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原创 Code convention in JavaScript

When I compress the javascript, I found that there are many problem in our codes.Although I had pay some attention to the code problem, there still exist many problems. These problems are too subtil

2007-07-18 10:36:00 560

原创 Install GNUPG on Debian

1. Use apt-get install gnupg to install the program. However, when I try this on the server, it said that file not found(the http address is not valid). So I have to download and install it manually.M

2006-08-25 15:38:00 1664

转载 BrainJar.com

http://www.brainjar.com/BrainJar.com features technical articles, tutorials and examples of programming for the web. Its not intended as a "cut and paste" site but rather a learning resource. 

2006-08-17 13:37:00 765

转载 两个和尚的故事

    有二个和尚住在隔壁。所谓隔壁是:隔壁那座山。他们分别在相邻的二座山上的庙里。这二座山之间有一条溪。于是这二个和尚,每天都会在同一时间下山去溪边挑水。久而久之,他们便成为好朋友了。    就这样,时间在每天挑水中,不知不觉己经过了五年。突然有一天,左边这座山的和尚没有下山挑水,右边那座山的和尚心想:“他大概睡过头了。”便不以为意。哪知第二天,左边这座山的和尚,还是没有下山挑水。 第三天也一样

2006-08-10 10:20:00 998

转载 数据库设计三大范式应用实例剖析

引言  数据库的设计范式是数据库设计所需要满足的规范,满足这些规范的数据库是简洁的、结构明晰的,同时,不会发生插入(insert)、删除(delete)和更新 (update)操作异常。反之则是乱七八糟,不仅给数据库的编程人员制造麻烦,而且面目可憎,可能存储了大量不需要的冗余信息。  设计范式是不是很难懂呢?非也,大学教材上给我们一堆数学公式我们当然看不懂,也记不住。所以我们很多人就根本不按照范式

2006-08-09 11:39:00 695

原创 convert the .pfx file to pem format

// convert the .pfx file to pem format// 1. Create pem file//    in command line, input the following://    D:/OpenSSL/bin>openssl pkcs12 -in nitacheng-new.pfx -out nitacheng-new.pem -nodes//    Enter

2006-08-08 17:07:00 997

原创 Enable displaying files that have no extensions in IIS 6.0

Although the ability to display file that have no extensions was available by default in IIS 5.0,Microsoft has removed that default option from IIS 6.0. To re-enable the ability to display file typest

2006-08-08 16:58:00 555

原创 Configure Apache Server to work in https mode

Configure Apache Server to work in https mode1. The apache configure files are located at         /etc/apache2/sites-enabled   In the sites-enabled directory, there are two files:        000-default,

2006-08-08 16:54:00 929

原创 Install CVS Server on Redhat

1. Detect whether CVS was install. If so, remove it.    #rpm -qa | grep cvs    #rpm -e cvs-xxx.xxx..2. Install tar.gz    #tar -zxvf cvs-1.xx.x.tar.gz    #cd cvs-1.*    #./configure --prefix=/usr/local

2006-08-08 16:20:00 607

原创 apt (advanced package tool) commands

apt (advanced package tool) commands:1. apt-cache     pkgnames,        list all package names     search php,       search for php packages2. apt-get install php4-mysql,        install mysql extension

2006-08-08 15:34:00 790

原创 dojo toolkit

Dojo is the Open Source javascript toolkit that makes professional web development better, easier and faster. The latest release of Dojo improves the already ground-breaking 0.3.x line with ov

2006-08-04 14:11:00 720

原创 ZK, Ajax but no JavaScript

ZK is an open-source Ajax Web framework that enables rich UI for Web applications with no JavaScript and little programming. With event-driven feature-rich components, developing becomes as simple as

2006-08-04 14:02:00 684

原创 HTTP(s) Analyzer, IE DOM Inspector, Win32 API monitor

 Inspect and edit the live HTML DOM in IE!View, traverse, and even dynamically update that HTML DOM directly in the browser window. Capture and Analyze HTTP/HTTPS Protocol! Headers, Content, C

2006-07-27 10:39:00 1200

原创 IEWatch - The award winning HTTP and HTML Analyzer

 IEWatch is a plug-in for Microsoft Internet Explorer that allows you to analyze HTTP and HTTPS requests and the HTML source code. It is the most essential tool for Web Developers, System Administra

2006-07-27 10:35:00 737

原创 FireBug, web debuging tool for firefox

FireBug lets you explore the far corners of the DOM by keyboard or mouse. All of the tools you need to poke, prod, and monitor your JavaScript, CSS, HTML and Ajax are brought together into one seamles

2006-07-27 10:35:00 650

原创 jQuery, new wave JavaScript

What is jQuery?jQuery is a Javascript library that takes this motto to heart: Writing Javascript code should be fun. jQuery acheives this goal by taking common, repetitive, tasks, stripping out all

2006-07-27 10:21:00 875

原创 JSON introduction

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the JavaS

2006-07-27 10:16:00 686



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