table names are plural and lowercased
model names are singular and CamelCased: ModelName
model filenames are singular and underscored: model_name.php
controller names are plural and CamelCased with *Controller* appended: ControllerNamesController
controller filenames are plural and underscored with *controller* appended: controller_names_controller.php
associations should use the ModelName, and the order should match the order of the foreignKeys: var $belongsTo = ‘User’;
foreign keys should always be: table_name_in_singular_form_id: user_id (foreign key) → users (table)
many-to-many join tables should be named: alphabetically_first_table_plural_alphabetically_second_table_plural: tags_users
columns in many-to-many join tables should be named like other foreign keys: tag_id and user_id