Compile and Test C5.0

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1. download source code of C5.0 from

2. 解压后进入目录,开始编译



make: /bin/csh: Command not found

3. 安装必要组建:

sudo apt-get install tcsh

4. 编译后生成可执行文件: c5.0

5. 测试,使用数据集合soybean, 可以从uci上下载,我使用了其自带的。

5.1 (a)一般测试:

./c5.0 -f Samples/soybean
(b) 结果

C5.0 [Release 2.07 GPL Edition]  	Sun May 13 13:04:25 2012

	Application `Samples/soybean'

Read 450 cases (35 attributes) from Samples/

Decision tree:

stem = abnorm: = brown: brown-stem-rot (30.8/0.8)
:   int-discolor = black: charcoal-rot (11.3/0.3)
:   int-discolor = none:
:   :...plant-growth = norm:
:       :...seed-discolor = present:
:       :   :...canker-lesion = dk-brown-blk: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (0)
:       :   :   canker-lesion = N/A: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (8.1/0.1)
:       :   :   canker-lesion = brown: anthracnose (2)
:       :   :   canker-lesion = tan: purple-seed-stain (7.1/0.1)
:       :   seed-discolor = absent:
:       :   :...leafspots-marg = no-w-s-marg: frog-eye-leaf-spot (0)
:       :       leafspots-marg = N/A: anthracnose (21.8/0.8)
:       :       leafspots-marg = w-s-marg:
:       :       :...fruiting-bodies = absent: frog-eye-leaf-spot (36/1)
:       :           fruiting-bodies = present: brown-spot (29)
:       plant-growth = abnorm:
:       :...leaves = norm: rhizoctonia-root-rot (14)
:           leaves = abnorm:
:           :...plant-stand = normal:
:               :...seed = norm: diaporthe-stem-canker (15.2/0.2)
:               :   seed = abnorm: anthracnose (5.1/0.1)
:               plant-stand = lt-normal:
:               :...area-damaged in {scattered,
:                   :                upper-areas}: anthracnose (3.2/1.2)
:                   area-damaged = low-areas: phytophthora-rot (61.2/2.2)
:                   area-damaged = whole-field: herbicide-injury (4.7/2.2)
stem = norm:
:...fruit-pods = diseased: purple-seed-stain (2/1)
    fruit-pods = few-present: cyst-nematode (12.1/0.1)
    fruit-pods = norm:
    :...leafspot-size = N/A:
        :...leaves = norm: purple-seed-stain (4)
        :   leaves = abnorm: powdery-mildew (17.7/1.7)
        leafspot-size = lt-1/8:
        :...canker-lesion in {brown,dk-brown-blk}: bacterial-blight (0)
        :   canker-lesion = tan: purple-seed-stain (2)
        :   canker-lesion = N/A:
        :   :...leafspots-marg = no-w-s-marg: bacterial-pustule (10)
        :       leafspots-marg = w-s-marg:
        :       :...seed-size = norm: bacterial-blight (15)
        :           seed-size = lt-norm: bacterial-pustule (2)
        leafspot-size = gt-1/8:
        :...mold-growth = present: downy-mildew (12)
            mold-growth = absent:
            :...leaf-malf = present: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (8)
                leaf-malf = absent:
       in {april,may}: brown-spot (21/1)
                    date = july: frog-eye-leaf-spot (10/5)
                    date in {september,
                    :        october}: alternarialeaf-spot (50/3)
                    date = june:
                    :...precip = lt-norm: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (3)
                    :   precip in {norm,gt-norm}: brown-spot (15)
                    date = august:
                    :...severity = severe: alternarialeaf-spot (0)
                        severity = minor: frog-eye-leaf-spot (5/1)
                        severity = pot-severe: alternarialeaf-spot (12/3)

Evaluation on training data (450 cases):

	    Decision Tree   
	  Size      Errors  

	    31   24( 5.3%)   <<

	   (a)   (b)   (c)   (d)   (e)   (f)   (g)   (h)   (i)   (j)   (k)   (l)   (m)   (n)   (o)   (p)   (q)   (r)   (s)    <-classified as
	  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----
	    15                                                                                                                (a): class diaporthe-stem-canker
	          11                                                                                                          (b): class charcoal-rot
	                14                                                                                                    (c): class rhizoctonia-root-rot
	                      59                                                                                         1    (d): class phytophthora-rot
	                            30                                                                                        (e): class brown-stem-rot
	                                  16                                                                                  (f): class powdery-mildew
	                                        12                                                                            (g): class downy-mildew
	                                              64                                         3                            (h): class brown-spot
	                                                    15                                                                (i): class bacterial-blight
	                                                          12                                                          (j): class bacterial-pustule
	                                                                14                                                    (k): class purple-seed-stain
	                       2                                              30                                         1    (l): class anthracnose
	                                               1                            11           1                            (m): class phyllosticta-leaf-spot
	                                                                                  56     3                            (n): class alternarialeaf-spot
	                                                                 1                 6    44                            (o): class frog-eye-leaf-spot
	                                                                                               8                      (p): class diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight
	                                                                                                    12                (q): class cyst-nematode
	                                   4                                                                                  (r): class 2-4-d-injury
	                                                                       1                                         3    (s): class herbicide-injury

	Attribute usage:

	     99%  stem
	     54%  int-discolor
	     46%  plant-growth
	     44%  fruit-pods
	     42%  leafspot-size
	     30%  mold-growth
	     28%  leaves
	     28%  leaf-malf
	     26%  leafspots-marg
	     26%  date
	     23%  seed-discolor
	     20%  plant-stand
	     16%  area-damaged
	     14%  fruiting-bodies
	     10%  canker-lesion
	      4%  seed
	      4%  precip
	      4%  severity
	      4%  seed-size

Evaluation on test data (233 cases):

	    Decision Tree   
	  Size      Errors  

	    31   37(15.9%)   <<

	   (a)   (b)   (c)   (d)   (e)   (f)   (g)   (h)   (i)   (j)   (k)   (l)   (m)   (n)   (o)   (p)   (q)   (r)   (s)    <-classified as
	  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----
	     5                                                                                                                (a): class diaporthe-stem-canker
	           9                                                                                                          (b): class charcoal-rot
	     1           5                                                                                                    (c): class rhizoctonia-root-rot
	                      28                                                                                              (d): class phytophthora-rot
	                            14                                                                                        (e): class brown-stem-rot
	                                   4                                                                                  (f): class powdery-mildew
	                                         8                                                                            (g): class downy-mildew
	     1                                        24                                                                      (h): class brown-spot
	                                                     5                                                                (i): class bacterial-blight
	                                                     1     7                                                          (j): class bacterial-pustule
	                                                                 6                                                    (k): class purple-seed-stain
	                                                                      11                                              (l): class anthracnose
	                                               2                             3           2                            (m): class phyllosticta-leaf-spot
	                                                                                  27     5                            (n): class alternarialeaf-spot
	                                               2                                   7    30     1                      (o): class frog-eye-leaf-spot
	                                                                                               7                      (p): class diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight
	                                                                                                     2                (q): class cyst-nematode
	                                  12                                                                                  (r): class 2-4-d-injury
	                                                                       3                                         1    (s): class herbicide-injury

Time: 0.0 secs

5.2 (a) 十次交叉实验

 ./c5.0 -f Samples/soybean -X 10
(b) 结果
C5.0 [Release 2.07 GPL Edition]  	Sun May 13 12:56:54 2012

	Application `Samples/soybean'
	Cross-validate using 10 folds

Read 450 cases (35 attributes) from Samples/
Read 233 cases from Samples/soybean.test

[ Fold 1 ]

Decision tree:

leafspot-size = lt-1/8:
:...canker-lesion = brown: bacterial-blight (0)
:   canker-lesion = dk-brown-blk: phytophthora-rot (4.3/0.1)
:   canker-lesion = tan: purple-seed-stain (10.2/0.2)
:   canker-lesion = N/A:
:   :...leafspots-marg = no-w-s-marg: bacterial-pustule (15.8/0.8)
:       leafspots-marg = w-s-marg:
:       :...seed-size = norm: bacterial-blight (19/1)
:           seed-size = lt-norm: bacterial-pustule (3.1/1.1)
leafspot-size = N/A: = black: charcoal-rot (20/2)
:   int-discolor = brown:
:   :...leaf-malf = absent: brown-stem-rot (33.7/0.7)
:   :   leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (3/0.7)
:   int-discolor = none:
:   :...leaves = norm:
:       :...seed-discolor = absent:
:       :   :...plant-growth = norm: anthracnose (21)
:       :   :   plant-growth = abnorm: rhizoctonia-root-rot (17)
:       :   seed-discolor = present:
:       :   :...fruiting-bodies = absent: purple-seed-stain (8)
:       :       fruiting-bodies = present: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (4.8)
:       leaves = abnorm:
:       :...stem = norm:
:           :...plant-growth = norm: powdery-mildew (19.7/1.7)
:           :   plant-growth = abnorm: cyst-nematode (3.7/0.3)
:           stem = abnorm:
:           :...plant-stand = normal:
:               :...leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (2.7)
:               :   leaf-malf = absent:
:               :   :...seed = norm: diaporthe-stem-canker (19/1)
:               :       seed = abnorm: anthracnose (9)
:               plant-stand = lt-normal:
:               :...fruiting-bodies = absent: phytophthora-rot (44.2/6.9)
:                   fruiting-bodies = present:
:                   :...roots = galls-cysts: phytophthora-rot (0)
:                       roots = norm: anthracnose (9.9/0.9)
:                       roots = rotted: phytophthora-rot (12.2/2.1)
leafspot-size = gt-1/8:
:...roots = galls-cysts: cyst-nematode (6.7/0.1)
    roots = rotted:
    :...area-damaged = upper-areas: phytophthora-rot (0)
    :   area-damaged in {scattered,whole-field}: herbicide-injury (4.7/0.7)
    :   area-damaged = low-areas: phytophthora-rot (27.2)
    roots = norm:
    :...mold-growth = present:
        :...leaves = norm: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (6.3)
        :   leaves = abnorm: downy-mildew (18)
        mold-growth = absent:
        :...fruit spots = distort: brown-spot (0)
            fruit spots = N/A: brown-stem-rot (7)
            fruit spots = colored:
            :...fruit-pods = few-present: frog-eye-leaf-spot (0)
            :   fruit-pods = norm: brown-spot (2)
            :   fruit-pods = diseased: frog-eye-leaf-spot (56)
            fruit spots = brown-w/blk-specks:
            :...seed = norm: brown-spot (2)
            :   seed = abnorm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (2)
            fruit spots = absent:
            :...leaf-malf = present: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (9)
                leaf-malf = absent:
                :...fruiting-bodies = present: brown-spot (32)
                    fruiting-bodies = absent:
           in {april,may}: brown-spot (26/1)
                        date in {september,
                        :        october}: alternarialeaf-spot (68/4)
                        date = june:
                        :...precip = lt-norm: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (4)
                        :   precip in {norm,gt-norm}: brown-spot (22/1)
                        date = july:
                        :...precip in {lt-norm,
                        :   :          norm}: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (3)
                        :   precip = gt-norm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (9/3)
                        date = august:
                        :...seed-tmt = none: alternarialeaf-spot (15/4)
                            seed-tmt = other: frog-eye-leaf-spot (3)
                            seed-tmt = fungicide: [S1]

SubTree [S1]

germination = 90-100%: frog-eye-leaf-spot (5)
germination in {80-89%,lt-80%}: alternarialeaf-spot (7/2)

Evaluation on hold-out data (68 cases):

	    Decision Tree   
	  Size      Errors  

	    42    6( 8.8%)   <<

[ Fold 2 ]

Decision tree:

leafspot-size = lt-1/8:
:...canker-lesion = brown: bacterial-blight (0)
:   canker-lesion = dk-brown-blk: phytophthora-rot (4.1/0.1)
:   canker-lesion = tan: purple-seed-stain (10.2/0.2)
:   canker-lesion = N/A:
:   :...leafspots-marg = no-w-s-marg: bacterial-pustule (16.8/0.8)
:       leafspots-marg = w-s-marg:
:       :...seed-size = norm: bacterial-blight (18)
:           seed-size = lt-norm: bacterial-pustule (3/1)
leafspot-size = N/A: = black: charcoal-rot (20/2)
:   int-discolor = brown:
:   :...leaf-malf = absent: brown-stem-rot (31.6/0.6)
:   :   leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (2.8/0.7)
:   int-discolor = none:
:   :...leaves = norm:
:       :...plant-growth = abnorm: rhizoctonia-root-rot (17)
:       :   plant-growth = norm:
:       :   :...seed-discolor = absent: anthracnose (22)
:       :       seed-discolor = present:
:       :       :...fruiting-bodies = absent: purple-seed-stain (8)
:       :           fruiting-bodies = present: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (4.8)
:       leaves = abnorm:
:       :...stem = norm:
:           :...plant-growth = norm: powdery-mildew (19.7/1.7)
:           :   plant-growth = abnorm: cyst-nematode (3.7/0.3)
:           stem = abnorm:
:           :...plant-stand = normal:
:               :...leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (2.7)
:               :   leaf-malf = absent:
:               :   :...seed = norm: diaporthe-stem-canker (19/1)
:               :       seed = abnorm: anthracnose (9)
:               plant-stand = lt-normal:
:               :...fruiting-bodies = absent: phytophthora-rot (45.7/6.1)
:                   fruiting-bodies = present:
:                   :...roots = galls-cysts: phytophthora-rot (0)
:                       roots = norm: anthracnose (9.9/0.9)
:                       roots = rotted: phytophthora-rot (11.8/2)
leafspot-size = gt-1/8:
:...roots = galls-cysts: cyst-nematode (6.7/0.1)
    roots = rotted:
    :...area-damaged = upper-areas: phytophthora-rot (0)
    :   area-damaged in {scattered,whole-field}: herbicide-injury (4.6/0.6)
    :   area-damaged = low-areas: phytophthora-rot (25.6)
    roots = norm:
    :...mold-growth = present:
        :...leaves = norm: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (6.3)
        :   leaves = abnorm: downy-mildew (18)
        mold-growth = absent:
        :...fruit spots = distort: brown-spot (0)
            fruit spots = N/A: brown-stem-rot (9)
            fruit spots = colored:
            :...fruit-pods = few-present: frog-eye-leaf-spot (0)
            :   fruit-pods = norm: brown-spot (2)
            :   fruit-pods = diseased: frog-eye-leaf-spot (56)
            fruit spots = brown-w/blk-specks:
            :...seed = norm: brown-spot (2)
            :   seed = abnorm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (2)
            fruit spots = absent:
            :...leaf-malf = present: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (9)
                leaf-malf = absent:
                :...fruiting-bodies = present: brown-spot (29)
                    fruiting-bodies = absent:
           in {april,may}: brown-spot (27/1)
                        date = october: alternarialeaf-spot (30/1)
                        date = june:
                        :...severity = minor: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (4)
                        :   severity in {pot-severe,
                        :                severe}: brown-spot (23/1)
                        date = july:
                        :...precip in {lt-norm,
                        :   :          norm}: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (3)
                        :   precip = gt-norm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (9/4)
                        date = september:
                        :...stem = norm: alternarialeaf-spot (38/4)
                        :   stem = abnorm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (2)
                        date = august:
                        :...seed-tmt = none: alternarialeaf-spot (16/3)
                            seed-tmt = other: frog-eye-leaf-spot (3)
                            seed-tmt = fungicide: [S1]

SubTree [S1]

germination = 90-100%: frog-eye-leaf-spot (4)
germination in {80-89%,lt-80%}: alternarialeaf-spot (6/2)

Evaluation on hold-out data (68 cases):

	    Decision Tree   
	  Size      Errors  

	    44    6( 8.8%)   <<

[ Fold 3 ]

Decision tree:

int-discolor = brown: brown-stem-rot (42.3/2.3)
int-discolor = black: charcoal-rot (19/1)
int-discolor = none:
:...leafspot-size = lt-1/8:
    :...canker-lesion = brown: bacterial-blight (0)
    :   canker-lesion = dk-brown-blk: phytophthora-rot (4.8/0.1)
    :   canker-lesion = tan: purple-seed-stain (9.2/0.2)
    :   canker-lesion = N/A:
    :   :...leafspots-marg = no-w-s-marg: bacterial-pustule (15.9/0.9)
    :       leafspots-marg = w-s-marg:
    :       :...seed-size = norm: bacterial-blight (19/1)
    :           seed-size = lt-norm: bacterial-pustule (3.2/1.2)
    leafspot-size = N/A:
    :...leaves = norm:
    :   :...plant-growth = abnorm: rhizoctonia-root-rot (17)
    :   :   plant-growth = norm:
    :   :   :...seed-discolor = absent: anthracnose (22)
    :   :       seed-discolor = present:
    :   :       :...fruiting-bodies = absent: purple-seed-stain (9)
    :   :           fruiting-bodies = present: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (4.3)
    :   leaves = abnorm:
    :   :...stem = norm:
    :       :...plant-growth = abnorm: cyst-nematode (3.7/0.4)
    :       :   plant-growth = norm:
    :       :   :...leaf-malf = absent: powdery-mildew (18)
    :       :       leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (2.1)
    :       stem = abnorm:
    :       :...plant-stand = normal:
    :           :...leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (3.2)
    :           :   leaf-malf = absent:
    :           :   :...seed = norm: diaporthe-stem-canker (19/1)
    :           :       seed = abnorm: anthracnose (8)
    :           plant-stand = lt-normal:
    :           :...leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (13.8/6.9)
    :               leaf-malf = absent:
    :               :...fruiting-bodies = absent: phytophthora-rot (34.7/1)
    :                   fruiting-bodies = present:
    :                   :...roots = galls-cysts: phytophthora-rot (0)
    :                       roots = norm: anthracnose (9)
    :                       roots = rotted: phytophthora-rot (7.5)
    leafspot-size = gt-1/8:
    :...roots = galls-cysts: cyst-nematode (6.6/0.2)
        roots = rotted:
        :...area-damaged = upper-areas: phytophthora-rot (0)
        :   area-damaged = scattered: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (0.1)
        :   area-damaged = low-areas: phytophthora-rot (29.8)
        :   area-damaged = whole-field: herbicide-injury (3.4/0.7)
        roots = norm:
        :...mold-growth = present:
            :...leaves = norm: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (7.3)
            :   leaves = abnorm: downy-mildew (18)
            mold-growth = absent:
            :...fruit-pods = few-present: brown-spot (0)
                fruit-pods = diseased: frog-eye-leaf-spot (62/1)
                fruit-pods = norm:
                :...leaf-malf = present: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (8)
                    leaf-malf = absent:
                    :...fruiting-bodies = present: brown-spot (33)
                        fruiting-bodies = absent:
               in {april,may}: brown-spot (26/1)
                            date in {september,
                            :        october}: alternarialeaf-spot (68/5)
                            date = july: [S1]
                            date = august:
                            :...hail = yes: alternarialeaf-spot (23/7)
                            :   hail = no: frog-eye-leaf-spot (4)
                            date = june:
                            :...precip = lt-norm: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (4)
                                precip = gt-norm: brown-spot (19)
                                precip = norm:
                                :...hail = yes: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (2)
                                    hail = no: brown-spot (2)

SubTree [S1]

precip in {lt-norm,norm}: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (3)
precip = gt-norm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (11/6)

Evaluation on hold-out data (68 cases):

	    Decision Tree   
	  Size      Errors  

	    40    9(13.2%)   <<

[ Fold 4 ]

Decision tree:

int-discolor = brown: brown-stem-rot (42.3/2.3)
int-discolor = black: charcoal-rot (19/1)
int-discolor = none:
:...leafspot-size = lt-1/8:
    :...canker-lesion = brown: bacterial-blight (0)
    :   canker-lesion = dk-brown-blk: phytophthora-rot (4.8/0.1)
    :   canker-lesion = tan: purple-seed-stain (10.2/0.2)
    :   canker-lesion = N/A:
    :   :...leafspots-marg = no-w-s-marg: bacterial-pustule (15.9/0.9)
    :       leafspots-marg = w-s-marg:
    :       :...seed-size = norm: bacterial-blight (19/1)
    :           seed-size = lt-norm: bacterial-pustule (3.2/1.2)
    leafspot-size = N/A:
    :...leaves = norm:
    :   :...plant-growth = abnorm: rhizoctonia-root-rot (17)
    :   :   plant-growth = norm:
    :   :   :...seed-discolor = absent: anthracnose (22)
    :   :       seed-discolor = present:
    :   :       :...fruiting-bodies = absent: purple-seed-stain (8)
    :   :           fruiting-bodies = present: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (4.3)
    :   leaves = abnorm:
    :   :...stem = norm:
    :       :...plant-growth = abnorm: cyst-nematode (3.7/0.4)
    :       :   plant-growth = norm:
    :       :   :...leaf-malf = absent: powdery-mildew (18)
    :       :       leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (2.1)
    :       stem = abnorm:
    :       :...plant-stand = normal:
    :           :...leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (3.2)
    :           :   leaf-malf = absent:
    :           :   :...seed = norm: diaporthe-stem-canker (19/1)
    :           :       seed = abnorm: anthracnose (8)
    :           plant-stand = lt-normal:
    :           :...leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (12.5/5.6)
    :               leaf-malf = absent:
    :               :...canker-lesion = tan: phytophthora-rot (0)
    :                   canker-lesion = brown: anthracnose (5)
    :                   canker-lesion = dk-brown-blk:
    :                   :...fruiting-bodies = absent: phytophthora-rot (37.3)
    :                       fruiting-bodies = present:
    :                       :...roots = galls-cysts: phytophthora-rot (0)
    :                           roots = norm: anthracnose (5)
    :                           roots = rotted: phytophthora-rot (4.8)
    leafspot-size = gt-1/8:
    :...roots = rotted: phytophthora-rot (33.7/4.5)
        roots = galls-cysts: cyst-nematode (6.6/0.2)
        roots = norm:
        :...mold-growth = present:
            :...leaves = norm: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (7.3)
            :   leaves = abnorm: downy-mildew (18)
            mold-growth = absent:
            :...fruit-pods = few-present: brown-spot (0)
                fruit-pods = diseased: frog-eye-leaf-spot (62/2)
                fruit-pods = norm:
                :...leaf-malf = present: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (9)
                    leaf-malf = absent:
                    :...fruiting-bodies = present: brown-spot (33)
                        fruiting-bodies = absent:
               in {april,may}: brown-spot (23/1)
                            date = october: alternarialeaf-spot (29/1)
                            date = june: [S1]
                            date = july:
                            :...severity = severe: frog-eye-leaf-spot (0)
                            :   severity = minor: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (3)
                            :   severity = pot-severe: frog-eye-leaf-spot (9/5)
                            date = september:
                            :...stem = norm: alternarialeaf-spot (38/4)
                            :   stem = abnorm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (2)
                            date = august:
                            :...seed-tmt = none: alternarialeaf-spot (16/3)
                                seed-tmt = other: frog-eye-leaf-spot (1)
                                seed-tmt = fungicide: [S2]

SubTree [S1]

precip = lt-norm: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (4)
precip in {norm,gt-norm}: brown-spot (25/1)

SubTree [S2]

plant-stand = normal: frog-eye-leaf-spot (6)
plant-stand = lt-normal: alternarialeaf-spot (5/1)

Evaluation on hold-out data (68 cases):

	    Decision Tree   
	  Size      Errors  

	    41    6( 8.8%)   <<

[ Fold 5 ]

Decision tree:

leafspot-size = lt-1/8:
:...canker-lesion = brown: bacterial-blight (0)
:   canker-lesion = dk-brown-blk: phytophthora-rot (4.5/0.1)
:   canker-lesion = tan: purple-seed-stain (11.2/0.2)
:   canker-lesion = N/A:
:   :...leafspots-marg = no-w-s-marg: bacterial-pustule (15.8/0.8)
:       leafspots-marg = w-s-marg:
:       :...seed-size = norm: bacterial-blight (19/1)
:           seed-size = lt-norm: bacterial-pustule (3.2/1.2)
leafspot-size = N/A: = black: charcoal-rot (20/2)
:   int-discolor = brown:
:   :...leaf-malf = absent: brown-stem-rot (31.7/0.7)
:   :   leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (2.8/0.5)
:   int-discolor = none:
:   :...leaves = norm:
:       :...plant-growth = abnorm: rhizoctonia-root-rot (17)
:       :   plant-growth = norm:
:       :   :...seed-discolor = absent: anthracnose (22)
:       :       seed-discolor = present:
:       :       :...fruiting-bodies = absent: purple-seed-stain (7)
:       :           fruiting-bodies = present: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (5.1)
:       leaves = abnorm:
:       :...stem = norm:
:           :...plant-growth = norm: powdery-mildew (19.9/1.9)
:           :   plant-growth = abnorm: cyst-nematode (4/0.4)
:           stem = abnorm:
:           :...area-damaged = low-areas:
:               :...plant-stand = normal: anthracnose (4.2/2.2)
:               :   plant-stand = lt-normal: phytophthora-rot (51.2/5)
:               area-damaged = upper-areas:
:               :...leaf-malf = absent: anthracnose (4)
:               :   leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (2.5)
:               area-damaged = whole-field:
:               :...leaf-malf = absent: anthracnose (5/1)
:               :   leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (2.6/0.8)
:               area-damaged = scattered:
:               :...leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (4.1/1.5)
:                   leaf-malf = absent:
:                   :...fruit spots in {colored,
:                       :               distort}: diaporthe-stem-canker (0)
:                       fruit spots = N/A: diaporthe-stem-canker (17)
:                       fruit spots in {absent,
:                                       brown-w/blk-specks}: anthracnose (4)
leafspot-size = gt-1/8:
:...roots = galls-cysts: cyst-nematode (7.3/0.2)
    roots = rotted:
    :...area-damaged = upper-areas: phytophthora-rot (0)
    :   area-damaged in {scattered,whole-field}: herbicide-injury (4.7/0.7)
    :   area-damaged = low-areas: phytophthora-rot (27.4)
    roots = norm:
    :...mold-growth = present:
        :...leaves = norm: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (6.8)
        :   leaves = abnorm: downy-mildew (18)
        mold-growth = absent:
        :...fruit spots = distort: brown-spot (0)
            fruit spots = N/A: brown-stem-rot (8)
            fruit spots = colored:
            :...fruit-pods = few-present: frog-eye-leaf-spot (0)
            :   fruit-pods = norm: brown-spot (2)
            :   fruit-pods = diseased: frog-eye-leaf-spot (54)
            fruit spots = brown-w/blk-specks:
            :...seed = norm: brown-spot (2)
            :   seed = abnorm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (2)
            fruit spots = absent:
            :...leaf-malf = present: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (10)
                leaf-malf = absent:
                :...fruiting-bodies = present: brown-spot (29)
                    fruiting-bodies = absent:
           in {april,may}: brown-spot (26)
                        date = october: alternarialeaf-spot (28/1)
                        date = june:
                        :...precip = lt-norm: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (4)
                        :   precip in {norm,gt-norm}: brown-spot (24/2)
                        date = july:
                        :...precip = lt-norm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (0)
                        :   precip = norm: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (2)
                        :   precip = gt-norm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (11/5)
                        date = september:
                        :...stem = norm: alternarialeaf-spot (40/3)
                        :   stem = abnorm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (2)
                        date = august:
                        :...leaf-shread = present: alternarialeaf-spot (2)
                            leaf-shread = absent:
                            :...seed = abnorm: alternarialeaf-spot (2)
                                seed = norm:
                                :...hail = no: frog-eye-leaf-spot (4)
                                    hail = yes: [S1]

SubTree [S1]

plant-stand = lt-normal: alternarialeaf-spot (8/3)
plant-stand = normal:
:...seed-tmt = other: frog-eye-leaf-spot (0)
    seed-tmt = none: alternarialeaf-spot (8/2)
    seed-tmt = fungicide: frog-eye-leaf-spot (5)

Evaluation on hold-out data (68 cases):

	    Decision Tree   
	  Size      Errors  

	    49    7(10.3%)   <<

[ Fold 6 ]

Decision tree:

leafspot-size = lt-1/8:
:...canker-lesion = brown: bacterial-blight (0)
:   canker-lesion = dk-brown-blk: phytophthora-rot (4.5/0.1)
:   canker-lesion = tan: purple-seed-stain (10.2/0.2)
:   canker-lesion = N/A:
:   :...leafspots-marg = no-w-s-marg: bacterial-pustule (15.8/0.8)
:       leafspots-marg = w-s-marg:
:       :...seed-size = norm: bacterial-blight (19/1)
:           seed-size = lt-norm: bacterial-pustule (3.2/1.2)
leafspot-size = N/A: = black: charcoal-rot (20.1/2.1)
:   int-discolor = brown:
:   :...leaf-malf = absent: brown-stem-rot (31.7/0.7)
:   :   leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (3/0.7)
:   int-discolor = none:
:   :...leaves = norm:
:       :...plant-growth = abnorm: rhizoctonia-root-rot (17)
:       :   plant-growth = norm:
:       :   :...seed-discolor = absent: anthracnose (21)
:       :       seed-discolor = present:
:       :       :...fruiting-bodies = absent: purple-seed-stain (8)
:       :           fruiting-bodies = present: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (5.1)
:       leaves = abnorm:
:       :...stem = norm:
:           :...plant-growth = norm: powdery-mildew (19.9/1.9)
:           :   plant-growth = abnorm: cyst-nematode (4/0.4)
:           stem = abnorm:
:           :...area-damaged = whole-field: anthracnose (8.6/3.6)
:               area-damaged = upper-areas:
:               :...leaf-malf = absent: anthracnose (5)
:               :   leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (2.5)
:               area-damaged = scattered:
:               :...leaf-malf = present: herbicide-injury (4.2/2)
:               :   leaf-malf = absent:
:               :   :...fruit spots in {colored,
:               :       :               distort}: diaporthe-stem-canker (0)
:               :       fruit spots = N/A: diaporthe-stem-canker (16)
:               :       fruit spots in {absent,
:               :                       brown-w/blk-specks}: anthracnose (4)
:               area-damaged = low-areas:
:               :...plant-stand = lt-normal: phytophthora-rot (50.2/4.5)
:                   plant-stand = normal:
:                   :...lodging = yes: anthracnose (2.1/0.1)
:                       lodging = no: diaporthe-stem-canker (3.2/1.2)
leafspot-size = gt-1/8:
:...roots = galls-cysts: cyst-nematode (7.3/0.2)
    roots = rotted:
    :...area-damaged = upper-areas: phytophthora-rot (0)
    :   area-damaged in {scattered,whole-field}: herbicide-injury (3.7/0.7)
    :   area-damaged = low-areas: phytophthora-rot (27.9)
    roots = norm:
    :...mold-growth = present:
        :...leaves = norm: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (6.8)
        :   leaves = abnorm: downy-mildew (18)
        mold-growth = absent:
        :...fruit spots = distort: brown-spot (0)
            fruit spots = N/A: brown-stem-rot (8)
            fruit spots = colored:
            :...external decay = watery: frog-eye-leaf-spot (0)
            :   external decay = absent: brown-spot (2)
            :   external decay = firm-and-dry: frog-eye-leaf-spot (55)
            fruit spots = brown-w/blk-specks:
            :...seed = norm: brown-spot (2)
            :   seed = abnorm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (2)
            fruit spots = absent:
            :...leaf-malf = present: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (9)
                leaf-malf = absent:
                :...fruiting-bodies = present: brown-spot (30)
                    fruiting-bodies = absent:
           in {april,may}: brown-spot (27/1)
                        date = october: alternarialeaf-spot (28/1)
                        date = june:
                        :...precip = lt-norm: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (3)
                        :   precip in {norm,gt-norm}: brown-spot (23/2)
                        date = july:
                        :...precip in {lt-norm,
                        :   :          norm}: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (3)
                        :   precip = gt-norm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (10/5)
                        date = september:
                        :...stem = norm: alternarialeaf-spot (39/3)
                        :   stem = abnorm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (2)
                        date = august:
                        :...plant-growth = abnorm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (2)
                            plant-growth = norm:
                            :...hail = yes: alternarialeaf-spot (24/9)
                                hail = no: frog-eye-leaf-spot (4/1)

Evaluation on hold-out data (68 cases):

	    Decision Tree   
	  Size      Errors  

	    46    3( 4.4%)   <<

[ Fold 7 ]

Decision tree:

leafspot-size = lt-1/8:
:...canker-lesion = brown: bacterial-blight (0)
:   canker-lesion = dk-brown-blk: phytophthora-rot (4.3/0.1)
:   canker-lesion = tan: purple-seed-stain (9.2/0.2)
:   canker-lesion = N/A:
:   :...leafspots-marg = w-s-marg: bacterial-blight (21.1/3.1)
:       leafspots-marg = no-w-s-marg: bacterial-pustule (16.9/0.9)
leafspot-size = N/A: = black: charcoal-rot (20.1/2.1)
:   int-discolor = brown:
:   :...leaf-malf = absent: brown-stem-rot (30.6/0.6)
:   :   leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (2.9/0.7)
:   int-discolor = none:
:   :...leaves = norm:
:       :...plant-growth = abnorm: rhizoctonia-root-rot (17)
:       :   plant-growth = norm:
:       :   :...seed-discolor = absent: anthracnose (23)
:       :       seed-discolor = present:
:       :       :...fruiting-bodies = absent: purple-seed-stain (9)
:       :           fruiting-bodies = present: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (5.2)
:       leaves = abnorm:
:       :...stem = norm:
:           :...plant-growth = norm: powdery-mildew (19.9/1.9)
:           :   plant-growth = abnorm: cyst-nematode (4/0.4)
:           stem = abnorm:
:           :...plant-stand = normal:
:               :...leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (2.9)
:               :   leaf-malf = absent:
:               :   :...seed = norm: diaporthe-stem-canker (19/1)
:               :       seed = abnorm: anthracnose (8)
:               plant-stand = lt-normal:
:               :...area-damaged = low-areas: phytophthora-rot (49/2.6)
:                   area-damaged in {upper-areas,
:                   :                whole-field}: anthracnose (9.7/4.7)
:                   area-damaged = scattered:
:                   :...leaf-malf = absent: anthracnose (2)
:                       leaf-malf = present: herbicide-injury (4/1.7)
leafspot-size = gt-1/8:
:...roots = galls-cysts: cyst-nematode (7.3/0.2)
    roots = rotted:
    :...area-damaged = upper-areas: phytophthora-rot (0)
    :   area-damaged in {scattered,whole-field}: herbicide-injury (3.7/0.7)
    :   area-damaged = low-areas: phytophthora-rot (27.4)
    roots = norm:
    :...mold-growth = present:
        :...leaves = norm: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (6.8)
        :   leaves = abnorm: downy-mildew (18)
        mold-growth = absent:
        :...fruit spots = distort: brown-spot (0)
            fruit spots = N/A: brown-stem-rot (9)
            fruit spots = brown-w/blk-specks: brown-spot (3/1)
            fruit spots = colored:
            :...fruit-pods = few-present: frog-eye-leaf-spot (0)
            :   fruit-pods = norm: brown-spot (2)
            :   fruit-pods = diseased: frog-eye-leaf-spot (57)
            fruit spots = absent:
            :...leaf-malf = present: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (8)
                leaf-malf = absent:
                :...fruiting-bodies = present: brown-spot (29)
                    fruiting-bodies = absent:
           in {april,may}: brown-spot (28/1)
                        date = october: alternarialeaf-spot (28/1)
                        date = june:
                        :...precip = lt-norm: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (4)
                        :   precip in {norm,gt-norm}: brown-spot (23/2)
                        date = july:
                        :...precip in {lt-norm,
                        :   :          norm}: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (3)
                        :   precip = gt-norm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (10/5)
                        date = august:
                        :...seed-tmt = none: alternarialeaf-spot (16/3)
                        :   seed-tmt in {fungicide,
                        :                other}: frog-eye-leaf-spot (13/4)
                        date = september:
                        :...stem = norm: alternarialeaf-spot (39/4)
                            stem = abnorm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (2)

Evaluation on hold-out data (68 cases):

	    Decision Tree   
	  Size      Errors  

	    41    7(10.3%)   <<

[ Fold 8 ]

Decision tree:

leafspot-size = lt-1/8:
:...canker-lesion = brown: bacterial-blight (0)
:   canker-lesion = dk-brown-blk: phytophthora-rot (4.4/0.1)
:   canker-lesion = tan: purple-seed-stain (10.2/0.2)
:   canker-lesion = N/A:
:   :...leafspots-marg = w-s-marg: bacterial-blight (21.1/3.1)
:       leafspots-marg = no-w-s-marg: bacterial-pustule (16.9/0.9)
leafspot-size = N/A: = black: charcoal-rot (20/2)
:   int-discolor = brown:
:   :...leaf-malf = absent: brown-stem-rot (31.7/0.7)
:   :   leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (2.8/0.5)
:   int-discolor = none:
:   :...leaves = norm:
:       :...plant-growth = abnorm: rhizoctonia-root-rot (17)
:       :   plant-growth = norm:
:       :   :...seed-discolor = absent: anthracnose (21)
:       :       seed-discolor = present:
:       :       :...fruiting-bodies = absent: purple-seed-stain (8)
:       :           fruiting-bodies = present: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (4.8)
:       leaves = abnorm:
:       :...stem = norm:
:           :...plant-growth = norm: powdery-mildew (19.9/1.9)
:           :   plant-growth = abnorm: cyst-nematode (4/0.4)
:           stem = abnorm:
:           :...plant-stand = normal:
:               :...leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (2.7)
:               :   leaf-malf = absent:
:               :   :...seed = norm: diaporthe-stem-canker (19/1)
:               :       seed = abnorm: anthracnose (7)
:               plant-stand = lt-normal:
:               :...fruiting-bodies = absent: phytophthora-rot (45.4/6.8)
:                   fruiting-bodies = present:
:                   :...roots = galls-cysts: anthracnose (0)
:                       roots = norm: anthracnose (11/1)
:                       roots = rotted: phytophthora-rot (11.7/1.9)
leafspot-size = gt-1/8:
:...roots = galls-cysts: cyst-nematode (7.3/0.2)
    roots = rotted:
    :...area-damaged = upper-areas: phytophthora-rot (0)
    :   area-damaged in {scattered,whole-field}: herbicide-injury (4.7/0.7)
    :   area-damaged = low-areas: phytophthora-rot (27.3)
    roots = norm:
    :...mold-growth = present:
        :...leaves = norm: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (6.3)
        :   leaves = abnorm: downy-mildew (18)
        mold-growth = absent:
        :...fruit spots = distort: brown-spot (0)
            fruit spots = N/A: brown-stem-rot (8)
            fruit spots = brown-w/blk-specks: frog-eye-leaf-spot (3/1)
            fruit spots = colored:
            :...fruit-pods = few-present: frog-eye-leaf-spot (0)
            :   fruit-pods = norm: brown-spot (2)
            :   fruit-pods = diseased: frog-eye-leaf-spot (52)
            fruit spots = absent:
            :...leaf-malf = present: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (10)
                leaf-malf = absent:
                :...fruiting-bodies = present: brown-spot (31)
                    fruiting-bodies = absent:
           in {april,may}: brown-spot (25/1)
                        date = july: frog-eye-leaf-spot (13/7)
                        date = october: alternarialeaf-spot (28/1)
                        date = june:
                        :...precip = lt-norm: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (3)
                        :   precip in {norm,gt-norm}: brown-spot (25/2)
                        date = september:
                        :...stem = norm: alternarialeaf-spot (40/4)
                        :   stem = abnorm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (2)
                        date = august:
                        :...leaf-shread = present: alternarialeaf-spot (2)
                            leaf-shread = absent:
                            :...seed-tmt = none: alternarialeaf-spot (15/4)
                                seed-tmt = other: frog-eye-leaf-spot (3)
                                seed-tmt = fungicide: [S1]

SubTree [S1]

plant-stand = normal: frog-eye-leaf-spot (6)
plant-stand = lt-normal: alternarialeaf-spot (4/1)

Evaluation on hold-out data (69 cases):

	    Decision Tree   
	  Size      Errors  

	    42    4( 5.8%)   <<

[ Fold 9 ]

Decision tree:

int-discolor = brown: brown-stem-rot (42.3/2.3)
int-discolor = black: charcoal-rot (19.1/1.1)
int-discolor = none:
:...leafspot-size = lt-1/8:
    :...canker-lesion = brown: bacterial-blight (0)
    :   canker-lesion = dk-brown-blk: phytophthora-rot (4.9/0.1)
    :   canker-lesion = tan: purple-seed-stain (11.2/0.2)
    :   canker-lesion = N/A:
    :   :...leafspots-marg = no-w-s-marg: bacterial-pustule (15.9/0.9)
    :       leafspots-marg = w-s-marg:
    :       :...seed-size = norm: bacterial-blight (19/1)
    :           seed-size = lt-norm: bacterial-pustule (3.2/1.2)
    leafspot-size = N/A:
    :...leaves = norm:
    :   :...plant-growth = abnorm: rhizoctonia-root-rot (17)
    :   :   plant-growth = norm:
    :   :   :...seed-discolor = absent: anthracnose (21)
    :   :       seed-discolor = present:
    :   :       :...fruiting-bodies = absent: purple-seed-stain (7)
    :   :           fruiting-bodies = present: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (4)
    :   leaves = abnorm:
    :   :...stem = norm:
    :       :...plant-growth = abnorm: cyst-nematode (4/0.4)
    :       :   plant-growth = norm:
    :       :   :...leaf-malf = absent: powdery-mildew (18)
    :       :       leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (2.1)
    :       stem = abnorm:
    :       :...area-damaged = upper-areas: anthracnose (6.5/1.5)
    :           area-damaged = whole-field:
    :           :...leaf-malf = absent: anthracnose (5)
    :           :   leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (3.1/0.9)
    :           area-damaged = scattered:
    :           :...leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (5.8/2.7)
    :           :   leaf-malf = absent:
    :           :   :...fruit spots in {colored,
    :           :       :               distort}: diaporthe-stem-canker (0)
    :           :       fruit spots = N/A: diaporthe-stem-canker (15)
    :           :       fruit spots in {absent,
    :           :                       brown-w/blk-specks}: anthracnose (5)
    :           area-damaged = low-areas:
    :           :...canker-lesion = tan: phytophthora-rot (0)
    :               canker-lesion = N/A: diaporthe-stem-canker (2.1/0.1)
    :               canker-lesion = brown: diaporthe-stem-canker (2.1/1.1)
    :               canker-lesion = dk-brown-blk:
    :               :...leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (4.3/1.2)
    :                   leaf-malf = absent:
    :                   :...fruiting-bodies = absent: phytophthora-rot (40)
    :                       fruiting-bodies = present:
    :                       :...roots = galls-cysts: phytophthora-rot (0)
    :                           roots = norm: anthracnose (4)
    :                           roots = rotted: phytophthora-rot (4.9)
    leafspot-size = gt-1/8:
    :...roots = galls-cysts: cyst-nematode (7.1/0.2)
        roots = rotted:
        :...area-damaged = upper-areas: phytophthora-rot (0)
        :   area-damaged in {scattered,whole-field}: herbicide-injury (3.5/0.8)
        :   area-damaged = low-areas: phytophthora-rot (29)
        roots = norm:
        :...mold-growth = present:
            :...leaves = norm: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (6.8)
            :   leaves = abnorm: downy-mildew (18)
            mold-growth = absent:
            :...fruit-pods = few-present: brown-spot (0)
                fruit-pods = diseased: frog-eye-leaf-spot (59/2)
                fruit-pods = norm:
                :...leaf-malf = present: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (9)
                    leaf-malf = absent:
                    :...fruiting-bodies = present: brown-spot (33)
                        fruiting-bodies = absent:
               in {april,may}: brown-spot (26/1)
                            date = october: alternarialeaf-spot (29/1)
                            date = june: [S1]
                            date = july: [S2]
                            date = september:
                            :...stem = norm: alternarialeaf-spot (40/4)
                            :   stem = abnorm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (2)
                            date = august:
                            :...leaf-shread = present: alternarialeaf-spot (2)
                                leaf-shread = absent:
                                :...seed-tmt = none: alternarialeaf-spot (13/3)
                                    seed-tmt = other: frog-eye-leaf-spot (3)
                                    seed-tmt = fungicide: [S3]

SubTree [S1]

precip = lt-norm: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (3)
precip in {norm,gt-norm}: brown-spot (22/2)

SubTree [S2]

precip in {lt-norm,norm}: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (3)
precip = gt-norm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (10/4)

SubTree [S3]

plant-stand = normal: frog-eye-leaf-spot (5)
plant-stand = lt-normal: alternarialeaf-spot (4/1)

Evaluation on hold-out data (69 cases):

	    Decision Tree   
	  Size      Errors  

	    47    7(10.1%)   <<

[ Fold 10 ]

Decision tree:

int-discolor = brown: brown-stem-rot (42.3/2.3)
int-discolor = black: charcoal-rot (19.1/1.1)
int-discolor = none:
:...leafspot-size = lt-1/8:
    :...canker-lesion = brown: bacterial-blight (0)
    :   canker-lesion = dk-brown-blk: phytophthora-rot (4.7/0.1)
    :   canker-lesion = tan: purple-seed-stain (9.2/0.2)
    :   canker-lesion = N/A:
    :   :...leafspots-marg = w-s-marg: bacterial-blight (22.2/4.2)
    :       leafspots-marg = no-w-s-marg: bacterial-pustule (15.8/0.8)
    leafspot-size = N/A:
    :...leaves = norm:
    :   :...plant-growth = abnorm: rhizoctonia-root-rot (18)
    :   :   plant-growth = norm:
    :   :   :...seed-discolor = absent: anthracnose (21)
    :   :       seed-discolor = present:
    :   :       :...fruiting-bodies = absent: purple-seed-stain (9)
    :   :           fruiting-bodies = present: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (4)
    :   leaves = abnorm:
    :   :...stem = norm:
    :       :...plant-growth = abnorm: cyst-nematode (4.1/0.4)
    :       :   plant-growth = norm:
    :       :   :...leaf-malf = absent: powdery-mildew (18)
    :       :       leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (2.1)
    :       stem = abnorm:
    :       :...area-damaged = upper-areas:
    :           :...leaf-malf = absent: anthracnose (5)
    :           :   leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (2.9)
    :           area-damaged = whole-field:
    :           :...leaf-malf = absent: anthracnose (5/1)
    :           :   leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (3.1/0.9)
    :           area-damaged = scattered:
    :           :...leaf-malf = present: 2-4-d-injury (4.7/1.8)
    :           :   leaf-malf = absent:
    :           :   :...fruit spots in {colored,
    :           :       :               distort}: diaporthe-stem-canker (0)
    :           :       fruit spots = N/A: diaporthe-stem-canker (15)
    :           :       fruit spots in {absent,
    :           :                       brown-w/blk-specks}: anthracnose (5)
    :           area-damaged = low-areas:
    :           :...plant-stand = normal:
    :               :...lodging = yes: anthracnose (2.1/0.1)
    :               :   lodging = no: diaporthe-stem-canker (3.1/0.1)
    :               plant-stand = lt-normal:
    :               :...fruiting-bodies = absent: phytophthora-rot (42.1/1.7)
    :                   fruiting-bodies = present:
    :                   :...roots = galls-cysts: phytophthora-rot (0)
    :                       roots = norm: anthracnose (3.1/0.1)
    :                       roots = rotted: phytophthora-rot (3.9/0.2)
    leafspot-size = gt-1/8:
    :...roots = galls-cysts: cyst-nematode (7.1/0.2)
        roots = rotted:
        :...area-damaged = upper-areas: phytophthora-rot (0)
        :   area-damaged in {scattered,whole-field}: herbicide-injury (4.4/0.8)
        :   area-damaged = low-areas: phytophthora-rot (29.2)
        roots = norm:
        :...mold-growth = present:
            :...leaves = norm: diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight (6.8)
            :   leaves = abnorm: downy-mildew (18)
            mold-growth = absent:
            :...fruit-pods = few-present: brown-spot (0)
                fruit-pods = diseased: frog-eye-leaf-spot (59/2)
                fruit-pods = norm:
                :...leaf-malf = present: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (9)
                    leaf-malf = absent:
                    :...fruiting-bodies = present: brown-spot (30)
                        fruiting-bodies = absent:
               in {april,may}: brown-spot (27/1)
                            date = july: frog-eye-leaf-spot (14/8)
                            date = october: alternarialeaf-spot (26/1)
                            date = june: [S1]
                            date = september:
                            :...stem = norm: alternarialeaf-spot (41/4)
                            :   stem = abnorm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (2)
                            date = august:
                            :...plant-growth = abnorm: frog-eye-leaf-spot (2)
                                plant-growth = norm:
                                :...hail = yes: alternarialeaf-spot (23/7)
                                    hail = no: frog-eye-leaf-spot (4/1)

SubTree [S1]

precip = lt-norm: phyllosticta-leaf-spot (4)
precip in {norm,gt-norm}: brown-spot (23/2)

Evaluation on hold-out data (69 cases):

	    Decision Tree   
	  Size      Errors  

	    43    6( 8.7%)   <<

[ Summary ]

Fold	    Decision Tree   
----	  ----------------  
	  Size      Errors  

   1	    42        8.8%
   2	    44        8.8%
   3	    40       13.2%
   4	    41        8.8%
   5	    49       10.3%
   6	    46        4.4%
   7	    41       10.3%
   8	    42        5.8%
   9	    47       10.1%
  10	    43        8.7%

  Mean	  43.5        8.9%
  SE	   0.9        0.8%

	   (a)   (b)   (c)   (d)   (e)   (f)   (g)   (h)   (i)   (j)   (k)   (l)   (m)   (n)   (o)   (p)   (q)   (r)   (s)    <-classified as
	  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----
	    18                                                                 2                                              (a): class diaporthe-stem-canker
	          20                                                                                                          (b): class charcoal-rot
	     1          19                                                                                                    (c): class rhizoctonia-root-rot
	                      87                                               1                                              (d): class phytophthora-rot
	                            44                                                                                        (e): class brown-stem-rot
	                                  20                                                                                  (f): class powdery-mildew
	                                        20                                                                            (g): class downy-mildew
	                                              85                             3           4                            (h): class brown-spot
	                                                    20                                                                (i): class bacterial-blight
	                                                     3    17                                                          (j): class bacterial-pustule
	                                                                20                                                    (k): class purple-seed-stain
	                       5                                              39                                              (l): class anthracnose
	                                               4                            13           3                            (m): class phyllosticta-leaf-spot
	                                                                                  85     6                            (n): class alternarialeaf-spot
	                                               2                             1    16    72                            (o): class frog-eye-leaf-spot
	                                                                                              15                      (p): class diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight
	                                                                                                    14                (q): class cyst-nematode
	                       3                                               2                                  11          (r): class 2-4-d-injury
	                       1                                                                       1           3     3    (s): class herbicide-injury

Time: 0.1 secs

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