POJ 3348 Cows




Your friend to the south is interested in building fences and turning plowshares into swords. In order to help with his overseas adventure, they are forced to save money on buying fence posts by using trees as fence posts wherever possible. Given the locations of some trees, you are to help farmers try to create the largest pasture that is possible. Not all the trees will need to be used.

However, because you will oversee the construction of the pasture yourself, all the farmers want to know is how many cows they can put in the pasture. It is well known that a cow needs at least 50 square metres of pasture to survive.


The first line of input contains a single integer, n (1 ≤ n ≤ 10000), containing the number of trees that grow on the available land. The next n lines contain the integer coordinates of each tree given as two integers x and y separated by one space (where -1000 ≤ x, y ≤ 1000). The integer coordinates correlate exactly to distance in metres (e.g., the distance between coordinate (10; 11) and (11; 11) is one metre).


You are to output a single integer value, the number of cows that can survive on the largest field you can construct using the available trees.

Sample Input

0 0
0 101
75 0
75 101

Sample Output






刚开始学着写凸包,用Graham's Scan + 半平面交做的,似乎可以直接求凸包面积


#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

const double pi = acos(-1.0);
const double eps = 1e-8;

int n, pn, dq[10010], top, bot;

struct Point{
    double x, y;

    Point(double x = 0.0, double y = 0.0) : x(x), y(y) {}

    Point operator = (const Point& b){
        this->x = b.x, this->y = b.y;

        return *this;

struct Line{
    Point a, b;
    double angle;

    Line& operator = (const Line& l){
        a.x   = l.a.x;
        a.y   = l.a.y;
        b.x   = l.b.x;
        b.y   = l.b.y;
        angle = l.angle;
        return *this;

inline double Cross(Point A, Point B, Point C){
    return (B.x - A.x) * (C.y - A.y) - (C.x - A.x) * (B.y - A.y);

inline double Distance(Point A, Point B){
    return sqrt((A.x - B.x) * (A.x - B.x) + (A.y - B.y) * (A.y - B.y));

Point P[10010], C[10010];
int total;

bool comp(Point A, Point B){
    double angle = Cross(P[0], A, B);
    if(angle > 0){
        return true;
    if(angle < 0){
        return false;
    return Distance(P[0], A) < Distance(P[0], B);

Point p[10010];
Line  l[10010];

int dblcmp(double k){
    if(fabs(k) < eps) return 0;
    return k > 0 ? 1 : -1;

double multi(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2){
    return (p1.x - p0.x) * (p2.y - p0.y) - (p1.y - p0.y) * (p2.x - p0.x);

bool cmp(const Line& l1, const Line& l2){
    int d = dblcmp(l1.angle - l2.angle);
    if(!d) return dblcmp(multi(l1.a, l2.a, l2.b)) > 0;
    return d < 0;

void addLine(Line& l, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2){
    l.a.x = x1;
    l.a.y = y1;
    l.b.x = x2;
    l.b.y = y2;
    l.angle = atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);

Point getIntersect(Line l1, Line l2){
    double A1 = l1.b.y - l1.a.y;
    double B1 = l1.a.x - l1.b.x;
    double C1 = (l1.b.x - l1.a.x) * l1.a.y - (l1.b.y - l1.a.y) * l1.a.x;
    double A2 = l2.b.y - l2.a.y;
    double B2 = l2.a.x - l2.b.x;
    double C2 = (l2.b.x - l2.a.x) * l2.a.y - (l2.b.y - l2.a.y) * l2.a.x;
    Point p((C2 * B1 - C1 * B2) / (A1 * B2 - A2 * B1), (C1 * A2 - C2 * A1) / (A1 * B2 - A2 * B1));
    return p;

bool judge(Line l0, Line l1, Line l2){
     Point p;
     p = getIntersect(l1, l2);
     return dblcmp(multi(p, l0.a, l0.b)) < 0;

void HalfPlaneIntersect(){
    int i, j;

    sort(l, l + n, cmp);
    for(i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++)
        if(dblcmp(l[i].angle - l[j].angle) > 0)
            l[++j] = l[i];
    n     = j + 1;
    dq[0] = 0;
    dq[1] = 1;
    top   = 1;
    bot   = 0;
    for(i = 2; i < n; i++){
        while(top > bot && judge(l[i], l[dq[top]], l[dq[top - 1]])){
        while(top > bot && judge(l[i], l[dq[bot]], l[dq[bot + 1]])){
        dq[++top] = i;
    while(top > bot && judge(l[dq[bot]], l[dq[top]], l[dq[top - 1]])){
    while(top > bot && judge(l[dq[top]], l[dq[bot]], l[dq[bot + 1]])){
    dq[++top] = dq[bot];
    for(pn = 0, i = bot; i < top; i++, pn++){
        p[pn] = getIntersect(l[dq[i + 1]], l[dq[i]]);

double getArea(){
    if(pn < 3) return 0;
    double area = 0;
    for(int i = 1; i < pn - 1; i++)
        area += multi(p[0], p[i], p[i + 1]);
    if(area < 0) area = -area;
    return area / 2;

int main()
    int N;
    while(scanf("%d", &N) != EOF){
        for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
            scanf("%lf%lf", &P[i].x, &P[i].y);
        for(int i = 1; i < N; i++){
            if(P[i].y < P[0].y || (P[i].y == P[0].y && P[i].x < P[0].x)){
                swap(P[i], P[0]);
        sort(P + 1, P + N, comp);
        C[0] = P[0];
        C[1] = P[1];
        total = 1;
        for(int i = 2; i < N; i++){
            while(total > 0 && Cross(C[total - 1], C[total], P[i]) <= 0){
            C[++total] = P[i];
        for(int i = 1; i <= total; i++){
            addLine(l[i - 1], C[i - 1].x, C[i - 1].y, C[i].x, C[i].y);
        addLine(l[total], C[total].x, C[total].y, C[0].x, C[0].y);
        n = total + 1;
        printf("%.0f\n", getArea() / 50.0 - 0.5);

嗯,不用半平面交求出凸包直接算就可以了= =

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

const double pi = acos(-1.0);
const double eps = 1e-8;

struct Point{
    double x, y;

    Point(double x = 0.0, double y = 0.0) : x(x), y(y) {}

    Point operator = (const Point& b){
        this->x = b.x, this->y = b.y;

        return *this;

inline double Cross(Point A, Point B, Point C){
    return (B.x - A.x) * (C.y - A.y) - (C.x - A.x) * (B.y - A.y);

inline double Distance(Point A, Point B){
    return sqrt((A.x - B.x) * (A.x - B.x) + (A.y - B.y) * (A.y - B.y));

Point P[10010], C[10010];
int total;

bool comp(Point A, Point B){
    double angle = Cross(P[0], A, B);
    if(angle > 0){
        return true;
    if(angle < 0){
        return false;
    return Distance(P[0], A) < Distance(P[0], B);

int main()
    int N;
    while(scanf("%d", &N) != EOF){
        for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
            scanf("%lf%lf", &P[i].x, &P[i].y);
        for(int i = 1; i < N; i++){
            if(P[i].y < P[0].y || (P[i].y == P[0].y && P[i].x < P[0].x)){
                swap(P[i], P[0]);
        sort(P + 1, P + N, comp);
        C[0] = P[0];
        C[1] = P[1];
        total = 1;
        for(int i = 2; i < N; i++){
            while(total > 0 && Cross(C[total - 1], C[total], P[i]) <= 0){
            C[++total] = P[i];
        double area = 0;
        for(int i = 1; i < total; i++){
            area += abs(Cross(C[0], C[i], C[i + 1]));
        printf("%.0f\n", area / 100.0 - 0.5);
    return 0;





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


