21 Useful Scrollbar CSS/JavaScript Styling Tutorials

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Posted onAugust 4, 2012 byGinva in Design with No Comments
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Scrollbar is one of element that very often used to navigate the website content. Scroll-bar was also known as a handle in the very first GUI (Graphical User Interface).

To customize the appearance of scrollbar on your website, you can use CSS or Javascript plugin to change the color, arrow button and scroll thumb to suit your needs. In today’s post, we presents 21 useful tutorials for styling scrollbar using CSS and JavaScript, Let’s check it out.

Scrollbar CSS/JavaScript Styling Tutorials

1. jQuery custom content scroller - Source

2. jqxScrollBar represents a jQuery widget that provides a scroll bar that has a sliding thumb whose position corresponds to a value. - Source

3. Custom Scrollbars - Source

4. Customize ScrollBar via CSS - Source

5. Fully themable and adjustable scrollbars - Source

6. Inset & Customized WebKit Scrollbar - Source

7. Styling Scrollbars - Source

8. jsScrollbar - Source

9. Control.ScrollBar is Pure JavaScript / CSS scrolbar for Prototype. - Source

10. A nice and quick experiment by Tim Holman. He created 14 vertical scrollbars that work only in webkit browsers.- Source

11. Plugin JQuery : Scrollbar - Source

12. JavaScript scrollbar- Source

13. Tiny Scrollbar can be used for scrolling content. It was built using the javascript jQuery library. - Source


14. Pure Css3 Scroll Bar - Source

15. RollBar plugin was created with idea to replace standard browser scrollbars and make them customizable to fit perfectly in almost any site design. – Source

16 . VenScrollBar is a jQuery plugin that allows web designers to replace the ugly, default OS scrollbar with custom ones that they create. - Source

17. DZS Scroller jQuery is the ultimate scrollbar for your site which you can customize very easily via CSS - Source

18. jScroll is a stylable scrollbar built using the jQuery JavaScript framework. – Source

19. CSS3 Browser Scrollbar Pack: Customize your browser scrollbars with unlimited styling and color - Source

20. This easy scroll application was made to simplify your work and save you time in developing any kind of web template or application. - Source

21. You can use your own designed scrollbar on your website and you can still use your keybord to navigate. - Source

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项目:使用 JavaScript 编写的杀死幽灵游戏(附源代码) 杀死鬼魂游戏是使用 Vanilla JavaScriptCSS 和 HTML 画布开发的简单项目。这款游戏很有趣。玩家必须触摸/杀死游荡的鬼魂才能得分。您必须将鼠标悬停在鬼魂上 - 尽量得分。鬼魂在眨眼间不断从一个地方移动到另一个地方。您必须在 1 分钟内尽可能多地杀死鬼魂。 游戏制作 这个游戏项目只是用 HTML 画布、CSSJavaScript 编写的。说到这个游戏的特点,用户必须触摸/杀死游荡的幽灵才能得分。游戏会根据你杀死的幽灵数量来记录你的总分。你必须将鼠标悬停在幽灵上——尽量得分。你必须在 1 分钟内尽可能多地杀死幽灵。游戏还会显示最高排名分数,如果你成功击败它,该分数会在游戏结束屏幕上更新。 该游戏包含大量的 javascript 以确保游戏正常运行。 如何运行该项目? 要运行此游戏,您不需要任何类型的本地服务器,但需要浏览器。我们建议您使用现代浏览器,如 Google Chrome 和 Mozilla Firefox。要玩游戏,首先,单击 index.html 文件在浏览器中打开游戏。 演示: 该项目为国外大神项目,可以作为毕业设计的项目,也可以作为大作业项目,不用担心代码重复,设计重复等,如果需要对项目进行修改,需要具备一定基础知识。 注意:如果装有360等杀毒软件,可能会出现误报的情况,源码本身并无病毒,使用源码时可以关闭360,或者添加信任。




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