def get_progress_pid(): # 获取任务管理器所有的进程信息 for p in psutil.process_iter(): try: print('进程名称:',显示进程名称 print('进程运行命令', p.cmdline())#进程运行命令 print('运行状态:', p.status()) #运行状态 print('进程pid:', #进程pid print('父进程pid:', p.ppid()) #父进程pid print('父进程:', p.parent()) #父进程 print('进程bin路径:', p.exe()) #进程bin路径 print('*'*100) except: pass def judge_process_exist(pid=None, port=None): # 判断进程是否存在 if not pid and port: port_pid = {} for i in psutil.net_connections(): pid = status = i.status port = i.laddr.port port_pid[port] = pid pid = port_pid.get(port) if not pid: return # 判断进程id是否存在 if pid in psutil.pids(): p = psutil.Process(pid) return else: return None def get_progress_chrome_path(): # 获取进程中谷歌浏览器路径 chrome_path = None for p in psutil.process_iter(): if == 'chrome.exe' and p.exe(): chrome_path = p.exe() break return chrome_path
def kill_progress_port(port=None): # 根据端口号杀掉进程 pids = [] try: find_port = f'netstat -aon | findstr {port}' process = subprocess.Popen(find_port, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="gbk", shell=True) text = text = [i.split(' ') for i in text.split('\n') if i] for i in text: pid = [u for u in i if u] if str(port) in pid[1]: pids.append(pid[-1]) except: pass # print('pids:', pids) pids = list(set(pids)) # 杀死占用端口的pid for pid in pids: if str(pid) == '0': continue find_kill = 'taskkill -f -pid %s' % pid # subprocess.Popen(find_kill) # os.popen('taskkill /pid ' + str(process_pid) + ' /F') try: process = psutil.Process(int(pid)) process.kill() except: pass