting it for so long. 

2010-03-29 09:24:00 574

原创 March 26th Friday 2010

  Another task is coming.  God!  This is the job.

2010-03-26 10:22:00 568

原创 March 25th Tuesday 2010

  I tested a MD5 algorithm.  I used it make a check summary for a about 400mb file.  Oh!  So, slowly!  The way to make a check summary for a file before sending and after receiving is a blind lane. 

2010-03-25 09:31:00 652

原创 March 24th Wednesday 2010

  I have to redesign the API for transporting files.  Now the requirement includes the function to continue transport from a break point.  My god!  Althought I hated the change of a requirement, I hav

2010-03-24 10:11:00 561

原创 March 23th Tuesday 2010

  Why not I use a gif control?  Why I will impelement it by myself?  It is not easy to write a control for alert.  The main is that I dont know what my boss wants.   I got a source for display a

2010-03-23 09:31:00 791

原创 March 22th Monday 2010

  Today I am going to develop an alert control for the current project.  The yamatake project have a similar control to it.  But it is developped in Java.   I need a input method software to type

2010-03-22 09:20:00 608

原创 GDB使用手册

简述 一 列文件清单 二:执行程序 三:显示数据 四:断点(breakpoint) 五.断点的管理 六.变量的检查和赋值 七. 单步执行 八.函数的调用 九.机器语言工具 十.信号 GDB的使用方法 简述一 列文件清单List(gdb) list line1,line2

2010-03-19 14:10:00 721

原创 March 19th Friday 2010

  I lost one of my e-mail box.  For long time I have not used it I forgot the password of it.  This morniing I tried several passwords again and again.  I failed.   The e-mail box is used to save

2010-03-19 10:56:00 618

原创 March 18th Thursday 2010

  It is said that many my workmates are going to leave the company biokee.  I dont know what happened in the biokee.  I must deal with my job firstly.   One of my workmater in biokee will get a g

2010-03-18 09:26:00 703

原创 March 15th Monday 2010

  I wrote a common communication module for our project.  It is based on the UDP.  It is alike C/S.  I divided it into two parts, sender and receiver.   I just made a simple wrap for UDP socket fu

2010-03-15 09:25:00 664

原创 March 11th Thursday 2010

  From yesterday I have been waiting for a call from Ankon Inc.  The Ankon Inc. invited me to join in them.  I thought "Maybe it is a good chance to learn more advanced tecnology, and maybe I can help

2010-03-11 11:20:00 592

原创 March 11th Thursday 2010

  From yesterday I have been waiting for a call from Ankon Inc.  The Ankon Inc. invited me to join in them.  I thought "Maybe it is a good chance to learn more advanced tecnology, and maybe I can help

2010-03-11 10:58:00 698

原创 March 9th Tuesday 2010

  Yesterday is the first day to work in Junyu company.   I took a day to install window 7 and other something.  Today I get the first task to implemnet an interface based on socket which is used by ou

2010-03-09 11:29:00 206

wxSnake -- 用wxWidgets开发的贪吃蛇游戏

wxSnake -- 用wxWidgets开发的贪吃蛇游戏。算是个Demo吧。比较粗陋,自己写着玩的。


wxCalc -- wxWidgets开发的计算器



wxMine 扫雷小游戏

学习wxWidgets后,写的一个扫雷小游戏。 还有些bug,玩起来可能会不爽。 有问题可联系我。lu_ming@live.cn 网上扫雷的程序很多。也有用wxWidgets写的。 但是代码国内不好下,于是自己写了一个满足自己兴趣。 这个游戏简单,代码没什么技术。我只是尽量用规范,易懂的风格写。 玩得时候要wxmsw28u_gcc_custom.dll库。你可以把它放到系统目录下。 由于是用Code::Block开发环境开发的,打开项目时注意。 如果在可视化环境中编辑了窗口或控件,它会自己修改代码。 另外,程序的图标一直无法修改,原因现在不明。 Linux或别的操作系统下尚未测试过。


PLSQL Developer 中文注册版下载

PLSQL Developer 中文注册版下载 Enhancements in PL/SQL Developer 8.0.3 ====================================== * Fixed Access Violation when dragging & dropping an empty item in the Logon History * Fixed Access Violation in the File Browser when adding a new folder * Order of items after "Open All Items" from a project was not correct * Project Groups could be removed after doing project options * Find would not work correctly with a column selection scope * Edit > Selection > Apply Syntax Case/Color Mark/Comment did not work for Column Selections * Describe Window now also shows the view comments in the header * Export Tables would change nls_date_format in single session mode and dual session mode * Auto Replace now supports Undo to continue with "non replaced" text * Debugger can now show PL/SQL Table elements indexed by a string * Object Browser could sometimes perform "double-click" action when using the cursor right key * Unicode characters from DBMS_Output were not displayed correctly * Right-clicking on an empty area in the Window List did not show the popup menu * Highlighted search hits are now cleared when editing the text * Fixed drawing performance issue with Diagram Window in zoomed mode * DDE now remains enabled for Windows Explorer open command (DisableDDE parameter to revert) * PL/SQL Developer main window could not always be minimized * To-Do list would not always be updated when switching editors in a Program Window * Case expressions could cause incorrect "Unused assignment" hints * File Browser would not show all files for large directories (>1000 files) * Support Info showed OCI Version 11.1 on a 10.2 client * Export Tables tool will limit the line size to 2400 characters in SQL Inserts format for SQL*Plus compatibility * Reports did not always calculate subtotals correctly * Compiler Hints could not be enabled/disabled


plsqldev v7.14

PL/SQL Developer Version 7.14 是一种集成的开发环境,专门用于开发、测试、调试和优化Oracle PL/SQL存储程序单元,比如触发器等。


Visual C++ 实用图像处理专业教程中的Imgcx学习版

Visual C++ 实用图像处理专业教程一书中框架.


libevent v0.1



Programming Erlang

Programming Erlang PDF author: Joe Armstrong


Visual C ++ 6.0 的MFC类库详解

Visual C ++ 6.0 的MFC类库详解。VC开发者常用的手册。





From CPP to COM



Inside ATL




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